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How does the Ark Bar in Samui get away with playing their music so loud?

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I don't need to go anywhere, I have no problem..I'm happy here you are obviously not

If you have a problem with something then move out or go to your home please

I only think this place great..I also knew about chaweng before I moved to samui.

I don't think Thai people welcome people like you..

Do you people just sit at home writing complaint letters..


Edited by Rooo
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I don't need to go anywhere, I have no problem..I'm happy here you are obviously not

If you have a problem with something then move out or go to your home please

I only think this place great..I also knew about chaweng before I moved to samui.

I don't think Thai people welcome people like you..

Do you people just sit at home writing complaint letters..


Strong stuffblink.png

Are you staff or (co-) owner of Ark Bar?whistling.gif

I don't think Thai people welcome people like you..

Maybe not the 5% that make their money between 2-5 AM, but I can assure you the Thais that get up at 5AM (+ their children + all the foreigners owning/renting in that vast area) would like to sleep a few hours per night.

You might think differently if tomorrow your neighbour in Maenem opens a Karaoke bar with the usual horrific drunks singing at full blast until 3-4 in the morning.

Just a thought. wai2.gif

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So strange that somebody suddenly decides to register a NEW USER just to post in this thread....

I wonder what his usual username is here? Why the need to register an entire new one just to post in support for Ark Bar? Maybe this person doesn't want his regular username here to be associated too much with Ark Bar??

I too can confirm that my windows and walls are shaking from the bass. I live in Chaweng. Although I'm not sure exactly where it comes from, but I suspect it's probably not Ark Bar, but Camp Beer or something in that area. Could also be Chaweng Stadium the few occasions that they have all night gig there when they play till 5-6 in the morning, because my walls are shaking that long into the morning.

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I am not staff nor co owner of ark bar.. I have no connection with the place, I only go as a customer

But It's wrong that you people judge only arkbar...

Dont you at least agree that all the bars clubs I. That area contribute to the noise?

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I don't need to go anywhere, I have no problem..I'm happy here you are obviously not

If you have a problem with something then move out or go to your home please

I only think this place great..I also knew about chaweng before I moved to samui.

I don't think Thai people welcome people like you..

Do you people just sit at home writing complaint letters..


123,i can see you have a long future on TVF.You have the right attitude that is popular with some fellow posters.Looking forward to more self righteous posts.

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All i will add to the topic after my earlier post which was relating to now/recent times is that in the past when i went to the likes of The Ark then onto Green Mango, Sound etc is that i found Green Mango to be WAY louder!

That place really was ear splitting and i can clearly remember people trying to talk but it was totally impossible due the ear splitting sound. My god i could've been agreeing to anything on looking back nodding, smiling or shaking my head at some girl as i could literally not make out a word! :-)

Yet down at Ark Bar i never found that to be the case. I don't know if it was just as it was on the beach, more open and not so enclosed but never found it anywhere near as loud as anywhere through Green Mango area.

When there nowadays i usually stay a little bit further south down the beach from Ark Bar and we never ever have any problems with the noise from there. The only noise we hear is coming from Green Mango area which is even worse as it goes on until stupid o clock in the morning.

As i said previously we (3 of us, little one is only 7yr old) walk by on the beach and don't find it overly loud at all and i am the only 1 who ever hears anything from our room and even then it's minimal, just that incessant boom boom boom noise but away in the distance though.

Not saying anyone is making it up or anything, not at all, but clearly just that some peoples tolerance levels are just very very different......or myself, my g/f and little one are all deaf! :-)

I don't think it'll ever be resolved on looking at this thread as it's clearly only against one certain place whilst totally ignoring the fact that there is a massive amount of noise created by other places that goes on WAY longer than Ark Bar does so, this thread could run and run and still be no further forward. :-)

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Have you seen the car the owner drives around in ? Do you know how much a car like that costs in Thailand ? And you need to ask how he gets away with playing loud music

Have a stab in the dark guess whistling.gif

You should turn the lights on, your stab in the dark missed by a long way. The part owner of ARKBAR actually owns 6 Lamborgini's. Does that make you 6 times more jealous? Edited by ysamui
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Just a heads up. Discussion of music & the inconvenience it might cause is fair play, but PLEASE do not go into any uncharted territory eg, business practices & work permits etc........

This has nothing to do with this discussion & I have deleted posts discussing this matter.

6) You will not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.

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This is the kind of stuff that the Army needs to get involved in.

But there will be people bitching about why they closed the place so early and stopped the music.... Taking all the fun out of Thailand sad.png((

just out of interest did anyone try calling the police.

as right now they have to do something.

personally as a customer i could not think of anything i would like less than to sit down in place that noisy

though are you sure windows are shaking 5 ams away?

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Have you seen the car the owner drives around in ? Do you know how much a car like that costs in Thailand ? And you need to ask how he gets away with playing loud music

Have a stab in the dark guess whistling.gif

You should turn the lights on, your stab in the dark missed by a long way. The part owner of ARKBAR actually owns 6 Lamborgini's. Does that make you 6 times more jealous?

i thought he was a member of a super car club where he changes every few months

changes car within the club though maybe i wrong

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I don't need to go anywhere, I have no problem..I'm happy here you are obviously not

If you have a problem with something then move out or go to your home please

I only think this place great..I also knew about chaweng before I moved to samui.

I don't think Thai people welcome people like you..

Do you people just sit at home writing complaint letters..


Move out or go to your home? What are you talking about?

You feel comfortable where you are because you are blessed with quietness, which you obviously appreciate.

Why don't you think before you post such garbage, as long as I'm OK I don't care about the others.

I don't care about the effect the noise has on normal working people, their kids that have to go to school, the elderly etc..........

Not only tourists are this island,you fail to appreciate the normal population point of view.

What a selfish attitude , a sad reflection of some of the so called visitors to this country.

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All i will add to the topic after my earlier post which was relating to now/recent times is that in the past when i went to the likes of The Ark then onto Green Mango, Sound etc is that i found Green Mango to be WAY louder!

That place really was ear splitting and i can clearly remember people trying to talk but it was totally impossible due the ear splitting sound. My god i could've been agreeing to anything on looking back nodding, smiling or shaking my head at some girl as i could literally not make out a word! :-)

Yet down at Ark Bar i never found that to be the case. I don't know if it was just as it was on the beach, more open and not so enclosed but never found it anywhere near as loud as anywhere through Green Mango area.

When there nowadays i usually stay a little bit further south down the beach from Ark Bar and we never ever have any problems with the noise from there. The only noise we hear is coming from Green Mango area which is even worse as it goes on until stupid o clock in the morning.

As i said previously we (3 of us, little one is only 7yr old) walk by on the beach and don't find it overly loud at all and i am the only 1 who ever hears anything from our room and even then it's minimal, just that incessant boom boom boom noise but away in the distance though.

Not saying anyone is making it up or anything, not at all, but clearly just that some peoples tolerance levels are just very very different......or myself, my g/f and little one are all deaf! :-)

I don't think it'll ever be resolved on looking at this thread as it's clearly only against one certain place whilst totally ignoring the fact that there is a massive amount of noise created by other places that goes on WAY longer than Ark Bar does so, this thread could run and run and still be no further forward. :-)

agree that part of the island has always been a party part. Don't know why things shall change now.

Other areas where they set up new loud music that is a problem for me.

Haven't seen anyone complain about Nikki Beach or beach republic.

When builders build some places. If they spend money on making the area more sound proof. then one it shall keep the residents happy. 2 shall keep the old bill off there case

some of these business who make allot of money should put something back into the island. The local people would respect that and so would the temples and law.

Things like buying lmd and turning it into public parks.

Spend someone if the lamborgini profits of sound proofing the area in sections of the ark bar which means they can turn the bech music down at a reasonable time.

Personally i would like some of these very rich people to put something back into the Island.

Specially things like public parks that would protect the areas from being populated by more construction.

It makes sense for them also. As if they did do this then at least they can stop a rival business from opening next door. If strategically bought

Plus they can built villas on the out sides of the park which shall be guaranteed peaceful

I agree. Putting something back into the island would be following a formula used all over the world. When someone finds an exceptional degree of success, it is normal to put a small portion of that profit back into the area what made you rich. Have they ever done this? I do not know. But, I do know the extraordinarily loud music is usually coming from the Ark Bar. Sometimes, the music can be heard in the afternoon. As far as I know, from having walked that stretch of beach, the Ark Bar are the only ones playing super loud music in the afternoon. So, for all of you Ark Bar apologists (or perhaps the managers), we hear your noise. We know it is you. Usually the noise stops at 2am. On rare occasion it goes to 2:30, or 3am? It is not coming from Green Mango, nor Sound Club. It is due to the speakers facing the sea. The noise travels for miles over the sea. This is a well known scientific fact, not the result of the imagination of some of the posters on this forum. This is an ongoing issue. The police have gotten involved in the past, and have shut them down on occasion, due to this problem, that many hotels and many tourists have been complaining about for years now.

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Unfortunately venues like the Ark Bar are attracting more and more Trashy Tourist to the Island. I've seen many tourists totally wasted on cheap buckets and or drugs!

How do these type of venues get away with it......$$$$$$$!

I really hope that the military clean the beach up!

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Well, as i said in my last post,this thread will probably go nowhere as very similar has been said before i am sure.

Also the quite simply pathetic post by the OP 2 posts back that anyone who dares to disagree with him and have the audacity to give a different point of view that we are all somehow managers of the Ark Bar or "apologists"!

Well, i can assure you that i certainly am neither management, an apologist or whatever other name you wish to call me. I am just simply telling you from our point of view, a family who very frequently visit down to Samui from KPP and stay in Central Chaweng and not that far from the Ark Bar. (i also lived on Samui and stayed in Plai Laem)

If you cannot handle the fact that clearly not everyone agrees with you then please do not resort to remarks that i am some sort of apologist or make wrong accusations that i am management as it just really makes you sound bitter and quite frankly about as bright as a blackout as you are wrong!!

I stand by what i have already posted previously so i do not really need to explain myself to you or anyone for that matter but felt i needed to comment on your 100% wrong insinuations you made, when all i was doing was telling you that not everyone agrees with you.

Thank you. :-)

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I am not staff nor co owner of ark bar.. I have no connection with the place, I only go as a customer

But It's wrong that you people judge only arkbar...

Dont you at least agree that all the bars clubs I. That area contribute to the noise?

Ark Bar IS the main culprit, believe it or not. The sooner the army comes and cleans up Samui the better, starting with Ark Bar.....

Your connection to local police will then be as useless as a fridge in the Arctic.....

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THIS IS THAILAND. THIS IS ASIA. Noise pollution, air pollution, water pollution, garbage disposal everywhere, even right next to 5-star hotels.

Asians couldn't care less... many Caucasians as well.

Nikki Beach Resort on Samui so noisy, even the Thai staff is complaining. But life must be a party 24/7/365.

I moved away from Samui because of noise and crazy traffic. Where i am now it is much better but still too noisy for my taste.

In a couple of years it might be same same.

I feel the same as Spidermike.

Since when does NB plays loud music 24/7 ? Even on a Sunday its not too loud to have a conversation, and the rest of the week the place is half dead......no need to generalize here!

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I am not staff nor co owner of ark bar.. I have no connection with the place, I only go as a customer

But It's wrong that you people judge only arkbar...

Dont you at least agree that all the bars clubs I. That area contribute to the noise?

Ark Bar IS the main culprit, believe it or not. The sooner the army comes and cleans up Samui the better, starting with Ark Bar.....

Your connection to local police will then be as useless as a fridge in the Arctic.....

One can only hope. I hear they are very connected. Must be, to have gotten away with the kind of churlish behavior they have demonstrated towards the community, and their neighbors all these years. Whether or not the army will be able to get them to quiet down, will be a testament to how connected these guys are. Let us hope their connections will mean nothing, at that point in time, when the government shows respect to the people.

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I am not staff nor co owner of ark bar.. I have no connection with the place, I only go as a customer

But It's wrong that you people judge only arkbar...

Dont you at least agree that all the bars clubs I. That area contribute to the noise?

Ark Bar IS the main culprit, believe it or not. The sooner the army comes and cleans up Samui the better, starting with Ark Bar.....

Your connection to local police will then be as useless as a fridge in the Arctic.....

One can only hope. I hear they are very connected. Must be, to have gotten away with the kind of churlish behavior they have demonstrated towards the community, and their neighbors all these years. Whether or not the army will be able to get them to quiet down, will be a testament to how connected these guys are. Let us hope their connections will mean nothing, at that point in time, when the government shows respect to the people.

I am sure the brother of the mayor who has a resort nearby will have some input as well. Its an utter disgrace......

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There are others than Ark Bar playing loud music at night, Sweet Soul and Creen Mango continue until 3am and 3:30am, not to forget Reggae Pub playing loud in the hill direction also until 3am. Ark Bar normally stops at 2 am and let the guests from the Beach Party move on. Sound Club next to Green Mango continues until 6am, and sometimes others try to establish a “noise” party also.
Then the good question: “Who came first, the chicken or the egg – ops, young people partying at Chaweng beach or the moaners…?”

When I first came to Samui 20 years ago we had to walk over a ricketty bridge to get to the Reggae Club. It was the top spot then and went until 3 AM too. The music was loud then too, we loved it. So it's still going on just the same all these years later. I think this one pub has been there a lot longer than some of the moaners you are talking about.

Edited by Ling Kae
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Unfortunately venues like the Ark Bar are attracting more and more Trashy Tourist to the Island. I've seen many tourists totally wasted on cheap buckets and or drugs!

How do these type of venues get away with it......$$$$$$$!

I really hope that the military clean the beach up!

Right now we need as many tourists as we can get

Also it is holiday season in Europe so bound to be more parties

If people are annoyed about the noise have the weather the storm till early September

I don't know why people complain

Ark bar has been here for many years

Unless people moved here 20 years ago then they would already know about the noise

All I can can is why live so close to a party venu where you already know there are parties there and shall always be there close to green mango and loads of night clubs

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I don't need to go anywhere, I have no problem..I'm happy here you are obviously not

If you have a problem with something then move out or go to your home please

I only think this place great..I also knew about chaweng before I moved to samui.

I don't think Thai people welcome people like you..

Do you people just sit at home writing complaint letters..


Move out or go to your home? What are you talking about?

You feel comfortable where you are because you are blessed with quietness, which you obviously appreciate.

Why don't you think before you post such garbage, as long as I'm OK I don't care about the others.

I don't care about the effect the noise has on normal working people, their kids that have to go to school, the elderly etc..........

Not only tourists are this island,you fail to appreciate the normal population point of view.

What a selfish attitude , a sad reflection of some of the so called visitors to this country.

So are you telling me that when you moved to your address there was not ark bar already there???

If it was already there then what gives you the right to move to a place where there are already night clubs then tell them to close or turn their music down

What if I was to move next to you and say I don't like you children waking me up in the morning when they go to school

And I want u to move house

You would honk I am a cookoo clock

Big C......that must go down as one of the more comical comments i have read on this forum amidst all the moaning and doom and gloom and downright negative posts......"you would honk i am a cookoo clock" ha ha

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I don't need to go anywhere, I have no problem..I'm happy here you are obviously not

If you have a problem with something then move out or go to your home please

I only think this place great..I also knew about chaweng before I moved to samui.

I don't think Thai people welcome people like you..

Do you people just sit at home writing complaint letters..


Move out or go to your home? What are you talking about?

You feel comfortable where you are because you are blessed with quietness, which you obviously appreciate.

Why don't you think before you post such garbage, as long as I'm OK I don't care about the others.

I don't care about the effect the noise has on normal working people, their kids that have to go to school, the elderly etc..........

Not only tourists are this island,you fail to appreciate the normal population point of view.

What a selfish attitude , a sad reflection of some of the so called visitors to this country.

So are you telling me that when you moved to your address there was not ark bar already there???

If it was already there then what gives you the right to move to a place where there are already night clubs then tell them to close or turn their music down

What if I was to move next to you and say I don't like you children waking me up in the morning when they go to school

And I want u to move house

You would honk I am a cookoo clock

Cookoo you are, Honk Honk. I can understand your spelling difficulties, but please try to improve your reading comprehension.

Please read my post again, it is directed to the other poster's remarks.

Also yes I live in a quiet area, now invaded by loud , unlicensed loud music.

What is your advice Big C ?

Should I also sell up & move?

Buy ear muffs?

Build a fence with sound proofing?

Yes 2 can play at your game of being silly.

Awaiting your precious advice.

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I don't need to go anywhere, I have no problem..I'm happy here you are obviously not

If you have a problem with something then move out or go to your home please

I only think this place great..I also knew about chaweng before I moved to samui.

I don't think Thai people welcome people like you..

Do you people just sit at home writing complaint letters..


Move out or go to your home? What are you talking about?

You feel comfortable where you are because you are blessed with quietness, which you obviously appreciate.

Why don't you think before you post such garbage, as long as I'm OK I don't care about the others.

I don't care about the effect the noise has on normal working people, their kids that have to go to school, the elderly etc..........

Not only tourists are this island,you fail to appreciate the normal population point of view.

What a selfish attitude , a sad reflection of some of the so called visitors to this country.

So are you telling me that when you moved to your address there was not ark bar already there???

If it was already there then what gives you the right to move to a place where there are already night clubs then tell them to close or turn their music down

What if I was to move next to you and say I don't like you children waking me up in the morning when they go to school

And I want u to move house

You would honk I am a cookoo clock

Cookoo you are, Honk Honk. I can understand your spelling difficulties, but please try to improve your reading comprehension.

Please read my post again, it is directed to the other poster's remarks.

Also yes I live in a quiet area, now invaded by loud , unlicensed loud music.

What is your advice Big C ?

Should I also sell up & move?

Buy ear muffs?

Build a fence with sound proofing?

Yes 2 can play at your game of being silly.

Awaiting your precious advice.

So u have moved so what's your problem????

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