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Outraged at Apple non-privacy


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I am ready to throw my iphone in the Mekong if I can't easily figure out how to be anonymous on my iphone without jumping through hoops.

I just updated the OS and it's turned into a can of worms....

Firstky my password doesn't work, so I have to reset that. Then I figure, 'Why should the corporation that sold me a physical device have any knowledge of my real name or primary residence? If I buy a toaster it doesn't track me!

So I go and change my name to Mr. Magoo. Won't allow me to change residential address or country though. I made the mistake after purchasing my phone for cash to try out itunes match which required a credit card (even if paying with gift card, even after canceling that garbage subscription). So now I have my personal information following me like crap on my shoes. IT'S NONE OF APPLE'S CONCERN what my name is, where I live, what websites I visit or the colour of my hair. I am pissed off! I bought a tool like a hammer not expecting spyware.

I try to send an email with my Apple email. Won't let me because my original name doesn't match their records. Just trying to send an email not marry the CEO's daughter. Apple's privacy policies seem to get worse over time, not better.

What alternative to Apple has a policy of true privacy?

Edited by hermespan
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To be precise when I try to send email from my mail account I get the message...

"Cannot send email. The username or password for 'icloud' is incorrect'.

True, when I installed ios update it asked me to do something about iCloud but I skipped it figuring I would do it later. I mean what has cyber storage of stuff got to do with using email? Why should I follow the rules on integrated everything just because I am using an Apple product?

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looks like a user error to me ..

but to answer the main question.

"privacy" is defined by what news outlet you do read mainly, and not a real technical matter anymore.

if you want total privacy, just get off the grid.

since NOTHING (and specially not a privacy statement of a company like apple or google) can protect you from your data is beeing used.

first step would be to not use any cloud services ...

but this may put a big rock on the usage experience. and will cause us to read another moaming post like this about how bad things are now without clouds.

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Apple is pushy. My iphone keeps telling me to sign into icloud. Excuse me, *I* will decide if I want to use icloud. I used it in the past. I am going to disassociate mysrlf from Apple step by step, including cancelling my paid subscription to icloud. Why? Unscceptable privacy policies.

And pushy.

Now, how to get rid of this persistent notification. I will use Apple services on my terms, not theirs.

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Apple is pushy. My iphone keeps telling me to sign into icloud. Excuse me, *I* will decide if I want to use icloud. I used it in the past. I am going to disassociate mysrlf from Apple step by step, including cancelling my paid subscription to icloud. Why? Unscceptable privacy policies.

And pushy.

Now, how to get rid of this persistent notification. I will use Apple services on my terms, not theirs.

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Apple is pushy. My iphone keeps telling me to sign into icloud. Excuse me, *I* will decide if I want to use icloud. I used it in the past. I am going to disassociate mysrlf from Apple step by step, including cancelling my paid subscription to icloud. Why? Unscceptable privacy policies.

And pushy.

Now, how to get rid of this persistent notification. I will use Apple services on my terms, not theirs.

If it keeps asking to sign into iCloud, just check under Settings - iCloud if you have enabled something, even Find my iPhone depends on this.

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duplicate post above. Do not see a button to delete post.

Nullx8 wrote "but this may put a big rock on the usage experience. and will cause us to read another moaming post like this about how bad things are now without clouds."

I Doubt it. It won't even be very inconvenient. I never use it and compared to Dropbox it is not practical. There are more private cloud alternatives to both. But you are correct, privacy advocates recommend NOT using cloud services. My lawyer says they are foolish.

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MJCM wrote: "If it keeps asking to sign into iCloud, just check under Settings - iCloud if you have enabled something, even Find my iPhone depends on this."

Then there is another nail in the coffin of Apple and perhaps 'smart' phones (for big corporations and Big Brother).

I did not request all these services to be 'integrated' I wish to use 'fond my iphone' or ither location services such as Google Maps ad INDEPENDENT services from icloud.

If Apple continues down this road I will boycott it.

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IMHO you are not looking for help with Settings and you are not really interested in how to turn off notifications, but you just wanna RANT.

Oke fine by me. Go ahead.

Respect and Good Luck


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After updating to ios8 all my notes have disappeared. Curiously, all my photos are still here as well as all my contacts. I am sure there are solutions, but I switched to Apple in 1993 to make my life simpler not more complicated. $1000 phone is costly for all its headaches.

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I agree with the op for the most part. Itunes is a total marketing nightmare, unless you are looking to buy stuff from them, then I'm sure it's great.

I really think we as consumers need to pull our heads out one day soon. When we buy things, we have the right not to be annoyed anymore by ads and marketing. But this works, and people dont complain, and it will get worse because of that.

I have never in my life heard one other person complain about the commercials they put up on the screen when you pay 15 dollars to walk into a movie theater for example. NOT ONE. That is a total outrage imo and should not be allowed. We don't complain, so they get their way.

Things are getting so much worse too, they are putting commercials and marketing right into the middle of cable tv shows. I have even see on the pay TV channels, like HBO, there are permanent boxes with the HBO logo they brand on the upper right corner. This is just a total no no as far as im concerned, but nobody complains. It is bad for your tv too if you watch the channel long enough.

I think apple and itunes is the worst of them all. Yet nobody complains. Again, I really feel until we pull the collective head out and realize we are paying top dollar to be advertised to, it will just get worse. So, I'm sure it will just get worse.

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Android​is getting worse.

Last update I got TripAdvisor loaded. And you can't delete it.

There's other cpap as well.

I think everyone is watching.

Most spooky thing for me was on my laptop I was looking for let's say toaster.

Then went on utube and the ads on the side were all for toasters.

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Wait till google start using the EXIF data they are currently mining from any photograph you have took on a digital device.

That will shake a lot of people up as they will all be linked and a search can be made from that devices ID module that will display every single photo took on the device.

eg....post naked pictures on certain sites and post a selfie or a corparate photo on a respectable site, the end user will be able to view all photos took on that device.

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I struggling to understand what the OP's problem is, notwithstanding Apple takes its customers privacy very seriously.

Hang on, umm, what's this... it's last night's Safari update for Mavericks which introduces secure search engine, DuckDuckGo, and encrypted searches in Yahoo.

I won't be rushing back to Windows anytime soon.

Edited by wooloomooloo
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The problem is all around us, and easy enough to understand.

What companies like apple are doing is essentially taking your money to be able to collect data from you. Now, they know who I am, what I shop for, my email address, my home address, and potentially what color underwear my fiance is wearing. It should be possible to just make a phone call if you please, not only possible but very easy. You did pay a lot for a phone after all, it isnt asking too much. I paid money for a phone and if I would like to remain anonymous, I should have that option easily available. That's it, no bog mystery. But, they want to have their cake and eat it too.

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The problem is all around us, and easy enough to understand.

What companies like apple are doing is essentially taking your money to be able to collect data from you. Now, they know who I am, what I shop for, my email address, my home address, and potentially what color underwear my fiance is wearing. It should be possible to just make a phone call if you please, not only possible but very easy. You did pay a lot for a phone after all, it isnt asking too much. I paid money for a phone and if I would like to remain anonymous, I should have that option easily available. That's it, no bog mystery. But, they want to have their cake and eat it too.

1. Set up a random gmail address

2. Enter a fake address when you register it for your Apple ID

3. Do not register a credit card and do not order anything from the App Store or iTunes Store

Hey presto - Apple do not know your real name, your real address, your real email address and they do not know what you order from the App Store or iTunes store. That takes care of Apple.


Do not ever order anything from the internet with your home address, do not use Google so that they do not have a record of searches for your finance's underwear from your IP address, do not use a credit card to buy anything from anywhere, ever. Do buy a 500 baht feature phone with no GPS or email so that you can just make a phone call. Just to be sure, a foil hat might be helpful for protection from government thought scanners.

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The problem is all around us, and easy enough to understand.

What companies like apple are doing is essentially taking your money to be able to collect data from you. Now, they know who I am, what I shop for, my email address, my home address, and potentially what color underwear my fiance is wearing. It should be possible to just make a phone call if you please, not only possible but very easy. You did pay a lot for a phone after all, it isnt asking too much. I paid money for a phone and if I would like to remain anonymous, I should have that option easily available. That's it, no bog mystery. But, they want to have their cake and eat it too.

1. Set up a random gmail address

2. Enter a fake address when you register it for your Apple ID

3. Do not register a credit card and do not order anything from the App Store or iTunes Store

Hey presto - Apple do not know your real name, your real address, your real email address and they do not know what you order from the App Store or iTunes store. That takes care of Apple.


Do not ever order anything from the internet with your home address, do not use Google so that they do not have a record of searches for your finance's underwear from your IP address, do not use a credit card to buy anything from anywhere, ever. Do buy a 500 baht feature phone with no GPS or email so that you can just make a phone call. Just to be sure, a foil hat might be helpful for protection from government thought scanners.

Well, op said he used his credit card for something. I dont see why you cant use your credit card for something and still remain anonymous if you wish. Im sure its possible, but perhaps not as easy as it should be was his point.

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The most that Apple could possibly know if you register a credit card with them is what apps and music you buy.

Your credit card company and the associated bank knows and stores everything you buy with it everywhere, your lifestyle, your travel, your credit rating and probably even your income. The shop where you used it knows your name, what you bought, how much you have spent and your consumer profile. How anonymous is that?

You want anonymity? Use cash and keep your money under your mattress.

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