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Homeless Swede found on Bangkok street


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I feel sorry for these swedes...having to live amongst the dirt and insects and crap like that.swede_soil_big.jpg

Sure, this bunch of Swedes may be dirt poor, but they're making the most of things. They appear to be pooling their resources. At least they're not lining up for handouts.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I know this guy been around for years back and forth between Thailand and Sweden. He lived with the sister of my girlfriend until the sister was killed in an accident about 3 or 4 years ago. Unless you have to help people to feel good about yourselves do not give this guy a dime or a baht it will be spent on hong tong

Sadly this is common story with Swedes! Yes it is the low cost of lubricants!

I personally know this man and he is a repeat offender and really doesn't want to go back to Sweden.

He is very obvious in his location and when I offered to have him sent back to Sweden he said he did not want to go.

So as usual the media is only telling half the truth!

"I know this guy been around for years"

"I personally know this man"

What a small small worldblink.png !!!

Any others tv members who know this guys?dry.png

Well, he does stick out like a sore thumb and has been 'living rough' in the same area for years. Maybe they meant to say they know who he is. I know of a Bangladeshi who lives on the street in Khao San area and repairs shoes on the sidewalk. I spoke to him because he is not Thai but working on the street. I saw and spoke to him for years when I used to stay in that part of town. He had been living illegally in the Kingdom for seven years when I met him. His sob story is long and unsolvable. I've also met homeless Swiss and German guys in the Khao San Road area. I've seen European beggars at BTS claiming to need money for a ticket home (I think all entries require a return ticket so I think they are lying). Foreigner vagabonds can be found in every city.

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He's been living on the streets around Nana since April. No money. Overstayed his visa. His medical condition is really bad. All he wants is to go back to Sweden. He used to be a successful chef in Sweden (background checks), but after a work accident in 2008,is life seems to have gone down the drain.

A friend is now helping him (also Swedish). He put him in a hotel, gave him some clean clothes and located his belongings and passport, which a really great Pakistani guy we met last night, had taken care for him. He has also arranged escort at the airport (to follow him all the way on board the plane) once we can get finds to clear his overstay and ticket back home. 40K is needed. If any of you guys want to help, please PM me.

Thank you for an update. It seems most people who read these threads do not read everything, as shown on the comments posted after yours.

Guys, read before adding stupid posts!!

I wish this man all the best for when he eventually gets home.

What do we actually know about him?

Here we have a 45 Year Old Swede, who apparently was never married, or had any kids, as he has no family. So he also has no surviving mother or father, who normally at least one would be around at his age, or brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles. Is this not fishy even for Sweden? How many people do you really know who are in the same position with no family and who are not at least 80 years old or older?

Next he has a work related accident in 2008 which ruins his working career. Most countries have life-time compensation for that but apparently this guy doesn't have any. But lets take a closer look at that. Was he a Police Man, who could get readily hurt? Perhaps a Fireman? No! He was a Chef! Now what kind of life-time work related accident can a Chef have, besides cut of a finger or two. But even then still be able to work later! Besides that, it looks like he had all his fingers, and if he was using his toes he shouldn't be a Chef anyway.

No! I don't believe this story for one second! There is a lot more to this man than just that! His problems goes back much further than that so called 2008 accident. The true accident was probably he got too drunk to ever come to work, got fired, and from that he should have learned. I don't like to see anyone in this position but then if it was his choice and he doesn't lose any sleep over it, why should I?

There are many people in this world looking for attention and sympathy. Some Deserving! Some Not! His biggest problem is that he has to quit drinking! If he refuses, then nobody can help him. I say save your money for some deserving child who actually needs your help, rather then some useless Hobo, who at the tender age of 45 years looks for handouts, refuses to work, and refuses to help himself,


According to interviews and articles in Bangkok Post and Swedish forums, he is divorced in Sweden and also have two children.

Bangkok post wrote that yesterday

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Not sure what is more strange, that this is considered news, or that people actually believe his story. If I had 100 baht for ever sob story by a foreigner who actually self-inflicted there own problems.....

Of course it's a slow news day

Suthep's a monk, Yingluck is shopping in Lotus, Thaskin is channeling love and forgiveness, Abbhist is..well he has never done anything, so he doesn't count, and General has already swapped his snappy white uniform for a badly fitting suit!

What else are can poor journalists of Thailand report about?

You're wrong. Abhisit poured ice water over his head. It was in all the papers.

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What do we actually know about him?

Here we have a 45 Year Old Swede, who apparently was never married, or had any kids, as he has no family. So he also has no surviving mother or father, who normally at least one would be around at his age, or brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles. Is this not fishy even for Sweden? How many people do you really know who are in the same position with no family and who are not at least 80 years old or older?

Next he has a work related accident in 2008 which ruins his working career. Most countries have life-time compensation for that but apparently this guy doesn't have any. But lets take a closer look at that. Was he a Police Man, who could get readily hurt? Perhaps a Fireman? No! He was a Chef! Now what kind of life-time work related accident can a Chef have, besides cut of a finger or two. But even then still be able to work later! Besides that, it looks like he had all his fingers, and if he was using his toes he shouldn't be a Chef anyway.

No! I don't believe this story for one second! There is a lot more to this man than just that! His problems goes back much further than that so called 2008 accident. The true accident was probably he got too drunk to ever come to work, got fired, and from that he should have learned. I don't like to see anyone in this position but then if it was his choice and he doesn't lose any sleep over it, why should I?

There are many people in this world looking for attention and sympathy. Some Deserving! Some Not! His biggest problem is that he has to quit drinking! If he refuses, then nobody can help him. I say save your money for some deserving child who actually needs your help, rather then some useless Hobo, who at the tender age of 45 years looks for handouts, refuses to work, and refuses to help himself,


Married with two kids (checked). Was a chef (checked). Accident cleaning tanks with lye (checked). The court case is in Swedish media. Employer was convicted in court.

You forgot: Breaking into peoples homes in the Nana area (checked)

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What do we actually know about him?

Here we have a 45 Year Old Swede, who apparently was never married, or had any kids, as he has no family. So he also has no surviving mother or father, who normally at least one would be around at his age, or brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles. Is this not fishy even for Sweden? How many people do you really know who are in the same position with no family and who are not at least 80 years old or older?

Next he has a work related accident in 2008 which ruins his working career. Most countries have life-time compensation for that but apparently this guy doesn't have any. But lets take a closer look at that. Was he a Police Man, who could get readily hurt? Perhaps a Fireman? No! He was a Chef! Now what kind of life-time work related accident can a Chef have, besides cut of a finger or two. But even then still be able to work later! Besides that, it looks like he had all his fingers, and if he was using his toes he shouldn't be a Chef anyway.

No! I don't believe this story for one second! There is a lot more to this man than just that! His problems goes back much further than that so called 2008 accident. The true accident was probably he got too drunk to ever come to work, got fired, and from that he should have learned. I don't like to see anyone in this position but then if it was his choice and he doesn't lose any sleep over it, why should I?

There are many people in this world looking for attention and sympathy. Some Deserving! Some Not! His biggest problem is that he has to quit drinking! If he refuses, then nobody can help him. I say save your money for some deserving child who actually needs your help, rather then some useless Hobo, who at the tender age of 45 years looks for handouts, refuses to work, and refuses to help himself,


Married with two kids (checked). Was a chef (checked). Accident cleaning tanks with lye (checked). The court case is in Swedish media. Employer was convicted in court.

It should be divorced with two kids

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Yes it sounds very strange and wrong to give Money or buy a air ticket for him. Especially when considering that he had Money to buy 3 air tickets within 6 months himself. And come here on holiday 3 times in those 6 months. Most people that work in Sweden or Europé could never afford that

Edited by khunerik
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What do we actually know about him?

Here we have a 45 Year Old Swede, who apparently was never married, or had any kids, as he has no family. So he also has no surviving mother or father, who normally at least one would be around at his age, or brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles. Is this not fishy even for Sweden? How many people do you really know who are in the same position with no family and who are not at least 80 years old or older?

Next he has a work related accident in 2008 which ruins his working career. Most countries have life-time compensation for that but apparently this guy doesn't have any. But lets take a closer look at that. Was he a Police Man, who could get readily hurt? Perhaps a Fireman? No! He was a Chef! Now what kind of life-time work related accident can a Chef have, besides cut of a finger or two. But even then still be able to work later! Besides that, it looks like he had all his fingers, and if he was using his toes he shouldn't be a Chef anyway.

No! I don't believe this story for one second! There is a lot more to this man than just that! His problems goes back much further than that so called 2008 accident. The true accident was probably he got too drunk to ever come to work, got fired, and from that he should have learned. I don't like to see anyone in this position but then if it was his choice and he doesn't lose any sleep over it, why should I?

There are many people in this world looking for attention and sympathy. Some Deserving! Some Not! His biggest problem is that he has to quit drinking! If he refuses, then nobody can help him. I say save your money for some deserving child who actually needs your help, rather then some useless Hobo, who at the tender age of 45 years looks for handouts, refuses to work, and refuses to help himself,


Married with two kids (checked). Was a chef (checked). Accident cleaning tanks with lye (checked). The court case is in Swedish media. Employer was convicted in court.

You forgot: Breaking into peoples homes in the Nana area (checked)

Checked would obviously mean that the victims lodged criminal complaints, that he was charged by police and convicted by a court right???

Logically, given the reported overstay that doesn't add up if he was reported to the police as he would be in custody already either for the overstay or due to arrest for property offences. Otherwise, it just seems like unsubstantiated allegations against an easy target and very much like potential defamation?

Unless you were the said victim of the alleged conduct? In which case I'd be asking why you didn't lodge a criminal complaint and why was he not arrested? There could be reasonable explanations on both fronts.

(Personally, I certainly wouldn't post these types of allegations in such a public forum where the person has been identified unless that person had been arrested or convicted of such a crime given the scope of defamation laws in Thailand - and don't forget the even more far reaching Computer Crimes Act. You might have provided a basis for providing him with the funds for another trip back to Thailand out of your own pocket.........)

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The guy has issues as so many agree. Best to send him back. Let's hope he is able to fend off his addictions and support himself and become a good caretaker of his own body and health. Unless he decides to help himself all outside help in the world will be in vain. Best of luck Swede.

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Just a little hint how "helpful" the Swedish enbassy are!

Late 2007 I was hit by a drunk driver in Patts, my hip was all shattered and I ended up at Banglamung hospital, there my bankcards was stolen when I was sedated.

In the end I had to stay there for almost 3 month before I was considered good enogh to fly home.

In that time I had not one visit from embassy or consulate.

My bed neighbours was from Israel and England, their representatives came to visit more than once a week!

When I was well enogh to travel, they was kind enogh to offer a transport to the airport, costing 8k!

I was able to get transport by a private ambulance, sponsored by a motocycle gang, and it cost me a fast food dinner for me and the two drivers.

Apparently, after that time at hospital I was overtay and emassy people (a nagughty thai lady) was escorting me across the Passport check, then they left.

A couple of month after i got a crave for 15k baht for the "help" with bank transfers and "standby" at the airport!

THaT is how "helpful" Swedish embassy are this days!

Edited by amja
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I know this guy been around for years back and forth between Thailand and Sweden. He lived with the sister of my girlfriend until the sister was killed in an accident about 3 or 4 years ago. Unless you have to help people to feel good about yourselves do not give this guy a dime or a baht it will be spent on hong tong

Sadly this is common story with Swedes! Yes it is the low cost of lubricants!

I personally know this man and he is a repeat offender and really doesn't want to go back to Sweden.

He is very obvious in his location and when I offered to have him sent back to Sweden he said he did not want to go.

So as usual the media is only telling half the truth!

"I know this guy been around for years"

"I personally know this man"

What a small small worldblink.png !!!

Any others tv members who know this guys?dry.png

Hmmmmm Uh Uh!! but I saw him falling down drunk near the Nana BTS with a big smile on his face...........figured he was having a good old time so left him alone.clap2.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I know this guy been around for years back and forth between Thailand and Sweden. He lived with the sister of my girlfriend until the sister was killed in an accident about 3 or 4 years ago. Unless you have to help people to feel good about yourselves do not give this guy a dime or a baht it will be spent on hong tong

Sadly this is common story with Swedes! Yes it is the low cost of lubricants!

I personally know this man and he is a repeat offender and really doesn't want to go back to Sweden.

He is very obvious in his location and when I offered to have him sent back to Sweden he said he did not want to go.

So as usual the media is only telling half the truth!

"I know this guy been around for years"

"I personally know this man"

What a small small worldblink.png !!!

Any others tv members who know this guys?dry.png

Hmmmmm Uh Uh!! but I saw him falling down drunk near the Nana BTS with a big smile on his face...........figured he was having a good old time so left him alone.clap2.gif

Here in my village we recently cremated an under 50 y/o farang (Swiss) who drank himself to death and died of complications caused by cirrhosis. There is not much anyone can do to get them to stop drinking if they don't want to. Maybe a long stay in IDC?

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Good luck too Nobeena and his friend, but what he REALLY need is someone or som oragnisation to meet him at the airport!

Otherwise we will see him here, amongst the gypsy beggars who has invided our country recently!


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What do we actually know about him?

Here we have a 45 Year Old Swede, who apparently was never married, or had any kids, as he has no family. So he also has no surviving mother or father, who normally at least one would be around at his age, or brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles. Is this not fishy even for Sweden? How many people do you really know who are in the same position with no family and who are not at least 80 years old or older?

Next he has a work related accident in 2008 which ruins his working career. Most countries have life-time compensation for that but apparently this guy doesn't have any. But lets take a closer look at that. Was he a Police Man, who could get readily hurt? Perhaps a Fireman? No! He was a Chef! Now what kind of life-time work related accident can a Chef have, besides cut of a finger or two. But even then still be able to work later! Besides that, it looks like he had all his fingers, and if he was using his toes he shouldn't be a Chef anyway.

No! I don't believe this story for one second! There is a lot more to this man than just that! His problems goes back much further than that so called 2008 accident. The true accident was probably he got too drunk to ever come to work, got fired, and from that he should have learned. I don't like to see anyone in this position but then if it was his choice and he doesn't lose any sleep over it, why should I?

There are many people in this world looking for attention and sympathy. Some Deserving! Some Not! His biggest problem is that he has to quit drinking! If he refuses, then nobody can help him. I say save your money for some deserving child who actually needs your help, rather then some useless Hobo, who at the tender age of 45 years looks for handouts, refuses to work, and refuses to help himself,


Married with two kids (checked). Was a chef (checked). Accident cleaning tanks with lye (checked). The court case is in Swedish media. Employer was convicted in court.

And this was posted on the news or by you on a LINK here?

I saw on the News "No Family!".

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Just a little hint how "helpful" the Swedish enbassy are!

Late 2007 I was hit by a drunk driver in Patts, my hip was all shattered and I ended up at Banglamung hospital, there my bankcards was stolen when I was sedated.

In the end I had to stay there for almost 3 month before I was considered good enogh to fly home.

In that time I had not one visit from embassy or consulate.

My bed neighbours was from Israel and England, their representatives came to visit more than once a week!

When I was well enogh to travel, they was kind enogh to offer a transport to the airport, costing 8k!

I was able to get transport by a private ambulance, sponsored by a motocycle gang, and it cost me a fast food dinner for me and the two drivers.

Apparently, after that time at hospital I was overtay and emassy people (a nagughty thai lady) was escorting me across the Passport check, then they left.

A couple of month after i got a crave for 15k baht for the "help" with bank transfers and "standby" at the airport!

THaT is how "helpful" Swedish embassy are this days!

Yes, I am not very impressed wit them either. They charge 6700 THB for applying for a new passport, 3 times what you pay for it in Sweden!

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On a slightly lighter note, I think this whole episode has confirmed a long held suspicion of mine.....do any Swedish men actually still live in Sweden? I'm American, live in Backofbeyondville, and even here, the smattering of farangs around, Swedes account for 80%.

&lt;deleted&gt; is going on, that from a small northern European country there seems to be this mass migration

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GinBoy2. post # 171.

On a slightly lighter note, I think this whole episode has confirmed a long held suspicion of mine.....do any Swedish men actually still live in Sweden? I'm American, live in Backofbeyondville, and even here, the smattering of farangs around, Swedes account for 80%.

<deleted> is going on, that from a small northern European country there seems to be this mass migration

It's the Viking blood surging to the top and creating wanderlust.

Certainly there was a lot of ''lust'' when these fellows visited we English folks in time past

''Visit the land of the Angles with Pillaging Tours of Scandanavia.''

News flash . Our new Oriental tours department is now open.


Edited by siampolee
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First off I'm going to say poor guy. BUT, his reasoning why he does not want to go back home is ridiculous. Come back for what, living on the street?

It's as if many don't want the illusion to end...

As for me, I had some issues here at one time but I caught it at the beginning and decided to go home and re-group, though it was not Thailands' fault. Glad I did, as many think they can somehow get out of whatever situation they have gotten themselves into.

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There are tramps/vagrants/hobos whatever we call them in every country in the world. Some choose to live that way, but most have some kind of substance addiction and/or mental health issues. If he is a Swedish national, then I believe it is their responsibilty to repatriate him, revoke his passport and give him the appropriate medical care he needs back in Sweden. He is not Thailand's responsibility, get him out of here.

Every country has its fair share of hopeless cases. Here's one of ours!


Edited by watso63
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Makes a hard man humble and a soft man crumble.

Surely the Swedish Embassy would have some information about the guy. Even if he no longer has any relatives (like me) there would still be records, as well as verifiable information (like, where was he living in Sweden, driver's license, job, etc).

So many similar stories. Repeat visitor. "Tricked" out his entire life savings. No plane ticket. No passport. Overstayed visa. (No relatives/friends or none that can afford to send money.)

And people wonder why so many foreigners in Thailand studiously avoid other foreigners.

I know that I ambeatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAuwith this reply, but here goes. The real reason so many foreigners "studiously" avoid other foreigners, is simply because they have some serious (developmental) personality issues of their own, to begin with. Holier than thou; self-righteous "arrogance" being one of those issues. I doesn't cost one baht to speak, or to give recognition to another foreigner in passing. For heaven sake, man, you probably give that much to stray dog on the street. How could you possibly not give that much to another human being? Huh?coffee1.gif

What a load of BS.Would you in your own country go up to a complete stranger in Tesco and try and befriend them?. If you did do you think they would appreciate it? I some how doubt it. They would probably take you for being a weirdo. So if you would not do that at home why do it here? Or maybe you are a weirdo.

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If this man is sent back to Sweden and his passport is removed he can still travel. Under the Schengen rules he can travel and live in a warm country like Spain or Italy. Whats more he can also receive welfare money from Social Services which he cannot receive in Thailand. Social Services are very generous in Sweden so he will never be penniless.

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And this was posted on the news or by you on a LINK here?

I saw on the News "No Family!".

When someone decides to help out a guy, you should at least do some research about his background story. This is what we did. He has been previously married.

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Good luck too Nobeena and his friend, but what he REALLY need is someone or som oragnisation to meet him at the airport!

Otherwise we will see him here, amongst the gypsy beggars who has invided our country recently!


The Swedish social services will pick him up at the airport in Stockholm.

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And this was posted on the news or by you on a LINK here?

I saw on the News "No Family!".

When someone decides to help out a guy, you should at least do some research about his background story. This is what we did. He has been previously married.

So he does have family, how old are his kids and why don't they help him?

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