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Where Else To Get A Marriage Licence If Not Thailand?


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My boyfriend and I have decided to get a marriage license from somewhere that is not too far away from Thailand and doesn't cost heaps to fly and stay there as we actually just came back from honeymoon in The US . I'm thiking of somewhere like Vietnam , Hong Kong or even Singapore.

The reason why I don't want to do it here just simply because I don't like having my tiltle changed to "Mrs.". It might sound silly to some people.This choice has carefully been made and I know that it isn't a big deal in one's life, but it's just my choice. Please, don't try to convince me or anything.

Anyway, I'm sure there are some people that have done this. ;-)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.;-)

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I don't really understand. Have you already got married in the US? If yes, you don't need to re register in Thailand, it is recognised in both countries.

Also why would you have to change your name to Mrs? I know of a few women who post here who are married to thai men & got married in the amphur in Los & haven't changed their name or title.

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No, We haven't been married. That was just a pre-honeymoon trip.;-)

Well, according to Thai laws, a woman who is legally married in Thailand , the tile "Ms." will automatically be changed to "Mrs." when she has her new ID card issued after the marriage.

I don't know if it works differently with foreign women.


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My Thai wife of 30 years has never changed any of her Thai paperwork to indicate 'married, ' which in most cases would involve checking the "mrs" and not the "miss" box, as "ms" apparently is not an option in Thailand (she kept her maiden name, so she's still legally who she says she is, if you don't count the prefix). Besides not wanting to bother with paperwork, she is also under the opinion that being a "mrs" in Thailand means your husband is required to get involved in situations where it is not really necessary, but only a nuisance. (I have no examples of this, however.) So, even when the opportunity avails itself, like during passport renewal, she still checks the "miss" box.

I don't know whether there might be any legal snags for masquerading as single. Buying land might be one, where you're required to reveal being married to a foreigner. But the law also says if you bought land and lied about your marital status, this is easily remedied at the Land Office, if you care to fess up. So, I really doubt there are any (serious) ramifications of playing 'single.'

There might be a situation where indicating "single" could be counterproductive, e.g., hospital visatation rights being allowed for only spouse and family (don't know Thailand's rule on this). It might not be too efficient trying to prove marriage with my US marriage certificate, which I've never had translated into Thai......

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If you are not a Thai citizen then you won't have to worry about the ID card issue. And the passport does not indicate marital status.

Last I heard, it is purely voluntary to take the husband's name, the law requiring the wife to take her husband's name changed a few years ago.

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I think the op is thai though & I dont know the legal issues.

To answer your question though, most everyone I know got married in thailand or their home country but why not phone a couple of embassies, like malaysia & ask them the process for foreign nationals having a legally registered marriage there?

best of luck with what every you decide though. :o

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Thx guys. ;-)

I think the op is thai though & I dont know the legal issues.

To answer your question though, most everyone I know got married in thailand or their home country but why not phone a couple of embassies, like malaysia & ask them the process for foreign nationals having a legally registered marriage there?

best of luck with what every you decide though. :o

Boo : Yep,I'm Thai. Phoning the embassies is a very good idea, but Malaysian Embassy is absolutely a no no, as my boyfriend is Jewish but, he isn't a religious practice. ;-}

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Is he jewish or Israeli? I believe Malaysia only makes that distinction.

You might try Hong Kong, close by, and perhaps more used to foreigners marrying than in other countries.

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Is he jewish or Israeli? I believe Malaysia only makes that distinction.

You might try Hong Kong, close by, and perhaps more used to foreigners marrying than in other countries.

He is BOTH. yep, HK is definitely the option.

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