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Recently, I have found a very good maid, modest, effecient and quiet. She works for me 3 hours per day, 5 days per week (cleaning, ironing). I have offered her 4000B/montn, Is this salary suitable?




Yes, in view of the number of hours she is working. Actually, it's on the generous side given usual rates here.

An upper-range salary for a full-time private maid working for a foreigner (six days a week, 8-10 hours a day) is B10,000-B12,000. Thais pay less. More like B8,000 for the same number of hours.


I dont know anyone who pays 12,000 baht for a live in maid! and I know a lot of expat familys with live in maids none of which pay anywhere near that.

I would say 7000-8000 including accomodation is the max. Unless of course your company is paying.

Yes, in view of the number of hours she is working. Actually, it's on the generous side given usual rates here.

An upper-range salary for a full-time private maid working for a foreigner (six days a week, 8-10 hours a day) is B10,000-B12,000. Thais pay less. More like B8,000 for the same number of hours.


yes... 6-7,000 baht seems about right for a live-in maid for full time.

A lot of expats pay more than 10,000/month, which is why some maids expect more from foreigners.

Part-time, I'm not sure. Too low and some may not accept for the commute (in Bangkok, many poorer people live 1-2 hours away. So a 2-4 hour communte every day for 4,000 may not be worthwhile for them after a few weeks.)


Really depends on the distance she travels

Close to you may be worth it to her but it seems alittle low...I would pay in and around 7000-8000 baht amonth to start and maybe even more if she seems to go above and beyond what is requested for her duties.


As posted before, your salary is a bit generous, but that's how I pay too. I have a maid and an office with two secretaries and pay them what I guess is 120-150% of market rates. I know it might p*** off some people, but that's how I do it in the states, too. 100$? a month, don't worry about it. Just give her a bottle of JW Black or whatever once in a while to give her father for Buddha days for her father (or boyfriend)!


It think 4000 it's okay and my wife say the same.

But if she would work really full time, I have googled and have found this:

19. June 2006 - Minimum wage rise proposed to reflect costs

The Finance Ministry will propose a 5% increase in the minimum wage to 193 baht per day to reflect the rising cost of living, according to a ministry source. The existing minimum wage of 184 baht per day applies in Greater Bangkok, which includes Nonthaburi, Nakhon Pathom, Pathum Thani, Samut Prakan and Samut Sakhon.

I would pay in and around 7000-8000 baht amonth to start

err...for a part time maid - you must be joking!

Put it this way a new graduate from a Reputable university in Thailand will 9 times out of 10 secure their first office position 8 hour day and secure a salary of around 10,000 per month for the first year.

If its an overseas company a graduate will probably earn 10,000-14,000.

And they have to pay their accomodation out of that unlike the live in maid.

It just puts it into perspective. A lot of people are over paying maids and other service staff which I guess is upto them but it is really not helping anyone.

I have a friend who works in Pizza Company waitress - studies at uni speaks fluent english....her wage 25 Baht an hour on 10 hour days during her days off.

Ok Waitress is not exactly a skilled job however I would say it is a more skilled (At least language wise) than a maid.

All I am trying to say is expats should not overpay the maids or any service staff just because you compare it to what you would pay back home and it is cheap here. Its crazy.

To the original poster. Your 4000 is a VERY GOOD salary for the amount she is working in my opinion and my girlfriends.

I would pay in and around 7000-8000 baht amonth to start

err...for a part time maid - you must be joking!

Put it this way a new graduate from a Reputable university in Thailand will 9 times out of 10 secure their first office position 8 hour day and secure a salary of around 10,000 per month for the first year.

If its an overseas company a graduate will probably earn 10,000-14,000.

And they have to pay their accomodation out of that unlike the live in maid.

It just puts it into perspective. A lot of people are over paying maids and other service staff which I guess is upto them but it is really not helping anyone.

I have a friend who works in Pizza Company waitress - studies at uni speaks fluent english....her wage 25 Baht an hour on 10 hour days during her days off.

Ok Waitress is not exactly a skilled job however I would say it is a more skilled (At least language wise) than a maid.

All I am trying to say is expats should not overpay the maids or any service staff just because you compare it to what you would pay back home and it is cheap here. Its crazy.

To the original poster. Your 4000 is a VERY GOOD salary for the amount she is working in my opinion and my girlfriends.

4000 is not a good wage if she travels 2-3 hours to get there

I was talking about full time if you need to know.. :o


4000 is not a good wage if she travels 2-3 hours to get there

I was talking about full time if you need to know.. :o

My apologies then I misunderstood and thought you were suggesting that amount to the OP.


4000 is not a good wage if she travels 2-3 hours to get there

I was talking about full time if you need to know.. :o

My apologies then I misunderstood and thought you were suggesting that amount to the OP.

My regerts to..I more then likely did not make my self clear.. Part time should be around 3500-4000 baht but maybe the Op should consider 50 baht aday for a motorcycle taxi if the distance is great and the Op is happy with the work done by the maid?


We pay our live-in maid B10,000 per month, My Father in law pay theres the same.

Our Thai neighbours pay there live-in Burmese maid B12,000 per month.

We pay our live-in maid B10,000 per month, My Father in law pay theres the same.

Our Thai neighbours pay there live-in Burmese maid B12,000 per month.

The whole concept just undermines the education system in Thailand.

Whats the point of going to university and studying for 3-4 years. When some people are willing to pay graduate salaries for cleaners.

Surely you can see its wrong.....or is it just me????


Ok our maid works hard for her money and goes beyond the call of duty, She collects the kids from school, feeds them on an evening, looks after the dog, cleans and manages a very large house, cooks good food. Has been with us for three years.

She does a great job, she is honest, i can trust her completely, she is loyal, she gives the wife and I piece of mind while we get on with a hectic lifestyle.

B10,000 is a fair price.


:o I stick with a maid once a week to clean up ... about 2 hours ... no commute ... she's happy with the 250 for about 2 hours ... as am I ...

Do I CARE if it offends some folks online that she gets 125 an hour to clean up for me? Not at all ...

if she finds 3 other people to do this for once a week she has a good salary and free time ... if not she struggles by on 1000+ a month ...

it is slightly more than I paid in BKK for 2 people to come in for a couple of hours ... but the space is 5 times larger ...


Our maid is paid 5000THb per month and she stayed at our homes...we gave her a room to stay and provide food for her...

''I Don't Represents Nobody, I Represent My Own''They Work For Me''

I am The Untouchable


I got 2 made's full time (they live at my place) they hv sunday's for free and I pay them 10000 bath per month..(each one)


I have a lady who comes for about 3hrs 3 times per week to do general cleaning and laundry.

I pay her 4000 baht per month but she does have to commute from Sukhumvit area (about 45 mins by bus).

She speaks excellent English and is very trustworthy. I guess i overpay her a little but if you find one who does a good job it pays to take care of her IMHO.

The whole concept just undermines the education system in Thailand.

Whats the point of going to university and studying for 3-4 years. When some people are willing to pay graduate salaries for cleaners.

Surely you can see its wrong.....or is it just me????).

Yes but in 3 years time the maid will be on just a little bit more, whilst the Uni grad should have at least doubled


My maid is living in somewhere near SUK 26 and my aparment is located in SUK 49, so that she has no need to spend a lot of time on commute. Normally, she arrives my place around 9 oclock and leaves for another working place around 12.

She is very experienced and I am considering if I need give her 5000B in order to keep her.

Yes but in 3 years time the maid will be on just a little bit more, whilst the Uni grad should have at least doubled

Nonsense.....doubled in 3 years. If the grad is lucky and progresses well within the company then perhaps she might see 20,000 in more like 5-6 years after graduating.

Yeah, it's just you.

At least I really hope so.

I just feel that people do not see the big picture look at the economics of the country if CLEANERS are paid more than the skilled / educated workers...its a disaster waiting to happen. Graduates decline because its not worth there time country suffers. A bit extreme example but not that extreme.

It wouldnt happen in the WEST and it only happens here because u have expats earning big money the cost of living is cheap and they pay whatever because its way cheaper than what they would pay back home anyway.

Its the same people who give the taxi driver 100 baht for a 40 baht fair and tell them to keep the change......stupid - because it still feels cheap to them.

I am trying to get hold of a paper that was written by a group of students in Sripatum uni last year about this very concept of westerners over paying service staff if i can get hold of it and get it translated it makes interesting reading to hear the students point of view. I will post it.

Of course there are those who won't give a sh*t about the graduates and the economy aslong as they are happy with their cleaners :o

Ok i'll step off my soapbox now and make no further comments on it - but very dissapointed with the members here I expected them to at least acknowledge how it is and could become a more serious problem for the economy of Thailand.

Upto you :D

but very dissapointed with the members here I expected them to at least acknowledge how it is and could become a more serious problem for the economy of Thailand.

Upto you :o

So lets get this right. You are dissapointed in me (for one) for paying someone a fair wage for doing a great job?

You are dissapointed in me (for one) for giving someone who has had few oppertunities in life the chance to possibly send her child to University in the future. A chance her child would never have had she decided to work for you?

You are dissapointed in me (for one) that i choose to give reward where reward is due?

I work for a large company (you can probably guess which one) and also own several stores in Bangkok, My employees at the stores are payed at a higher rate than others at the same stores that are not owned by My wife and I, This will be wrong to you aswel i will presume.

Hey if your B25 per hour friend came and worked for me she would be rewarded well for her work to, but then would you say i paid her to much?

As for the comments about the Uni paper that was writen about the students thoughts of service staff being paid to much have you thought that maybe this is because they and there family members have never had to do work in the sevice sector?

Just a thought.

And please add further comments dont just dissapear if you cant answer the questions.


You don't get it - THE BIG PICTURE. Brick wall head mine against - springs to mind. :o

Ok closing summary for me:

- Should unskilled workers such as service staff etc. be paid the same as skilled workers and university graduates. Most logical people would say of course not that is wrong skilled workers and graduates should of course receive better salaries and benefits as they have trained and studied longer and have SPECIALIST skills.

Here is a scenario: Your daughter / son finishes their Master's degree in commercial law in Thailand returns to tell you that your investment in their education has all been worth it (A lot of money) and has secured a position with a small law firm in Bangkok with a salary of 11,000 baht per month. "Dad I got the job as a junior lawyer - I am so Happy!! - but Dad why do you pay our cleaner more money than I will get a month. Did she study for 4 years also?"

I cannot really spell it out clearer than that. I guess it has gone off topic from the OP but I am not really having a go at how much people pay their cleaners, shop workers or banana pickers or whatever it is not an ATTACK on anyone in particular for doing what they are doing just putting a point of view across that maybe just perhaps they have not considered an issue.

My point is this, people should not undermine the education system by paying unskilled workers more than the educated skilled graduates. My opinion on this is strong as can be seen from my posts in the thread. And I think if most people sit back and think about it for a few minutes and have a little knowledge (a little is enough) of country economics it is obviously wrong.

It may even result in the BRAIN DRAIN scenario where the most intelligent and productive for the country nationals are leaving to other countries simply because of the imbalance. Which is not a good thing for Thailand (especially) or indeed any country.

Soapbox stood down again. Last one promise. :D



we pay ours 8k a month for Mon-Friday live out. She is invaluable, not only in the cleaning ironing washing dept. but with the girls. I can see the arguement that we pay her 'too much', but with no education and no chance of getting one :D - she is Burmese, she is in a bit of a pickle. Out of that fortune that we give her, she supports her family in Burma and pays for her own living costs. I doubt - in fact I know that I couldn't. :o


Dekka mate,

supply and demand. That is all it is. How people value a certain service is reflected in what they are prepared to pay for it.

There is a glut of over-educated graduates in Thailand and a lack of graduate positions to fill. So employers can afford to pay bottom dollar. Graduates will take whatever they can get.

An expat family is happy to pay the equivalent of $300 per month to a good maid/nanny if it makes their lives easier than than they could ever imagine. And trust me, it ain't easy finding a good one, so you have to pay what the market wants.

That one skill is more valued than another is not undermining the education system. You pay for the value of the skill, not for the number of books they have read. And so what if the graduates go overseas? There is a thing in international migration trends called the boomerang effect. Sooner or later the educated and highly skilled workers more often than not return home, bringing capital and world class skills.

- Should unskilled workers such as service staff etc. be paid the same as skilled workers and university graduates. Most logical people would say of course not that is wrong skilled workers and graduates should of course receive better salaries and benefits as they have trained and studied longer and have SPECIALIST skills.

Usually skilled workers get paid more than unskilled workers. However, if one's specialist skill are not in demand, who is to blame? Employers don't pay for skills, they pay for work. If some unskilled worker does work that a uni graduate can't or won't do, why should he still be paid less?

Here is a scenario: Your daughter / son finishes their Master's degree in commercial law in Thailand returns to tell you that your investment in their education has all been worth it (A lot of money) and has secured a position with a small law firm in Bangkok with a salary of 11,000 baht per month. "Dad I got the job as a junior lawyer - I am so Happy!! - but Dad why do you pay our cleaner more money than I will get a month. Did she study for 4 years also?"

The junior lawyer position comes with lots of non-monetary benefits. There is a nice office, there are highly educated colleagues, the whole concept of a carreer, networking, there is lots of face gained, all of which make the graduate position attractive. Which uni graduate would brag with his mates about his new cleaning job?

The maid has no colleagues, often irregular working hours, no chance of ever being the boss, the work is often dirty. A real setback of being a maid is the lack of job security. If after 5 years her employer relocates to his native country, where will her next job come from? Very likely she would have to accept a lower salary, while the junior lawyer, who has more job security in the first place, will have the added bonus of 5 years qualified work experience.

The uni graduate will often still live with mum&dad, so his salary is his spending money, whereas the maid will often have to support not only herself but also her family. So what is fair? I really don't think it undermines the educational system if I pay good money for good work.


- Should unskilled workers such as service staff etc. be paid the same as skilled workers and university graduates. Most logical people would say of course not that is wrong skilled workers and graduates should of course receive better salaries and benefits as they have trained and studied longer and have SPECIALIST skills.

Usually skilled workers get paid more than unskilled workers. However, if one's specialist skill are not in demand, who is to blame? Employers don't pay for skills, they pay for work. If some unskilled worker does work that a uni graduate can't or won't do, why should he still be paid less?

Here is a scenario: Your daughter / son finishes their Master's degree in commercial law in Thailand returns to tell you that your investment in their education has all been worth it (A lot of money) and has secured a position with a small law firm in Bangkok with a salary of 11,000 baht per month. "Dad I got the job as a junior lawyer - I am so Happy!! - but Dad why do you pay our cleaner more money than I will get a month. Did she study for 4 years also?"

The junior lawyer position comes with lots of non-monetary benefits. There is a nice office, there are highly educated colleagues, the whole concept of a carreer, networking, there is lots of face gained, all of which make the graduate position attractive. Which uni graduate would brag with his mates about his new cleaning job?

The maid has no colleagues, often irregular working hours, no chance of ever being the boss, the work is often dirty. A real setback of being a maid is the lack of job security. If after 5 years her employer relocates to his native country, where will her next job come from? Very likely she would have to accept a lower salary, while the junior lawyer, who has more job security in the first place, will have the added bonus of 5 years qualified work experience.

The uni graduate will often still live with mum&dad, so his salary is his spending money, whereas the maid will often have to support not only herself but also her family. So what is fair? I really don't think it undermines the educational system if I pay good money for good work.

Good post. A maid who can be trusted and does an excellent job is very hard to find. She should be paid top dollar for a maid because she is at top of her field. She has no place for advancement. Comparing her salary to a college graduate professional is tempting to do, but isn't a fair comparison. Top people in any field always command top dollar because there are too few of them to go around. That's simple economics. If the young college graduate has enough experience to prove himself, and he's tops in his field, he'll soon be making heaps more than the maid ever will.

I would pay in and around 7000-8000 baht amonth to start

err...for a part time maid - you must be joking!

you stingy xxxxxxx i know TIT but come on were here and can help a bit and its nothing to us

i know they dont appreciate it but i still do it i know a really rich Thai up north paid her maid 3,000 baht a month and told me i was stupid to pay my worker 7,000 i just feel that its not much for us and why not make someone happy the rich thai lady i mentioned had 6 expensive cars in her drive

??? why do Rich thais treat their own like xxxxxxxxxxx

and i even had a friend of mine in uk tell me i was nuts for paying more than 2000 baht a monthin village and why was i spoiling it for everyone hes not my friend anymore

come on people show some generosity for xxxxxx sake some of you like me probably spend more than that on a decent bottle of wine

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