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Tot/ipstar Truth Confirmed


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This is a follow-up to my previous post about my episode with TOT satellite service. In summary, I am paying THB 2,600 for (supposedly) 1024/512 internet speed. However, it consistently tests at 200-300k down (256/128?) when connecting to a website/server outside Thailand (aka TOT/IPSTAR's WAN).

Anyway, the tech came out and reconfirmed the slower than purchased speed. He then went to Bangkok for a conference related to adding more international fiber bandwidth. I followed up with him and he confirmed that it ain't gonna happen anytime soon, so it would be best just to downgrade my service to 512/256 for THB 2200/month.

You may be thinking like me - that I would pay less for 512/256 and still get the same 256/128 international speed. Well, I marched into the TOT offices and (not surprisingly), it turns out that if I downgrade the plan to 512, I should expect speeds of 120-150 down. If I downgrade the plan to 128, I should expect 50-70 down.

So, the TRUTH is that what we are paying for is:

  • THB 2600 for 256/128
  • THB 2200 for 128/64
  • THB 1800 for 64/64

Or something like it. Now if the advertising stated this clearly, NOBODY would want the service and would opt for DSL instead (unless they are way out in the boonies). So, they suck us in by advertising their WAN speeds as internet speeds. :D

Well, guess what? - by the time you sort this all out, you already signed the 1 year contract, the equipment is installed in your yard, and you have been using the service for long enough for them to claim you can't simply return everything and get out of the contract!

So here I am stuck with paying THB 2600 for the same speed I could be getting with DSL for @THB 600. Yes, I am hopping mad (but haven't put it on display thus far). No the "extra" THB 2000 won't break me and it's just one of the many "You are a dumbfxxx for living here" taxes we ex-pats often have to suck up.

Fxxx, I hate to be lied to! :o Hopefully this info will keep someone out there from being another victim.

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Here are my readings from this morning;

Your current bandwidth reading is:


which means you can download at 9.59 KB/sec. from our servers.

It appears there are a lot of different rates floating around also. I pay 2,600 baht a month for this shit service and it is better than usual right now.

How do I change to TOT? At least I may get a cheaper price and maybe better service. I have had this for about a year and a half so my contract obligation is finished.

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csloxinfo 1800 Baht/month

slow speed is not the only problem.....

it is terrible

This is a follow-up to my previous post about my episode with TOT satellite service. In summary, I am paying THB 2,600 for (supposedly) 1024/512 internet speed. However, it consistently tests at 200-300k down (256/128?) when connecting to a website/server outside Thailand (aka TOT/IPSTAR's WAN).

Anyway, the tech came out and reconfirmed the slower than purchased speed. He then went to Bangkok for a conference related to adding more international fiber bandwidth. I followed up with him and he confirmed that it ain't gonna happen anytime soon, so it would be best just to downgrade my service to 512/256 for THB 2200/month.

You may be thinking like me - that I would pay less for 512/256 and still get the same 256/128 international speed. Well, I marched into the TOT offices and (not surprisingly), it turns out that if I downgrade the plan to 512, I should expect speeds of 120-150 down. If I downgrade the plan to 128, I should expect 50-70 down.

So, the TRUTH is that what we are paying for is:

  • THB 2600 for 256/128
  • THB 2200 for 128/64
  • THB 1800 for 64/64

Or something like it. Now if the advertising stated this clearly, NOBODY would want the service and would opt for DSL instead (unless they are way out in the boonies). So, they suck us in by advertising their WAN speeds as internet speeds. :D

Well, guess what? - by the time you sort this all out, you already signed the 1 year contract, the equipment is installed in your yard, and you have been using the service for long enough for them to claim you can't simply return everything and get out of the contract!

So here I am stuck with paying THB 2600 for the same speed I could be getting with DSL for @THB 600. Yes, I am hopping mad (but haven't put it on display thus far). No the "extra" THB 2000 won't break me and it's just one of the many "You are a dumbfxxx for living here" taxes we ex-pats often have to suck up.

Fxxx, I hate to be lied to! :o Hopefully this info will keep someone out there from being another victim.

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Basically nobody in their right mind would get satellite if they can get adsl!

Satellite is there for people with no other options. Due to the high cost of satellite equipment/maintenance, it'll always stay more expensive then the other alternatives (adsl, cable,etc)

Now it does seem to be that TOT has more bandwidth to share then Csloxinfo, hence the better results people are reporting on TOT's iPSTAR offering (at cheaper prices to boot)

But the misrepresentations about speed are the same for any internet provider over here!!!

Don't believe you are going to get full speed on 600Baht/month for dsl, It'll slow down to dial-up crawl during peak hours and might go up to rated speeds in the middle of the nigh only!!!

First I had a 512/256 package for 790 Baht/month which was just terrible (p2p blocked and many times I had to fall back to dial-up because it simply was faster)

Now I have half the speed (256/128) at double the price (1600 Baht/month) but this package gives me anywhwere between 60 and 90% of rated speed (average 85% most of the times)

Edited by monty
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Latest check;

Your current bandwidth reading is:


which means you can download at 8.91 KB/sec. from our servers.

If this speed were reliable I wouldn't complain. It is stalled about as often as it is running. It truly stinks.

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The last read:

Your current bandwidth reading is:


which means you can download at 78.78 KB/sec. from our servers.

This is True Internet. Now, my problem is that what I am paying for is a 4096/512 Kbps (4 Mbps) package and I've never seen those speeds, but I can clearly see the bill for it. :o

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Due to the VERY slow speed it took me about a half hour to go to the TOT site and find the email address for Loei province. I copied and pasted the address and got a Google reply that the email address is no good! That's NOT very encouraging either. :o

I am going to TRY to switch to TOT.

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