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Police in Phuket's fun town to enforce 2am bar closing


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Police in Phuket's fun town to enforce 2am bar closing
Tanyaluk Sakoot

No pole dancing after 2am, please


PHUKET: -- A major row is brewing in Patong after the town’s police officers were ordered today (August 14) to clamp down on the nightlife industry by enforcing the official 2am closing time.

The order came from Patong’s police chief, Pol Col Jiraphat Pochanapan, possibly stung by strong public criticism from Patong’s nightlife business owners over a “request” that they close during HM the Queen’s Birthday (August 12).

Col Jiraphat was not prepared to go into depth about the order. “It’s policy,” he told The Phuket News this morning.

“It’s come down from above. I don’t want to damage Patong’s entertainment industry but I have to do this for security reasons. I can’t tell you any more than what is in the laws of Thailand.”

One of his deputies, Pol Lt Col Suthichai Chaiyarat, confirmed the order had been given.

“The Superintendent has given an order, which we must follow, that entertainment businesses must close at 2am. We will have inspection teams go to the [entertainment] areas [to enforce this]. Officers will ask them to close.

“We have to apply the law strictly. Sometimes, we will have soldiers join our action, too.

“I heard there was some misunderstanding between the entertainment business people and the Superintendent. If they are uncomfortable or unhappy, they can come to talk to us at Kathu Police Station.”

Weerawit Kuresombat, President of the Patong Entertainment Association, was furious. He told The Phuket News, “I just heard that we have to close our businesses [at 2am] on the command of the Superintendent. When he issued the command he was already in Surat Thani [at the police regional HQ].

“It is unfair. This is a tourism area. We will hold a meeting with our members soon to discuss this issue.”

The order ramps up a row between police and entertainment owners over a "request" from Col Jiraphat that entertainment businesses not serve alcohol on Tuesday, HM the Queen's Birthday. (read story here)

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/police-in-phukets-fun-town-to-enforce-2am-bar-closing-47857.php

-- Phuket News 2014-08-14

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So what they are really saying is, " We've never enforced the law in this regard before, but we will now". Amazing how law enforcement admits they broke the law all the while keeping a straight face.

I think what they are saying is 'favours should work both ways'.

The police will allow the bars/clubs to stay open after the official closing time every day but when they request (whether rightly or wrongly according to law) that bars/clubs close for HM The Queens birthday and that request is rejected then 'all bets are off'.

Suspect it will drift back to opening late in time for high season. The next similar test will come on 5th December.

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“It’s come down from above. I don’t want to damage Patong’s entertainment industry but I have to do this for security reasons. I can’t tell you any more than what is in the laws of Thailand.”

Yeah, they complained publicly, made someone lose face,

and so the full weight from above is being applied.

Oh my they should have stayed quiet.

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The "rule", law or whatever is being enforced in many places now. I said "be careful what you wish for" more than once questioning the enthusiasm for the new regime. I've watched too many of the General's "talks" on morals. Reminds me too much of those "born-again" so-called christians. Bars closing in Udon at midnight, open until 0200 in Nong Khai, different laws I hear. And yes, the cops/military are making sure bars comply. I also hear many Thai venues have 0200 license so not affected by the midnight closing. I would guess the procedures for getting a late night venue license just got a lot more difficult and a whole lot more expensive. I don't think most bar owners could afford, besides, many of the ladies have gone home or someplace, there are few customers for them. No customers, no money, no honeys.

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This is basically saying... "Lets turn up the heat on the business Owners, piss them off, and then, in a few months during "High Season", the police will have Owner's lined up at their door steps asking to pay the Police cash in hand to keep open. Trust me, this will not last long here in Phuket. Its just "Foreplay".

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“It’s come down from above. I don’t want to damage Patong’s entertainment industry but I have to do this for security reasons. I can’t tell you any more than what is in the laws of Thailand.”

Yeah, they complained publicly, made someone lose face,

and so the full weight from above is being applied.

Oh my they should have stayed quiet.

But the only ones who have lost face are the 'public' i.e. bar owners, who are of the opinion that because they have been regularly breaking the law, they must be allowed to continue. Rather like a naughty child - Daddy has said no, and he means it. I believe the word is discipline.

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"Col Jiraphat was not prepared to go into depth about the order. “It’s policy,” he told The Phuket News this morning.

“It’s come down from above. I don’t want to damage Patong’s entertainment industry but I have to do this for security reasons. I can’t tell you any more than what is in the laws of Thailand.”

Perhaps its his own job security reasons

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New Orleans closing time is 1 hour - pick the hour. It is a tourist city. Locals yes but tourist first. They make a huge amount of money from the tourist. Same in Thailand. It must be obvious to everyone if you make the bars close early then less money will come into Thailand. That means police, administrators, firemen, etc will have to get laid off because of the lack of money. Besides the government all the people will have less money. It is important to recognize who the customer is then take care of them. Tourist want the bars to stay open all night. So be it. Do it. Serve and Protect the locals and tourist as the money flows in to help all of Thailand.

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They are trying to clean up the corruption in Phuket and will later do the same in all of Thailand. From my understanding the 2:00 am closing law has been on the books for a long time. Bars who wanted to remain open must pay in order to do so... thus putting money in corrupt officials pockets. Enforce all laws 100% and corruption will take a major hit. It is hard to demand money from people who are not breaking any laws.

Edited by ttthailand
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Everyone bitches about corrupt police and public officials. When they are finally doing something about it we bitch again because it is affecting us. You want your cake and eat it too.

If they are not going to enforce a law remove it from the books so it is difficult for corruption to take hold.

It may be a little strange to most of us that laws are enforced but that is the way they do it in our countries so why should they not do it here.

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Nobody needs to be complaining. It is in the law ! They are just enforcing it now.

Exactly the same for the border runs and back to back tourist visa crackdown.

Nothing good happens after 2am anyways... drunks and thugs out on the streets.

Good to clean it all up and get back on the enforcement.

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