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Bangkok Police defend 'anti-bribery' cash reward


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According to the article I read, they had scrapped it because it caused folks to be suspicious of the cops, which violated one of their "Rules".


Heaven FORBID that the BIB ever violate a rule! Perish the thought!

Edited by jaywalker
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and added that the public can assist the police force by snapping photos or filming police officers who take bribes.

That can be a dangerous thing to do. You better make sure there is a lot of people about to confirm your story after that cop beats the crap out of you.

..........and lose your camera.

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Other scenario: cop pulls me over. On the other side of the road is another cop. He is asked to come over because i so to say offered9 a bribe. In all honesty i deny.

Now of course it is their word against mine.

Who wins? The sweethearts !

Ever thought of the possible scenarios mr. Police general. I guess not.

Consequences mr.Thai, you may want to learn that word.

No wonder you are not taken serious.

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My suggestion...pay all police a decent salary and make them sign a contract stating they will go to jail for 5 years if caught taking bribes. I think allot of bad cops would leave rather than sign that contract.

To add to that, ALL monies collected goes into the transparent Highways department and 100% of it is spent on road re-surfacing/re construction to last at least 10 years of traffic.-------not into police bank accounts.

You have to pay big money to enter the police force -or be a relative of. because then you are allowed the % rake off.-----

Recruitment from all walks of life should be the norm, with pay re vamped according to rank, and in turn performance of duty to gain promotion.

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I haven't read all the posts herein, but I think the anti-bribery fine idea has now been scrapped. What a ridiculous idea, on par with required bracelets for all tourists. The anti-bribery would have been one of the greatest money-shovelers-to-cops'-pocketbook scams the police have ever thought of.

"Hey, there's a farang in a shiny late model SUV. great, I'll pull him over."

25 minutes and a trip to the police station later, the cop is Bt.10,000 richer.

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Day after day since the coup we have had new rules and new ideas most of which are aimed at convincing the public that we are the good guys and going to make Thailand a better place ...............Be careful what you wish for Thailand you're in danger of losing your old world charm

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seems to me the police are kind of like a mafia here,,,demaning tea money for everything,,,I have not experienced this myself so I could be wrong

what happens when a crooked police officer starts to arrest people for attempted bribery when there was none just to get the 10k

I think the answer is to pay them a decent salary so they are not forced to look for tea money

and then if caught,,,fire them

with a decent salary they now have something to lose,,,like a future

hopefully this would clean up the police deoartment of any corruption

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I would love to hear how TV posters would plan to stop corruption. How would you in a short time get across the message that bribary is not acceptable? Previously i would have said it will take generations, but with off the wall ideas like this something may be achieved. Make the bribers afraid to bribe. Give the bribe takers a good reason not to accept bribes. If it works it might be a good idea. Forget the ideas of morality etc as we know that up until now bribary is accepted practice. I agree that increasing the salaries so that bribary is not needed would be better, but that would take years to change peoples habits.

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I would love to hear how TV posters would plan to stop corruption. How would you in a short time get across the message that bribary is not acceptable? Previously i would have said it will take generations, but with off the wall ideas like this something may be achieved. Make the bribers afraid to bribe. Give the bribe takers a good reason not to accept bribes. If it works it might be a good idea. Forget the ideas of morality etc as we know that up until now bribary is accepted practice. I agree that increasing the salaries so that bribary is not needed would be better, but that would take years to change peoples habits.

Maybe this idea would not stop overall corruption, just Highway Robbery.

Offer one of these button hole cameras http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/321376274552?lpid=82 to every 50th or 100th person applying for a drivers license and offer them 10,000 baht if they catch a cop trying to bribe them, and let it be known that any cop caught taking a bribe will be fined 20,000 baht and immediately fired and prosecuted, facing 5 years in the clink.

They'd probably only need to issue a few dozen a year, at random times throughout the year.

Of course that would require planning and honesty from a few folks issuing the cameras, which would probably be typical junk that wouldn't last 2 weeks....Yeah, right, I know. One can dream though can't one?

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They would support it wouldn't they !!! Bt10,000 in case of anyone offering a bribe ; they will be persuading people with charming innocent smiles , just to give them 200bt , no more said and then charging them with bribery .

Edited by metisdead
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if there is any policy makers reading this post the trick is to Give them something to be proud of and something they don't want to lose.

So to train your officers properly give them a reasonable income with further specialized training and promotion for a job well done,

Make them fully accountable for their actions & advise and dismissal for anyone not doing their job properly and conscientiously plus criminal proceedings against anyone extorting bribes ort any one taking advantage of there position for financial gain or showing bias or prejudice against anyone for any reason .

Then have some kind of ombudsman or at least a compliant line that victims can safely use to report unfair treatment or unprofessional conduct. . even if there no solid evidence against an officer if a patter n emerges against one particular officer its easy to start keeping a close eye on that fellow and perhaps watch how much cash he is waiving around in his free time...

its Not complicated....

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Of late, the BiB has had to defend almost everything it has done or is doing. Some may say the 'bashers' are being particularly harsh and unfair, that they (bashers) have nothing else better to do. I say on the contrary. If you have to defend almost everything you do, therein lies a problem already. Either what you are doing is not well-thought, or half-cooked or your stakeholders have lost all confidence in you. In the case with the BiB, I'd say it's a case of both. I don't think blind and blatant bashing is nice, but in the case of the BiB, I say this - there's no smoke without fire. In the midst of all crackdowns and reforms, why doesn't the good government consider changing something with the BiB? Installing a working brain at the top would be a good start.

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