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34 year old Brit wants to move to Thailand ... which VISA to go for?

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What exactly is it about the country (and everything) that you fell in love with in 17 days?  Living somewhere is not the same as being on vacation somewhere.  It happened in Brazil and now it happens in Thailand.  My friends come to visit and get big dreams about moving to Thailand, opening some type of business, etc.  Just enjoy it while you are on vacation.  It will still be there when it's time for your next vacation and you can enjoy it again.


*Didn't sleep with any hookers? Didn't get stupid drunk?  I think you missed out on Thailand buddy.  That's like getting in the shower and not turning the water on.  Why even get in?  Money doesn't rule everything?  Somebody needs to read Money Number One by Neil Hutchison and take a look at the new eyesore at Bali Hai in Pattaya, then go over to Coral Island and look at the new docks they are building at Samae Beach and get back to me after that. Oh.  And let's not forget about the Red Bull heir who ran over the cop with his Ferrari.

Edited by AdamRich
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ED VISA. Think I chimed in on this thread earlier but I read for the AUA University in Bangkok you need to study 4 hours a week in order to get their one year visa sponsorship. Total cost is on the order of 700 pounds and once you send that they'll give you paperwork for the visa. Or find another school, but I've been watching their videos online and they seem good. In the future I will probably use this option to stay here, as a legitimate student of the language.

And I'm not one of the grumpy cynical ones but you are seriously seriously mistaken in your statement of some of the things about Thailand. There's of course a dark side to it as everywhere and you can see it for yourself if you stay here longer. Those rosy-coloured glasses can get stomped on quickly.

But if you have income from outside the country that's a huge plus as you don't have to work locally. I find by and large Thais treat f-rangs well if they feel respected. Especially upcountry; maybe you can use your time to live in different parts, or maybe you're a big-city type and wouldn't be happy outside of a city like Bangkok.

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 Might I also bring your attention to the fact that one could be a senior systems admin for cisco and still not have $15k to splurge on a visa?



Being a 'senior systems admin' anywhere is not a high-end job, anymore, and hasn't been for years.


The OP told us about his vast experience running various businesses, claimed he had enough money to live with no income for 3-6 months, even had money to invest in movies (what kind?), et. al.


He also stated that he did some cursory searches, but that it was easier - easier for him, that is - just to ask the same questions which have been asked and answered in these very forums countless times.


Oh, and he doesn't have the $15.5K for a Thailand Elite card.  If he doesn't have that, how can he have enough money to live for 3-6 months with no income, plus invest in movies?


And at 34, with all his vast experience running these various businesses, he comes to Thailand for something like 2 weeks and decides he wants to move there, despite all the readily-available horror stories about people who've done just that, to their everlasting regret.


Sorry, I've no patience for such a willfully naive, self-entitled, fabulist mindset.


How does he have enough money to live for 3-6 months with no income?  Well probably because he is not fool enough to blow $15,000 on an Elite Card.

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"How does he have enough money to live for 3-6 months with no income?  Well probably because he is not fool enough to blow $15,000 on an Elite Card."

I'd be curious to see exactly who has bought the Elite Card. I'm guessing it is primarily brats just doing it to show off their wealth. And I'm guessing mostly from other eastern countries. Seems a bit of a rip-off unless $10,000+ is just something you can throw around.

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Forget trying negotiate the visa system.


Forget the Elite Card - an embarrassing scheme by authorities who have provided an over priced waiver to circumvent the very regulations they put in place to ensure your vulnerability and sell Elite Cards. There is no scheme that I know of offered by any country, which has failed so spectacularly and is the world over dispargaged by international jurisdictional asset protection and visa consultants. 


Forget incorporating here. The ongoing due diligence will place you in the twilight zone. 


Get a lawyer - a member of the Thai Bar Association - they have a franchise to rort the system and absolve you of responsibility. But don't believe a word they say, shop around get the best quite you can - prices will vary.


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"How does he have enough money to live for 3-6 months with no income?  Well probably because he is not fool enough to blow $15,000 on an Elite Card."

I'd be curious to see exactly who has bought the Elite Card. I'm guessing it is primarily brats just doing it to show off their wealth. And I'm guessing mostly from other eastern countries. Seems a bit of a rip-off unless $10,000+ is just something you can throw around.


If only having money for 3-6 months, it would be crazy to move here !! After a few months he have nothing and no income or job

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I want to congratulate the OP james007lamb, jamesandahalf or whatever he wants to call himself today for crafting one of the most successful troll posts I have read on this or any other forum. Bravo, Bravo!


Quite well written to push all your buttons and elicit your well-meaning and detailed responses.


The endearing tale of another two-week millionaire who has fallen in love with the ethical Buddhist nation where money means nothing. A young man who wants to stay and remotely operate online business illegally, do some IT consulting, and perhaps dabble in some scuba instructor work on the side once his PADI Dive Master certification is complete.


All the while keeping his heart open for a chance at falling in love with the perfect Thai angel of his dreams.


A 21st century adventurer, like Jim Thompson of the last, working and living in a number of countries to stake his rightful claim on the world, armed with nothing but a laptop and a bag of clothes.  


Independent movie production and screenwriting may be the actual forte here as this whole piece was unusually creative. You should get this copy written in Hollywood before somebody steals your idea. Anybody have an idea for a good title?




I do actually.


How about "Mr Bean meets Joseph Stalin"?

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