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What Are My Options : Where Do I Let My Kid Be Born ?

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Hi , I am new to the forum ,and have a question. I am going to live and work in Pattaya, together with my girlfriend. We are not married, I am Dutch and she is Austrian. She will get our baby in January 2007 and we want to deliver our baby in Thailand. Will our baby have the opportunity to get a Thai passport ? Or would it be better to let our kid be born in Holland or Austria. We get very different answers and its getting confusing. thanx for any info.....

Marchel Ethan

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One thing i know for sure and that is the child will have the Dutch nationality. My children also have Thai nationality (1 born in Thailand, one born in the Netherlands). I am 99% sure because her mother is Thai.

The advantage of Austria and the Netherlands will be that when you are insured the costs are already covered. And personally i have more trust in a western hospital when something goes wrong.

My experience in Bangkok was good. The delivery is probably 'old fashioned' as not many ways of delivery were possible.

The things i read about delivery and the way to support your wife during was looked upon strange and i had to pressure the fact i wanted to be there.

After the baby was born it was taken away to be cleaned and checked, against our wishes to have the child be put upon my wifes body for comfort. It was done automatically as they never done such thing before, so i had no hard feelings, just a little disappointed. The first time we could actually hold the baby was the next day!

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  • 2 weeks later...
One thing i know for sure and that is the child will have the Dutch nationality. My children also have Thai nationality (1 born in Thailand, one born in the Netherlands). I am 99% sure because her mother is Thai.

The advantage of Austria and the Netherlands will be that when you are insured the costs are already covered. And personally i have more trust in a western hospital when something goes wrong.

My experience in Bangkok was good. The delivery is probably 'old fashioned' as not many ways of delivery were possible.

The things i read about delivery and the way to support your wife during was looked upon strange and i had to pressure the fact i wanted to be there.

After the baby was born it was taken away to be cleaned and checked, against our wishes to have the child be put upon my wifes body for comfort. It was done automatically as they never done such thing before, so i had no hard feelings, just a little disappointed. The first time we could actually hold the baby was the next day!

This depends on the hospital and doctor - my experience was not like this. At Smitivej they have an excellent birthing unit and straight after delivery my baby was given to me to hold and he had his first breast feed before he even left the delivery room. It is expensive there, though and anything to do with pregnancy was not covered by my insurance.

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