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Thai tourism grows due to better confidence

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Thai tourism grows due to better confidence

BANGKOK, 12 October 2014 (NNT) – The Department of Tourism has indicated that the Thai tourism sector started to show recovery signs after the government launched measures to boost confidence of tourists. Tourist arrivals from 1-7 October 2014 increased by 10.1% compared to the same period last year.

Director-General of the Department of Tourism Anuphap Kesonsuwan said more tourists visited Thailand this month mainly since Chinese tourists celebrated the China’s National Day by coming to Thailand. Another reason of the Thai tourism sector’s growth was better confidence of eastern Asian and European tourists who were Thailand’s main tourist markets, said the official.

In the first nine months of the year, more than 17.5 million tourists visited Thailand, generating over 860 million baht. Positive factors for tourism growth in the last four months include more stable politics, clear implementation of government projects, solutions to tourism problems as well as other positive outside factors.

-- NNT 2014-10-12 footer_n.gif

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They must be really desperate when they start to make comparisons between 7 day period in a certain month.

Oh wait, was October 1st maybe the day they caught the murder "suspects" in Koh Tao, after which Thai tourism completely recovered within hours.

exactly, that's maybe why they claimed they provided "solutions to tourism problems".

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Wow, 7 days.

Desperate for positive news?

Next you'll see reports like, no murders on any Thai islands for 1 week! Tourism is up! Like the signs at the work place that say, no accidents for ____ days.

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The Tourism administration in Thailand in plays an important role by offering gainful employment to those Thai's who are intellectually challenged, a fact duly noted in nearly every article they publish.

The nation should be grateful that these people do not have important and productive functions as they could well do some serious damage.

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What I read is that each tourist brings in 49.14 baht ( Wow ) to Thailand. 860 million divided by 17.5 million. Chinese tourist mostly so perhaps .... Hahaha... What a joke this is and anyone related to Thai tourist industry. Not to mention the guy who wrote this ..... Amazing Thailand

WRONG. Each tourist brought in 49.142857142857142857142857142857 baht!

Which "looked like a lot" to the nicompoop that wrote this article.


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Looks like there is a little confusion at the National News Bureau with the magic words 'increased' and 'decreased'. Here is what I found elsewhere:

Bangkok - In September 1.85 million tourists came to Thailand, these are 7 percent less than in September, 2013. During the first nine months of the year the number of the tourists dropped by 10.28 percent.
The manager of the tourism authority, Anuphap Kesornsuwan, said that during the first nine months of the year about 806 billions Baht were generated, these are 7.55 percent less than in the year before.
In September most tourists from China (426,000, 6.29 percent came less), Malaysia (228,000, 1.37 percent less), Japan 109,000 (18.96 percent less), Korea 81,000 (13.13 percent less) and Singapore 78,000 (3.04 percent more).
Anuphap is confident, because the figures would show that the tourism could recover up to high-level season.
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I know we joke, but I actually get depressed reading this nonsense (not the posts, but the OP).

I know I'm a farang and certainly do not clearly understand the culture in the far east. But, why would a Chinese visit Thailand to celebrate China's National Day?

Do Thai's go to Bejing to celebrate the Kings birthday? Should I nip over to Thailand to celebrate "Trooping the Colour".? (For non-brits I should explain we have this quaint custom of the Queen having two birthdays - one real and one 'official' when she reviews the guards on Horse Guards parade in London).

Finally, what's all this rubbish about 'the clear implementation of policies' being a major factor?. I am just waiting for TAT to say that people are 'rushing' to Thailand and have one of the TAT official finger pointing to various places on a world map.

Heaven preserve us! cheesy.gif

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