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There is something that has been bothering me for quite some time. There are more than 8000 members but the regular ones posting their opinion are only a few hundred (if that many,...).

What is the reason of that?

Do you think you have no opinion worth posting?

Are you afraid your opinion will generate "strong" reactions (the purpose of any forum,...) and you have difficulty accepting criticism?

You can read but you can not write?

Anything else,...?

Maybe some of us live in Thailand and would like to continue do so ... :D

Most of us live in Thailand and would like to continue to do so,...

So what,... :D:o


There are some reasons for that:

1- Really 8000 members? - better they should clean up the database, delete any user, who did not log-in since 2 or 3 years.....we will see how many will be left over..I think, some hundreds and not more...

2- Reasons: If you need some informations about Thailand, you will show up and ask, trying to find a reply through posting your question. But this forum is running since many years, so you find the same questions and possible answers already....

Indeed, Thaivisa has a huge databank of informations ready for printout - so the forum and posting of questions now is often not necessary.

3- Strong reactions: indeed true. Especially for Europeans like me. You should know, that the internet and all forums are rather US-related. I tried some postings in a similar forum, where the members are mostly from the USA, all what I received as reply was a good collection of personal directed abusive language.

I tried another one, just posting something about my daily life - as they did not like that, I was banned....

I am living in Tokyo with my Japanese wife, and when I did not agree to some Asian postings in a forum, I received a bundle of hate-mail from US-born Chinese men.

So I made my own homepages, where I can post, what I like. At the moment, Thaivisa is the only forum, which I found liberal and open to all sides.

Most forums are rather single-sided, just like a one-way, and all have to have the same opinion or the posting is deleted, the user banned, or you find a bundle of hoax mail, hate mail or such nonsense in your mail-box.

I wonder, what other users think about? Did you post somewhere else? What are your experiences by posting your questions and by speaking out your opinion on forums in the internet?



Johann...I can't be bothered to post anywhere else but locally...where else could I contribute liberally with sly innuendo and anonymously receive abuse but at thai.visa? I even had some idiot non-native english speaker critisize my use of the language a few minutes ago.

It's cool...if you choose to contribute you choose to be a target wherever you post...

I even had some idiot non-native english speaker critisize my use of the language a few minutes ago.

It's cool...if you choose to contribute you choose to be a target wherever you post...


It's cool...if you choose to contribute you choose to be a target wherever you post...

This is very true. I personally do not care much....I just continue to post, and I am not acting anonymously as many other posters.

My homepage is open to everybody, and my guestbook too.


Many English forums, blogs and so on are USA based, and it is difficult to post there an opinion, which is different from the American way of life. You are either banned quickly or you receive a bundle of hate-mail in return.

I understand why people, who are not native English speakers and not from the USA, do not like to use an English message-board, and prefer a message board of their own native language, where conversation is easier without all these trolls from USA, posting only nonsense.

As I am busy in network administration, I am not worried, when opening my email, about 90 percent is nothing else but hoax mail, spam, hate-mail, virus, dialers, spyware and trojans....almost 100 percent is originated from the USA.

Yes, I think, this is a good reason, why many people refrain from posting.

Compared to other forums I posted, I think Thaivisa is very good and liberal orientated.



Johann this discussion raises an interesting question...if it is true that non-americans posting on an american chat board with reasonable english skills are subject to abuse as a result of their non-american perspective what does this say about americans that have no other language skill attempting to post on a multi-cultural chat board like thai.visa?...and possible abuse from other english (but non-native) speakers responding to the unfortunate xenophobia that americans exhibit everywhere?

quite a mouthful...but think about it. as an american I have the benefit of living 19 years abroad and the resulting flexible approach to things that is required in those circumstances...

and, no...as far as I know I am not wanted for, or suspected of, terrorist or otherwise subversive anti-american activities anywhere...

Compared to other forums I posted, I think Thaivisa is very good and liberal orientated.


I would also think so and if one of the last poll we made is any indication, the american people are not the majority but the english educated people are,...

Whether I like it or not does not change the fact that the internet is still very much english oriented.

The only way we can get a forum to cater to ALL nationalities is to be "kind" to the postings of the non-english educated people. Since I am not, easy for me,... :o



I belong to 34 Forums but only read the postings everyday of 2 of them, and weekly for most of the rest. In all the forums I belong too, most have less than 10% of the membership as regular contributers. I'd say that 80% of the members join, then their time online is consumed by other needs/wants, and they just don't have the time/inclination to keep up with the boards on a regular basis.

Another 10% lurk, reading what is written but NOT WANTING TO GET INVOLVED for exactly the reason you give.

I'm just as sure that there are "government forum watchers" from Thailand and perhaps other countries that lurk in the background as well, using fake/false usernames, that just monitor everything that is going on within the forums.

As for myself, I've been online over 4 years, only have one username, and see no advantage of having more than one, while I KNOW members within some of the forums that use multiple usernames, assured in their minds that no one will know who they really are. As for me, I'm quickly racing towards being 68 years old; I'm happily married, very secure in who I am, and feel NO NEED to try and be anyone else.

I try to contribute within all the forums I belong too whenever I think I have something possitive to add that might be of interest or of assistance to others.

Four years ago when I first started online, I had a terrible time finding info that I wanted, which is why I started my first homepage (which a friend organized for me). Four years later, I am still a computer illiterate, but have talked another friend to put up a better organized homepage. Within our homepage is a wealth of information which I share with all who seek knowledge within the subheading topics I have collected info on. Please have a look and bookmark our homepage.


I know that all the info within will not be of interest to everyone but I think that our homepage will have at least some info within of interest to everyone.

Ken Bower

San Antonio Texas

Visiting Thailand since 1971


Your home page is quite useful, worth keeping in favourites,...

I will,...

I try to contribute within all the forums I belong too whenever I think I have something positive to add that might be of interest or of assistance to others.

Please, if you can write that much about one subject, I am sure your contribution will always be welcome,... :o:D

I'm just as sure that there are "government forum watchers" from Thailand and perhaps other countries that lurk in the background as well, using fake/false usernames, that just monitor everything that is going on within the forums.

Ken Bower

San Antonio Texas

Visiting Thailand since 1971

You know the boys down on Wireless Road suck up every little morsel of what's posted - but 'ya know what? There ain't no such thing as privacy anymore so <deleted> Chuck! :o

Back to the original question: There are probably a few folks on this forum who wish that I don't post here!!! Tough...

Boon Mee


I find that on this forum,You must post an opinion that is in agreement with the moderators line of thinking or it will be edited or deleted at the will of the moderators,,You can not post what YOU think,even if it is not in the least derogatory to Thai people or Thailand.

I do belong to a few other forums and my posts are of my own opinions and are never edited or deleted,but I can not say the same for this forum,but I use the same user name on all,it is my given name, and have for the last few years.

I never try to hide from anyone and any reply as to my post are always welcome by me. If I want to flame you for anything,I will do it in a PM and not directly on the boards.

Most of the stuff is American as was stated,but then think,,Where was the internet originated? :o

I find that on this forum,You must post an opinion that is in agreement with the moderators line of thinking or it will be edited or deleted at the will of the moderators,,You can not post what YOU  think,even if it is not in the least derogatory to Thai people or Thailand.

I do belong to a few other forums and my posts are of my own opinions and are never edited or deleted,but I can not say the same for this forum,but I use the same user name on all,it is my given name, and have for the last few years.

I never try to hide from anyone and any reply as to my post are always welcome by me. If I want to flame you for anything,I will do it in a PM and not directly on the boards.

Most of the stuff is American as was stated,but then think,,Where was the internet originated? :o


Not completely true in my case. I've slammed one of the moderators countryman several times and haven't been banned yet. I know that the Admin. folks here are a left-leaning bunch and GWB haters and I've posted nothing but support for the Leader of the Free World and those posts haven't been edited (yet).

We all know that the Internet was invented by Al Gore, right?

W/regard to Thailand, just think in terms of what the average Thai can say and what he can't say w/respect to the King & Royal Family & to a lesser degree Taksin etc. Goes for what we're allowed to submit here... :D

Boon Mee

Maybe some of us live in Thailand and would like to continue do so ...

madsere; The implication is that you or other infrequent posters have some strong opinions, which you fear would affect your status in Thailand if you were to publicise them.

Personally I believe that I have to have the courage of my convictions and call a spade when I see one. Not doing so implies complicit acceptance of the wrongs of which one is aware.

Admittedly, one has no say, no real ability to correct these wrongs but leaving them unremarked should not be an option. The time will come when notice is taken and others with more clout put things to rights.

Do you think you have no opinion worth posting?

Are you afraid your opinion will generate "strong" reactions (the purpose of any forum,...) and you have difficulty accepting criticism?

You can read but you can not write?

Anything else,...?


I'm used to other forums where everyone feels free to post anything about any subject, common opinions you would just hear or say in any bar after working time or on a chat.

Since I've found this forum I'm pleased reading both serious pertinent answers and questions and opinions based on experience instead of believes, thanks : I've already learnt a lot. At the moment that's what I'm looking for.

As you can read, I'm not fluent in English and therefore cautious not to post irrelevant messages. Discovering a forum is like travelling, starting with observation, trying not to spoil the landscape, taking more than giving ..

I don't think my opinion is worth posting by itself, but only among others If I have a different point of view due to my position: strange for me to be a newbie here ... in my real life I'm an admin/moderator :o

As you can read, I'm not fluent in English and therefore cautious not to post irrelevant messages.

Irrelevant messages do not exist. There will always be somebody, somewhere finding your posting relevant,... :o


I've put some post about the ban of the headscarf in French school....I've been called something like far right winger, bigot, ....

I've open the topic about the "20 day overstay no problem" and always get agressive reactions but whatever keep on fighting and giving my opinion.

Just a bit afraid because my name is my true name and I do not trust the French officials especially with the first and last topic I've launched.

I just think that some people easily insult others, look down our English writting skills. Happily not everyone!!! Just few but still it's not pleasant.


:D So blue ?

Are you afraid your opinion will generate "strong" reactions (the purpose of any forum,...) and you have difficulty accepting criticism?

You want me to post more ??? :D:o


:D So blue ?
Are you afraid your opinion will generate "strong" reactions (the purpose of any forum,...) and you have difficulty accepting criticism?

You want me to post more ??? :D:o

Agree. You're one of the best with Eric1000. I am not sure I could have taken that much,... :D:D


Blue Cat,

To answer your question: The reason I do not pipe up is because I feel a responsibility to give accurate information. I do not like "Know it alls" and the internet is the new best vehicle for them. I have only been a member of this forum for a few weeks and have not had much to add. I do not live in Thailand and will not for a few years. I have spent quite a bit of time there since I got married to a Thai gal. So why to I come here? Because I have a Thai wife and enjoy the insight into the Thai mindset and culture.

Is your question getting at; why is there a lack of participation? Well I will answer this question anyway: It is the Format/layout

My favorate forum is the Cruising World bulletin board. Take a peek at the old format. http://www.cruisingworld.com/forums.jsp

I have been coming to this place for years. What is so attractive about it is that Posts can be responded to and easily read. It feels kind of like chatting at the town Tavern. About 4 months ago the Magazine decided to change the format and use this format, (what we are now using here). The responce from the users was absolute outrage. And after about a week they relented and gave us back our old Forum in addition to the new one. I learned a lot from this and so did the Magazine. What I learned most was that I missed it when it was gone. The imedaite responce made it so you were a part of a group of friends, fights and all. Much of the same stuff happens here but it is not as intimate nor as informative.

This was Not intended to be advise only Commentary

Is your question getting at; why is there a lack of participation?   Well I will answer this question anyway:   It is the Format/layout

My favorate forum is the Cruising World bulletin board.  Take a peek at the old format.       http://www.cruisingworld.com/forums.jsp

I have been coming to this place for years.   What is so attractive about it is that Posts can be responded to and easily read.  It feels kind of like chatting at the town Tavern.

George, take note please,...

But after checking the site, I still far prefer the Thaivisa forum.

Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder,...


Thanks blue,


By the way , i don't to pretend i'm always right but at least i can hold a discussion without getting personal and worked up about it.

Some people don't understand that there's nothing more boring than a forum with Stupid One line joky comments (like the one i wrote above) :-)

I always fail to see why people get worked up about text on a screen when the only thing they are getting angry about is THEIR interpretation of it.

Take some distance , read it a second time.

Agree or disagree,

Scroll further if you don't like it

delete it,

or join the discussion and reply with a funded answer.

Don't get pissed about it, My text can't make you angry, you can only do it yourself.

Oh well, off to licking some windows again :o



Zen...I disagree completely; forums are in place to provide drama and catharsis to the humdrum routine of daily existence...I want to get angry and bare my naked arse to the world, jump up and down and shout... and otherwise exercise my wonderful expository skills...


MONK, Thanks for that link,,I found it quite interesting as I was a sailboat cruiser myself at one time,still think about it some,then remember some of the crew I had and some of the weather I had and very quickly really enjoy what I am doing now since I swallowed the anchor.

OT. of course, but while the Internet was originally founded by ARPA, the World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee who was working for CERN in Europe.  See http://www.hitmill.com/internet/web_history.asp to get your history straight :o

Nope, Al Gore, definitely Al Gore. Y'all don't remember when he was running for Leader of the Free World he claimed he invented the internet?

Concerning the Cruisingworld Forum - I'd never heard of it 'till now and my first reaction before checking it out was some Villiage People songs like YMCA going off in the background! :D

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