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NESDB found more Thai children with obesity and lower IQ


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When I pickup my 6 year old son from school, I see children that can barely walk - that's how fat they are already!

And when you see them, guess what they eat .......

Give me a clue?????

I thought eating too much caused obesity, generaly speaking, not what you eat.

Wrong. Too much carb and sugar makes one fat.

I think it is a bit of both. And it is not only Thai kids I see many 50/50 Farang/Thai kids and 100% Farang kids that too are vastly overweight. It seems to be a international problem.

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This is what the people who run the country want. Fat simpletons pose no threat to them! Can't run, can't think, can't fight! I learnt from a young age this latin term - mens sana in corpore. It works well for me (most of the time!!)

Edited by jucel
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The difference in scoring compared to Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea is shocking in my eyes, looks like a lot of catching up to do.

It will probably take decades before the average Thai comes even near these numbers.

Quality education in Thailand is a serious problem with no solution in sight.

It will probably take decades before the average Thai comes even near these numbers.

you are joking...do you think the others will not develop ????

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Before fixing a problem, it has to be admitted there is a problem. This is a good sign.

Yes, but nobody out there has admitted yet that there is a problem. I am just back from a trip upcountry together with experts from OBEC and district supervisors, trying to help improving schools, but came back totally disillusioned. The principals in the schools said they are so good already, there is no need for any improvement.

I guess we have to wait until after AEC has impacted on Thais before they learn. Hopefully it's not too late then.

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This is what the people who run the country want. Fat simpletons pose no threat to them! Can't run, can't think, can't fight! I learnt from a young age this latin term - mens sana in corpore. It works well for me (most of the time!!)

Everyday another news regarding the next thai generation... dark clouds are approaching for them!

Actually its called ' Mens sano in corpore sano' (A sound mind in a sound body). but as you know we are in Thailand, so i doubt they ever heard about the Latin language at all... and Humanism is not a category of Thainess as we westerners define it :-)

By the way: the article is superficial and doesnt tell anything new what anybody with half a brain already knew.

Edited by bronco10250
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Before fixing a problem, it has to be admitted there is a problem. This is a good sign.

Yes, but nobody out there has admitted yet that there is a problem. I am just back from a trip upcountry together with experts from OBEC and district supervisors, trying to help improving schools, but came back totally disillusioned. The principals in the schools said they are so good already, there is no need for any improvement.

I guess we have to wait until after AEC has impacted on Thais before they learn. Hopefully it's not too late then.

They are fat and stupid, because they are being taught by ostriches?

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Fat kids don't usually have the self esteem to succeed, and this society is particularly cruel to them.

It all starts in kindergarten, and if they're darker than, and a bit poorer than their classmates then their fate is almost always sealed until death. If you're a female... You haven't got a chance in hell.

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The Thai 'Education' Budget is huge..one of the biggest % of GDP in the world

Presume this was not initiated as a 'Thai Bashing' thread

We are missing some things here

1. The obesity problem IS a big issue; but so it is in America, Europe, China. There is some strange impulse for parentsto 'feed up' bonny babies. Presumably it is one of those dormant traits frpom the years of hunger?

2. There is nothing wrong with the Thai curriculum. It is articulated in terms comparable with other countries. The problem is, of course, the teachers who have sinecures for life

3. Reflect a little on this. I know it applies mainly to up-country. Nobody much here can see the point of going to school and gaining qualifications. Why? Because most families have land and businesses which will support the children without their lifting a finger except to work in those businesses.

5. Look ate Europe, where a degree is no guarantee of a job. Vietnam, and I guess Thailand, has been sending bright students to study overseas. When they come back there are no jobs, either, they are now 'overqualified'

I have puzzled long over the fact that Thais are meticulous in so many things from personal appearance to bureaucratic procedures, but appear not to care a toss about education. What is the explanation. As I see it the only answer is 'cui bono' ie For whom does it actually benefit. Thais have taken the view that there are better ways to happiness and riches, I suggest.

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My home room teacher's classroom during my high-school years had a placard on the door which said "Excellence is of the essence". It has been my experience that the pursuit of excellence is very un-Thai as it's pursuit requires self criticism, frequent failures, confrontation, criticism of authority and the status quo, and loss of face.

Most of the fat kids I see are the product of the nouveaux rich and they are not very intelligent.

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When I pickup my 6 year old son from school, I see children that can barely walk - that's how fat they are already!

And when you see them, guess what they eat .......

Give me a clue?????

I thought eating too much caused obesity, generaly speaking, not what you eat.

Clue; fast food = high calories low nutritional value and seem to have an addicting component. google movie "supersize me" and watch

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School and home work all day long plus tutoring schools and weekly relative visits with regular barbecue parties or other family feasties, fast foods whatever and expensive healthy food prices.

Need I say more?

...yes. Continues, please.laugh.png

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ok, normally no one is interested in the professional view of these things ..

but I cant t resist:

Being young or doing no "family planing" are NO reasons for having children with low IQ (Intelligent quotient, as benchmark for general intelligence/general cognitive abilities )

(I cant even remember a founding of correlation between obesity and IQ !)

There may be a correlation ( doesnt mean, it is the reason!!!) between age and IQ of children but the reasons are something else:

As we (should know!), there is a huge positive correlation between IQ of parents and IQ of children. This in general is the main reason for being Einstein or having low Intelligence! (thing of genes !)

So how does is come, that the IQ of the population is declining?

It must be an effect of selection. In short, there is a trend, that people with higher IQ are getting less children!!

It is easy to understand: The more intelligent you (and your family)are, the more likely are you able for "family planing". To understand it right, in 99 % of the cases, family planing means avoiding having children.No "planing means having unwanted children/pregnancy. In many cases (think of people with low IQ), the young ones do not even understand it (or not really) that having straight sex causes being pregnant!

And, woman with higher IQ even have higher ability to have abortion.

In my home country, 50 % of woman with university degree are childless!

(The reproduction quota for the whole society is 1.2 (about 2.1 is necessary to keep the population at the same level)

In short:

People with low intelligence are getting more children, intelligent people are getting less, leading to an decline of the intelligence in a society!

oh, and:

There is a negative correlation between obesity and education! In short, uneducated people are more likely of being fat! (next time, I will explain this correlation ;-)

Edited by dieter1
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When I pickup my 6 year old son from school, I see children that can barely walk - that's how fat they are already!

And when you see them, guess what they eat .......

Give me a clue?????

I thought eating too much caused obesity, generaly speaking, not what you eat.

Wrong. Too much carb and sugar makes one fat.

Wrong. Lack of exercise makes one fat. If you get the proper amount of exercise you can eat what you want.

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ok, normally no one is interested in the professional view of these things ..

but I cant t resist:

Being young or doing no "family planing" are NO reasons for having children with low IQ (Intelligent quotient, as benchmark for general intelligence/general cognitive abilities )

(I cant even remember a founding of correlation between obesity and IQ !)

There may be a correlation ( doesnt mean, it is the reason!!!) between age and IQ of children but the reasons are something else:

As we (should know!), there is a huge positive correlation between IQ of parents and IQ of children. This in general is the main reason for being Einstein or having low Intelligence! (thing of genes !)

So how does is come, that the IQ of the population is declining?

It must be an effect of selection. In short, there is a trend, that people with higher IQ are getting less children!!

It is easy to understand: The more intelligent you (and your family)are, the more likely are you able for "family planing". To understand it right, in 99 % of the cases, family planing means avoiding having children.No "planing means having unwanted children/pregnancy. In many cases (think of people with low IQ), the young ones do not even understand it (or not really) that having straight sex causes being pregnant!

And, woman with higher IQ even have higher ability to have abortion.

In my home country, 50 % of woman with university degree are childless!

(The reproduction quota for the whole society is 1.2 (about 2.1 is necessary to keep the population at the same level)

In short:

People with low intelligence are getting more children, intelligent people are getting less, leading to an decline of the intelligence in a society!

oh, and:

There is a negative correlation between obesity and education! In short, uneducated people are more likely of being fat! (next time, I will explain this correlation ;-)

There is a correlation between being young and having children, and low IQ, because most of these children would be brought up by a working grandparent while the young parents migrate to the cities for jobs. Edited by trogers
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This is what the people who run the country want. Fat simpletons pose no threat to them! Can't run, can't think, can't fight! I learnt from a young age this Latin term - mens sana in corpore. It works well for me (most of the time!!)

Er, mens sana in corpore sano - a healthy mind in a healthy body ...

Edited by Mister Fixit
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When I pickup my 6 year old son from school, I see children that can barely walk - that's how fat they are already!

And when you see them, guess what they eat .......

Give me a clue?????

I thought eating too much caused obesity, generaly speaking, not what you eat.

Wrong. Too much carb and sugar makes one fat.

Wrong. Lack of exercise makes one fat. If you get the proper amount of exercise you can eat what you want.

Wrong again. Too many carbs and too much sugar (or too much of the wrong food generally) makes one fat AS WELL AS too little exercise

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I believe there is some covert attempt by school teachers to quell all intellectual curiosity in children and instill all sense of obedience to authority. The school uniforms are so ugly and boring as well, poor kids.

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I believe there is some covert attempt by school teachers to quell all intellectual curiosity in children and instill all sense of obedience to authority. The school uniforms are so ugly and boring as well, poor kids.

Today I was helping my son with his English homework. It was a single multiple choice question.

The sun is Red

I tried to explain to him that the sun is rarely red, most often it is either white or yellow. He was shocked and very apprehensive. No! He shivered; "Teacher says it's red".

OK, I acquiesced.

He's smart enough to know what color the sun is, even if the teacher insists it's red.


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