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Recovery Fitness Training in Hua Hin

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Recovery Fitness Training in Hua Hin


HUA HIN:-- Recovery Fitness Training centres on an injury or muscular imbalance that has caused or is causing disparity in the body.

From being physically out of balance through injuries or a surgery, the body seeks to find a balance again but not always in accord with how we need to move and function. It just knows that something is broken needs to be fixed.

This doesn’t account for joint mobility, range of movement or strength. It just mends the broken area back to a somewhat functional state. This may be 60% or 70%, but this accounts for a 30-40% loss; leaving us in pain and discomfort with a shortened range of motion, tightness and stiffness. Recovery Fitness Training helps the body to rehabilitate to a more normal function and helps to create greater mobility. When function and mobility are restored, relief is experienced and stress reduced in both body and mind. Mobility and ease returns to the joints, muscular soreness decreases and strength and power is created in a balanced and effective way, giving the body an ability to operate again with a sense of purpose.
POWERFIT 102 has a gym to help restore the body. You can then do the things you love to do! Whether this is golf, cycling, climbing, swimming, running or whatever your activity is, you will find it easier and more enjoyable with a powerful and strong body. Dean has over 25 years as a Rehabilitation Exercise Specialist, Personal Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Coach, working with a multitude of different populations and people with a severity of injuries including hip replacements, knee replacements, ruptured discs, cancers and frozen shoulders. His wife Cate is an excellent Yoga Teacher and received her certification in Ashtanga Vinyasa Mysore Yoga, India, the home of Yoga. She has been teaching adults and children for many years.
The TRAINING FOR LIFE PROGRAM teaches you how your body reacts to these imbalances and what to do to change them. Eating and exercising correctly and developing your whole body in unison, provides you with the tools necessary to recover your ease of life. If you are feeling weak, in pain, lifeless and tired, you can change that. There will be 3 private training sessions plus 2 self directed sessions each week for 3 months. For only THB 36,000, think of it as an investment in regaining and maintaining your health and well-being.
There is also a Basic Training Beginners Class every Monday-Wednesday-Friday from 8:15am-9:10am included in the monthly membership price of 1,990THB, along with our daily Yoga classes for beginners and intermediate students. If you are just out of shape and don’t really have any physical issues, these classes are the right ones for you.
They are taught with your level of shape and health always in mind. You will have fun, be challenged and be well guided in form and function. For their 1st year anniversary, there is a special promotion; BUY 2 MONTHS, GET 1 for FREE!!! That’s only THB 1.327 per month! This offer is good for a limited time so hurry and get started on your road to health! We have 3 full floors of training space.
Our first floor is for the Cardio equipment and outdoor training area, about 256 m2. The 2nd Floor is our Complete Free Weights gym with an area of about 200 m2 and plenty of equipment, bars and training devices. On our 3rd Floor is our Yoga Studio with 150 m2 with an adjacent Chiropractor/re-habilitation room.
Our Chiropractor comes in every Monday from 9am-4pm..
In Health and Well Being,
Dean Scott,
POWERFIT 102 : 032 900 533
Soi 102 Hua Hin.
-- Hua Hin Today 2014-10-07
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