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I'm tired of all the visa hassles (for someone under 50) so I am seriously considering buying a Thai Elite card, mainly because of the 5 year visa.

I have seen a lot of criticism of this card here on the board, but I'd like to know if anyone has any first-hand experience with the card (an actual card holder or someone holding pertinent information) whether it actually works as advertised etc. I am not looking for comments like whether it's a waste of money, ripoff etc. that I've seen elswhere on this board, but information on whether the card lives up to its promises.

I know I can always ask the Thai Elite management but I am looking for some objective information from you guys. Your input is appreciated.

Cheers, Tony

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Yes, it works. Two staff-members pick you up at the arrival gate, drive you to immigration, take your passport and luggage-tags and bring you to the lounge.

A little while later they come back with your luggage on a trolley and your p/port properly stamped, limo waiting outside.

First hand-info, travelling with a member. They handled my p/port as well, got me the proper stamp for my re-entry and my luggage.


I must admit that like the OP I do see some advantage in the Elite Card when one plans to stay in Thailand for life and is young enough to expect many years in Thailand.

The hassle when trying to renew my investor visa due to goal posts moving constantly is very annoying. Last year I used a lawyer for first application and total bill (w. another visa needed) w. government fees Etc. ended up being 30k Baht. This year supposed to be easier, but now goal posts have moved so brought lawyer and will be a total of at least 15k Baht(IF get it...). Anyway; that is for another post...

I was with an Elite Card holder when he called the call center to request places of free spa and golf - and was impressed with the efficient service - and later impressed to find that no "small writing" about having to pay this or that extra when actually went to utilize the free services.

There are a few posters here that hold the card, and I am sure they will jump in with more info.


I must admit that like the OP I do see some advantage in the Elite Card when one plans to stay in Thailand for life and is young enough to expect many years in Thailand.

The hassle when trying to renew my investor visa due to goal posts moving constantly is very annoying. Last year I used a lawyer for first application and total bill (w. another visa needed) w. government fees Etc. ended up being 30k Baht. This year supposed to be easier, but now goal posts have moved so brought lawyer and will be a total of at least 15k Baht(IF get it...). Anyway; that is for another post...

Are you sure your not me :o


Other than the visa and quick service at immigration, most of these extras you can get yourself. I can't see what the huge benefits are other than the 2 things mentioned. Discounts are always avaiable at hotels and as for a mobile phone....hmmm so what ???

Not impressed.

Other than the visa and quick service at immigration, most of these extras you can get yourself. I can't see what the huge benefits are other than the 2 things mentioned. Discounts are always avaiable at hotels and as for a mobile phone....hmmm so what ???

Not impressed.

Which one Thailongstay or Thailand Elite?

With Thailand Elite if I reqad their website correctly it gives you access to Alpine , Navatanee and Lakewood golf courses with no green fee's.

Makes it cheeper and better than buying golf memberships.

On another point I saw i a recent thread , that I can't find now that they price the TE card at 1 or 2 mil Baht. 1 if your a visitor 2 if you "defacto" reside here. I wonder what qualifies in this instance. Residency? Work permit? No. of days spent in Thailand?

Also looking at their website I find no mention of this.


Don't forget the elite card now has a 40K baht/year annual fee. That is in addition to the 1 million to buy it.

I did a costs benefits analysis. In my case, there was no way I could come out ahead going elite relative to other visa options. There would be a small offset in savings from not needing visa runs and it would be nice to get rid of those hassles. I wouldn't mind the fast track through the airport, but if it were an out of pocket system I *might* pay 500 baht per time for it given there are long lines so that is the value I place on it. The other services for the most part I have no need for. Just a big coupon book of things of no use to me. The last thing I want is my decision making at every turn to be how to leverage my Elite card; I like complete equal freedom of choice that I have now better.

If on the other hand Elite had free admission and just the 40K baht per year fee, I would get an Elite card. Tossing 1 mil to the wind is the deal killer.


I checked their homepage and no mention of the 40k/year anymore and I have read elsewhere that they have stopped that charge.

Also; the page mentions nothing about 2 different prices (1M/2M) which also makes little sense as the card gives a 5 year-auto renewed visa.


I checked their homepage and no mention of the 40k/year anymore and I have read elsewhere that they have stopped that charge.

Also; the page mentions nothing about 2 different prices (1M/2M) which also makes little sense as the card gives a 5 year-auto renewed visa.


I agree I couldn't find any mention of those two points.

This is the thread I was refering to. Took ages to find it!


It's a pity this Elite card doesn't offer any benefits re getting PR, especially as they now apparently charge 2 million baht if you 'live' in Thailand.

AFAIK, the Elite card is actually a barrier to getting PR because you are considered non-resident. Whether this has all changed with the 2 million baht card I don't know.

But for those of us looking to get PR, the route of paying 2 million baht for the card, wait 5 years and then get PR seems attractive when compared to getting your marriage/work visa extension, hassle every year in extending this again etc etc.



Simon; you might be putting too much into the 2M baht card. I think it is simply because if you live in Thailand you can use the benefits every day. 365 days of 1 x 3k green fee and 1 x 2k baht massage and you have earned the card back in about half a year!

Anyway; the thread Percy linked too seems to conclude that the 2M Baht card was an old system and that the 40k/year admin fee was cancelled. I have reached the same conclusion - but have also asked Thai Elite to clarify some things.

In case they STILL have the 1M/2M thing I guess most could just use a foreign address for registration (and Thai address for mailing) - but another proof that the 1M cover both seem to be the help with drivers license and work permit now being mentioned on their homepage.


It's a pity this Elite card doesn't offer any benefits re getting PR, especially as they now apparently charge 2 million baht if you 'live' in Thailand.

AFAIK, the Elite card is actually a barrier to getting PR because you are considered non-resident. Whether this has all changed with the 2 million baht card I don't know.

But for those of us looking to get PR, the route of paying 2 million baht for the card, wait 5 years and then get PR seems attractive when compared to getting your marriage/work visa extension, hassle every year in extending this again etc etc.


Can anybody confirm or not whether PR is available after staying here on a special entry visa (whatever that is)



Percy; I doubt any rules exist about it - but I think it would be considered (in a positive light) case by case. Main issue is that you will still have to prove tax payments in Thailand and Thai language proficiency - without them it would be hard to expect PR no matter what. Cheers!


Thanks Steve. Wonder where one goes to actually obtain this card. I see several agents listed on the horrible homepage - but they all look like small travel agencies and schools Etc. - and when I email the agents I never get a reply.....I can imagine how a call to them would develop! :o ("huh? longlay Thailand? No have, you want ticket?")

Have ANYBODY here ever used them? Also; wonder what the point in a 1 year SINGLE ENTRY visa is.... and wonder whether I can myself just buy a multiple re-entry to attach and save some money there?

I also wonder what that health insurance on the more expensive cards cover....

So many questions, and nobody to answer them..... I will try to call Longstay on monday and hear.



It's a pity this Elite card doesn't offer any benefits re getting PR, especially as they now apparently charge 2 million baht if you 'live' in Thailand.

AFAIK, the Elite card is actually a barrier to getting PR because you are considered non-resident. Whether this has all changed with the 2 million baht card I don't know.

But for those of us looking to get PR, the route of paying 2 million baht for the card, wait 5 years and then get PR seems attractive when compared to getting your marriage/work visa extension, hassle every year in extending this again etc etc.

Can anybody confirm or not whether PR is available after staying here on a special entry visa (whatever that is)

The way the visa associated with the Thailand Elite Card was originally presented, it was to be basically a "super tourist visa" of sorts. In other words: no work permits issuable; no status towards Permanent Residence; and (probably) no application for, or renewal of, a Thai driver's license. But who knows, for as much as the marketing of the card has changed since its inception, this may all have been amended as well...


Ovenman; I fully agree - they no longer call it a 5 year tourist visa.

They clearly have run into the obvious dilemma that the most likely buyer being high level biz people here in Thailand/region (or rather their company) already HOLD non-Em visas and buying the card (and changing to that visa) would de facto make it illegal for them to work here, not able to hold work permit, no drivers licence Etc. :o

They have therefore smoothly removed the "tourist" status as well as now mentioning work permit and DL help specifically. It is now probably closer to a super non-em visa in status.



Given the difficulty tracking down information on them and the frequently changing nature of these programs, it's absolutely amazing that people would STILL want to invest in something like either Elite or the Longstay program. :o

If they were something else, like a business investment, would people still want to pursue it with this kind of operation? It would seem the boiler-room operated businesses have more reliable information.


I wrote a long post on this last night, but it didn't go through and I couldn't be bothered to go through the whole rigmarole again...

For those that didn't read the thread mentioned above, I joined TE in June.

As far as the poster asking about how it works re PR, I don't know if it will help or not, but here's the important thing:

You cannot be a member of TE and be a Permanent Resident (and of course by extension a Thai citizen). You'll be required to forfeit the card or sell it on to someone else. If you choose to sell, there is a transfer fee of 10% of the current list price (ie not the price you sell it for). I assume that it's because it'll end up potentially costing TE a fortune in green fees/limos etc, so personally I can't really begrudge them that.

If there are any other questions, I'll do my best to answer them, but spare me the snide comments please; my skin is only so thick :o

I wrote a long post on this last night, but it didn't go through and I couldn't be bothered to go through the whole rigmarole again...

For those that didn't read the thread mentioned above, I joined TE in June.

As far as the poster asking about how it works re PR, I don't know if it will help or not, but here's the important thing:

You cannot be a member of TE and be a Permanent Resident (and of course by extension a Thai citizen). You'll be required to forfeit the card or sell it on to someone else. If you choose to sell, there is a transfer fee of 10% of the current list price (ie not the price you sell it for). I assume that it's because it'll end up potentially costing TE a fortune in green fees/limos etc, so personally I can't really begrudge them that.

If there are any other questions, I'll do my best to answer them, but spare me the snide comments please; my skin is only so thick :o

The golf could be a big incentive alone. I read somehwre about them adding courses to the free golf package. Do you know where these are?

The golf could be a big incentive alone. I read somehwre about them adding courses to the free golf package. Do you know where these are?

I don't know which courses (if any - remember...it could be a promotional fable) are being added. There are about 40 courses signed up so far - all on the website. Bear in mind that some of them have limitations. Navatnee and Alpine cannot be booked at weekends for example (well Alpine can, but you have to play with a full member).


The golf could be a big incentive alone. I read somehwre about them adding courses to the free golf package. Do you know where these are?

I don't know which courses (if any - remember...it could be a promotional fable) are being added. There are about 40 courses signed up so far - all on the website. Bear in mind that some of them have limitations. Navatnee and Alpine cannot be booked at weekends for example (well Alpine can, but you have to play with a full member).

Had a look through the site and it looks a better deal than most commentary on TV indicates. Samui Santaburi golf club is on there and that is normally over 4k baht a round! I reckon that if I get a chance to spend more time in LOS I could recoup the cost in less than a year playing golf alone! There is also the two for one Thai airways business class seats and the Thai Airways upgrade (is this one per year?).

I could not see on their site any indication of the golf club limitations. How do you find these out?

As some have stated before, there is always the risk that a new government may withdraw its support for this card. However, bearing in mind the type of people that may sign up to it, I would find it difficult to believe that any new government would want to immediately p**s off several thousand reasonably (or not) wealthy and influential people all at once! Would not do the image of the country much good. But I suppose anything is possible in Thailand, so you have to accept the risk that's there. If it is still going when my plans allow me to spend more time in LOS then I will seriously be looking at this.


The golf could be a big incentive alone. I read somehwre about them adding courses to the free golf package. Do you know where these are?

I don't know which courses (if any - remember...it could be a promotional fable) are being added. There are about 40 courses signed up so far - all on the website. Bear in mind that some of them have limitations. Navatnee and Alpine cannot be booked at weekends for example (well Alpine can, but you have to play with a full member).

Had a look through the site and it looks a better deal than most commentary on TV indicates.

Most scams and boiler-room operations are built on that exact premise. To look or sound better than they really are. :o

As some have stated before, there is always the risk that a new government may withdraw its support for this card. However, bearing in mind the type of people that may sign up to it, I would find it difficult to believe that any new government would want to immediately p**s off several thousand reasonably (or not) wealthy and influential people all at once!

There aren't "several thousand" Elite Card purchasers... only several hundred. Secondly, a change of government would have no qualms whatsoever in changing a previous government's programs. History bears that truth.

Would not do the image of the country much good. But I suppose anything is possible in Thailand, so you have to accept the risk that's there. If it is still going when my plans allow me to spend more time in LOS then I will seriously be looking at this.

Good luck. Feel free to join the if you wish. As previously stated, anyone that is foolhardy enough and has a million to throw away on this program should feel obligated to throw an additional million to the Thai orphanage or senior citizen home of their choice. Obviously, for someone so well off, it's a trivial amount... putting an equal amount of money to a cause that will actually do some good should be obligatory.

Had a look through the site and it looks a better deal than most commentary on TV indicates. Samui Santaburi golf club is on there and that is normally over 4k baht a round! I reckon that if I get a chance to spend more time in LOS I could recoup the cost in less than a year playing golf alone! There is also the two for one Thai airways business class seats and the Thai Airways upgrade (is this one per year?).

I could not see on their site any indication of the golf club limitations. How do you find these out?

As some have stated before, there is always the risk that a new government may withdraw its support for this card. However, bearing in mind the type of people that may sign up to it, I would find it difficult to believe that any new government would want to immediately p**s off several thousand reasonably (or not) wealthy and influential people all at once! Would not do the image of the country much good. But I suppose anything is possible in Thailand, so you have to accept the risk that's there. If it is still going when my plans allow me to spend more time in LOS then I will seriously be looking at this.

I've been told no number-of-rounds limitations on the main card, but if you buy a card for your spouse (100k pa), that second card is only good for 12 rounds ie once a month.

Also remember that all you get are green fees; you still have to pay for caddies/buggies etc.

The Thai Airways part of the deal works thus: you get Gold status in the ROP programme - that gives you your annual upgrade. Being ROP Gold puts you at the head of the queue for op-ups too, so you'll probably get upgraded at check-in once in a while. The two-for-one deal is only for full-fare F or J tickets, so you might be able to get two discount tickets elsewhere for less. When I joined in June, they also had a promotion which gave me the choice of a couple of weekends in hotels in BKK or Hua Hin, one year's membership for your spouse, or a return Biz class ticket on Thai from anywhere in AsiaPac that TG flies to, although I think you have to fly from your "registered" country.

As I've said before, whilst it might be possible to "make" money from the card, I still think it's better to think of it as buying a suite of services (visa, concierge, expedited passage through airports etc) rather than a discount card. I agree with you that whilst there's a risk that the programme could be disbanded, I doubt a government of any political persuasion would cancel the scheme without due recourse to existing members.

I've not heard about the price-hike from 1m to 2m for "residents". The annual 40k has been cancelled though there are other fees now for some add-on services, such as some elective surgeries, boat-mooring, gym membership.

Most scams and boiler-room operations are built on that exact premise. To look or sound better than they really are. :o

There aren't "several thousand" Elite Card purchasers... only several hundred. Secondly, a change of government would have no qualms whatsoever in changing a previous government's programs. History bears that truth.

Good luck. Feel free to join the if you wish. As previously stated, anyone that is foolhardy enough and has a million to throw away on this program should feel obligated to throw an additional million to the Thai orphanage or senior citizen home of their choice. Obviously, for someone so well off, it's a trivial amount... putting an equal amount of money to a cause that will actually do some good should be obligatory.

The last numbers I heard were around 1600 cards purchased, with another 2-300 given away at the beginning. I can't vouch for the veracity of the numbers...er...but there again, neither can you...

So would I have to pay a 100% "tax" on all of my purchases? 10m after we bought the house? Another couple of million for the cars? 60 baht everytime I buy a beer? After all, we could have bought smaller houses, mopeds instead of cars and drink water instead of beer. Can I deduct the donations I already make as a matter of course each year?

Or should it only be a tax on things that you don't agree with?


As I said in a Post a year or so ago, the outgoing expenses for the Thai Elite Company must be very high – and apart from the initial 1 or 2 Million Baht Fee they have no Income source at all.

Given that many of the Cards were given away as part of the initial Promotion for the Card I seriously doubt if the Company has had income of more than Baht 500 million; they have an impressive and well staffed Office on Sathorn Road and have arranged several “Road Shows” to promote the Card in various Countries – all of which takes a great deal of money. In addition of course what the Card Member gets for free, the Card Company actually has to pay for – although admittedly probably not at the full rate. The Golf Courses providing “Free” Green Fees, the Upgrades and 2 for 1 Tickets on Thai, plus all the other Services all cost the Card Company something.

Plus of course there are the Advertising Expenses - a year or so ago the Card Company was reported to owe Baht 200 million or more to CNN for advertising on CNN's Website; I have seen no further mention of that debt since however. At the time the Card Company denied responsibility claiming that whoever authorised the Advertising Contract on their bahalf had no authority to do so!.

With no Income stream apart from payments from new Members the scheme would normally be seen as a simple Ponzi Scam if it were not Thaksin’s baby.

Most people who would be interested in this Card would already have Platinum Amex and Visa Cards which automatically give special benefits including Discounts at Hotels and Restaurants, Golf Courses etc. in addition to 2 for 1 Air Tickets and upgrades – on nearly all Airlines, not just Thai as the Elite Card. Also as someone else pointed out these benefits are only applicable if one buys a Full Fare ticket – and anyone living in Bangkok can easily find a much better deal for Discount Tickets from lots of Travel Agencies.

At the end of the day probably the only unique benefits from the Elite Card would be the special Visa and the expedited service when clearing Customs and Immigration here in Thailand – if someone feels that is worth 1 million Baht then it’s their choice of course.

Overall I think the Product benefits and even the targeted user profile has been changed so often that the whole thing has lost focus entirely; I cannot see any future Government continuing to pick up the bill for a few well-off individuals, and I fully expect the Card to be killed off once Government changes in Thailand.

Again, like an ordinary Ponzi Scam, only those who got in early will recoup their Investment.



Most scams and boiler-room operations are built on that exact premise. To look or sound better than they really are. :o

There aren't "several thousand" Elite Card purchasers... only several hundred. Secondly, a change of government would have no qualms whatsoever in changing a previous government's programs. History bears that truth.

Good luck. Feel free to join the if you wish. As previously stated, anyone that is foolhardy enough and has a million to throw away on this program should feel obligated to throw an additional million to the Thai orphanage or senior citizen home of their choice. Obviously, for someone so well off, it's a trivial amount... putting an equal amount of money to a cause that will actually do some good should be obligatory.

The last numbers I heard were around 1600 cards purchased, with another 2-300 given away at the beginning. I can't vouch for the veracity of the numbers...er...but there again, neither can you...

So would I have to pay a 100% "tax" on all of my purchases? 10m after we bought the house? Another couple of million for the cars? 60 baht everytime I buy a beer? After all, we could have bought smaller houses, mopeds instead of cars and drink water instead of beer. Can I deduct the donations I already make as a matter of course each year?

Or should it only be a tax on things that you don't agree with?

Total cards in circulation has been reported as 1500 (with unknown hundreds given away), so at the very most, there's a thousand or fewer. IF the program is such a good deal, one has to wonder why their actual sales of a 1,000 is such a piddly percentage of their 1,000,000 goal???

Completely agree with P Brownstone in saying the whole program is floundering financially with output MUCH more than their intake resulting in such fiascos as not paying their advertising expenses and changing their Directors more than a half dozen times in 3 years. Despite all it's shortcomings, Thaksin continues to pour hundreds of millions into with differing strategies and marketing, none of which have recouped their costs. It's a program that is just begging to be axed if a new government takes over.

Not sure what all your comments about "tax" are on about. I was simply suggesting that if someone can so frivilously spend a million (or two million as reported in the press for in-country residents), then surely they have the resources to match that amount with something more beneficial to the country, such as orphanages and homes for the aged.

Among the many articles discussing the issue:



But, of course, in the end, if one STILL persists to defy logic and obtain one, that's their business. I'm just trying to save people from foolishly parting with their money. If they insist, then I won't "disagree" with them and wish them well.

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