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How do Thai women show disdain?


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Thai women are no more mysterious or fathomable than any where else. I have come to the conclusion that all will show like or dislike in different ways. The best way to learn, is to deal on a personal level for quite a while and get to know the other person. They are all total individuals and incidentally, this is one of the questions that they ask each other as well.

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Simple if they ask for money then they are only after your money and do not care who you are, how old you are. But if they like you they even take care you if they can. So please be thankful to Thai girls that they at least smile even if they not like you much. Just think how can a girl with a age difference of 2 or 3 times her age love you??

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It's not as if Thai women are fitted with a default behavioural program on a bloody assembly line, fer Chrissakes

Some will be subtle; some will be overt

It might have something to do with the fact that they're INDIVIDUALS.

Perhaps so, but every society has behavioural norms that are learned in the within the family, at school and - unfortunately - from television. There are behavioural trends and tendencies. Universal peace love and understanding in a world where "people are people are people" is a nice goal to have, but the fact is that different cultures see the world around them through different filters and react to circumstances accordingly.

As an example, Thais are generally taught - one way or the other - to simply ignore questions they do not like - to close up rather than open up. Of course there are exceptions (that could be said to 'prove the rule' - the education system here is nothing if not an attempt to build Thais on an assembly line), but there are general behavioural tendencies. If there weren't, there would be little point in any of us coming on Thaivisa to discuss such issues. If people were exactly the same all over the world, none of us would be so baffled by local behaviour.

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The ones freaking out by breaking things and threating with suicide mostly does this because of the language barrier and the lack of understanding her emotionally by her farang boyfriend / hubby

As mentioned in another topic few weeks ago, " communicating with your Thai Lady through language of the heart " I would describe it more as understanding each others body language, this is obviously only possible if your really mend to be together and if you put the "Thainess" thing out of your mind. A decent Thai girl really are very much the same as any other decent woman out there...

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"Disdain" is not exactly the same as disliking someone or wanting to have nothing to do wit them (which does not necessarily imply dislike..can have many reasons).

In my experience, Thais of both sexes are pretty clear when it comes to showing actual disdain. If you are at all sensitive you will not miss it.

Whereas if they simply do not want to have much to do with you, this will be indicated by the fact that they largely ignore you (consistently as opposed to all of a sudden or just sometimes -- in those cases it is a message you've done something wrong that needs to be resolved) Whether that is due to actual dislike of you as a person vs something else, you'll have to infer based on how much contact they have had with you.

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What the Hell kind of Question is this ? you think because they are Thai that makes them different , OH MY GOD are you in for a good screwing from the wrong lady. Hide your wallet and your account numbers along with all your pass words. infact go back home and read how many Farangs have lost everything to these evil bitches. Lol

Just f......cking with you. Education Education Education crazy.gif

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No disrespect to thai women, but I guess once u stopped giving, they start disdaining! Lol

So many that don't care about money, my girl got angry when she thought I spent too much on her for her birthday.


I cheated on my girl once, she pointed at the bed and said... "what is dis stain"


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It's not as if Thai women are fitted with a default behavioural program on a bloody assembly line, fer Chrissakes

Some will be subtle; some will be overt

It might have something to do with the fact that they're INDIVIDUALS.

Perhaps so, but every society has behavioural norms that are learned in the within the family, at school and - unfortunately - from television. There are behavioural trends and tendencies. Universal peace love and understanding in a world where "people are people are people" is a nice goal to have, but the fact is that different cultures see the world around them through different filters and react to circumstances accordingly.

As an example, Thais are generally taught - one way or the other - to simply ignore questions they do not like - to close up rather than open up. Of course there are exceptions (that could be said to 'prove the rule' - the education system here is nothing if not an attempt to build Thais on an assembly line), but there are general behavioural tendencies. If there weren't, there would be little point in any of us coming on Thaivisa to discuss such issues. If people were exactly the same all over the world, none of us would be so baffled by local behaviour.

Be that as it may, the assembly line production process hasn't rinsed out basic human responses.

How the hell does any human being show disdain for another?

Some will tell you to piss off, others will spit in your eye, others will flip you the bird, others will ignore you, others will give you a dirty look . . . . there are any number of possible responses and expecting to have those of Thai women listed in some sort of online manual available only to the legendary lotharios on Thaivisa as if they're all the same is plain stoopid

Thai women, like all others, still need figuring out and, contrary to popular perception, an injection of cash doesn't always produce the desired results.

Though, I've read somewhere that blow-up dolls don't talk back.

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I think the secret is ,when a Thai woman(girl) gives you the silent treatment and puts you on "rations"(usually lasts 3 days), to just leave and go away and have some fun

thats how I get into the situation to start with lol currently on day 2 of silent treatment after I went out Tuesday night got drunk and rolled in at 5am :) she really dont like me going for a beer. :) i wouldnt mind if i went out a lot, usually 1 night a week and i go to the local not soi cowboy or nana.

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They are past-masters - oops! mistresses - of the not so gentle art of the cold shoulder. That's generally because they know you fancy them a lot more than they love you, usually on account of an age difference. We don't need air conditioning in the bedroom when my partner loses her rag with me for some reason. We need a blow heater.

No guys, don't even suggest it!

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If looks could kill.

Have seen recently from a female family member I have been paying for school when I asked for some accountability.

Suspected not going to school, asked for letter from school, 2 months now and on sheet list from entire family. facepalm.gif

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I dunno, but IME there are 3 distinct reactions you get from a woman depending on just how bad you pissed her off...

1. The silent treatment... Usually lasts from 1 - 3 days... Longer if you really screwed up...

2. Screaming Banshee... Usually accompanied by flying objects, screaming, threats of suicide... Bio-polar disorder may be at play...

3. I'm out of here... They cannot deal with the situation and leave, either returning later, or not...

Notice I didn't say anything about Thai women...

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