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Perfect Thai Girl


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Didn't bother to read more than a few posts of this thread ... However, regardless of whatever might have been said, my TW is perfect --- she has excactly that number of "flaws" (and scorns me for my flaws) excactly to that extent that our relationship remains in a dynamic state of evolvement and in a state of continiously growth of strenght.

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Perfect? Dunno, but cant imagine I could find a better one. Married over 25 years and get along great! We have about 2 fights a year (usually my fault), that end in her giving me the silent treatment for a couple days. (better than alot of yelling).

She doesnt like to spend money, she is a great cook, and she still looks beautiful to me. I guess Ill keep her.

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WOW!! What a lucky guy, with such a dreamboat wife. If I were a cynic I'd accuse you of being a troll in reverse. I didn't think there were two Thailands in the same universe, but there must be, since I don't live in the same one you do. It is quite amazing that your lady has more money thn you do. Any Thai lady I know, who has sufficient money & is higher on the social scale, wouldn't touch a Farang with a 10 foot pole. But, of course there are exceptions. What is the age difference between you two, might i ask? I presume you are one young & handsome guy to land such a catch.

You really need to get off your barstool and visit the other Thailand. Over the years I have known or known of a number of Thai-Farang couples in which the wife was from a wealthy and/or hi-so background. It is not that unusual, unless your universe consists of Nana, Cowboy, PatPong, etc.

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WOW!! What a lucky guy, with such a dreamboat wife. If I were a cynic I'd accuse you of being a troll in reverse. I didn't think there were two Thailands in the same universe, but there must be, since I don't live in the same one you do. It is quite amazing that your lady has more money thn you do. Any Thai lady I know, who has sufficient money & is higher on the social scale, wouldn't touch a Farang with a 10 foot pole. But, of course there are exceptions. What is the age difference between you two, might i ask? I presume you are one young & handsome guy to land such a catch.

You really need to get off your barstool and visit the other Thailand. Over the years I have known or known of a number of Thai-Farang couples in which the wife was from a wealthy and/or hi-so background. It is not that unusual, unless your universe consists of Nana, Cowboy, PatPong, etc.

I have to agree with qualtrough. OK if you are a farang without much money and social rank maybe you having a rich hi-so woman is tough. But what about all the hard working, middle class Thais? With businesses, or civil servants, or teachers. University educated, solid people with great values. Maybe so-so and not hi-so but this may in fact be better. On the dating web sites there are hundreds of good women looking for farang husbands of all ages and backgrounds. Most are not looking for get rich quick scams. They are looking for decent and loyal men. And I bet most of these women would make great wives if you treat them well.

Right now I'm single and dating. And dating good women, not bar girls (and do have a very good friend that is ex-bg so I don't want to say bad things about that - many ex-bg make great wives but I don't want to start that discussion and make everyone crazy). The point is if you want a good, Thai wife they are out there. Many different backgrounds and situations. Just go out and look.

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WOW!! What a lucky guy, with such a dreamboat wife. If I were a cynic I'd accuse you of being a troll in reverse. I didn't think there were two Thailands in the same universe, but there must be, since I don't live in the same one you do. It is quite amazing that your lady has more money thn you do. Any Thai lady I know, who has sufficient money & is higher on the social scale, wouldn't touch a Farang with a 10 foot pole. But, of course there are exceptions. What is the age difference between you two, might i ask? I presume you are one young & handsome guy to land such a catch.

well im a bum compared to my gf, so you think no rich Thai girls would ever go out with a farang??

How did you come to that conclusion? Just because you dont think you can get one doesnt mean nobody can matey.

im 26 and my fiancee in 30 (looks 20)

Are you sure your in Thailand, coz i got many friends in Thailand and they are as happy as can be, there are a few exceptions but im sure there is in all countries :o

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WOW!! What a lucky guy, with such a dreamboat wife. If I were a cynic I'd accuse you of being a troll in reverse. I didn't think there were two Thailands in the same universe, but there must be, since I don't live in the same one you do. It is quite amazing that your lady has more money thn you do. Any Thai lady I know, who has sufficient money & is higher on the social scale, wouldn't touch a Farang with a 10 foot pole. But, of course there are exceptions. What is the age difference between you two, might i ask? I presume you are one young & handsome guy to land such a catch.

You really need to get off your barstool and visit the other Thailand. Over the years I have known or known of a number of Thai-Farang couples in which the wife was from a wealthy and/or hi-so background. It is not that unusual, unless your universe consists of Nana, Cowboy, PatPong, etc.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not on a barstool and spend very little time on them. There is no doubt that ladies of this type (bargirls) will be problematic in any country. What I have seen here is a lot of "marketing" of women to Farangs, often via the internet, with the idea of arranging a quick and profitable marriage (for the women and throw in an extra 100,000 or so for the matchmaker, who usually crawls out of the woodwork). Next comes the push for house, car and monthly stipends for various family members. I don't live in Bangkok. What I see in my area are mostly old geezer farangs hooked up with various types of Thai ladies, some likely good some likely not. I see litttle if any mixing of Farangs with Thais of upper class status, for close personal relationships such as marriage. For example I don't see sexy university students with Farangs of any kind.

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That story kind of reminds me of a mother-in-law of a friend of mine. She said that she was put off by all of the sex trade going on in Thailand. She was appalled at the openess and the blatant marketing of the sex trade. She thought it made Thailand seedy and morally defunct. More or less what you politely refer to.

I've got some news for you... the trade and marketing of sex doesn't speak so much of Thailand, as it speaks of "WE" westerners or "customers". When there is a poor nation that relies on tourism and foreign trade to survive, that nation must provide what the "customer" or "tourist" wants to get the business. That is exactly what most people go to Thailand for... You can equate "the chicken or the egg" to feel better, but in all honesty, if the "customers" or "tourists" want pancakes, that's exactly what Thailand will offer. It's not fair to classify or paint all Thai ladies, relationships or Thailand with a broad brush. There are many many wonderful relationships that were made with and without bargirls, the same for rich girls, and poor girls. High Society and Rice farmers. They are as diverse as we are. It's also unfair to use your misfortune as a guage against the sincerity or possibility of a loving relationship. You're really only becoming imbittered and making it harder on yourself to find a meaningful relationship in the future. Try to find a positive side a2396, there is one...

WOW!! What a lucky guy, with such a dreamboat wife. If I were a cynic I'd accuse you of being a troll in reverse. I didn't think there were two Thailands in the same universe, but there must be, since I don't live in the same one you do. It is quite amazing that your lady has more money thn you do. Any Thai lady I know, who has sufficient money & is higher on the social scale, wouldn't touch a Farang with a 10 foot pole. But, of course there are exceptions. What is the age difference between you two, might i ask? I presume you are one young & handsome guy to land such a catch.

You really need to get off your barstool and visit the other Thailand. Over the years I have known or known of a number of Thai-Farang couples in which the wife was from a wealthy and/or hi-so background. It is not that unusual, unless your universe consists of Nana, Cowboy, PatPong, etc.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not on a barstool and spend very little time on them. There is no doubt that ladies of this type (bargirls) will be problematic in any country. What I have seen here is a lot of "marketing" of women to Farangs, often via the internet, with the idea of arranging a quick and profitable marriage (for the women and throw in an extra 100,000 or so for the matchmaker, who usually crawls out of the woodwork). Next comes the push for house, car and monthly stipends for various family members. I don't live in Bangkok. What I see in my area are mostly old geezer farangs hooked up with various types of Thai ladies, some likely good some likely not. I see litttle if any mixing of Farangs with Thais of upper class status, for close personal relationships such as marriage. For example I don't see sexy university students with Farangs of any kind.

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Thanks also to the OP for a really refreshing thread. I'll add my 2 cents worth and just say that I too am deleriously happy living here and being married to the love of my life.

We have been together nearly 5 years now and as one other poster has said previously "is she perfect" the answer for me is no but then niether am I. She is so ###### close though it isn't funny :D

It certainly is possible to meet wonderful people here and they're definitely not all after our money although, like anywhere in the world, there are bad ones who are. Luckily though I don't have to worry about coming across any. :o

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All good for me

But...Casino is the downside.

And Thai friends.

Ive been on this forum for about 6 months now and i always reading topic about posting bad things about there wifes/fiancee/TG. Topics like :She eats like a animal, she spends all my money, she doesnt spend my money and shes cheap, she stole my money, she cooks sh1t food, her inlaw's are from hel_l etc etc.

I mean my Thai Fiancee I think is perfect, or very close.

She spends her money on heaps of stuff

She bring me surprise presents eg a polo shirt etc (not fake)

Loves to cook me meals and even more satisfied when I like the meal.

She loves watching Boxing with me

She loves the footy and even has her own favourite team.

She cooks Thai and Aussie food great.

She has more money then me :o

Bed, well lets not get into detail but she is clearly the best ive ever had and i been with quiet a few in my younger days, plus she wants it more then me.

She lets me go out with the boys to get pissed and doesnt complain.

When we go clubbing she lets me try picking up other girls on the dance floor (i have abit of an ego) and she gives me a challenge but Im not allowe3d to touch them, only tease.

She probaly has more brains then me (and we all know that im an einstine)

She has looks that can kill, turns heads, with a great body, with a GREAT personality.

Only fault is that she buys too many shoes/clothes.

Anyone else have a great Thai gf/fiancee/wife??

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Yes, this is an interesting thread in several ways.

Just one thing that puzzles me though.

Why do those that are seemingly so blissfully happy need to explain why and ask others if they also are and why?

If you really are so happy, there should be no need to ask anyone. :o

Insecurity, reassurance and ladies protesting too much spring to mind, but what would I know?

I am in love... :D

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yes Noel, similar thoughts i had too!

I want to shout from the roof tops how much i love my wife and how perfect she is and how she is different from every stereo type i ever came accross blah blah blahdy blah!!!

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aah noel and mittheimp (john deehan hahaha)

come on you two, wouldnt you be better off spouting your bitter and twisted whinges in a beer bar somewhere?

this is a positve thread about thai girls and if you don't like it don't drag it down.

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I would hazard a guess that many guys have bad experiences because they are looking in the wrong places or looking for the wrong type of girl.

That's about the size of it. I live in Khon Kaen and the blokes with "problem" wives seem to pick them from a long line of waitresses etc. This isn't meant in any way to be disrespectful to these girls but the reality of the situation is if you're a girl working as a waitress then it's more than likely you're contributing a large part of your small salary to help support your family and you're struggling. Along comes a white knight in shining armour. The answer to your dreams of pulling you and your family out of your pit of finacial woes. Any foreigner will do because it's not him, it's the money. Living on 3-5k baht a month sucks. Hardly the best foundation to start thinking about a marriage if you're the westerner.

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aah noel and mittheimp (john deehan hahaha)

come on you two, wouldnt you be better off spouting your bitter and twisted whinges in a beer bar somewhere?

this is a positve thread about thai girls and if you don't like it don't drag it down.

Hmmm, rather defensive, eh! :D

Your little snipe about beer bars is interesting, possibly bordering upon the Freudian...? :o

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aah noel and mittheimp (john deehan hahaha)

come on you two, wouldnt you be better off spouting your bitter and twisted whinges in a beer bar somewhere?

this is a positve thread about thai girls and if you don't like it don't drag it down.

Hmmm, rather defensive, eh! :D

Your little snipe about beer bars is interesting, possibly bordering upon the Freudian...? :o

We are not weak because we want to talk about it guys, so give us a break. Its just that when you read this site and others often, you begin to feel a little isolated with your feelings for your wife/gf. I mean, you have to admit the vaste majority of threads on this subject are negative right? You read enough of them and you begin to think 'Christ, am I the only guy out there who has found a Thai woman that he loves and is really happy with?'

This thread is great because for the first time I have heard from men who are happy with their lot that aren't in my social circle. It is very comforting to know that there is a positive trend in relationships out here. To slam guys for expressing their feelings is a little lame, are you worried that too much eostrogen will fly around and you'll suddenly grow breasts?

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We are not weak because we want to talk about it guys, so give us a break. Its just that when you read this site and others often, you begin to feel a little isolated with your feelings for your wife/gf. I mean, you have to admit the vaste majority of threads on this subject are negative right? You read enough of them and you begin to think 'Christ, am I the only guy out there who has found a Thai woman that he loves and is really happy with?'

This thread is great because for the first time I have heard from men who are happy with their lot that aren't in my social circle. It is very comforting to know that there is a positive trend in relationships out here. To slam guys for expressing their feelings is a little lame, are you worried that too much eostrogen will fly around and you'll suddenly grow breasts?

Insecurity rules! :o

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Yes, this is an interesting thread in several ways.

Just one thing that puzzles me though.

Why do those that are seemingly so blissfully happy need to explain why and ask others if they also are and why?

If you really are so happy, there should be no need to ask anyone. :o

Insecurity, reassurance and ladies protesting too much spring to mind, but what would I know?

I am in love... :D

every time you get a positive post you get this sort of reply, still it's a forum and all views are welcome :D

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My wife is a long way from being perfect.

But there again, neither am I. :o

However, what I can say is that after 5 marriages and dozens of disasterous relationships, she is by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. :D

I'll settle for that - warts an' all. :D

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We are not weak because we want to talk about it guys, so give us a break. Its just that when you read this site and others often, you begin to feel a little isolated with your feelings for your wife/gf. I mean, you have to admit the vaste majority of threads on this subject are negative right? You read enough of them and you begin to think 'Christ, am I the only guy out there who has found a Thai woman that he loves and is really happy with?'

This thread is great because for the first time I have heard from men who are happy with their lot that aren't in my social circle. It is very comforting to know that there is a positive trend in relationships out here. To slam guys for expressing their feelings is a little lame, are you worried that too much eostrogen will fly around and you'll suddenly grow breasts?

Insecurity rules! :D

I think some people may be jealous :D

So you think saying something nice about your Thai girlfriend etc is signs of insecurity ?? :o

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We are not weak because we want to talk about it guys, so give us a break. Its just that when you read this site and others often, you begin to feel a little isolated with your feelings for your wife/gf. I mean, you have to admit the vaste majority of threads on this subject are negative right? You read enough of them and you begin to think 'Christ, am I the only guy out there who has found a Thai woman that he loves and is really happy with?'

This thread is great because for the first time I have heard from men who are happy with their lot that aren't in my social circle. It is very comforting to know that there is a positive trend in relationships out here. To slam guys for expressing their feelings is a little lame, are you worried that too much eostrogen will fly around and you'll suddenly grow breasts?

Insecurity rules! :D

I think some people may be jealous :D

So you think saying something nice about your Thai girlfriend etc is signs of insecurity ?? :o

everyone is entitled to their view as long as they dont breach forum rules and that aint freud :D

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We are not weak because we want to talk about it guys, so give us a break. Its just that when you read this site and others often, you begin to feel a little isolated with your feelings for your wife/gf. I mean, you have to admit the vaste majority of threads on this subject are negative right? You read enough of them and you begin to think 'Christ, am I the only guy out there who has found a Thai woman that he loves and is really happy with?'

This thread is great because for the first time I have heard from men who are happy with their lot that aren't in my social circle. It is very comforting to know that there is a positive trend in relationships out here. To slam guys for expressing their feelings is a little lame, are you worried that too much eostrogen will fly around and you'll suddenly grow breasts?

Insecurity rules! :D

I think some people may be jealous :D

So you think saying something nice about your Thai girlfriend etc is signs of insecurity ?? :o

Many people say nice things about my Thai girlfriend and I am sure they are far from insecure... :D

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