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Another shocking discovery at Bangkok Lard Prao 130 condominium


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How could they look Japanese? Fail to see how in a baby , you could tell the difference between a Japanese 1 and say a Korean or Chinese 1..........

All the Japanese babies lined up to piss in the same potty.

Edited by Payboy
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Hopefully those found babies are not going to end up in orphanages.

that may be the best outcome they could hope for poor little darlings. another option would be unthinkable.

Edited by Mudcrab
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i really dont know where to startsad.png

few weeks ago i did watch a documentary about peadophile. They stated it was more and more difficult for sicko to get child for sex, in 3rd world country, because the police, the embassy, the NGO, the hotel owner are "watching". So the peadophile did found a new tricks, they buy/adopt child as young as possible and then they turn them into sex slaves.bah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

I am sure, the japanese guy who wanted a big family, that BS, big BS! Seriously who can believe that? Why he didnt found a wife and started his own family?

Does he has a wife to look after the kids? No, that just a paedophilia ring!

Japan is the biggest child pornography producer, where do they found all these kids? Now we start to get an answer.... really disgusting

Edited by Bender
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Thailand Definitely a country that lacks moral upbringing

Thailand is a country that does lack any decent welfare system or safety net for the dirt poor..in the meantime the big families live in luxury and have the high percentage of luxury cars in the world.

After things like this, maybe time for rich and powerful and politicians to get a grip and start sharing a bit of wealth..yeh..555

sometimes the poor are poor for a reason, from what i see in Thailand the poor are poor because they are idle.

Also in many areas they have no choice to be idle..not much industry or jobs at Nakhon nowhere ..same in the west..greedy industry not want to employ staff and put everything into technology to cut labour..either this or exploit foreign labour and pay them pittance..already they do everything they can to not employ aussies.

soon in places like australia unemployment will skyrocket and the crap will hit fan

because of greed together with the stupid government creating red tape and trouble for anything a small business tries to do

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Thailand - Where foreigners can't buy land to build a home, but where absolutely everything else is for sale.

Are you just complainer or are you doing anything to correct what you see as wrong. How many countries have you built? rhetorical

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So I am indeed shocked to learn there was a baby factory in the Condo, helpless human beings. People need to get a licence before they have children to show they are fit parents. It remindse of Lienensbaum, a hospice for babies from Nazi German officers and Scandinavian mothers to breed a 'pure Aryan' race.

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How could they look Japanese? Fail to see how in a baby , you could tell the difference between a Japanese 1 and say a Korean or Chinese 1..........

All the Japanese babies lined up to piss in the same potty.

Korean male babies would miss the potty even if they were sitting in it.

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Meet with ALL ambassadors and demand that they pass laws making it illegal to leave their country to have surrogate children

hehehe...yes foreign countries love being told by other 3rd world lesser nations what laws they should create.

How about Thailand stop fighting amongst themselves and spend time & energy developing the country and modernizing it's own laws before telling other countries what they should do.

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All previous questions aside, the picture is getting clearer by the hour. Referring to the highly moral surrogate mother of the Down baby boy and the legal questions raised here on TV.

No businessman, not even a billionaire, not even Japanese or Western has the stamina for such a mass production.

The number of twins and triplets indicates IVF (in vitro fertilization) process - not an average doctor technique in Isaan village.

Production on such a massive scale might embarrass some top notch doctors involved. Not pediatricians.

The intended use of end product (babies) becomes questionable.

How many more known pedophiles are lining up as recipients?

Hope Thai Police gets to the roots of this disgrace.

Note: Please, the Moralists Squad, spare me from accusations of being callous. I didn't perform IVF neither did I worked as a walking womb.

Have you ever heard of a 'Turkey Baster' - works quite well in a very low cost way of insemination ... ya' gotta keep up ...

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Japan is the biggest child pornography producer, where do they found all these kids? Now we start to get an answer.... really disgusting

Very unpleasant affair, but I'm not totally sold on these babies being bred for those reasons. There is massive money to be made from people desperate to have children, and Japan is a big country with a big population with big incomes, so it makes sense that there would be an awful lot of infertile couples there, many of them willing to spend huge amounts of money to go down this route with a made-to-order baby from overseas, as I believe commercial surrogacy is illegal there. Maybe he was breeding to order, or maybe breeding on speculation.


Although the alternative explanation is too horrible to contemplate and I really don't want to believe that such evil can exist (I know they do, I just don't want to have to think about them), I still reckon that buy-a-baby is the more likely reason behind this. I don't know if you've ever come across couples who are unable to have children - I worked with several such women (non of whom could understand that I have never felt the tiniest little bit maternal and have never wanted children) and believe me; if they had a million dollars in the bank, they would pay that million dollars to have their baby in any way they could. And if that couldn't be done using their husband's sperm, they'd still pay that million dollars to have a baby with both a surrogate mother and surrogate father. There must be massive amounts of money involved in this industry, although I have no idea how much money is involved in breeding children for child porn.

To put it very bluntly, this strange affair has to be financial - there can't be any other reason for so many babies (unless it's some kind of bizarre religious cult, but those seem to have gone out of fashion). One way or another, it just has to be all about money. I'm going to be totally brutal here;, I just can't see the dollar value of a baby bred for child porn being higher than the dollar value of a baby bred for a desperate infertile couple. Maybe I'm wrong about the dollar value. Or maybe I'm wrong about everything and these children have just had the luckiest escape imaginable. I hope I'm not. 30 children known about at the moment. How many unknown about at the moment, and how many unknown about in the past?

As I said, very unpleasant affair.

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All previous questions aside, the picture is getting clearer by the hour. Referring to the highly moral surrogate mother of the Down baby boy and the legal questions raised here on TV.

No businessman, not even a billionaire, not even Japanese or Western has the stamina for such a mass production.

The number of twins and triplets indicates IVF (in vitro fertilization) process - not an average doctor technique in Isaan village.

Production on such a massive scale might embarrass some top notch doctors involved. Not pediatricians.

The intended use of end product (babies) becomes questionable.

How many more known pedophiles are lining up as recipients?

Hope Thai Police gets to the roots of this disgrace.

Note: Please, the Moralists Squad, spare me from accusations of being callous. I didn't perform IVF neither did I worked as a walking womb.

I like the word "production". Imagine fathering that many babies in a year. I wonder how many more similar factories are there in Thailand.

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When I was a kid I use to ask mum where babies come from, her answer was "down in the cabbage patch". She wasn't Thai so I guess she never though of 'in the rubbish bin' or 'over at that nice condo building'! facepalm.gif

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Thailand Definitely a country that lacks moral upbringing

Thailand is a country that does lack any decent welfare system or safety net for the dirt poor..in the meantime the big families live in luxury and have the high percentage of luxury cars in the world.

After things like this, maybe time for rich and powerful and politicians to get a grip and start sharing a bit of wealth..yeh..555

sometimes the poor are poor for a reason, from what i see in Thailand the poor are poor because they are idle.

yes all those idle children from poor families, put them to work, they are poor because they weren't born right

what a pathetic excuse for humanity, that's you not them!

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Land of smoke and mirrors!

Not exactly 'Land Of Hope And Glory'.

I wonder how many fathers involved in this batch.

Sadly this may be the death knell for the legitimate and morally run surrogacy practices ,

who have been helping the couples with damaged reproductive systems.

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The first question everybody should ask now is: "what was the real intention of having so many surrogate babies"?

And what happened to the babies that left already the premises as this has been going on before the Dawn baby?

Find this Japanese and find the truth.

Although, I rather would not like to hear the truth behind this.

The authorities had suspicions about the "Japanese" man but they let him leave the country? Why was his picture (and all other known details) not circulated to immigration points throughout Thailand to stop him from leaving despite his use of multiple passports? And they think he is going to voluntarily return to face an inquiry? I think not.

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Thailand - Where foreigners can't buy land to build a home, but where absolutely everything else is for sale. [

Sadly true, but some of us are unable to have, but want children, and are happy to go through the correct procedures.

This of course will lead to some sort of ill thought out clampdown, possibly effecting me and my Wife

The official Thai response would be Another dose of the legendary Thai Crackdown.

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' ... 12 are male ... the rest are female.' Stands to reason, I suppose.

'Police ... are very suspicious why he [samran] has to take care of so many children in his room.' I'm sure he has a logical explanation.

'... of the 21 babies, there are also ... three twin babies.' Presumably three sets of twins?

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Organ mass production. Do you know how much money they can do with one liver? Well the world has no ethic, no moral, everythng is gone! Save yourself is the only thing you can do now. coffee1.gifsad.png

Yes, the earlier comment about this fulfilling a need for society is incredibly naive. I've heard about things related to children being kidnapped for body parts from reliable sources (LE-side acquaintances) that I wish I hadn't, enough to give you nightmares. It happens and there's no telling this isn't related. Let's hope not.

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