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Thai perceptions of middle age and the implications


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You stated your opinion and called it a fact.

You fancy yourself as a debater.

The facts ie your "logic", your cherry-picking, your "made up" ad hominem smears, your jejune appeal to authoritative provenance, your straw man jibber-jabber, and most importantly, your nonsensical train of thought and your soooooooo (to quote you) soooooooooooo snotty tone speaks volumes about your bratty parochialism and your pathetic vanity.

None of this is helpful to your desperate wish to be perceived as a bit of an Internet swordsman.

Misinterpreting board comments and then effectively water boarding them to apply to a tortured interpretation of what they'll have to mean so that you can address them is typical.

You remind me of someone desperate to be seen as a fluent English speaker.

Sadly, compared to your contemporaries you will be seen as effectively expressing yourself.

Bean sprout elitism.

You could do with

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