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3BB Fiber 30 MB – your experiences.

I have spent quite some time reading through various topics about 3BB Fiber MB for home. My location is Hua Hin and 3BB has told me no problems to install it.

All my connections are through wifi – laptops and tablets.

My questions to those using 3B Fiber 30 MB

Is there a reduction of capacity when wifi is used (compared to LAN) and if so appr. how much? If possible measured to server in Thailand as well as server in Europe.

What router are you using – supplied by 3BB or bought somewhere else?


I'm not in Hua Hin and my 3BB connection is only 10 Mbps, but it's the best internet service I've

had since I left japan where I had 30 Mbps connection.

By the way, the 30 Mbps in Japan cost me more than 6,000 yen/month (about 1,900 baht).

My 3BB here costs me 631 baht/month and I like it very much.

I know this doesn't answer your questions, but since no one else has responded...

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- staying in Hua Hin and use it, between 30+ Mbps and lets say between 4-10 Mbps in the later evening, by cable connecting. I would expect in WiFi its not the same.


I have had the 3BB FTTX 30mb connection for 3 months now and it's very good, I usually get 35mb all day.

I'm in North Chiang Mai, I suspect it's so good right now because there are so few users of the service.

Actually for me a reliable connection is far more important than outright speed, it's been perfectly reliable so far.


Dont expect miracles about surfing on EU and US servers. The 30mbit just allows you to download with higher bandwidths and you will probably get better connections to thai server because of the fiber line (a few MS better Ping times) but this doesn't mean that your browsing experience on websites outside of thailand will be faster then with the 590THB 10mbit DSL from 3bb. It is just more bandwidth which you get but you will still share the same line with all other 3bb customers on international traffic.

It is like a Tollway in Bangkok with easy pass. With your easy pass you will maybe get quicker to the tollhouse but after that you drive again with all other cars on the same road. And if the traffic jam is behind the tollhouse you will stuck with everyone.

About your question about wifi. It will makes no difference if you use DSL or Fiber. It is about your wifi access point and how good and far away your clients (laptops and tablets) are from the wifi access point.

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I've got 3BB fiber 30Mb/3Mb in Phuket and I'm very satisfied, haven't had a single day down since they fixed some cable installation issues 4 months ago.

+30 inside Thailand, +20 ->+30 to the outside world so I'm content and happy.

WIFI speed doesn't depend on your line out, unless the WIFI router has lower transfer speed than your internet, i.e. 30Mbit download fiber to router, over 54Mbit WIFI speed to your router as your real transfer rate is cut in half almost when hooking up with low speed like 54Mbit.

Most routers today have the "standard" IEEE 802.11n and if you setup your router to only connect with the N standard, you will never go below 54Mbit but up to 600Mbit, but more likely between 74Mbit and 300Mbit depending on how far away your WIFI router is and how much walls, trees or any other obstacles between.


I live outside Pattaya and just recently moved to 3BB fiber 30meg. I have to say the service is just fine. Previouly I was with Suphone, but they decided not to sevice my area, after being with them for 4 years. Go figure why?

I have been thinking of upgrading to 50 meg service. Maybe this fall.

I have a desktop computer, a laptop, and 1 tablet, and my wife has 1 phone plus a tablet and all have been connected to the net at one time, we have not noticed any slow down.


I was one of the first to install 3BB Fibre Optic in Khon Kaen. The speed I get has been consistant @ 35-40Mbs and have very little to complain about.

You will find a lower speed when accessing servers outside of Thailand. I still get at least 25-30.

3BB supplied my wireless router [b2000. deposit] and I don't recall having an option to supply my own.

I have 6 devices running most of the time including a Smart TV with literally no issues. What irks me is the hardware [router] they supply is not current technology. Rather than 1000 gigabit ethernet ports, they still use 100. N is your fastest choice rather than an AC option which I run through my home using an Apple AC wireless router. What this means, rather then getting a max of 300Gbs, I am able to get 864 on my AC enabled MACs. This speed is only between my Notebooks, phones etc to my router and then scaled down to 100Mbs by the 3BB router. BUT, if you plan on streaming from a device over your internal network, it's 8 times faster.

That's a lot more information that you asked for but perhaps it has helped.

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We used to live in an area of HH that had connection to 3bb and opted for the 30mb fiber and found that, while it was working, it was a very good, stable connection and we were. Dry pleased with it. The only problem was that the line went dead quite a few times through cable problems as the lines seemed not so strong or they were hit by a truck passing, strong winds broke them, etc. this outage happened at least once a month without fail. We now have TOT fiber and there is no comparison between the 2, if we could have 3bb capable again, we would just that 3bb don't service the area in which we live now. Best internet so far that we have had, by far, is true Internet but, again, they don't come out to this area. One thing you should realize with 3bb internet is that their service (maintains ce) is very fast and the guys are good at what they do, problem is that in ayah they don't yet have the special machine to repair the split fiber cables, when a problem occurs, they have to notify pratchuap and let them come out so you are left without service for at least 24hrs.


All information given much appreciated.

Jeffrey 346 - if I bridge the 3BB router to a router like Asus RT-AC68U I suppose I get a result similar to when you connect to your Apple AC wireless router. Correct or not?


3BB has limited International connectivity compared to True / CAT.

However, due to True's transparent proxy and unreliable VOIP connections (I have to use VPN to make VOIP actually work!) I want to add another ISP into mix.

TOT is unacceptable as it is the worst ISP in Thailand with very high pings and wrongly set routing table.

I wish 3BB FTTx was available in my moo ban. I certainly won't pay hefty fiber deployment costs.


I tryed all, exept 3BB . TOT not good. True not so good, have a CAT ADSL 15 meg line as backup, but not impressiv either , Speed in Phuket atleast is ok inside the country, but to Europe servers is not good . And can just imagine how will be this vinter, when all tourist sit and upload they pictures to facebook every 10 min ..


I filled 3bb contact form a few days ago. Nobody contacted me yet. Probably they won't provide fttx to my location but they should call and say so :)

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