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US strikes ISIS near Baghdad


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Anyone that has had any experience of battle in recent times will know that boots on the ground is the only way to shift ISIS. Note I said shift. This I predict will become the mission. After the US declaration that they have eliminated the enemy ISIS WILL re-emerge in a different place when you least expect, or will be morphed into an existing or brand new Jihadist bunch of nutters.

The US and their lapdog Brit/Euro followers should pull back to their homeland once and for all and live happily ever after in splendid isolation and let the Arabs sort this mess out themselves. US is self sufficient in oil, as if it mattered anyway as alternative technology already exists. Go home Uncle Sam the World (other than Israel of course) does NOT need you!

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The mission creep has begun...

"US ground forces could be deployed against Islamic State (IS) militants if the current US-led strategy fails, top US General Martin Dempsey has said.

President Barack Obama has repeatedly said that US ground troops would not have a combat mission in Iraq under the strategy outlined last week."


Top US generals say what they are told to say. This is the precursor to deployment. I suspect many are already on route. And a good number will already be in the region both on land and sea.

Pull Back Uncle Sam, as this will be your biggest failure (and there have been many) since Vietnam.

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Let's hope the mission ends there, but I doubt it will.

the word let's is a contraction for 'let us' and infers concurrence. I'm not part of your 'us'. I hope the mission continues until as many of the bad guys are rendered inoperable as possible. I hope there are no 'friendly fire' incidents - which could be easy, because many of those dune dwellers dress alike.

What the West fails to admit to is they made a gross error of judgement when they invaded Afghanistan, Iraq and helped in overthrowing Gadaffi, Mubarak and Assad. They failed to understand that these despots were the only thing keeping militant Muslims in check.

It's tough, trying to do the right thing from halfway around the world. What we (US and Europeans) keep finding out about the Middle East is there are merely choices between very bad (potential) situations and a horrible (existing) one. All those strong men mentioned in the above-post are horrible leaders, ....but that's what we've come to expect in the Middle East. US and Euopeans try to instate a semblence of less insanity there, but it's like having a basement full of rats, and trying to cull out the worse types, so you're only left with bad rats.
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Thank you George W. Bush. You are the gift that just keeps on giving or should I say killing

Oh, so it's all W's fault is it?

" In other words and once again, it’s apparently somehow “our fault” that Islamic State Muslims are behaving savagely—crucifying, beheading, enslaving, and massacring people only on the basis that they are “infidels”:"


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