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Rising sea 'could ruin Thailand's east coast in 30 years'


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Alarmists Are In Way Over Their Heads On Rising Ocean Claims


Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told'


Papassorn Sunet said she had to elevate her house twice already in the face of soaring seawater level.

Khun Papassorn must raise her house only a couple centimeters each time as the annual rate of rise over the past 20 years has been 0.13 inches (3.2mm)

That's a TOTAL of 2.6 inches (64mm) over the last twenty years http://ocean.nationalgeographic.com/ocean/critical-issues-sea-level-rise/

I can't believe people are still being suckered in paying higher taxes, higher energy bills, reduced employment, and reducing their standards of living for this hoax.

Maybe she needs a new builder as it is obvious her house is sinking, not rising sea levels that have required her to elevate her house.

No need to worry as amulets and making merit will protect most Thai from rising sea levels.

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Further down the other report is saying in the 2030s the sea level in Chanthaburi is expected to rise 0.19mm a year though which is a whole order of magnitude smaller - either the usual sloppy reporting or they haven't got a clue what is going to happen.

100% sloppy reporting. 0.19mm = 2/10 of a millimeter. If they had an editor that knew the first thing about decimal places, it would have been corrected. At that rate, sea level will rise 19 millimeters per century. Every computer model concocted by government funded lackeys scientists has proven to not work in the real world. Antarctic ice is largest ever recorded and the Arctic ice is returning with a vengeance. Only through manipulation of selected data can anyone still make a case for the connection of carbon dioxide and Global Warming that has stopped warming 17 - 21 years ago and they cannot explain that. 'If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit', is what's happening here with this article and others like it. They depend on their authority to convince you or scare you into believing.

So much nonsense in one post - amazing!

Antarctic ice mass continues to decrease

Ice extent in the Arctic continues to be far below average, and is certainly not "returning with a vengeance"

The 10 warmest years on record are, in order ... 2010, 2005, 1998, 2013, 2003, 2002, 2006 2009, 2007, 2004 - yet you claim that global warming stopped in 1997, or possibly 1993.

Antarctic sea ice continues to grow beyond record coverage


Myth of Arctic meltdown: Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore's prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now


Scientist confesses he made up polar bear population estimates


My, my. All you have to do is type it into the Internet and it becomes fact for you. Why is it all you Global Warming Kool Aid drinkers don't need any facts; at least facts that can stand the test of time? You've been lied to and now you are so committed to your belief that you can't stand to admit that you were fooled.

Ha ha! ... "My, my. All you have to do is type it into the Internet and it becomes fact for you" Pot ... kettle ... black? Or are you suggesting that it is your own independent research that has led you to know what virtually every reputable climate scientist disagrees with?

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If Thailand's eastern seaboard is really going to disappear under the waves any time soon, why are real estate companies investing billions of baht on developing every square foot of coastline from Cha Am to Hua Hin?

Didn't these usually pretty savvy outfits, who must be aware of the flooding forecasts, check the "facts" before embarking on potentially the most disastrous investment of their lives? Could it be they know something the rest of us don't?

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100% sloppy reporting. 0.19mm = 2/10 of a millimeter. If they had an editor that knew the first thing about decimal places, it would have been corrected. At that rate, sea level will rise 19 millimeters per century. Every computer model concocted by government funded lackeys scientists has proven to not work in the real world. Antarctic ice is largest ever recorded and the Arctic ice is returning with a vengeance. Only through manipulation of selected data can anyone still make a case for the connection of carbon dioxide and Global Warming that has stopped warming 17 - 21 years ago and they cannot explain that. 'If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit', is what's happening here with this article and others like it. They depend on their authority to convince you or scare you into believing.

So much nonsense in one post - amazing!

Antarctic ice mass continues to decrease

Ice extent in the Arctic continues to be far below average, and is certainly not "returning with a vengeance"

The 10 warmest years on record are, in order ... 2010, 2005, 1998, 2013, 2003, 2002, 2006 2009, 2007, 2004 - yet you claim that global warming stopped in 1997, or possibly 1993.

Antarctic sea ice continues to grow beyond record coverage


Myth of Arctic meltdown: Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore's prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now


Scientist confesses he made up polar bear population estimates


My, my. All you have to do is type it into the Internet and it becomes fact for you. Why is it all you Global Warming Kool Aid drinkers don't need any facts; at least facts that can stand the test of time? You've been lied to and now you are so committed to your belief that you can't stand to admit that you were fooled.

Ha ha! ... "My, my. All you have to do is type it into the Internet and it becomes fact for you" Pot ... kettle ... black? Or are you suggesting that it is your own independent research that has led you to know what virtually every reputable climate scientist disagrees with?

are you suggesting that it is your own independent research that has led you to know what virtually every reputable climate scientist disagrees with?

What scientific fact have I said I discovered from my own independent research? I merely pointed the non-Kool Aid drinking reader to links where (s)he can read what knowledgeable people have discovered and then make up their own minds. You have so much invested in your belief system that I won't bother trying to convince you. I will respond, though, when you try to promote al gore propaganda.

are you suggesting that it is your own independent research that has led you to know what virtually every reputable climate scientist disagrees with?

No, I'm saying that you couldn't be bothered to back up your specious claims with even one link from those 'reputable climate scientists' and I, having done as much independent research as you have (unless you are a climate scientist, perhaps?), am only linking to news articles by reputable organizations to make my points.

Pot ... kettle ... black?

That really is racist language and you should stop using it. Too bad you can't see the difference in our posts. You think everybody should believe you because you typed it on the forum while I, on the other hand, linked to articles by people who are smarter and more involved than I am. Are you that influential in your group that you never need to back up any claims you make?

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Well Well ,,,, Now they will have to call for help from us Dutchies and think about some Dike building plans and set up some Windmills so they can pump the water out to keep their feet dry,,,,Piece of cake ,,,,this will also create a lot of jobs and the Government can make the bludgers work.no probs,,,Worked for us in the Netherlands hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

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reply to rametindallas

I simply used the link YOU provided to "prove" your point, but as it is, you got it wrong. Can I ask you now, where do you get your "proof" from...are we to believe you or are we to believe these "scientists" that YOU choose to disbelieve. Next time read your own links first, instead of one that in fact, contradicts your stand.

Oh, by the way, by concentrating on the Artic and Antarctic, you seem not fully understand the what "global warning" entails, perhaps you need to keep up with what it is all about.

Edited by MediaWatcher
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rametindallas wrote:

Pot ... kettle ... black?

That really is racist language and you should stop using it. Too bad you can't see the difference in our posts. You think everybody should believe you because you typed it on the forum while I, on the other hand, linked to articles by people who are smarter and more involved than I am. Are you that influential in your group that you never need to back up any claims you make?

reply to rametindallas

How the hell do you get this as being racist. You really are failing to gain any credibility by waving the "racist" flag here. Total failure.

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Just some basic scientific facts:

[all from Major Universities !]

1. CO2 is NOT driving the temperature or the climate. [CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is 0.04% !!! 6% from this 0.04% is caused by human activity]

2. Sea levels are not rising more than usual. ALL computer models on sea level rise are way off the real data.

3. The climate is changing ... just that WE are not the cause and WE cannot do anything about it.

4. Climate change and enviromental protection are two very different things

5. It is proven fact that the IPCC is NOT scientific but political and economical guided !!!

6. It is proven fact that climate data has been falsified by scientists and government officials to make climate change look more scary than it is.

7. There is NO rise in global temperatures for at least the last 18 years !!! [simple scientific data]

... read AGENDA 21 from the UN and then you will KNOW what this is all about !!!

there is a 20 fold rise in methane levels,

the oceans are indeed warming, from the bottom

the UV index is 40% higher

there is a reason they are spraying at 40,000 feet in a last gasp attempt to shield us from radiation and to stop more of the worlds agricultural and citris lands from burinng up

look at CA as example

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Just some basic scientific facts:

[all from Major Universities !]

1. CO2 is NOT driving the temperature or the climate. [CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is 0.04% !!! 6% from this 0.04% is caused by human activity]

2. Sea levels are not rising more than usual. ALL computer models on sea level rise are way off the real data.

3. The climate is changing ... just that WE are not the cause and WE cannot do anything about it.

4. Climate change and enviromental protection are two very different things

5. It is proven fact that the IPCC is NOT scientific but political and economical guided !!!

6. It is proven fact that climate data has been falsified by scientists and government officials to make climate change look more scary than it is.

7. There is NO rise in global temperatures for at least the last 18 years !!! [simple scientific data]

... read AGENDA 21 from the UN and then you will KNOW what this is all about !!!

Temperatures are not rising? I have been quite some times in Switzerland. A certain glacier is getting shorter nearly every year. The ice- and snow cap on Greenland is decreasing. The latter is being monitored by a team of Dutch scientists, among them a friend of mine.

Edited by Kees5555
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Just some basic scientific facts:

[all from Major Universities !]

1. CO2 is NOT driving the temperature or the climate. [CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is 0.04% !!! 6% from this 0.04% is caused by human activity]

2. Sea levels are not rising more than usual. ALL computer models on sea level rise are way off the real data.

3. The climate is changing ... just that WE are not the cause and WE cannot do anything about it.

4. Climate change and enviromental protection are two very different things

5. It is proven fact that the IPCC is NOT scientific but political and economical guided !!!

6. It is proven fact that climate data has been falsified by scientists and government officials to make climate change look more scary than it is.

7. There is NO rise in global temperatures for at least the last 18 years !!! [simple scientific data]

... read AGENDA 21 from the UN and then you will KNOW what this is all about !!!

Temperatures are not rising? I have been quite some times in Switzerland. A certain glacier is getting shorter nearly every year. The ice- and snow cap on Greenland is decreasing. The latter is being monitored by a team of Dutch scientists, among them a friend of mine.

This is correct ... only that a Glacier is NOT reacting to the temperatures we have NOW rather than it is a very slow process following temperatures.

Ask your friend ... he will explain to you how this works.

He will most likely also explain to you that glaciers are melting and regrowing all the time in cycles ... like all the rest of the climate works in cycles.

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Just some basic scientific facts:

[all from Major Universities !]

1. CO2 is NOT driving the temperature or the climate. [CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is 0.04% !!! 6% from this 0.04% is caused by human activity]

2. Sea levels are not rising more than usual. ALL computer models on sea level rise are way off the real data.

3. The climate is changing ... just that WE are not the cause and WE cannot do anything about it.

4. Climate change and enviromental protection are two very different things

5. It is proven fact that the IPCC is NOT scientific but political and economical guided !!!

6. It is proven fact that climate data has been falsified by scientists and government officials to make climate change look more scary than it is.

7. There is NO rise in global temperatures for at least the last 18 years !!! [simple scientific data]

... read AGENDA 21 from the UN and then you will KNOW what this is all about !!!

there is a 20 fold rise in methane levels,

the oceans are indeed warming, from the bottom

the UV index is 40% higher

there is a reason they are spraying at 40,000 feet in a last gasp attempt to shield us from radiation and to stop more of the worlds agricultural and citris lands from burinng up

look at CA as example

Methan levels are just like CO2 levels rising are both NOT caused by humans ! [6% of CO2 is produced by humans ... with CO2 being a total of 0.04% CO2 of the atmosphere how could such a tiny part be influental ?

As a fact: Most CO2 is stored in the oceans ! The oceans absorb CO2 when they are getting colder, releasing CO2 when they get warmer.

CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere FOLLOW the temperature with a 800-1000 year DELAY ! Scientific FACT !!!

Geoengineering is a very different discussion and [most probably] NOT connected to climate change [other than trying to make weather events more scary maybe].

Geoengineering probably destroys the UV layer ... that's where the high UV levels come from.

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Well Well ,,,, Now they will have to call for help from us Dutchies and think about some Dike building plans and set up some Windmills so they can pump the water out to keep their feet dry,,,,Piece of cake ,,,,this will also create a lot of jobs and the Government can make the bludgers work.no probs,,,Worked for us in the Netherlands hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

You gotta love the Dutch. They don't moan, gnash their teeth, or pull their hair; they just set about taking care of the reality at hand.

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"Mather pointed out that the sea level in Trat and Chanthaburi provinces had risen by 4-5 millimetres per year, against the mean global level change of 3mm."

Hysterical, but dutifully reported for the ignorant.

Yes I saw that and was wondering if maybe they have sunk 2mm a year.

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I remeber that these experts predicted a years long cloud-covered sky and sinking temperatures in case Sadam sets the oil wells on fire. After he did nothing happened. Sometimes we hear from these experts that there will be more rain and sometime less rain. In any case it must be a horrifying scenery to get government funds and privat donations. Who should blame them, it is their way to make money and their living. They have not learned anything better.

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Just some basic scientific facts:

[all from Major Universities !]

1. CO2 is NOT driving the temperature or the climate. [CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is 0.04% !!! 6% from this 0.04% is caused by human activity]

2. Sea levels are not rising more than usual. ALL computer models on sea level rise are way off the real data.

3. The climate is changing ... just that WE are not the cause and WE cannot do anything about it.

4. Climate change and enviromental protection are two very different things

5. It is proven fact that the IPCC is NOT scientific but political and economical guided !!!

6. It is proven fact that climate data has been falsified by scientists and government officials to make climate change look more scary than it is.

7. There is NO rise in global temperatures for at least the last 18 years !!! [simple scientific data]

... read AGENDA 21 from the UN and then you will KNOW what this is all about !!!

Pure conjecture on your part.

You have no scientific information to back it up because you say

It is proven fact that climate data has been falsified by scientists and government officials to make climate change look more scary than it is.

There fore it is your beliefs based on nothing.

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reply to rametindallas

I simply used the link YOU provided to "prove" your point, but as it is, you got it wrong. Can I ask you now, where do you get your "proof" from...are we to believe you or are we to believe these "scientists" that YOU choose to disbelieve. Next time read your own links first, instead of one that in fact, contradicts your stand.

Oh, by the way, by concentrating on the Artic and Antarctic, you seem not fully understand the what "global warning" entails, perhaps you need to keep up with what it is all about.

What a disingenuous post you have written. I posted a link to disprove another poster and you claim that my link didn't prove YOUR contention. I wasn't even responding to you. I have never, ever seen a link that answers someone preemptively.

Next time read your own links first, instead of one that in fact, contradicts your stand.

In my post #51, I didn't have a stand except to refute misinformation. I was responding to exalll who posted this untruth: Antarctic ice mass continues to decrease

Ice extent in the Arctic continues to be far below average, and is certainly not "returning with a vengeance"

How could I possibly know you would advance an entirely different argument and then claim my link didn't back what you think I wrote.

Oh, by the way, by concentrating on the Artic and Antarctic, you seem not fully understand the what "global warning" entails, perhaps you need to keep up with what it is all about.

Wow. I concentrated on the Arctic and Antarctic because I was responding to exalll and not because I was writing an inclusive treatise on Global Warming. Do YOU fully understand the what "global warning" entails?

“Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit” (Proverbs 26:5)

Edited by rametindallas
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I think they should be more concerned with the lowering IQ levels

Have you some figures on that or are you just Thai bashing?

Rather than argue the point why don't you try to find proof that the average IQ for Thais is normal, as from what I have seen in the Thai media, Thai museums etc IQs are well lower than average

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Built my house 1500 meters from the coast and 10 meters above mean sea level. I think I'll be OK.

Wrong logic! Should have built it 10 metres from the coast, and 1500 metres high....... according to Thai logic. giggle.gif

Wrong answer. I'm not Thai, why would I want to use their logic. 1500 meters high, that's about 400+ storeys, I doubt that it could have been built 30 years ago using anybody's logic. I'll stick with what I've got, thank you, rather than try and turn back the clock.

Sense of humour loss, per chance?

Not in the least. It just has to be funny to start with which I found your comment not to be.

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Wrong logic! Should have built it 10 metres from the coast, and 1500 metres high....... according to Thai logic. giggle.gif

Wrong answer. I'm not Thai, why would I want to use their logic. 1500 meters high, that's about 400+ storeys, I doubt that it could have been built 30 years ago using anybody's logic. I'll stick with what I've got, thank you, rather than try and turn back the clock.

Sense of humour loss, per chance?

Yes, indeed, it went100 metres above his antenna.rolleyes.gif

Again not in the least. My antenna is fine thank you picking up terrestrial television while filtering out 'noise'.

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Built my house 1500 meters from the coast and 10 meters above mean sea level. I think I'll be OK.

I think most on here will be ok - because they'll be dead in 30 years time.

You're probably right. However if I follow in my families trait of long living then I will be. How long the house will live is another matter. It may succumb, to redevelopment disease, long before I do.

Edited by Keesters
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Just some basic scientific facts:

[all from Major Universities !]

1. CO2 is NOT driving the temperature or the climate. [CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is 0.04% !!! 6% from this 0.04% is caused by human activity]

2. Sea levels are not rising more than usual. ALL computer models on sea level rise are way off the real data.

3. The climate is changing ... just that WE are not the cause and WE cannot do anything about it.

4. Climate change and enviromental protection are two very different things

5. It is proven fact that the IPCC is NOT scientific but political and economical guided !!!

6. It is proven fact that climate data has been falsified by scientists and government officials to make climate change look more scary than it is.

7. There is NO rise in global temperatures for at least the last 18 years !!! [simple scientific data]

... read AGENDA 21 from the UN and then you will KNOW what this is all about !!!

there is a 20 fold rise in methane levels,

the oceans are indeed warming, from the bottom

the UV index is 40% higher

there is a reason they are spraying at 40,000 feet in a last gasp attempt to shield us from radiation and to stop more of the worlds agricultural and citris lands from burinng up

look at CA as example

The chemtrail brigade have joined the climate chicken littles!!

Care to explain how the oceans are warming from the bottom??

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Just some basic scientific facts:

[all from Major Universities !]

1. CO2 is NOT driving the temperature or the climate. [CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is 0.04% !!! 6% from this 0.04% is caused by human activity]

2. Sea levels are not rising more than usual. ALL computer models on sea level rise are way off the real data.

3. The climate is changing ... just that WE are not the cause and WE cannot do anything about it.

4. Climate change and enviromental protection are two very different things

5. It is proven fact that the IPCC is NOT scientific but political and economical guided !!!

6. It is proven fact that climate data has been falsified by scientists and government officials to make climate change look more scary than it is.

7. There is NO rise in global temperatures for at least the last 18 years !!! [simple scientific data]

... read AGENDA 21 from the UN and then you will KNOW what this is all about !!!

there is a 20 fold rise in methane levels,

the oceans are indeed warming, from the bottom

the UV index is 40% higher

there is a reason they are spraying at 40,000 feet in a last gasp attempt to shield us from radiation and to stop more of the worlds agricultural and citris lands from burinng up

look at CA as example

The chemtrail brigade have joined the climate chicken littles!!

Care to explain how the oceans are warming from the bottom??


you can do that since you are apparently the resident genuis

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Just some basic scientific facts:

[all from Major Universities !]

1. CO2 is NOT driving the temperature or the climate. [CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is 0.04% !!! 6% from this 0.04% is caused by human activity]

2. Sea levels are not rising more than usual. ALL computer models on sea level rise are way off the real data.

3. The climate is changing ... just that WE are not the cause and WE cannot do anything about it.

4. Climate change and enviromental protection are two very different things

5. It is proven fact that the IPCC is NOT scientific but political and economical guided !!!

6. It is proven fact that climate data has been falsified by scientists and government officials to make climate change look more scary than it is.

7. There is NO rise in global temperatures for at least the last 18 years !!! [simple scientific data]

... read AGENDA 21 from the UN and then you will KNOW what this is all about !!!

there is a 20 fold rise in methane levels,

the oceans are indeed warming, from the bottom

the UV index is 40% higher

there is a reason they are spraying at 40,000 feet in a last gasp attempt to shield us from radiation and to stop more of the worlds agricultural and citris lands from burinng up

look at CA as example

The chemtrail brigade have joined the climate chicken littles!!

Care to explain how the oceans are warming from the bottom??

Oceans are warming from the bottom because the earth is increasing it's frequency which means a higher state of energy.

The Schumann frequency is from 7.5 Hz up to about 11 Hz.

Higher frequency means higher energy level means more heat produced.

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Just some basic scientific facts:

[all from Major Universities !]

1. CO2 is NOT driving the temperature or the climate. [CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is 0.04% !!! 6% from this 0.04% is caused by human activity]

2. Sea levels are not rising more than usual. ALL computer models on sea level rise are way off the real data.

3. The climate is changing ... just that WE are not the cause and WE cannot do anything about it.

4. Climate change and enviromental protection are two very different things

5. It is proven fact that the IPCC is NOT scientific but political and economical guided !!!

6. It is proven fact that climate data has been falsified by scientists and government officials to make climate change look more scary than it is.

7. There is NO rise in global temperatures for at least the last 18 years !!! [simple scientific data]

... read AGENDA 21 from the UN and then you will KNOW what this is all about !!!

there is a 20 fold rise in methane levels,

the oceans are indeed warming, from the bottom

the UV index is 40% higher

there is a reason they are spraying at 40,000 feet in a last gasp attempt to shield us from radiation and to stop more of the worlds agricultural and citris lands from burinng up

look at CA as example

The chemtrail brigade have joined the climate chicken littles!!

Care to explain how the oceans are warming from the bottom??

Oceans are warming from the bottom because the earth is increasing it's frequency which means a higher state of energy.

The Schumann frequency is from 7.5 Hz up to about 11 Hz.

Higher frequency means higher energy level means more heat produced.

is that also why people are living longer?

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