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Hunt for killers of British pair goes on after Thai police free Myanmar suspects


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As a former, long-time police investigator involved in many homicide investigations, I don't find the PMs statement of "We have to look into the behaviour of the other party too because this kind of incident should not happen to anybody and it has affected our image," out of line with conducting a thorough investigation.

I would want to know many, many things about the behaviour of the victims...

Most people have taken what the PM is reported to have said as an inference that the deceased might have brought this on themselves with possible amorous activity on that beach, which would be a disappointing comment indeed. However, I am not so sure that is what he meant. More likely, what was meant is something along the lines of what you stated in post #59 (partial quote above).

Over the years, I've read enough inaccurate news reports (proven so after the fact) that I don't put allot of faith in them now. The PM's words in this case may have been poorly translated or taken out of context in such a way as to change their intended meaning.

Let us hope that is the case. As a career army officer, he has little experience with the PR end of the job more than likely. Now that he is PM, he needs to concern himself with appearances, lest Thailand become a total pariah in the world community. In 24 hours, in the eyes of millions, he has gone from appearing to be a noble man, who genuinely cares about his nation, and it's people, and wants to see positive changes take place, to being an ignorant man, without much regard for human life. Let us hope this is not the case.

Edited by spidermike007
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On Tuesday, Thai junta chief and prime minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha appeared to call into question the victims' conduct in addition to the perpetrators of the attack.

"We have to look into the behaviour of the other party too because this kind of incident should not happen to anybody and it has affected our image," he told reporters, referring to the two tourists.

Thai authorities were working "swiftly" to find the killers, he added.

The family of David Miller said he had been in Thailand on a "well-deserved break" in between finishing a degree in civil and structural engineering at Leeds University in June and starting a masters.

Miller, a "talented" artist who had been due to leave Thailand on Tuesday, was "hard-working, bright, conscientious, with everything to look forward to", his family said in a statement issued by the British Foreign Office.

"We all adored him," the statement read. "He will be sorely, sorely missed."

Koh Tao, home to stunning white sand beaches and azure waters, is popular with divers but is smaller and more laid-back than neighbouring Koh Phanga, which draws hordes of backpackers to its hedonistic "full moon" party.

Speaking later, Prayut said Thais must tell "tourists when the safe times are to be outside, we have to help them understand."

If he really said this, one is at a loss for words. So, now it is irresponsible to be outside at night time. A couple can no longer go to the beach at night. Is this really what he is saying? If so, is he admitting that Thailand is unsafe at night? Is he saying that this place has become so unpredictable, that there is now a safe time and an unsafe time, to be outside? What can one say? Looks like he needs a PR person to vet his comments.

I believe Prayuth is trying to say that it is dangerous to have some romance on a beach in the middle of the night. Many desperate workers (people) around who might get aroused by that and might do dangerous things.

That's how i understand it.

Your explanation is way too reasonable for hysterical TV posters . Clearly Prayuth meant the killer should be rewarded for killing these two who desecrated the beach. That must be it.

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It sounds like the PM was saying that they should have known not to go down to the beach at that time of night.

so is it common knowledge that the beaches of Thailand are "no-go" areas late at night? If so why aren't the authorities either taking steps or publicising this?

Hard to imagine isn't it that the PM is saying that there are times it isn't safe to be outdoors ? Is this a universal application or just islands, beach area or ?

Yet another ill conceived, open mouth without engaging brain statement.

Obviously TAT won't get into this but let's hope it gets as much worldwide publicity as possible as well as double / pricing etc and maybe then the powers that be will really do something positive to protect the tourist cash they treasure so much.

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I am disgusted that the PM of any country could utter such words. Reprehensible

I would suggest that his statement has affected Thailand's image. Whilst he is deemed to be sorting out some of Thailand's

woes, by uttering these sort of remarks he is undoing much of the good he is doing.

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If I may make a suggestion the weapon used was a hoe in all my time here I never seen a farang buy a gardening tool. Now I know I'm not at every store in the nation 24-7 but I think I would be focusing in on Thai's now. Since there use to police calling all death's of farang's suicide. and end of search. I'm sure the tool used has dirt on it and other residue which can narrow where tool came from. But that would entail the police to use there brain's which is new for them. Finger prints other blood from who committed this crime. Stop looking for scapegoat and do some real police work or ask The US embassy allow the FBI take charge and solve this crime. Instead of bad mouthing these kids for enjoying they lives the way they may or may not have. There's no proof they were having sex on the beach unless the police have video tape. Judge not less you be Judged Honorable PM general no disrespect but maybe you were misunderstood in what you meant. If these were your children you would demand justice So do same for them.

Why an earth would the FBI be involved in the murder of a British couple ? like they are not busy enough scaremongering about terrorists in their own country.....

Of course the implication that the Farangs were to blame because some perverts could not control themselves is hardly a new complaint from the powers that be in Thailand, not a country known for ever blaming their own people.

So you potenial holidaymakers, vote with your feet as change will only come if the Thai's think they are going to lose out financially.

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So they were having sex on the beach and thats justification for some disapproving hypocritical Thai to smash their heads in? Lets have this part of the story "in the news" . No justice EVER for foreigners in the Land of Shame.

Really no justice EVER for foreigners?!

A little extreme don't you think.

The last high profile rape and murder on Koh Samui the Thai police posed as fish buyers and arrested the murders.


Justice served.

Please admit you were incorrect in your blanket statement

Edited by lingyai
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If I may make a suggestion the weapon used was a hoe in all my time here I never seen a farang buy a gardening tool. Now I know I'm not at every store in the nation 24-7 but I think I would be focusing in on Thai's now. Since there use to police calling all death's of farang's suicide. and end of search. I'm sure the tool used has dirt on it and other residue which can narrow where tool came from. But that would entail the police to use there brain's which is new for them. Finger prints other blood from who committed this crime. Stop looking for scapegoat and do some real police work or ask The US embassy allow the FBI take charge and solve this crime. Instead of bad mouthing these kids for enjoying they lives the way they may or may not have. There's no proof they were having sex on the beach unless the police have video tape. Judge not less you be Judged Honorable PM general no disrespect but maybe you were misunderstood in what you meant. If these were your children you would demand justice So do same for them.

Why an earth would the FBI be involved in the murder of a British couple ? like they are not busy enough scaremongering about terrorists in their own country.....

Of course the implication that the Farangs were to blame because some perverts could not control themselves is hardly a new complaint from the powers that be in Thailand, not a country known for ever blaming their own people.

So you potenial holidaymakers, vote with your feet as change will only come if the Thai's think they are going to lose out financially.

Sorry first time I have laughed during this entire case, assuming the poster was a yank, typical hahaha. Call in the FBI, the world police super amazing save the world team cheesy.gif

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If the hoe was the weapon it would have fingerprints all over it wouldn't it ?

But not just the person who used it for that act. You would have to eliminate who building sites of illegal, transitory, workers....

Still think they had their man.

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But it is rare for tourists to be murdered in Thailand, although it is not uncommon for visitors to die accidentally.

i can make you a long list of foreigner who have been murdered in thailand.

I can make you a bigger one of tourist who jumped from their balcony....

But it will certainly take me some time to make a list of all the foreigner who have been assaulted or raped in thailand!

for thai, these events are still "rare" because our life doesnt worth nothing!

Actually, I agree with the article. The majority of foreigners who are murdered in Thailand are probably the victims of greedy local spouses, some kind of business deals gone wrong or something but rarely young foreign backpackers with no connection to Thailand or friends in Thailand, like these victims. Similarly for tourists that have jumped from balconies - young backpackers are not part of this group. Indeed young backpackers don't even stay in high rise hotels but rather in low rise dorms as they try to save as much money as they can on accommodation.

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The General has displayed a lot about his true nature and attitude towards foreigners by saying something so misguided, making assumptions about the murder scene and hinting that the victims created their own fate by not meeting his moral standards. He also shows us that, frankly, he's not too bright. Most people in his high political office would know instantly that the kind of statement he made is extremely inappropriate and should not be blurted out. He's an embarrassment to Thailand.

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Wouldnt the British guy they are apparently looking for have used a photo ID to check in where ever he was staying ? Surely it wouldnt be too hard to find out who didnt come back to their room that night and jumped on the first ferry instead ! RIP

Like I said yesterday I only hope to high heaven the BiB took his DNA, if they didn't that is going to be one face palm to the face moment. He left awfully quickly and explained away injuries easily enough. I am not saying it was him, but you do not let a key suspect go without taking their DNA at least. If it turns out to be him, he won't be safe back in blighty whatever he seems to think. The embassy will call the authorities and they will hunt him down back home.

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To be fair, the General is not a politician, his whole life has been spent in the army, he has been groomed to be "a General". He is not a politician, if he were, he would have the ability to speak for hours without saying "anything".

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I am disgusted that the PM of any country could utter such words. Reprehensible

I also find his comment total disgusting, insensitive and insulting to the family. Blaming the victims is sickening and his comment was aired on Australian ABC News this morning and has been discussed on 3AW radio where a number of people have voiced thier disgust. The P.M has caused far more damage to Thailands reputation than these two inocent victims ever did. The P.M needs to imeadiately make a full and public apology to the families to try and restore Thailands image but that will probably be a severe loss of face.

The lowest of Low

Thanks for bringing that to our attention , we were unaware of this.

Cancelling our daughters trip there was the correct thing to do, but in light of the highest office in their land saying this , more so.

Its a reflection of a very unenlightened mind-set, and disturbing almost as much as the crime.

Words can not express the effect it must have on the parents/ family.

Very nasty , and uncalled for.

Horrible short sighted , vile disregard and certain to have phones ringing world wide asking Flight centres to change destinations.

Worst remark i have heard in a very long time.

You have to understand, this PM is a self appointed military General so in recent years he has been able to say whatever he likes. Rather disgusting, this man has got a lot to learn if he wants to strut amongst the worlds democratically elected Prime Ministers and be respected.

You have to understand that Thais where killing each other on a daily/weekly (whatever) basis before Prayuth took over. The elected PM couldn't stop the violence. Did you ever give him credit for that?

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To be fair, the General is not a politician, his whole life has been spent in the army, he has been groomed to be "a General". He is not a politician, if he were, he would have the ability to speak for hours without saying "anything".

So he should have let his ego go and let someone with a decent background and credentials to do the job, but nope, he took the stand with that stupid smile of his

Edited by monk213
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I believe Prayuth is trying to say that it is dangerous to have some romance on a beach in the middle of the night. Many desperate workers (people) around who might get aroused by that and might do dangerous things.

That's how i understand it.

So it has not occurred to Prayut and Nickymaster the victims simply might have been walking back to their respective rooms, the boy probably walking the girl home out of courtesy (protection) for the girl???

It is the usual Thai excuse to "save face" and "it is not our fault but YOURS"

Edited by tartempion
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To be fair, the General is not a politician, his whole life has been spent in the army, he has been groomed to be "a General". He is not a politician, if he were, he would have the ability to speak for hours without saying "anything".

So he should have let his ego go and let someone with a decent background and credentials to do the job, but nope, he took the stand with that stupid smile of his

Ahh. You don't like his smile. Don't let that get in the way of a well balanced judgement buddy.

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Fred your daughter is in as much danger in Vietnam as in Thailand or any other place including her home town.

Also my country Australia has the unenviable record of possibly the most young tourist back packer murders any where and Australia is generally a very safe place .

My own thought precisely !!! I have sponsored a young neighbours daughter to travel around the world for a year . She had been working for two or three years after graduating from 6th form college ,

she was already very accomplished in marketing , covering London and the home counties .


I believe young people need to have some adult worldly experience before going travelling , they need some education in how to behave in a foreign country . My protege was constantly in contact with me by text , if she had a problem I could advise . In Bali she was badly molested by natives and wanted to move on before time , I was able to immediately forward the airline fee to bring forward the date .

Entertainments , like Full Moon parties should be avoided as they present a grave risk to safety . World travelling is not for the naive , gap year students , children of parents with little or no travelling experience .

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""We have to look into the behaviour of the other party too because this kind of incident should not happen to anybody and it has affected our image," so what "behaviour" is that? Having a holiday in Thailand or getting in the way of violent people?

He's implying they had public sex / nudity. So he is saying its OK to murder and rape someone because some Thai's sensibilities were offended. Sickening... I hope the western press have gotten a hold of this. Anyway, this PM is hardly representative of the majority of Thais....how can an unelected PM be anything else?
cheap shot. A post full of emotions. Drama queen. Shame on you.

What the hell are you talking about? Explain yourself.

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Please God comfort those that mourn for this couple. How disgusting to hint that the behaviour of the couple could have brought it on themselves. T.I.T. This is Thailand and less people will be coming and more people will be leaving. They hope anyone but a Thai will have comitted the crime!

Edited by metisdead
Oversize font reset to normal. Again.
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