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Australia launches anti-terror raids


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There you go again simple1 trying to smudge the issue with meaningless tags like jihadist or extremists, While it's true not all Muslims are jihadist or extremists, it would be world war 3 already if they were, it is true that all jihadists and extremists are Muslims. Islam never has been a religion of peace, never has been a religion of tolerance, never has been anything other than an expansionist, divisive creed that incorporates a whole political, religious and social framework. There is no room for unbelievers- jihadists, extremists or moderates, the belief system remains set in stone.

"meaningless tags like jihadist or extremists"

Take up your complaint with the Oz political and security agencies who refute your assertion. There again you won't bother 'cause you know better than the professionals who manage these issues 24/7/365

Not a complaint just an observation of your continual apologies for Islamic violence

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"Shouting death threats at a church in South Sydney from a car bearing Islamic State flag"


Death to the unbelievers! Not the Australian government because of actions overseas notice. It is death to the innocents, no discrimination, we are all targets; apologists included.

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From the article:

HORRIFIC details have emerged of a plot to behead an Australian and upload it to social media in a deliberate attack against the country.

While the claims remain unconfirmed, Channel Seven reports one the men charged in this morning’s raids in Sydney planned to kidnap a random Australian, execute them by beheading in a public place, possibly Martin Place in Sydney’s CBD, and film the act and post on social media.

Further reports have emerged terrorists planned to drape the victim in an Islamic State flag.

Yes, OMG... "While the claims remain unconfirmed,........ ".

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There you go again simple1 trying to smudge the issue with meaningless tags like jihadist or extremists, While it's true not all Muslims are jihadist or extremists, it would be world war 3 already if they were, it is true that all jihadists and extremists are Muslims. Islam never has been a religion of peace, never has been a religion of tolerance, never has been anything other than an expansionist, divisive creed that incorporates a whole political, religious and social framework. There is no room for unbelievers- jihadists, extremists or moderates, the belief system remains set in stone.

"meaningless tags like jihadist or extremists"

Take up your complaint with the Oz political and security agencies who refute your assertion. There again you won't bother 'cause you know better than the professionals who manage these issues 24/7/365

Not a complaint just an observation of your continual apologies for Islamic violence

Yet another inflamatory & false statement from you

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Yes, OMG... "While the claims remain unconfirmed,........ ".

Agreed, but seems they had some pretty specific intel. Which I'm sure hasn't been fully disclosed yet:

The Prime Minister said there were “quite direct exhortations … coming from an Australian, who is apparently quite senior in ISIL to networks of support back in Australia to conduct demonstration killings here in this country”.

“This is not just suspicion, this is intent,” he told reporters in Arnhem Land.

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From the article:

HORRIFIC details have emerged of a plot to behead an Australian and upload it to social media in a deliberate attack against the country.

While the claims remain unconfirmed, Channel Seven reports one the men charged in this morning’s raids in Sydney planned to kidnap a random Australian, execute them by beheading in a public place, possibly Martin Place in Sydney’s CBD, and film the act and post on social media.

Further reports have emerged terrorists planned to drape the victim in an Islamic State flag.

What is truly going on here, use intelligence and sound police work to arrest the bad guys of course. Sent planes and troops to the ME to deal with these savages, for sure.

Apart from the practical needs to deal with the threats from these misguided people it's the disturbing propaganda from our governments that concerns me.

A plot to kidnap and behead an innocent person in Sydney, yes they have sown they are capable of such brutality in the ME.

Is the report of this threat based on facts or is it something else?

They are short of coalition members, so creating hysteria will increase number of supporters. Old and basic...

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There you go again simple1 trying to smudge the issue with meaningless tags like jihadist or extremists, While it's true not all Muslims are jihadist or extremists, it would be world war 3 already if they were, it is true that all jihadists and extremists are Muslims. Islam never has been a religion of peace, never has been a religion of tolerance, never has been anything other than an expansionist, divisive creed that incorporates a whole political, religious and social framework. There is no room for unbelievers- jihadists, extremists or moderates, the belief system remains set in stone.

Of course all jihadists are Muslim. Jihad is a Muslim concept. That's playing with words for effect.

You could say all KK Klansmen are terrorists, and they are all white Americans. It doesn't besmirch white Americans though.

I think, no, I am sure, you are playing with a popular mythical notion about Islam. Indeed reading the Q'uran, one reads passages that play into your preferred view, but just as the violence and bigotry expressed in the Bible is not taken literally except by fanatical fundamentalists (eg 1 Timothy 2:12, "I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She is to keep silent.", or dashing babies against rocks to make you happy, or slavery is good or eating the flesh of your enemies, or etc etc), it is the extremists that take the jihadi interpretation, NOT the vast majority of peace-loving, law-abiding Muslims.

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Yes, OMG... "While the claims remain unconfirmed,........ ".

Agreed, but seems they had some pretty specific intel. Which I'm sure hasn't been fully disclosed yet:

The Prime Minister said there were “quite direct exhortations … coming from an Australian, who is apparently quite senior in ISIL to networks of support back in Australia to conduct demonstration killings here in this country”.

“This is not just suspicion, this is intent,” he told reporters in Arnhem Land.

Absolutely. It's just that when one part is emphasised and another part of a report is not, the haters start frothing at the mouth because they generally are blind to qualifiers such as "unconfirmed" and prefer to jump on the fear-monger bandwagon.

If the report is confirmed, it is indeed shocking and a worry.

The building my daughter works in (on the 19th floor) in Brisbane had a bomb threat yesterday. Maybe a disgruntled customer, maybe connected to this story, I don't know, but it's scary.

I'm still not going to hate all of Islam because of a few nutters...and that is exactly what they are, nutters.

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I think, no, I am sure, you are playing with a popular mythical notion about Islam.

It is a fact that the koran has 109 verses, abrogation aside, that calls for violence. it is a fact that the koran forbids integration with non believers, it is a fact that the koran calls for jihad against unbelievers. It is a fact that the prophet used war and murder to spread his religion. Do not confuse the facts of history and Islamic scripture with 'myth' The only myths I can think of about Islam is that it is a religion of peace and tolerance,

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There you go again simple1 trying to smudge the issue with meaningless tags like jihadist or extremists, While it's true not all Muslims are jihadist or extremists, it would be world war 3 already if they were, it is true that all jihadists and extremists are Muslims. Islam never has been a religion of peace, never has been a religion of tolerance, never has been anything other than an expansionist, divisive creed that incorporates a whole political, religious and social framework. There is no room for unbelievers- jihadists, extremists or moderates, the belief system remains set in stone.

Salam means Peace; islam means submission. Any Arabic speaker would note the great difference in these words. The difference, practically speaking, is actually not that much- why? Even when Islam is mistranslated into Peace it's adherents interpretation clarify that the peace is when Islam is universal, and all are bound to sharia.

"it would be world war 3 already if..." When one of the leading figures on earth declares that we are effectively in World War III already it's the last hours to wake up and realize what is going on. The world hardly has numerous mid to high intensity conflicts raging that the Pope was referencing something like that. No! The Pope could only have been referring to the savage rage of jihad throughout the world, comprising most all of the world's problems, and acted out in numerous lands around the globe. History is already declaring World War III to be a War of Jihad.


As you watch history unfolding- in AU- everywhere, everyday, ask yourself "How can people still continue to tell me what I see unfolding is not happening? How can people keep telling me that who I see doing this is not doing this? AU launching terror raids is helpful- but must address policy. AU needs to reform it's immigration, it's border control, it's immigrant's duties to the State, and fast track kicking out persona non grata!

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I think, no, I am sure, you are playing with a popular mythical notion about Islam.

It is a fact that the koran has 109 verses, abrogation aside, that calls for violence. it is a fact that the koran forbids integration with non believers, it is a fact that the koran calls for jihad against unbelievers. It is a fact that the prophet used war and murder to spread his religion. Do not confuse the facts of history and Islamic scripture with 'myth' The only myths I can think of about Islam is that it is a religion of peace and tolerance,

And it is all in the interpretation and what a follower of the religion prefers to take from it, just as with the Bible and the crusades.

You are suggesting a massive conspiracy that if true, would mean every Muslim on the streets is keeping a deep dark secret, is silently harbouring murderous thoughts, and yet able to smile at us every day, serve us in the restaurants and shops, show kindness, generosity, and love to non-Muslim neighbours, and all the while maintaining the secret.

Simply and literally incredible, preposterous, and ridiculous.

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Yes, OMG... "While the claims remain unconfirmed,........ ".

Agreed, but seems they had some pretty specific intel. Which I'm sure hasn't been fully disclosed yet:

The Prime Minister said there were quite direct exhortations coming from an Australian, who is apparently quite senior in ISIL to networks of support back in Australia to conduct demonstration killings here in this country.

This is not just suspicion, this is intent, he told reporters in Arnhem Land.

Absolutely. It's just that when one part is emphasised and another part of a report is not, the haters start frothing at the mouth because they generally are blind to qualifiers such as "unconfirmed" and prefer to jump on the fear-monger bandwagon.

If the report is confirmed, it is indeed shocking and a worry.

The building my daughter works in (on the 19th floor) in Brisbane had a bomb threat yesterday. Maybe a disgruntled customer, maybe connected to this story, I don't know, but it's scary.

I'm still not going to hate all of Islam because of a few nutters...and that is exactly what they are, nutters.

It's a false choice to suggest the options are hating or not. I know hate. I've seen it and lived amongst it. I don't have it. The real options are waking up or not.

It's is gross understatement to suggest hundreds of millions of people who support jihad are nutters (this number is a guesstimate of an impossibly low estimate of 10-20% of all Muslims supporting jihad? Nevertheless, 30,000 jihadis here, 10,000 there, 2,000 there... Etc. to reduce these numbers to nutters hardly enhances the point I think you try to make. It's a very grave threat and perceiving, measuring it mentally, and seeking to avoid or destroy it hardly constitutes hate; noting it's common ground as Islam is hardly hate. It is!

You intend this meaning to apply to... those who cast all Muslims into the same lot- because all Muslims are not the same? Ok. I get it. But there are not many people here who do that and those who do simply cannot be blamed. Ppl have no duty to eat the politically correct dogshit handed out by the multicultural apologists. A point of view is not invalidated because a man hadn't passed sensitivity training. All people know is the world is changing, people are dying, people are afraid, something barbaric stalks in the distance, they all declare they are Muslims, they all cite Islam--- but at this point we are expected to take the additional step that no Muslims do and say but "it's not the others; It's not islam." Ridiculous. Even the worlds Muslims don't declare this. It is what they sense it it!

The reason AU and EU have these problems is because of this thinking. More of the same Rx will not heal us. Skip the topical biases or appearances of bias- are the facts correct? Are the observations valid? They are. With or without all of Islam being complicit or not it is an existential threat to all life on earth.

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The worry is in Australia and other countries we have allowed a "5th column" into our societies because of our tolerance and our belief in "freedom of religion", which I don't necessarily dis-agree with. However one must ask oneself "what is the difference between a religion and a cult?". I would not mind so much if it were a level playing field, but it's not. There is a program coming on about the Christian religion, it is not available in Malaysia. If you marry a Muslim wife YOU have to convert to their religion (which must make it difficult for you to reconcile with yourself), it can not be the other way around. How many Buddhist temples or Christian churches are there in Saudi Arabia or any other Islamic country compared to how many Mosques there are in other non Islamic countries? We have allowed the "extremists" into our midst along with the everyone else. Why did they leave their own countries in the first place when they could live with people of like mindedness? But they constantly try to change the country they have moved to to become like the one they left? Is there a hidden agenda? What will happen when these people hold the majority in our governments?

I don't know the answer to these questions and that in itself is worrying. I have worked in many Islamic countries and seen how hypocritical it can be, all the men lined up at the border in Saudi to go to Bahrain for the weekend and party for example. But "peaceful" or not when push comes to shove and they have to choose sides with their adopted country or their religion, there will be no choice for them.

Congratulations to the AFP and ASIO for remaining alert enough to nip this in the bud, it can't be easy!!!

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I think, no, I am sure, you are playing with a popular mythical notion about Islam.

It is a fact that the koran has 109 verses, abrogation aside, that calls for violence. it is a fact that the koran forbids integration with non believers, it is a fact that the koran calls for jihad against unbelievers. It is a fact that the prophet used war and murder to spread his religion. Do not confuse the facts of history and Islamic scripture with 'myth' The only myths I can think of about Islam is that it is a religion of peace and tolerance,

And it is all in the interpretation and what a follower of the religion prefers to take from it, just as with the Bible and the crusades.

You are suggesting a massive conspiracy that if true, would mean every Muslim on the streets is keeping a deep dark secret, is silently harbouring murderous thoughts, and yet able to smile at us every day, serve us in the restaurants and shops, show kindness, generosity, and love to non-Muslim neighbours, and all the while maintaining the secret.

Simply and literally incredible, preposterous, and ridiculous.

Have you ever been to or lived in an Islamic country? Believe me there is NO tolerance for any other religion other than Islam, unlike "our" countries where we allow "freedom of religion"

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I think, no, I am sure, you are playing with a popular mythical notion about Islam. Indeed reading the Q'uran, one reads passages that play into your preferred view, but just as the violence and bigotry expressed in the Bible is not taken literally except by fanatical fundamentalists (eg 1 Timothy 2:12, "I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She is to keep silent.", or dashing babies against rocks to make you happy, or slavery is good or eating the flesh of your enemies, or etc etc), it is the extremists that take the jihadi interpretation, NOT the vast majority of peace-loving, law-abiding Muslims.

Most men would quietly agree to that..

Only if they were weak apologists for Islamic terror. The fact that most Muslims do not take up the call to arms in the Koran in no way makes those calls any more acceptable or civilised. Comparisons to obscure and very few passages in the Bible, that nobody takes any notice of is in no way a valid comparison to more than 100 calls for violence, mostly against the unbeliever in the Koran. Even if they do not act on these commands even 'moderate' Muslims must accept them as the word of god or they are not Muslim, but don't tell anyone!

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The topic is about Australia. The Australian authorities estimate "up to" 100 Australians are extremists. One hundred out of a population of 23.6 million is indeed a very small number

So if you arrested them all, or better shot them, do you really think Islam and mainstream Australian society would co exist in peace and harmony for ever after? dream on.

If you get rid of the extremists, the only disharmony in the future would come from bogan bigots. Mainstream Muslims are not out to behead you nor are they after world domination! Grow up.

Sadly it is not about bigots and certainly not about growing up. The fact that not all Muslims carry out violence to further their beliefs in no way proves that they do not agree with those that do. In an historical context it is not the jihadist and so called extremists who are the outsider Muslims not acting in an Islamic way, but the so called moderates. There is only one Koran, there was only one life of the prophet and these have NOTHING to do with peace, tolerance and and lovey dovey lets all get on together multiculturalism. It is the Jihadists who are living out the true creed of Islam not the ones that go out and get drunk on a weekend.

There were lots of moderate Nazi's many not quite so bad communists, but that did not alter the fact that the creed they followed was any less horrible just because of that. Wake up and smell the coffee!

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" Last week the country raised its terror threat level from medium to high. "

No mention that last week the country announced it's decision to send troops to Syria/Iraq.

Of course they should arrest, incarcerate, and deport if possible jihadists/militant islamists, But they should also be aware that in bending over for the US in matters of the US's foreign policy, they invite the wrath of jihadists/militant Islamists.

Yes of course. If you never did anything to hurt their little feelings, they'd never, ever do anything to harm you.


Neversure, I hope you are being facetious. The Yasidiks (spelling) never did anything to hurt their little feelings. Their only crime, as with many others, was simply a different belief.

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" Last week the country raised its terror threat level from medium to high. "

No mention that last week the country announced it's decision to send troops to Syria/Iraq.

Of course they should arrest, incarcerate, and deport if possible jihadists/militant islamists, But they should also be aware that in bending over for the US in matters of the US's foreign policy, they invite the wrath of jihadists/militant Islamists.

You know, the tired old US this and US that gets old. By implication you are saying that the US is responsible for jihad, or that if one follows the acts of the US he will be a target. That's BS.

Thailand has had more Muslim terrorist attacks than has the US, and it has also had more deaths. That includes 9/11. So put that in your smipe and poke it.

Your opinions are not only wrong, they are deeply prejudiced and they keep you blind. A blind man can't see much.

The reason the US has had so few terrorist attacks is because the extremists are actually cowardly punks who don't really want to die. Look how long the coward Osama Bin Laden ran and hid before he was finally killed. He financed and persuaded some punks to go get their 72 virgins but he didn't have the guts to go get his.

It's countries that are puzzies that are going to get attacked. They welcome the terrorists into their countries, play PC, and get bit. It's not the ones like the US or its citizens at home that will be attacked because we play hardball. They are afraid of us one on one on our streets.

If you were right that actions against terrorists such as the US does would bring on terror attacks, then the US would have them daily. But it ain't so. It's being tough that keeps them away.

Edited by NeverSure
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"Islam is good!

Islam is a religion of peace!

Muslims are good peaceful people!"

I am quoting here Obama, Cameron and many other Politically Correct Leaders of the Western World.

The same Leaders who are drumming up the collective International military forces against Islamists, Jihadists, Terrorists.

Pity that nobody can explain where the hell they are coming from?

I am an Australian.

I am not religious.

I am tolerant of all religions that do not apply force, cohersion, and are tolerant of each other believes.

Can't say more for obvious reasons.

I am not religious also. I am also tolerant of ALL religions except for one. And my reasons are more than obvious.

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" Last week the country raised its terror threat level from medium to high. "

No mention that last week the country announced it's decision to send troops to Syria/Iraq.

Of course they should arrest, incarcerate, and deport if possible jihadists/militant islamists, But they should also be aware that in bending over for the US in matters of the US's foreign policy, they invite the wrath of jihadists/militant Islamists.

You know, the tired old US this and US that gets old. By implication you are saying that the US is responsible for jihad, or that if one follows the acts of the US he will be a target. That's BS.

It aint BS. It is fact. Jihad was declared against the USA because of its unwavering support of Israel occupying Arab land. Like it or not it is indeed.....FACT.

Now other countries ,namingly Australia and the UK are feeling the Jihadist's wrath because of their unwavering support for the US.

That said it aint the time to be crying over spilt milk as terrorism is upon us and must be destroyed at all costs.

Iet me see if I can follow your argument here. Israel (thought somebody would blame them) is a legitimate country set up by the UN. The 'Arabs' (muslims) could not accept this so attacked them several times. The Arab armies always lost and as a result Israel did occupy some lands it was not set up to. In the course of time it gave over 95% of this land back, including the Sinai peninsular and Gaza strip, some of this was just used as a rocket launching site against Israel. Why then should thy give up the west bank for the same result? The USA and other western nations including Australia supports Israel's right to exist and defend itself against Islamic aggression sworn to destroy it, that sounds pretty reasonable to me and in no way an explanation for or justification of Jihadist terrorism around the world.

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It could seem so far that most of the 25% are posting to the thread.

Majority of Australians support military intervention against ISIS, Newspoll reveals

Just over three out of five Australians are “personally in favour” of Australia providing assistance.

Conducted at the weekend and published in The Australian, the poll of 1207 people revealed that 62 per cent of voters supported the action taken so far by the Abbott government, which has involved humanitarian aid drops, as well as shipments of weapons and ammunition.

25 per cent were opposed and 13 per cent remain uncommitted


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" Last week the country raised its terror threat level from medium to high. "

No mention that last week the country announced it's decision to send troops to Syria/Iraq.

Of course they should arrest, incarcerate, and deport if possible jihadists/militant islamists, But they should also be aware that in bending over for the US in matters of the US's foreign policy, they invite the wrath of jihadists/militant Islamists.

You know, the tired old US this and US that gets old. By implication you are saying that the US is responsible for jihad, or that if one follows the acts of the US he will be a target. That's BS.

It aint BS. It is fact. Jihad was declared against the USA because of its unwavering support of Israel occupying Arab land. Like it or not it is indeed.....FACT.

Now other countries ,namingly Australia and the UK are feeling the Jihadist's wrath because of their unwavering support for the US.

That said it aint the time to be crying over spilt milk as terrorism is upon us and must be destroyed at all costs.

Iet me see if I can follow your argument here. Israel (thought somebody would blame them) is a legitimate country set up by the UN. The 'Arabs' (muslims) could not accept this so attacked them several times. The Arab armies always lost and as a result Israel did occupy some lands it was not set up to. In the course of time it gave over 95% of this land back, including the Sinai peninsular and Gaza strip, some of this was just used as a rocket launching site against Israel. Why then should thy give up the west bank for the same result? The USA and other western nations including Australia supports Israel's right to exist and defend itself against Islamic aggression sworn to destroy it, that sounds pretty reasonable to me and in no way an explanation for or justification of Jihadist terrorism around the world.

One can dribble on with pro Isreal / anti Arab talk as much as one likes. The FACT of the matter is, as I have already stated and will state it again. Arabs and the proverbial bee in their Jihadi bonnet stems from Israel occupying Arab land and the US's support of that occupation. FACT.

UBL stated it when he declared Jihad againt the US in that legendary interview he gave with that English reporter (his name escapes me ATM) in the Afgan many moons ago.

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One can dribble on with pro Isreal / anti Arab talk as much as one likes. The FACT of the matter is, as I have already stated and will state it again. Arabs and the proverbial bee in their Jihadi bonnet stems from Israel occupying Arab land and the US's support of that occupation. FACT.

It may be true but that does not make it right does it. Israel has given back the gaza strip and look what happend, the more they have given back the worse the islamist attacks seem to get. it's not really about land at all of course, but hatred of the Jewish religion by Muslims. The Islamist had a 'bee in their bonnet' about Jews before they even had a country and well before any land was 'occupied'

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Only if they were weak apologists for Islamic terror. The fact that most Muslims do not take up the call to arms in the Koran in no way makes those calls any more acceptable or civilised. Comparisons to obscure and very few passages in the Bible, that nobody takes any notice of is in no way a valid comparison to more than 100 calls for violence, mostly against the unbeliever in the Koran. Even if they do not act on these commands even 'moderate' Muslims must accept them as the word of god or they are not Muslim, but don't tell anyone!

So, here you admit that most Muslims do not take up the (so called) call to arms. You also dismiss the passages in the Bible "that nobody takes any notice of". How can you not see that, as most reasonable Christians ignore the rubbish in the Bible, most Muslims ignore the rubbish in the Q'uran?

Calls to dash babies against the rocks are ignored and explained away, just as calls to rule the world.

The comparison of the Bible v Koran just do not convince, over 100 calls for violence in the Koran, mostly against non believers. Jesus was a man of peace who said love they neighbour and turn the other cheek never married and who never killed or owned a slave. Compare that to the life of the so called 'perfect man' who was a slave owning killer and warlord married at least 11 times including a six year old and who advocated sex with slaves, dressed in woman's clothes, 'thighed' infants too young for penetrative sex and who called for the subjugation of non believers and who had a pregnant women torn to pieces in front of him. Any comparison there do you think when it comes to a bit of evil?

Here's something from the Bible for you; Jeremiah 5:21 ‘Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not’

You totally miss my point. Whether deliberate or because you are incapable of comprehending, I will make no comment. There is no comparison with the Bible or how many rubbish verses there are. The analogy is that parts of the Bible are, as you have said, ignored, by reasonable people, just as the rubbish in the Q'uran is ignored by reasonable people.

Your arguments run very hollow and you keep harping on pedantically about the violence that is incited in Muslims, yet, your HUGE conspiracy theory is completely impossible.

It is true that manipulative men with political agendas use the Q'uran literally to bend the minds of impressionable angry young men or uneducated impressionable young men. It is not true that the vast majority of Muslims, staunch and devout ones too, want war or to kill you or to rule the world. It is simply not even close to being true.

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