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Family of Sevenoaks schoolgirls missing in Thailand make plea for information


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If you abscond with children who are not in your parental custody surely that is abduction.

He shall have been awarded 'custody' for sure, but in Thailand parental responsibility is 50/50 and never intended to be devisive. If the children are in Thailand, then legally (and unfortunately, in this case), and in law, she has as much right to that parental responsibility. Thus, it is not abduction. As soon as he handed them into the 'parental care of mother', on a formal, even if ad hoc, basis, he handed parental responsibility for the time they are with her. If that time was not agreed on paper, in a contractual form, then the mother has done nothing wrong. (again, I re-iterate, unfortunately). Such issues are delicate matters where children are involved, and anybody should read this forum with severity at mind. Sort out the law, before you assume it works the way it does in your home country.

If what you are saying is true then why have the police issued a warrant for her arrest. Really, what you have posted is complete speculation in your own mind with no grounds of the facts whatsoever. It is all based on assumption. When you go to the city hall and the mother signs that paper giving you full custody in Thailand that is the Law and i may ad some could argue it is bias towards the male rather that the female here unlike Europe.

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It always astounds me that regardless of what the opening post is about it almost always ends up with TV members berating each other. Really incredible how often this happens. So many do-gooders and angry people here. If we were all together in a bar discussing this then I'm sure all the furniture would have been smashed to pieces and the ambulances called a long time ago. Just my 2p on the phenomenon.

Isn't that what TV is here for? Get some info out there and give a lot of cross-culturally frustrated farangs a chance to vent?

Its an integral part of my sanity strategy. But surely we can all be friends after?

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If you abscond with children who are not in your parental custody surely that is abduction.

He shall have been awarded 'custody' for sure, but in Thailand parental responsibility is 50/50 and never intended to be devisive. If the children are in Thailand, then legally (and unfortunately, in this case), and in law, she has as much right to that parental responsibility. Thus, it is not abduction. As soon as he handed them into the 'parental care of mother', on a formal, even if ad hoc, basis, he handed parental responsibility for the time they are with her. If that time was not agreed on paper, in a contractual form, then the mother has done nothing wrong. (again, I re-iterate, unfortunately). Such issues are delicate matters where children are involved, and anybody should read this forum with severity at mind. Sort out the law, before you assume it works the way it does in your home country.

Well Dr Lom what is your view or Thai Law knowledge you seem or think you have in answer to the arrest warrant issued for his ex wife. Love to hear your response to that.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I live in Thailand and have full custody of my first born. Because my ex and I were not married she automatically gained full custody of her and I am not even recognized as the father until we marry or go to court. We broke up and I went to court with a 2 tiered request. To be recognized as the father and to gain full custody which was granted.

If I hand my child to her mother and she is not returned then it is kidnapping. Obviously the police here think that to due to the arrests warrant out on her. I commend him for the dedication and commitment he has made in trying to get his kids back. I empathize with him as it would rip my heart out if I was in the same predicament.

I hope they are returned as soon as possible and the woman held to account. For a father to be granted full custody is apparently rare in Thailand so one can be assured there is a combination of her being an unfit mother and him being an exemplary father.

Good luck.

Thailand is not that big Chooka,, there would be clues and information Thai's don't miss anything, the police need to be more pro active, some one knows something, just who remains to be seen.

The police will do nothing unless they are specifically paid to perform any duty that requires extra footwork, plus a promise of further payment when successful !

Where is Prayut on this,international case,ought to be worth his while to polish up the junta's image abroad.

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If you abscond with children who are not in your parental custody surely that is abduction.

He shall have been awarded 'custody' for sure, but in Thailand parental responsibility is 50/50 and never intended to be devisive. If the children are in Thailand, then legally (and unfortunately, in this case), and in law, she has as much right to that parental responsibility. Thus, it is not abduction. As soon as he handed them into the 'parental care of mother', on a formal, even if ad hoc, basis, he handed parental responsibility for the time they are with her. If that time was not agreed on paper, in a contractual form, then the mother has done nothing wrong. (again, I re-iterate, unfortunately). Such issues are delicate matters where children are involved, and anybody should read this forum with severity at mind. Sort out the law, before you assume it works the way it does in your home country.

The visit was at the farther's discretion {he has sole custody, I believe]. There was a time limit on the visit. The mother ignored this and abducted the children. That is how it works everywhere I would think, the fact the police are looking for her to return the children to their father would indicate the law is on his side.

Might not be me who wants to sort out their facts, eh.

Do Not Feed the Troll.


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I don't know if the BiB could do this legally, and I am just spouting off after looking at my 2 kids and thinking about this.

What I would want to see if I was the father though is an appeal to the boyfriend, in all the newspapers, saying.

"We don't know if you have anything to do with it and if you don't and are on a beach somewhere fine, drop into the police station and let us know.

If on the other hand you do know something, you are an accessory to a very serious crime, if you help us recover the kids we will take you to the airport and put you on an airplane, best not to come back.

If you don't come forward, when we find you, when not if. We are going to inspect every millimeter of your large intestine everyday for the next 15 years!"

I bet that would get buddy thinking!

There is every chance that the boyfriend has absolutely no idea that the kids are being looked for. The newspapers and TV should start publishing his name and picture asap, and call him in.

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If you abscond with children who are not in your parental custody surely that is abduction.

He shall have been awarded 'custody' for sure, but in Thailand parental responsibility is 50/50 and never intended to be devisive. If the children are in Thailand, then legally (and unfortunately, in this case), and in law, she has as much right to that parental responsibility. Thus, it is not abduction. As soon as he handed them into the 'parental care of mother', on a formal, even if ad hoc, basis, he handed parental responsibility for the time they are with her. If that time was not agreed on paper, in a contractual form, then the mother has done nothing wrong. (again, I re-iterate, unfortunately). Such issues are delicate matters where children are involved, and anybody should read this forum with severity at mind. Sort out the law, before you assume it works the way it does in your home country.

You my friend, have not been paying attention. The Thai police reviewed the custody papers and issued an arrest warrant for the mother. That means the police agree she is guilty of abducting the children. If you want to say absconding that is simply splitting hairs, but I do not agree. The minute these children were not returned to their father they were abducted.

This mother is one of the most despicable low life's this world of ours produces. The father did his duty and brought the girls to visit their mother and the mother stepped all over that trust and she obviously does not care one iota about the girl's education and what all this is doing to them.

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I don't know if the BiB could do this legally, and I am just spouting off after looking at my 2 kids and thinking about this.

What I would want to see if I was the father though is an appeal to the boyfriend, in all the newspapers, saying.

"We don't know if you have anything to do with it and if you don't and are on a beach somewhere fine, drop into the police station and let us know.

If on the other hand you do know something, you are an accessory to a very serious crime, if you help us recover the kids we will take you to the airport and put you on an airplane, best not to come back.

If you don't come forward, when we find you, when not if. We are going to inspect every millimeter of your large intestine everyday for the next 15 years!"

I bet that would get buddy thinking!

There is every chance that the boyfriend has absolutely no idea that the kids are being looked for. The newspapers and TV should start publishing his name and picture asap, and call him in.

Absolutely you are correct, there is every chance he knows absolutely nothing about it. However I would think he is a person of interest who should be located and questioned. No stone unturned in a case like this.

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If you abscond with children who are not in your parental custody surely that is abduction.

He shall have been awarded 'custody' for sure, but in Thailand parental responsibility is 50/50 and never intended to be devisive. If the children are in Thailand, then legally (and unfortunately, in this case), and in law, she has as much right to that parental responsibility. Thus, it is not abduction. As soon as he handed them into the 'parental care of mother', on a formal, even if ad hoc, basis, he handed parental responsibility for the time they are with her. If that time was not agreed on paper, in a contractual form, then the mother has done nothing wrong. (again, I re-iterate, unfortunately). Such issues are delicate matters where children are involved, and anybody should read this forum with severity at mind. Sort out the law, before you assume it works the way it does in your home country.

I think you are entirely wrong. If he was awarded custody it would have been by a Thai court and the mother cannot simply run off with them under the law. The fact she has and Thais all help each other against foreigners whenever there is conflict the father has an uphill battle. Wouldn't it be nice if the Thai press could take some responsibility and publish the story as well.

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If you abscond with children who are not in your parental custody surely that is abduction.

He shall have been awarded 'custody' for sure, but in Thailand parental responsibility is 50/50 and never intended to be devisive. If the children are in Thailand, then legally (and unfortunately, in this case), and in law, she has as much right to that parental responsibility. Thus, it is not abduction. As soon as he handed them into the 'parental care of mother', on a formal, even if ad hoc, basis, he handed parental responsibility for the time they are with her. If that time was not agreed on paper, in a contractual form, then the mother has done nothing wrong. (again, I re-iterate, unfortunately). Such issues are delicate matters where children are involved, and anybody should read this forum with severity at mind. Sort out the law, before you assume it works the way it does in your home country.

You my friend, have not been paying attention. The Thai police reviewed the custody papers and issued an arrest warrant for the mother. That means the police agree she is guilty of abducting the children. If you want to say absconding that is simply splitting hairs, but I do not agree. The minute these children were not returned to their father they were abducted.

This mother is one of the most despicable low life's this world of ours produces. The father did his duty and brought the girls to visit their mother and the mother stepped all over that trust and she obviously does not care one iota about the girl's education and what all this is doing to them.

However about the norm here with the low morals on display daily.

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Abducted? In any other language, this would be called kidnapped.

It was posted last week that family members of the mother contacted police asking money for there return . So it should be updated they were kidnapped. Abducted is different > I was abducted last week by my mates for a 3 day bender in Pattaya however I was set free in a confused and dazed state of mind.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I was hoping they would have been found by now.

Has this story been covered by the Thai language national press and TV?

I doubt by now they are very much 'missing in Thailand'.

Edit: Also, they were not abducted; they were handed to mother by father for a visit. If she absconded with them, then that by definition is not abducting.

The article needs to get its facts right before pouring out, as yet, still unknowns.


if the courts have give full custody of the children

then she is in breach of a court order

In Thailand the penalty for this if you can not afford top lawyers is worse the abduction

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Does anybody commenting here actually know if this "Full Custody" was granted by a Thai Court in Thailand, or by the UK court in the UK?

Could make the applicable laws quite different.

The police have apparently issued an arrest warrant... So if custody was appointed her or there apparently they recognize it.

There is no issue with Thai law here that people keep trying to bring up, arrest warrant issued, it wouldn't be issued unless the police believed she broke the law.

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If you abscond with children who are not in your parental custody surely that is abduction.

I agree, the point is so fine it is moot. We all know what's happened. A horrible thing to experience.

For one, abductions or kidnappings are far too common and therefore less reported in Thailand.

I hate to say this but during the last kidnapping up our way, I saw a policeman asleep in his car at a checkpoint.

Definitely not encouraging.

The poor man.

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If you abscond with children who are not in your parental custody surely that is abduction.

He shall have been awarded 'custody' for sure, but in Thailand parental responsibility is 50/50 and never intended to be devisive. If the children are in Thailand, then legally (and unfortunately, in this case), and in law, she has as much right to that parental responsibility. Thus, it is not abduction. As soon as he handed them into the 'parental care of mother', on a formal, even if ad hoc, basis, he handed parental responsibility for the time they are with her. If that time was not agreed on paper, in a contractual form, then the mother has done nothing wrong. (again, I re-iterate, unfortunately). Such issues are delicate matters where children are involved, and anybody should read this forum with severity at mind. Sort out the law, before you assume it works the way it does in your home country.

A child court order in Thailand is very similar to the western world, and if the mother has the right to see the child a time will be written into the order that she is legally allowed to have that child in her custody

You will also find in the order she is required at all time to keep the father notified of the child's were about's

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Does anybody commenting here actually know if this "Full Custody" was granted by a Thai Court in Thailand, or by the UK court in the UK?

Could make the applicable laws quite different.

I doubt he could take them out of Thailand without custody issued in Thailand in the first place.

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It seems that this is just a matter of time before the authorities one way or the other find them.

I feel sorry for everyone here since emotions are running high

Good luck Hope you get the girls real soon

and what about the pain she is causing the children

does she care when they cry for there daddy every night

the fact they most likely can not speak thai so are even if allowed to mix are on their own

and the different way of living

there education being destroyed

The damage she is do will be unrepairable

The fact is she does not love her kids

they are a possesion that she wants to keep


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If you abscond with children who are not in your parental custody surely that is abduction.

When will you Brits "ever" get the message. This is NOT the UK. Good morning. Its long past due time, to wake-up, and smell the coffee. This IS still the Kingdom of Siam. Possession here is definitely 9/10th. of the law. And no! Its not a Thai News Media, "News Worthy" story. Care to venture a guess, as to why not? whistling.gif

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It always astounds me that regardless of what the opening post is about it almost always ends up with TV members berating each other. Really incredible how often this happens. So many do-gooders and angry people here. If we were all together in a bar discussing this then I'm sure all the furniture would have been smashed to pieces and the ambulances called a long time ago. Just my 2p on the phenomenon.

Isn't that what TV is here for? Get some info out there and give a lot of cross-culturally frustrated farangs a chance to vent?

Its an integral part of my sanity strategy. But surely we can all be friends after?

Totally agree simondan but feel i dejected by all the mud-slinging that goes on here. I understand the definition of 'forum' however mostly I use TV now to just catch up on the news headlines but because the longer down you follow a post it just becomes a Sh.I.t fight between TV members going against each other personally and the point of the opening post gets lost. Tragic situation for the girls and the father and...... who really knows what the mothers story is? We should all be friends but there is way too much aggression here. And I don't mean just in this thread. Here it's mild. I'm just sick of it. Think I might take another TV vacation.

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he thought he could trust the mother to do the right thing.that was wrong.he lost his children for the moment.hope he gets them back soon.the problem is he went to Thailand doing the right thing,now he has a waiting game

Edited by metisdead
Underscore removed.
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It seems that this is just a matter of time before the authorities one way or the other find them.

I feel sorry for everyone here since emotions are running high

Good luck Hope you get the girls real soon

and what about the pain she is causing the children

does she care when they cry for there daddy every night

the fact they most likely can not speak thai so are even if allowed to mix are on their own

and the different way of living

there education being destroyed

The damage she is do will be unrepairable

The fact is she does not love her kids

they are a possesion that she wants to keep


Pleaase tell me how you assert such knowledge about the mother. Are you Norwegian?

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I was hoping they would have been found by now.

Has this story been covered by the Thai language national press and TV?

I doubt by now they are very much 'missing in Thailand'.

Edit: Also, they were not abducted; they were handed to mother by father for a visit. If she absconded with them, then that by definition is not abducting.

The article needs to get its facts right before pouring out, as yet, still unknowns.

If she hasn't brought the kids back at the time she's supposed to then it's kidnapping which ever way you slice and dice it.

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If you abscond with children who are not in your parental custody surely that is abduction.

He shall have been awarded 'custody' for sure, but in Thailand parental responsibility is 50/50 and never intended to be devisive. If the children are in Thailand, then legally (and unfortunately, in this case), and in law, she has as much right to that parental responsibility. Thus, it is not abduction. As soon as he handed them into the 'parental care of mother', on a formal, even if ad hoc, basis, he handed parental responsibility for the time they are with her. If that time was not agreed on paper, in a contractual form, then the mother has done nothing wrong. (again, I re-iterate, unfortunately). Such issues are delicate matters where children are involved, and anybody should read this forum with severity at mind. Sort out the law, before you assume it works the way it does in your home country.

A child court order in Thailand is very similar to the western world, and if the mother has the right to see the child a time will be written into the order that she is legally allowed to have that child in her custody

You will also find in the order she is required at all time to keep the father notified of the child's were about's

So are driving laws. So what?

About time a few people around here grew up, or lived long enough here too understand Thai law at its essence. Wot a bunch of losers.

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It always astounds me that regardless of what the opening post is about it almost always ends up with TV members berating each other. Really incredible how often this happens. So many do-gooders and angry people here. If we were all together in a bar discussing this then I'm sure all the furniture would have been smashed to pieces and the ambulances called a long time ago. Just my 2p on the phenomenon.

Isn't that what TV is here for? Get some info out there and give a lot of cross-culturally frustrated farangs a chance to vent?

Its an integral part of my sanity strategy. But surely we can all be friends after?

Totally agree simondan but feel i dejected by all the mud-slinging that goes on here. I understand the definition of 'forum' however mostly I use TV now to just catch up on the news headlines but because the longer down you follow a post it just becomes a Sh.I.t fight between TV members going against each other personally and the point of the opening post gets lost. Tragic situation for the girls and the father and...... who really knows what the mothers story is? We should all be friends but there is way too much aggression here. And I don't mean just in this thread. Here it's mild. I'm just sick of it. Think I might take another TV vacation.

I agree, sometimes it does get ridiculous.

As to the mother, although I abhor this sort of behaviour, not least for the lasting damage it does to the kids, she must be aware she is placing herself in real legal trouble and nobody would do this unless they really loved their kids - although some evil mothers will resort to this &lt;deleted&gt; just to hurt the father and assert a bit of control.

Perhaps the benefit of the doubt is called for here. I doubt any of us on TV will ever know.

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