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Alan Henning 'killed by Islamic State'

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<deleted> Cowards ...that's all they are they kill there own kind and anyone else .. And yes he went out to help and people may say why did he do that , because there own kind will not help each other , I'm sat here in Bangkok with rage Inside for suffering This poor guy went through. GOD BLESS THIS MAN and I mean God not any other fake false god

Edited by metisdead
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stop sending money or goods to these countries ,

block all news coming from there ,block there video's,

stop the internet in those countries ,

seal those countries off .

Let the locals take care of ,it is not our problem.

Let the muslims solve their own problems .

kick all non working ,taxpaying muslims out of europe .....

Dont listen to non -muslim idiots ,who like to defend islam.

Dont even speak about muslims .

I like your thinking

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It's not about Bush

It's not about Israel

The Israelis are just canaries in the coal mine

It's about a culture that wants to take over the world and most of the world is just rolling over and letting it happen.

Is there a single country in the world they are not ruining?

Have Muslims protested one death cause by people of their religion?

Here are the facts. Double check them if you doubt them: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com

Plenty of Muslim leaders have condemned these killings,you should vary your reading and listening material.

Just looked at your link,no wonder you think like you do.

Edited by louse1953
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<deleted> Cowards ...that's all they are they kill there own kind and anyone else .. And yes he went out to help and people may say why did he do that , because there own kind will not help each other , I'm sat here in Bangkok with rage Inside for suffering This poor guy went through. GOD BLESS THIS MAN and I mean God not any other fake false god

Allah is God and God is Allah,if you believe in fairy tales.

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Bombing will not beat ISIS. They don't have bases and are constantly on the move. But there is only a relative handful of these bloodthirsty brigands - around 20,000, according to some military sources. The US and its Western cohorts have allies in the region more than capable of destroying ISIS on their own. So why aren't they?

Turkey, for example, has a large, highly sophisticated and well-equipped army against which ISIS would have little chance, particularly if Saudi Arabia's formidable forces and warplanes were thrown into the fray.; Yet both these armed-the-teeth nations continue to wait coyly in the wings. Why is this?

Clearly, ISIS constitutes a far more imminent threat to them than to distant nations like the US, Britain or Australia, where hysterical leaders are wetting themselves publicly and searching for superlatives to describe a new "world terror" which must be stopped.

It's all just a sham.

In reality, of course, were ISIS to be wiped out in the next few weeks or months, Western leaders would need to dream up another horror story with which to further manipulate their brainwashed masses into accepting even greater State control of their lives for the sake of "security".

Much more importantly in the short term, bang would go the flimsy pretext for further intervention in Iraq (oil) and Syria (the unfinished business of regime change).

Strange how our mass media seems blind to these possibilities. Maybe they are just not mentioned in Defence Department press handouts - any more than are the origins of the self-styled Caliphate army now known as ISIS (or ISL or simply IS).

The bizarre reality is that ISIS is the progeny of several assorted Muslim fundamentalist groups, including the peripatetic CIA-created rent-a-mob known as Al Qaeda. Its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is a former prominent member of the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA). The FSA was adopted by the West in an unsuccessful bid to prise Syrian President Bashar al-Assad out of office. A number of FSA fighters later joined ISIS, which received initial funding from the US and weapons and training from Uncle Sam's vassal states in the Gulf.

There is actually a fascinating photograph doing the rounds on the Internet of US senator John McCain. It was taken in April 2013 when the former Presidential candidate and well-known US intelligence bag-man, slipped over the border from friendly Turkey to Syria to pledge US support to FSA leaders.

In the group of brigands posing with smiling senator is no less a figure than the beaming, bearded al-Baghdadi, later to become self-styled Emperor of the bloodthirsty new Caliphate!

Funny old world, isn't it?

Now we are getting to the truth.Too many people on this forum are led by blind racism of all things foreign,and then complain when Thais turn on them,in their narrow minded view.

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It's not about Bush

It's not about Israel

The Israelis are just canaries in the coal mine

It's about a culture that wants to take over the world and most of the world is just rolling over and letting it happen.

Is there a single country in the world they are not ruining?

Have Muslims protested one death cause by people of their religion?

Here are the facts. Double check them if you doubt them: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com

Plenty of Muslim leaders have condemned these killings,you should vary your reading and listening material.

Who have?

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It's not about Bush

It's not about Israel

The Israelis are just canaries in the coal mine

It's about a culture that wants to take over the world and most of the world is just rolling over and letting it happen.

Is there a single country in the world they are not ruining?

Have Muslims protested one death cause by people of their religion?

Here are the facts. Double check them if you doubt them: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com

Plenty of Muslim leaders have condemned these killings,you should vary your reading and listening material.

Who have?

Mufti's in Australia,do the checking yourself.

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I just watched a video with the IS saying it`s the british governments fault, and if you listen closely he sounds as if he has a London accent, he must be one of the ones who went to join from our country, never win a war against them lot,

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I was listening to some muppet banging on this morning on Sky News saying "They are doing this to get a reaction".

Well give them one. It's not as if anyone would miss them, and I'm sure they make good fertiliser.

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It's not about Bush

It's not about Israel

The Israelis are just canaries in the coal mine

It's about a culture that wants to take over the world and most of the world is just rolling over and letting it happen.

Is there a single country in the world they are not ruining?

Have Muslims protested one death cause by people of their religion?

Here are the facts. Double check them if you doubt them: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com

Plenty of Muslim leaders have condemned these killings,you should vary your reading and listening material.

Who have?

Mufti's in Australia,do the checking yourself.

Mufti in Oz = plenty of leaders does it?

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Plenty of Muslim leaders have condemned these killings,you should vary your reading and listening material.

Who have?

Mufti's in Australia,do the checking yourself.

Mufti in Oz = plenty of leaders does it?

Post removed to enable response.

You well know many Islamic leaders and Muslim politicians have totally condemned the actions of IS, a number of examples have been provided in topics concerning IS, yet you carry on with your immature inflamatory reponses.

Another example from the UK Muslim community - wording at the bottom of the link


Edited by simple1
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Alan Henning’s Murder a Despicable Act, Offensive to Muslims

Statement from Dr Shuja Shafi, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain:

“This reported murder is a despicable and offensive act, coming as it does on the eve of the Muslim festival of Eid Al-Adha. It is quite clear that the murderers of Alan Henning have no regard for Islam, or for the Muslims around the world who pleaded for his life. Alan was a friend of Muslims, and he will be mourned by Muslims. In this period of Hajj and this festival of Eid, Muslims remember the mercy of God and the emphasis God places on human life. Alan Hennings murderers have clearly gone against that spirit of Islam. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.”

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I worked in the UAE many times, 2 years ago a co-workers brother was pulled over and was asked for all his papers and his profession, he was an engineer for a big Syrian company. They demanded 200,000USD, after 3 weeks holding him the company paid 100,000USD to free him.

Another co-workers family are basically living underground......Hostage taking before ISIS was rampant........The US, England, FRANCE...etc...should not let any passport holder go there.....unless they are reporting with the military.....

In 2004, 2 Japanese tourist were in Dubai, 1 of them wanted to go to Iraq, his friend said no, his friend said we are Japanese, nothing is going to happen.

So off goes the 1 guy and 2 days later there is a video of his beheading.


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These despicable acts have been occurring for a while since the yanks entered Iraq and "gave them democracy" by getting rid of Saddam hoooray. Now look at the mess this Gung Ho attitude has caused.

These aid workers therefore know the risk, why do they still keep coming? What is in their head? While they may be helping the people on the ground don't see it that way and take perhaps a high level view of foreigners in their country how on earth can they be "Helping" when at the same time the countries they represent are dropping bombs on their land?

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And yesterday in Melbourne I was handed a flyer by do Gooderstone and ask to sign a petition against the efforts to bring is is to account. They wanted me to sign allowing is is freedom to carry out thier religion . I laughed and then was abused as being racist war lover.

If the greens were in power they would allow all the muslims in, with no skills and expect the rest of us to pay them DSS for life.

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I really do hope non-muslims have stopped offering the aid like the latest victim Muslims were with him and released. These videos we see of family members begging for a life of a loved one are tbh a waste of time.

Naming Radical Muslim Extemist Terrorists would be more convenient instaed of blaming the whole Muslim community...

If many people would end up dying because of a flaw in a make of a car, let's give it a name like Vayata, for purposes of discussion......

If you would lose your friend, wife or child, or just fellow countrymen, because of accidents caused by these flawed Vayatas.

Would you be inclined to blame only the flawed Vayatas, or would you start pointing a finger at the Company named Vayata as the culprit?

And actually, would you drive such a car? And would you just keep silent if these cars were being imported to your country?

Islam is flawed at the root...

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I really do hope non-muslims have stopped offering the aid like the latest victim Muslims were with him and released. These videos we see of family members begging for a life of a loved one are tbh a waste of time.

Naming Radical Muslim Extemist Terrorists would be more convenient instaed of blaming the whole Muslim community...

The sooner we have the names of the extremist terrorists, the happier we will all be.

The problem is not all Muslim. The problem is a small group of Extremists.

The problem is the widespread silence/lack of condemnation from your muslim community. Until they stand up to volunteer to fight this evil or speak out against it as one body, not in pockets, then I'll focus my anger at the extremists. Until then it's a MUSLIM problem not just an extremist one!

I would love a day, just one day, where the word MUSLIM doesn't cross my path ! I'm totally sick of the whole outfit and their want want want intolerant lifestyle !

There is only one body that claims to be a representative of the 57 Islamic countries; OIC. There is no single entity that speaks on the behalf of Islam. Here's what OIC has to say about IS:


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I really do hope non-muslims have stopped offering the aid like the latest victim Muslims were with him and released. These videos we see of family members begging for a life of a loved one are tbh a waste of time.

Naming Radical Muslim Extemist Terrorists would be more convenient instaed of blaming the whole Muslim community...

CRAP!....they (muslims communities) wont name them....so they must be supporting them....wake up. Pigs ding they are a peaceful religion.

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There is only one body that claims to be a representative of the 57 Islamic countries; OIC. There is no single entity that speaks on the behalf of Islam. Here's what OIC has to say about IS:

http://www.oic-oci.o...y=islamic state

As they are interlinked with the UN, they really had no option.

Human rights Watch had this to say about the OIC

Human Rights Watch says that OIC has “fought doggedly” and successfully within the United Nations Human Rights Council to shield states from criticism, except when it comes to criticism of Israel. For example, when independent experts reported violations of human rights in the 2006 Lebanon War, “state after state from the OIC took the floor to denounce the experts for daring to look beyond Israeli violations to discuss Hezbollah’s as well.” OIC demands that the council “should work cooperatively with abusive governments rather than condemn them.” HRW responds that this works with those who are willing to cooperate; others exploit the passivity.

The OIC has been criticised for failing to discuss the treatment of ethnic minorities within member countries, such as the oppression of the Kurds in Syria, the Ahwaz in Iran, the Hazars in Afghanistan, the 'Al-Akhdam' in Yemen, or the Berbers in Algeria.

Hardly a credible outfit.

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I worked in the UAE many times, 2 years ago a co-workers brother was pulled over and was asked for all his papers and his profession, he was an engineer for a big Syrian company. They demanded 200,000USD, after 3 weeks holding him the company paid 100,000USD to free him.

Another co-workers family are basically living underground......Hostage taking before ISIS was rampant........The US, England, FRANCE...etc...should not let any passport holder go there.....unless they are reporting with the military.....

In 2004, 2 Japanese tourist were in Dubai, 1 of them wanted to go to Iraq, his friend said no, his friend said we are Japanese, nothing is going to happen.

So off goes the 1 guy and 2 days later there is a video of his beheading.


This morning I found my self wondering what these guys life insurance companies were thinking of the risks they were taking?

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I really do hope non-muslims have stopped offering the aid like the latest victim Muslims were with him and released. These videos we see of family members begging for a life of a loved one are tbh a waste of time.

Naming Radical Muslim Extemist Terrorists would be more convenient instaed of blaming the whole Muslim community...

The sooner we have the names of the extremist terrorists, the happier we will all be.

The problem is not all Muslim. The problem is a small group of Extremists.

Small groups?

What does the I in IS, ISIL, ISIS stand for?

What do IS(IL IS) Abu Nidal , Abu Sayyaf, HAMAS, Hizballah, al-Qa’ida. Ansar al-Islam, al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, Ansar al-Shari'a , al-Nusrahall have in common?

Must be they are all right handed!

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The problem is not all Muslim. The problem is a small group of Extremists.

Not just them.

It is time we recognized - and obliged the Muslim world to recognize - that Muslim extremism is not extreme among Muslims. Mainstream Islam itself represents an extremist rejection of intellectual honesty, gender equality, secular politics and genuine pluralism. The truth about Islam is as politically incorrect as it is terrifying: Islam is all fringe and no center. In Islam, we confront a civilization with an arrested history. It is as though a portal in time has opened, and the Christians of the 14th century are pouring into our world.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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