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Acceptance of Muslims in Thai South 'will cut violent attacks'


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Somchai is asking Thais to do exactly what they cannot do......accept other races...

Thais hate their neighbours...they depise foriegners ...asking Thais to accept muslims just isn't going to happen!

They accepted YOU didn't they?

I don't see any evidence that Thais despise their neighbours and more than I saw UK citizens despising THEIR neighbours or any other country for that matter.

Most people in the world have some level of nationalistic pride from where they were born and raised.

Some countries more than others, especially the ones where nationalism is indoctrinated into you.... and Thailand is one of those countries. Every school and government office having to salute the flag daily and the national anthem forced on you twice a day... So what do people expect?

But to get back on topic..... You can hand these people an official, framed certificate of acceptance and acknowledgement signed on behalf of the Thai people by His majesty and give them their own flag and national anthem.... But they will next insist on their own country and border and currency, and so the killing will continue, as a matter of fact it will increase.

Give these mutts an inch and they will take a mile.

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Muslims live in peace?....In a pigs eye !!!

Try living among them and see.

I have and I would do so again.

So have i ,the most intolerant race (religion) in the world ,they will never accept even each other ,let alone other faiths.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"Nonsense. Islam has its extremists like all religions"

Please provide links to extremists in Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, or that matter of fact any in the recent Catholic, or Christian jihad activity.



Buddhists..Burma and Sri Lanka both have had extremist elements attacking minorities.

Christians.Central African Republic and other African countries [remember the LRA?], Serbia and Croatia, Russia's record in it's Muslim majority regions is appalling


Extremists exist everywhere.

Buddhist in Burma and Sri Lanka are fighting, surprise surprise, Muslims. Forced to defend themselves from your tolerance and co-habitation. Best you rethink that one.


Ideologically, LRA believe in African mysticism. It claims to be establishing a theocratic state based on the Ten Commandments and local Acholi tradition. Again a Ugandan group started in 2005 that are off the beaten track.


You need to study a bit more about what is going on in Sri Lanka and Burma. Religious chauvinism and persecution of minorities being led by bigoted Buddhists leaders. In Sri Lanka in particular all minority religions are being targeted by hard line extremists.

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To cut to the chase, will the Muslims reciprocate, me thinks not, they have one aim , regardless of where or when, OZ has been told to expect 100 hundred years of trouble from this religious faith. I rest my casebah.gif .

What case? All you are doing is promoting your opinions as facts.

There are indeed vocal Muslims who preach hate and intolerance, as there are Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists who do the same thing.

This does not mean they represent the majority.

Christians or Zoroastrians are not likely to blow themselves up next to you though..

...but nice try anyway.

...and it's not 'Islamophobia' if they are out to get you...

However it is if they're not.

How an extremist murders someone I would think is irrelevant. Machetes, bullets, knives, bombs, dead is dead.

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To cut to the chase, will the Muslims reciprocate, me thinks not, they have one aim , regardless of where or when, OZ has been told to expect 100 hundred years of trouble from this religious faith. I rest my case:bah: .

The ex head of the Australian Army said he was referring to Islamic extremists, not Islam. His letter stating his displeasure of having his comments distorted by the Islamophobes has been published.

Original article:


There is no real difference between Islamic 'extremists' and Islam, so called extremists are just being more faithful to Islam than the 'moderates' who largely support them anyway. Is Islam something to fear?, well looking at it's history over the last 1400 years and the trouble and death it's causing today worldwide I would say definitely yes.

Extremists and radicals are made up terms used to enable society to boycott the truth. The so called moderates don't take to the streets when a school teacher is gunned down while having lunch with the kids either...


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Bluespunk: "You need to study a bit more about what is going on in Sri Lanka and Burma. Religious chauvinism and persecution of minorities being led by bigoted Buddhists leaders. In Sri Lanka in particular all minority religions are being targeted by hard line extremists. "

You should also study a bit more before defaming countries like Burma. Actually there are plenty of Burmese Muslims that are well-blended into the society, I know directly and they are not the ones facing persecution or "persecution". Seems that the ones who are are Bengalis in the west who won't integrate into the society which they consider "kaffir". Most troubling is the fact that the major news media, so-called human rights advocates, and so forth, largely seem fine with the rampage in the Deep South; we certainly haven't seen any hate-preaching imams' faces on the cover of Times magazine. But the times the Thais did act with full-out brute force (such as the Krue Se "massacre") against ______ (separatists/terrorists/freedom fighters) the human rights crowd was out in force. So I conclude: the human rights crowd gets mighty pissed when "kaffir" countries fight fiercely against their Islamic extremists, but more or less look the other way while the nutcases' rampages go on.

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Please do not post against Islam and Muslims. Post deleted

Just a remind...

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Are we allowed to quote the koran?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Nothing to do with the article, which is calling for tolerance, acceptance and co-existence. All your links do is promote division, misleading examples and islamaphobic propaganda.

Yes there are religious extremists but they are not the majority, nor are they exclusive to one religion.

Call me what you like , they burnt their bridges as far as I am concerned in 9/11 and I am not from the US and I wont forgive either.

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Bluespunk: "You need to study a bit more about what is going on in Sri Lanka and Burma. Religious chauvinism and persecution of minorities being led by bigoted Buddhists leaders. In Sri Lanka in particular all minority religions are being targeted by hard line extremists. "

You should also study a bit more before defaming countries like Burma. Actually there are plenty of Burmese Muslims that are well-blended into the society, I know directly and they are not the ones facing persecution or "persecution". Seems that the ones who are are Bengalis in the west who won't integrate into the society which they consider "kaffir". Most troubling is the fact that the major news media, so-called human rights advocates, and so forth, largely seem fine with the rampage in the Deep South; we certainly haven't seen any hate-preaching imams' faces on the cover of Times magazine. But the times the Thais did act with full-out brute force (such as the Krue Se "massacre") against ______ (separatists/terrorists/freedom fighters) the human rights crowd was out in force. So I conclude: the human rights crowd gets mighty pissed when "kaffir" countries fight fiercely against their Islamic extremists, but more or less look the other way while the nutcases' rampages go on.

As far as I am aware the Muslims being persecuted in Burma by extremists have been refused Burmese citizenship despite having been resident for generations. I would call that persecution rather than a refusal to integrate. But yes I will check my facts, again.

I never condoned any violence or expressed support for terrorist scum. My position is that it is wrong to condemn all Muslims because of the actions of extremists.

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Nothing to do with the article, which is calling for tolerance, acceptance and co-existence. All your links do is promote division, misleading examples and islamaphobic propaganda.

Yes there are religious extremists but they are not the majority, nor are they exclusive to one religion.

Pretty Sick of Lefty Liberals like you that support these people

25% of the Muslim Population are extremists according to reports from multiple agencys wordlwide that means there is over 200 Million Terrorist Muslims the rest are silently complicit with what they are doing. Maybe there a a tiny minority who actually are against what they do but they are too scared to speak out else they would be killed.

THE MINORITY ARE IRRELEVANT watch this video which is the best explanation that anyone can give when someone like you jumps are screams Islamamphobia or the majority of muslims are peaceful THEN GIVE ME YOUR EXCUSES for them again.

There is nothing different with the thai south muslims they blame everyone but themselves but their agenda is the same as every other Muslim in every other country they emigrate to, and that is to spread the word of Allah.

iSLAM is a threat to the world and slowly people are waking up to it, what is happening in Iraq and Syria will happen in every country once they get there numbers up

You're wrong.

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Muslims live in peace?....In a pigs eye !!!

Try living among them and see.

I have and I would do so again.

So have i ,the most intolerant race (religion) in the world ,they will never accept even each other ,let alone other faiths.

Religion and race are not the same thing.

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Somchai is asking Thais to do exactly what they cannot do......accept other races...

Thais hate their neighbours...they depise foriegners ...asking Thais to accept muslims just isn't going to happen!

Don't confuse race which, AFAIC doesn't exist, with culture.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Nothing to do with the article, which is calling for tolerance, acceptance and co-existence. All your links do is promote division, misleading examples and islamaphobic propaganda.

Yes there are religious extremists but they are not the majority, nor are they exclusive to one religion.

Pretty Sick of Lefty Liberals like you that support these people

25% of the Muslim Population are extremists according to reports from multiple agencys wordlwide that means there is over 200 Million Terrorist Muslims the rest are silently complicit with what they are doing. Maybe there a a tiny minority who actually are against what they do but they are too scared to speak out else they would be killed.

There is nothing different with the thai south muslims they blame everyone but themselves but their agenda is the same as every other Muslim in every other country they emigrate to, and that is to spread the word of Allah.

iSLAM is a threat to the world and slowly people are waking up to it, what is happening in Iraq and Syria will happen in every country once they get there numbers up

Diamond King, you probably shouldn't read this, as while I am not a "lefty liberal", I do believe that the most intelligent & reasonable voice on this thread is Bluespunk.

"25% of the Muslim Population are extremists according to reports from multiple agencys wordlwide"

I know of no reputable agency anywhere that claims 25% of Muslims are terrorists. I think you'd be hard pressed to get even the Pope to back you on that one.

"..their agenda is the same as every other Muslim in every other country they emigrate to, and that is to spread the word of Allah"

I suggest that this probably the same with Christian missionaries. Not all Muslims are proselytisers, nor are all Christians.

"iSLAM is a threat to the world and slowly people are waking up to it, what is happening in Iraq and Syria will happen in every country once they get there numbers up"

Well, Indonesia's numbers are already pretty well up. Over 200 million Muslims. That's 50 million terrorists by your reckoning. Yet when some extremists blew up Australians in Bali, the Australian Federal Police were extremely complimentary about the cooperation they received from Indonesian (Muslim) police in tracking the b-------- down.

And have you not noticed that there are Muslims peacefully co-existing with Buddhists in many parts of Thailand? I have - in Mae Sot, Chiang Mai, Mae Hong Son, and Pai to name a few towns that I know reasonably well. No bombs, killings, even angry words there. Buddhist friends have invited me to join them in a new Muslim restaurant that they found that does great Kao soi.

The problems on the Malaysian border stem from the British colonial era, when the British "gave" that piece of land - which was populated by Malay Muslims - to the Thai King. The people there still resist that today. I totally disapprove of the acts of violence, but understand the historical motivation that drives a desire for autonomy. Personally, I don't see why they aren't given some "limited autonomy". It worked to stop those Welsh nationalists burning down houses 40 years ago.

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"Nothing to do with the article, which is calling for tolerance, acceptance and co-existence. All your links do is promote division, misleading examples and islamaphobic propaganda.

Yes there are religious extremists but they are not the majority, nor are they exclusive to one religion.

The intolerance, divisiveness and violence of Islam is not 'propaganda' it's the truth. Are you claiming that the terrorists in the south are not all Muslim? Of course they are not the majority, terrorists never are, but that does not make them or the ideology which motivates them any more acceptable. You just cannot talk to these people, they never give 'respect' back and see tolerance as weakness, some people need to wake up.

Nonsense. Islam has its extremists like all religions, true, but they do not represent Islam, only a twisted version of it.

You condemn Islam as a whole and judge all those who follow it as being guilty of intolerance. In effect you are preaching an equally narrow minded viewpoint.

Any argument that uses the phrase "these people" is never going to seek acceptance, only further division.

There is only one Koran and it has over 100 calls for violence, intolerance and division between the best of people, Muslims and the worst of people, non Muslims. That's what the koran says about 'these people'. The koran tells Muslims to fight non believers for all time and not just in the 7th ct. Yes we all know there are many nice, fluffy Muslims who are not going to blow things up, cut the heads off film producers, murder apostaes, gays and Muslims of another sect, fly planes into buildings, capture Schoolgirls, burn down churches or mutilate their own daughters before selling them off. But that does not make the 'religion' they follow any more palatable. Most communists were not extreme, most national Socialists in Germany would not have been in favour of gas chambers, but this did not make the evil ideologies they followed any less evil either.

You cannot compare nazis with Muslims. Ridiculous comparison.

All the things you present from the Koran can be found in the Torah and the Bible as well [hardly surprising really]. All the things you accuse Islam of are found in many religions.

That doesn't make the actions any less contemptible.

I despise terrorist scum and the atrocities they carry out.

However I also, have no time for bigotry or hate of any sort, including that which you espouse.

The actions of this So-Called Religion speak louder than Words......you can come to their defence, but you'll be the first to have your head roll if they have their way.

Except that it is only a minority who act this way, yes there are extremists and yes my views on religion would be abhorrent to them [as they would be to any extremist of any faith].

However they are a minority and as such I think the world, while needing to be diligent regarding terrorists, can sleep soundly, knowing their head will be in the same place they left it when they went to sleep.

The article calls for tolerance and acceptance amongst Thais, I think the message should be broadcast to a much larger audience.

Hate harms us all.

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The Malay Muslims are not asking for "acceptance." They are asking for "exceptance."

They are a conquered people notable for their Muslim faith and culture. It is then no wonder that they associate their governance more with the greater cultural unity of Malaysia than with the secular buddhist-led Kingdom of Thailand. It's time for Thailand to enter the 21st Century as a modern State that it purports itself to be and give the Malay Muslims back their destiny.


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Nothing to do with the article, which is calling for tolerance, acceptance and co-existence. All your links do is promote division, misleading examples and islamaphobic propaganda.

Yes there are religious extremists but they are not the majority, nor are they exclusive to one religion.

The peaceful majority is irrelevant. Just read history about Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc. It is the extremists that are the problem.

Consider this:

* what percentage of extremists in any ethnic, political or religious group is acceptable?

* how many deaths of innocent citizens is acceptable for any Gov't on account of terrorists, extremists or just 'deprived' minorities?

* what is better - to 'embrace' a violent person armed with a knife, car bomb or an explosive belt?

* what is safer for the innocent law abiding citizens - to 'embrace', to 'Accept', to jail or to kill the perpetrators of 'violent attacks'?

* once you decide on the answers - let us know your thoughts on the matter - but remember, you must have a safe and happy life!. Good luck!

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Nothing to do with the article, which is calling for tolerance, acceptance and co-existence. All your links do is promote division, misleading examples and islamaphobic propaganda.

Yes there are religious extremists but they are not the majority, nor are they exclusive to one religion.

Pretty Sick of Lefty Liberals like you that support these people

25% of the Muslim Population are extremists according to reports from multiple agencys wordlwide that means there is over 200 Million Terrorist Muslims the rest are silently complicit with what they are doing. Maybe there a a tiny minority who actually are against what they do but they are too scared to speak out else they would be killed.

THE MINORITY ARE IRRELEVANT watch this video which is the best explanation that anyone can give when someone like you jumps are screams Islamamphobia or the majority of muslims are peaceful THEN GIVE ME YOUR EXCUSES for them again.

There is nothing different with the thai south muslims they blame everyone but themselves but their agenda is the same as every other Muslim in every other country they emigrate to, and that is to spread the word of Allah.

iSLAM is a threat to the world and slowly people are waking up to it, what is happening in Iraq and Syria will happen in every country once they get there numbers up

You're wrong.

Pretty Normal answer from a Liberal when they are presented with the truth either call the person a racist or just say your wrong LOL

I rest my case

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Everybody has their own rights to have their own religions and beliefs, as long as there is not harmful to other people. We should respect each other, regardless of race and religion. Sure there is enough land and space for all to co-exist together, isn't it☺️

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"They are a conquered people notable for their Muslim faith and culture. It is then no wonder that they associate their governance more with the greater cultural unity of Malaysia than with the secular buddhist-led Kingdom of Thailand. It's time for Thailand to enter the 21st Century as a modern State that it purports itself to be and give the Malay Muslims back their destiny."

I'm afraid to report that Thailand is much closer to the 21st century than Malaysia, which just busted a bunch of "kaffirs" for holding a nude party near Penang, at the same time of which of course hundreds of Malay Muslims were hitting the bars and brothels in Hat Yai. So that would actually be handing them back in time. Another issue with "giving the Malay Muslims back their destiny": collectively they've shown 0 respect for the "kaffir" life inside their old sultanate. Do not the Siamese of these border regions have an equal right to life, liberty of religion, etc., which they certainly would not be granted if the Malays were to control the region?

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Nothing to do with the article, which is calling for tolerance, acceptance and co-existence. All your links do is promote division, misleading examples and islamaphobic propaganda.

Yes there are religious extremists but they are not the majority, nor are they exclusive to one religion.

Pretty Sick of Lefty Liberals like you that support these people

25% of the Muslim Population are extremists according to reports from multiple agencys wordlwide that means there is over 200 Million Terrorist Muslims the rest are silently complicit with what they are doing. Maybe there a a tiny minority who actually are against what they do but they are too scared to speak out else they would be killed.

There is nothing different with the thai south muslims they blame everyone but themselves but their agenda is the same as every other Muslim in every other country they emigrate to, and that is to spread the word of Allah.

iSLAM is a threat to the world and slowly people are waking up to it, what is happening in Iraq and Syria will happen in every country once they get there numbers up

Diamond King, you probably shouldn't read this, as while I am not a "lefty liberal", I do believe that the most intelligent & reasonable voice on this thread is Bluespunk.

"25% of the Muslim Population are extremists according to reports from multiple agencys wordlwide"

I know of no reputable agency anywhere that claims 25% of Muslims are terrorists. I think you'd be hard pressed to get even the Pope to back you on that one.

"..their agenda is the same as every other Muslim in every other country they emigrate to, and that is to spread the word of Allah"

I suggest that this probably the same with Christian missionaries. Not all Muslims are proselytisers, nor are all Christians.

"iSLAM is a threat to the world and slowly people are waking up to it, what is happening in Iraq and Syria will happen in every country once they get there numbers up"

Well, Indonesia's numbers are already pretty well up. Over 200 million Muslims. That's 50 million terrorists by your reckoning. Yet when some extremists blew up Australians in Bali, the Australian Federal Police were extremely complimentary about the cooperation they received from Indonesian (Muslim) police in tracking the b-------- down.

And have you not noticed that there are Muslims peacefully co-existing with Buddhists in many parts of Thailand? I have - in Mae Sot, Chiang Mai, Mae Hong Son, and Pai to name a few towns that I know reasonably well. No bombs, killings, even angry words there. Buddhist friends have invited me to join them in a new Muslim restaurant that they found that does great Kao soi.

The problems on the Malaysian border stem from the British colonial era, when the British "gave" that piece of land - which was populated by Malay Muslims - to the Thai King. The people there still resist that today. I totally disapprove of the acts of violence, but understand the historical motivation that drives a desire for autonomy. Personally, I don't see why they aren't given some "limited autonomy". It worked to stop those Welsh nationalists burning down houses 40 years ago.

You are basing your whole argument on 25% being terrorists.

That is not what he said he said extremists. This includes the people paying their way. It also includes the people who condone the terrorist activities. I don't read very often where a group of Muslims has come out and publicly condemned the terrorists.

For the most part they ignore them and claim they are a religion of peace. Have you paid any attention to the way they treat their women. Just recently they were going to stone to death a women who didn't want to be a Muslim any more she wanted to be a Christian. It was not a loving Muslim who saved her life it was an out raged world that saved her life. How about the killing and attempted killing of girls who want an education? How about the acceptance of honor killings. In other words if 5 guys rape a women the woman's family can kill her and it is accepted.

There is a dark side to Islam that is not terrorists it is extremist.wai.gif

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Part of out Track project extended across the border at Pedang basar , so I spent quite a bit of time there . The locals Speak Malay, Women wear the Hajib, take Malay currency and have there day off on a Friday , they don't seem like they are falling over themselves to integrate with Thai's imo

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