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FBI sees rise in US mass shootings


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NRA and the Tea Party can sure be proud.whistling.gif

The NRA nor the Tea Party are shooting anyone. In fact, the majority of mass shooters tend to be reregistered Democrats. Most Democrats are normal individuals. It's the liberal wackos that come from this group who tend to be the shooters.

This link seems to refute that claim: http://www.examiner.com/article/the-idea-that-recent-mass-shooters-are-mostly-registered-democrats-is-a-myth

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'The number of people killed or wounded in mass shootings in the US has increased dramatically in recent years ...'

Given the love affair that at least one US association has with guns, and the unhealthy and disproportionate influence it has on US politics, I don't imagine that finding comes as a surprise to anyone.

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Surely the key is to attach explosive collars to each citizen. That way when the inevitable shooting spree kicks off, the authorities can just press a button to terminate the shooter. Obviously restricting guns won't work or having tougher laws regarding the purchase of high powered weaponry because then you're restricting the freedom to indiscriminately open fire on work places and schools, which is enshrined in the constitution.

"The Second Amendment has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American public."

- Former chief justice Warren E. Burger.

I think people have forgotten one thing. When constitution was written, people wrestled bears and fought indians daily!

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The women alone who shoots burglars and rapists and saves herself never seem to get in the news. Or the neighbor who grabs a shotgun and runs to save a neighbor from bodily harm never makes the news.

The truth is the average time it takes the Police to arrive in most cities is 15 minutes to 45 minutes, depending on how many police persons have been laid off due to financial restraints.

Who can wait that long in an emergency? Or you call 911 and you are put on hold!

Crime always accelerates in the US in no gun cities like NY, and LA.

This is a great example of the lies, damn lies, and statistics put forth by the gun nuts. Point by point your post is a steaming pile of propaganda.

The reason why the "women alone who shoots burglars and rapists and saves herself never seem to get in the news" is because that very rarely ever happens. It is much more common for people to accidentally shoot themselves, their kids to get a hold of their gun and shot themselves or a friend, or for the gun owner to shoot their own teenage son or daughter climbing in the bedroom window after sneaking out.

The actual truth is response times to violent crimes in progress in urban and suburban areas (90% of the population) is about 4 minutes.

Violent crime dropped drastically in NY and LA since the 90's as more gun legislation was introduced. I will not claim that is solely the result of the tougher gun laws. It would certainly contribute. Most criminologists agree that Clinton is to be credited for the drop in crime by putting thousands more police on the streets.

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NRA and the Tea Party can sure be proud.whistling.gif

The NRA nor the Tea Party are shooting anyone.

Do you realize that your response has absolutely nothing to do with the statement you responded to?

Don't hold your breath.

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Surely the key is to attach explosive collars to each citizen. That way when the inevitable shooting spree kicks off, the authorities can just press a button to terminate the shooter. Obviously restricting guns won't work or having tougher laws regarding the purchase of high powered weaponry because then you're restricting the freedom to indiscriminately open fire on work places and schools, which is enshrined in the constitution.

"The Second Amendment has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American public."

- Former chief justice Warren E. Burger.

I think people have forgotten one thing. When constitution was written, people wrestled bears and fought indians daily!

Actually we fought Brits.

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I support the following...

1. RFID chip in the body of each citizen.

2. If you don't have a chip, then you can't do ANYTHING. Like being naked in the woods with only 2 wet sticks to make fire

3. Hello Kitty missile system targeted to each owners RFID chip. If you break any law--the missile is launched. Because of possible collateral damage, sub-dermal cyanide capsules are an option.

4. Each of the 830,000 British expats living in the USA are forced to watch Rambo movies until complete gun boner is acheived--then they are chipped and issued a weapon.

5. We then invade Mexico.

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I support the following...

1. RFID chip in the body of each citizen.

2. If you don't have a chip, then you can't do ANYTHING. Like being naked in the woods with only 2 wet sticks to make fire

3. Hello Kitty missile system targeted to each owners RFID chip. If you break any law--the missile is launched. Because of possible collateral damage, sub-dermal cyanide capsules are an option.

4. Each of the 830,000 British expats living in the USA are forced to watch Rambo movies until complete gun boner is acheived--then they are chipped and issued a weapon.

5. We then invade Mexico.

Yeah, but what happens when the system gets hacked?

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It never ceases to amaze me when there is a police shooting in the news, or as in this case, the FBI reports a rise in mass shooting incidents, the liberals come out of the wood work ringing their hands and whining about more gun control. Some of the more loony liberals even call for the confiscation of all firearms in America. Huh???

Apparently the mere mention of the word "gun" puts many of these people into a hysterical rant about the NRA and even the Tea Party. I have even read comments like, "its too bad America can't do what Australia did.

Lets look at what Australia did. They took firearms away from law abiding citizens, and now the only people with guns are law enforcement and criminals. If some fool breaks into a persons home in Australia, the home owner better not harm the person breaking into their home. If they do, they will be held accountable for any injuries this fool receives. In most communities in America, if a criminal breaks into someones home, and the home owner shoots them, the home owner will get a pat on the back. Good job :-)

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I support the following...

1. RFID chip in the body of each citizen.

2. If you don't have a chip, then you can't do ANYTHING. Like being naked in the woods with only 2 wet sticks to make fire

3. Hello Kitty missile system targeted to each owners RFID chip. If you break any law--the missile is launched. Because of possible collateral damage, sub-dermal cyanide capsules are an option.

4. Each of the 830,000 British expats living in the USA are forced to watch Rambo movies until complete gun boner is acheived--then they are chipped and issued a weapon.

5. We then invade Mexico.

Yeah, but what happens when the system gets hacked?

Lot less terrorism and wars.

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It never ceases to amaze me when there is a police shooting in the news, or as in this case, the FBI reports a rise in mass shooting incidents, the liberals come out of the wood work ringing their hands and whining about more gun control. Some of the more loony liberals even call for the confiscation of all firearms in America. Huh???

Apparently the mere mention of the word "gun" puts many of these people into a hysterical rant about the NRA and even the Tea Party. I have even read comments like, "its too bad America can't do what Australia did.

Lets look at what Australia did. They took firearms away from law abiding citizens, and now the only people with guns are law enforcement and criminals. If some fool breaks into a persons home in Australia, the home owner better not harm the person breaking into their home. If they do, they will be held accountable for any injuries this fool receives. In most communities in America, if a criminal breaks into someones home, and the home owner shoots them, the home owner will get a pat on the back. Good job :-)

Is that how it works in Australia?

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It never ceases to amaze me when there is a police shooting in the news, or as in this case, the FBI reports a rise in mass shooting incidents, the liberals come out of the wood work ringing their hands and whining about more gun control. Some of the more loony liberals even call for the confiscation of all firearms in America. Huh???

Apparently the mere mention of the word "gun" puts many of these people into a hysterical rant about the NRA and even the Tea Party. I have even read comments like, "its too bad America can't do what Australia did.

Lets look at what Australia did. They took firearms away from law abiding citizens, and now the only people with guns are law enforcement and criminals. If some fool breaks into a persons home in Australia, the home owner better not harm the person breaking into their home. If they do, they will be held accountable for any injuries this fool receives. In most communities in America, if a criminal breaks into someones home, and the home owner shoots them, the home owner will get a pat on the back. Good job :-)

Why reference a highly successful program which contradicts the point you are trying to make? That is the definition of "loony."

You post an article published by "Mother Jones" and you think I am loony?

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It never ceases to amaze me when there is a police shooting in the news, or as in this case, the FBI reports a rise in mass shooting incidents, the liberals come out of the wood work ringing their hands and whining about more gun control. Some of the more loony liberals even call for the confiscation of all firearms in America. Huh???

Apparently the mere mention of the word "gun" puts many of these people into a hysterical rant about the NRA and even the Tea Party. I have even read comments like, "its too bad America can't do what Australia did.

Lets look at what Australia did. They took firearms away from law abiding citizens, and now the only people with guns are law enforcement and criminals. If some fool breaks into a persons home in Australia, the home owner better not harm the person breaking into their home. If they do, they will be held accountable for any injuries this fool receives. In most communities in America, if a criminal breaks into someones home, and the home owner shoots them, the home owner will get a pat on the back. Good job :-)

You post an article published by "Mother Jones" and you think I am loony?

clap2.gif Typical. Shifting the discourse away from the facts and issues and towards generalizations and straw man fallacies is the purest sign of defeat. I humbly accept your acquiescence. Good day sir. wai.gif

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First a person must evaluate the source of information... In this case, it is the FBI... Can a person reasonably trust what the FBI reports to the public?

If you trust what the FBI reports to the general public, then you must believe the statistics they have released on crimes committed in the US... Listed below is a link to a FBI report that states that there were zero violent shootings / killings in Newton, Connecticut in the year 2012... The Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton was supposedly attacked by a 20 year deranged shooter on December 14, 2012 that killed several students... Hard to miss as it was in all the media and quite a topic here on TV...


So, who do you believe? Was there a mass shooting in Newton or was there not?

The current administration in the US has an agenda regarding the 2nd amendment to the Constitution and have employed various tactics to disarm the American people... Right after the Sandy Hook "event", gun control was the number one issue by this administration... The irony is that Eric Holder is finally falling on his sword for his part in Fast and Furious, DOJ sponsored gun running program to Mexico... The hypocrisy of these people is appalling...

Edited by Loptr
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Automatic weapons with extended magazines should be a birth right and handed to citizens as soon as they pop out of the baby maker. Heavier weapons such as 50 caliber machine guns and hand grenades should also be permanent additions in every house. Tanks should be made available to everyone and each neighborhood should have an Apache gunship stationed nearby ready for use.

We all know that if there is a cloud of poison gas in the air killing people, the correct response is to add more poison gas in order to equalize and negate the threat. Yes, more guns, that must be the answer.

Finally someone who understand that one fights fire with (bigger) fire. It's what the US has been doing around the world for the past 60 years with great success.

I think you meant to end that sentence with; without any great success....

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It never ceases to amaze me when there is a police shooting in the news, or as in this case, the FBI reports a rise in mass shooting incidents, the liberals come out of the wood work ringing their hands and whining about more gun control. Some of the more loony liberals even call for the confiscation of all firearms in America. Huh???

Apparently the mere mention of the word "gun" puts many of these people into a hysterical rant about the NRA and even the Tea Party. I have even read comments like, "its too bad America can't do what Australia did.

Lets look at what Australia did. They took firearms away from law abiding citizens, and now the only people with guns are law enforcement and criminals. If some fool breaks into a persons home in Australia, the home owner better not harm the person breaking into their home. If they do, they will be held accountable for any injuries this fool receives. In most communities in America, if a criminal breaks into someones home, and the home owner shoots them, the home owner will get a pat on the back. Good job :-)

You post an article published by "Mother Jones" and you think I am loony?

clap2.gif Typical. Shifting the discourse away from the facts and issues and towards generalizations and straw man fallacies is the purest sign of defeat. I humbly accept your acquiescence. Good day sir. wai.gif

One of the last places anyone should look for "facts" is "Mother Jones." OMG!!

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This is why discourse on this topic is impossible. Gun rights advocates will label anyone exposing the truth as "hysterical, loony liberals" spreading "propaganda." Gun rights advocates simply live in an imaginary world. That would be fine with me if it weren't for the fact that thousands of men, women and children are shot and injured or killed every year in America.

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This is why discourse on this topic is impossible. Gun rights advocates will label anyone exposing the truth as "hysterical, loony liberals" spreading "propaganda." Gun rights advocates simply live in an imaginary world. That would be fine with me if it weren't for the fact that thousands of men, women and children are shot and injured or killed every year in America.

Of course, this is your opinion and much like everyone, you have yours which you are entitled to...

You might tell that to the second victim in the Muslim beheading attack on factory workers in Vaughn, Missouri... Perhaps you don't know about this incident that took place 2 days ago as it has not made it to TV just yet, which is odd in itself... A muslim was fired from his job at a meat packing for attempting to convert workers to islam and got into an argument with workers on the validity of the muslim law that states that stoning women was perfectly acceptable... After he was fired, he returned to the plant, attacked and beheaded a 56 year old woman and had attacked and was stabbing another woman when the COO of the company shot the man 4 times... Had he not been armed, many more would be dead now...

So you can take your "opinion" and send it to the family of the woman that was saved by the fact that someone was armed when some religious nutcase went on a rampage...

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This is why discourse on this topic is impossible. Gun rights advocates will label anyone exposing the truth as "hysterical, loony liberals" spreading "propaganda." Gun rights advocates simply live in an imaginary world. That would be fine with me if it weren't for the fact that thousands of men, women and children are shot and injured or killed every year in America.

Of course, this is your opinion and much like everyone, you have yours which you are entitled to...

You might tell that to the second victim in the Muslim beheading attack on factory workers in Vaughn, Missouri... Perhaps you don't know about this incident that took place 2 days ago as it has not made it to TV just yet, which is odd in itself... A muslim was fired from his job at a meat packing for attempting to convert workers to islam and got into an argument with workers on the validity of the muslim law that states that stoning women was perfectly acceptable... After he was fired, he returned to the plant, attacked and beheaded a 56 year old woman and had attacked and was stabbing another woman when the COO of the company shot the man 4 times... Had he not been armed, many more would be dead now...

So you can take your "opinion" and send it to the family of the woman that was saved by the fact that someone was armed when some religious nutcase went on a rampage...

He was policeman, part time volunteer.

If everyone has guns there's a good chance a lot of people are going to get shot. Throw in the psychology of "mental overload" as one poster rightly said above, throw in gang crime . . . you get the numbers you get in the US regarding homicide by firearm.

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