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Obama authorises US air strikes on Iraq Islamic extremists


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WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama said Thursday he had authorised US air strikes on Iraq and humanitarian supply drops to prevent a "genocide" by Islamist extremists against minorities.

"We can act, carefully and responsibly, to prevent a potential act of genocide," Obama said, referring to the attacks against the besieged Yazidi minority.

"I therefore authorised targeted air strikes if necessary to help forces in Iraq as they fight to break the siege and protect the civilians trapped there," Obama said.

Obama, who did not say whether air strikes have been carried out, said US forces have already started to drop food and water to Iraqis racing to flee the so-called Islamic State fighters.

"Earlier this week, one Iraqi in the area cried to the world, there is no one coming to help. Well, today America is coming to help," Obama said.

Ah religion the panacea for all iils

America would be well advised to stay out of it as would other nations too.

Meddling in another sovereign states affairs and religious bigotry matters Christian Muslim Born again dipsticks whatever is a recipe for disaster.

yeap, Removed a Tyrant/dictator in Sadaam Hussien and this is what the vacumn has created.

and they were warned about this scenario, long before they went to Iraq.

so where does it end?

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WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama said Thursday he had authorised US air strikes on Iraq and humanitarian supply drops to prevent a "genocide" by Islamist extremists against minorities.

"We can act, carefully and responsibly, to prevent a potential act of genocide," Obama said, referring to the attacks against the besieged Yazidi minority.

"I therefore authorised targeted air strikes if necessary to help forces in Iraq as they fight to break the siege and protect the civilians trapped there," Obama said.

Obama, who did not say whether air strikes have been carried out, said US forces have already started to drop food and water to Iraqis racing to flee the so-called Islamic State fighters.

"Earlier this week, one Iraqi in the area cried to the world, there is no one coming to help. Well, today America is coming to help," Obama said.

Ah religion the panacea for all iils

America would be well advised to stay out of it as would other nations too.

Meddling in another sovereign states affairs and religious bigotry matters Christian Muslim Born again dipsticks whatever is a recipe for disaster.

yeap, Removed a Tyrant/dictator in Sadaam Hussien and this is what the vacumn has created.

and they were warned about this scenario, long before they went to Iraq.

so where does it end?

Cannot change the past. What's done is done. What is the solution now? Just let it it work itself out is not working out to well to those with no head whose wives are being raped. This is a humanitarian crisis. What is the solution?

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As for your reference to Assad. He would have been gone 2 years ago if that were the wish of the MAJORITY of Syrians. But it aint. So he is doing something right by his people. Maybe handing out vouchers for Harrod's.wink.png

Clearly not a lot of point having a conversation with someone so amazingly ill-informed.


Ill- informed. Or people telling lies ? You love your own stuff don't you. Funny person. giggle.gif

74% of Syrians are Sunni muslim and I can assure you that the wish of the majority is that him and his cronies go and they get free and fair elections.

Unless you know different of course.

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Cannot change the past. What's done is done. What is the solution now? Just let it it work itself out is not working out to well to those with no head whose wives are being raped. This is a humanitarian crisis. What is the solution?

To be perfectly honest they should have divided it into three autonomous states and been done with it in my opinion.

But of course then the arguments over oil revenue would have kicked in.

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one thing i will say about crazy old SADDAM is that, even the people say this, when he was the "BOSS" you could go to the market, and do your shopping without fear of being blown to smithereens, this is not the case now, everyman and his dog knows you cant fight half a war, same as in Afghanistan and even Ireland today, yep they keep coming back.

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Cannot change the past. What's done is done. What is the solution now? Just let it it work itself out is not working out to well to those with no head whose wives are being raped. This is a humanitarian crisis. What is the solution?

the only remotely practical solution is to put troops on the ground and systematically wipe them out, no pussy footed, PC "military excercises" just go in an decimate the lot of them by any means necessary

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one thing i will say about crazy old SADDAM is that, even the people say this, when he was the "BOSS" you could go to the market, and do your shopping without fear of being blown to smithereens, this is not the case now, everyman and his dog knows you cant fight half a war, same as in Afghanistan and even Ireland today, yep they keep coming back.

Unless you were a Shi'a or a Kurd, in which case you might get shelled or possibly gassed.


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one thing i will say about crazy old SADDAM is that, even the people say this, when he was the "BOSS" you could go to the market, and do your shopping without fear of being blown to smithereens, this is not the case now, everyman and his dog knows you cant fight half a war, same as in Afghanistan and even Ireland today, yep they keep coming back.

Unless you were a Shi'a or a Kurd, in which case you might get shelled or possibly gassed.


At least he kept the lid on things.

Kept the wahabis happy, Uncle Sam more than happy to carry out their dirty work for them, never mind, its only oil, wouldnt want ugly western ideals such as democracy to get in the way would we.

Meanwhile the majority are suppressed in Bahrain and no one says a word.

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one thing i will say about crazy old SADDAM is that, even the people say this, when he was the "BOSS" you could go to the market, and do your shopping without fear of being blown to smithereens, this is not the case now, everyman and his dog knows you cant fight half a war, same as in Afghanistan and even Ireland today, yep they keep coming back.

Unless you were a Shi'a or a Kurd, in which case you might get shelled or possibly gassed.


At least he kept the lid on things.

Kept the wahabis happy, Uncle Sam more than happy to carry out their dirty work for them, never mind, its only oil, wouldnt want ugly western ideals such as democracy to get in the way would we.

Meanwhile the majority are suppressed in Bahrain and no one says a word.

Yes, he kept the lid on things by torturing and killing people. If you consider that an acceptable price for "peace".

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An air strike has occurred today. Two FA-18s from the George H. W. Bush Carrier hit an artillery emplacement near Irbil sending all those nice young ISIS warriors to their allotted virgins..

Now it we could get Puff the Magic Dragon and a few A-10s in the air, there might be some real fireworks.

I spent an hour this afternoon looking at some of the graphic videos on Google put out by ISIS. One clearly shows a carload of these brave fighters overtaking civilian cars on the highway and unloading AK-47s into the vehicles. Then the fighters stop, go back to the wrecks and kill off any family members left alive.

They're killing for the sake of killing and don't deserve to live.

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The Christians are rising up, thank god for the world Police the USA. All the UN and NATO do is condemn the murders and attacks, however they don't seem to do much. I see where the UK may be sending troops back to Afghanistan.

A city in Iran is being surrounded by the terrorists.

Did you mean to say Iraq?

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The West was so good to Iraq under Saddam, remember that very long war he fought on behalf of the West against Iran, the bogey man, and Saddam was sold all manner of military equipment to defeat Iran.

It became a 1980,s stalemate.

Saddam's military hardware had "Made in Russia" stamped on it.

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how pathetic the arabs are. they beg their arch enemy, the us of a, to come and bomb their fellow people.

the fact is the arabs are evil sods. and this is what happens to evil ba*tards

Are Iraqi Christian Arabs and Kurds the enemy of the US?

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A large number of posts have been deleted. Just to be clear:

--- The Kurds are not Arabs.

--- The Iranians are not Arabs.

----This thread is not about Israel

Please stay on the topic and stop with some of the inflammatory rhetoric.

Edit: another off-topic post has been deleted.

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As for your reference to Assad. He would have been gone 2 years ago if that were the wish of the MAJORITY of Syrians. But it aint. So he is doing something right by his people. Maybe handing out vouchers for Harrod's.wink.png

Clearly not a lot of point having a conversation with someone so amazingly ill-informed.


Ill- informed. Or people telling lies ? You love your own stuff don't you. Funny person. giggle.gif

74% of Syrians are Sunni muslim and I can assure you that the wish of the majority is that him and his cronies go and they get free and fair elections.

Unless you know different of course.

I know different.

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ISIS intends to wipe them all out. It is not about numbers as you well know.

Archbishop Athanasius Toma Dawod of the Syriac Orthodox church said;

"Now we consider it genocide – ethnic cleansing," he said. "They are killing our people in the name of Allah and telling people that anyone who kills a Christian will go straight to heaven: that is their message. They have burned churches; they have burned very old books. They have damaged our crosses and statues of the Virgin Mary. They are occupying our churches and converting them into mosques."

His pleas were echoed by Patriarch Louis Sako, the Iraq-based leader of the Chaldean Catholic church, who said that about 100,000 Christians had abandoned their villages in the Nineveh plains earlier this week after Isis launched mortar attacks. He asked the EU and the UN to help them before it was too late.


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