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Koh Tao murders: Thai police bureau ignores NHRC summons


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This RTP (NPO) investigation we are told has been completed and is now the domain of the Public Prosecutor. If this be so, why then this piece of reporting quoted in part...

"...However, the NPO told the NHRC that investigation into the case was already in the hands of the public prosecutors and that it needed to seek prior approval from the prosecutors before providing any details on the case to the NHRC".

"Meanwhile, the Koh Samui Court yesterday approved a police request that the suspects' detention be extended by another 12 days, as more time was needed to complete the investigation".

Now which is to be BIB, either you have completed the investigation or you have not? Or is this a case of 'grasping at straws' so as to stitch these two guys up?

Neither. I can tell you from experience there is no 'Law' here. They just make stuff up as they go along. Remember, they're a tribe playing at being a nation.

Tribal law applies to everyone in it, including the head.

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NHRC is controlled by NCPO and most likely RTP. They have no real power whatsoever and therefor can't be taken seriously in this investigation. As for the copshop from back home that has turned up; does anyone on this forum actually believe that they are going to discredit the official outcome of this investigation? Wake up please. After Cameron met with the good General in Milano suddenly UK cops were allowed to come over to TH. This invitation was only granted with the guarantee that they would comply to the RTP's version of the story. By bringing in the UK cops, who of course are going to comply with the initial RTP version, they will silence all the people with doubts. If the UK cops say its so, it must be so. Somehow Brits here live in the illusion that our cops back home are any better than cops elsewhere. Lol. Those clowns back home have to answer to David Cameron f-f-s . Imagine for a few minutes while I make a coffee coffee1.gif

The UK is not perfect by a long shot, but having lived in many countries around the World, overall our police and justice system would stand up well against any comparison in the world, especially Thailand.

With regards them coming over here to investigate or observe, whilst i find it ludicrous to think they have any agenda in agreeing with the RTP for political or any other reason if they do not believe it true, it would be a cold day in hell before the RTP would accept their invitation and 'allow' them to find anything seriously wrong in the investigation. They will be chaperoned around and will see what it is deemed acceptable for them to see.

One of the English police is from Norfolk, the home county of Hannah, which suggests her parents have requested an investigation and his/her role is to find as much as can be discovered of the true events of that fateful night.

It suggests nothing.

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ok given an option which force would you have if you were in dire need of help

I understand all you oldskool chaps who still love the flag and Britannia rules the waves and all that but you don't really have a clue what is going on in the world besides from what you see on the BBC or Sky News but if you would just take a few hours to look at the bigger picture, do a bit of research outside of the mainstream and use your common sense it will all become much clearer. Police back home answer to their boss, who in turn answers to his boss...all the way up, so don't give me your British superiority b-s about honesty, integrity and whatever more. England has one of the worst records in the world for secret agendas and black ops. They didn't get that for being so honest and trustworthy mates!



I've been in dire need of our beloved British Embassy only to find out they don't care one bit about their 'subjects'. It's all the same. It doesn't matter where you live. We are moving towards a Global and much tougher world where everyone has to venture for themselves but still pay taxes to the uberlords so that they can live in luxury

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I agree with Andrew Biggs, who said that Kreng Jai means, "cowardice".

It doesn't. Thais might say "mai dong kreng jai"... meaning "you don't have to be afraid..." meaning by supposition, "don't be afraid, I (we) don't mind..." It certainly does not mean cowardice in the true sense ie. lily livered, yellow, fraidy cat etc etc..

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Well that just about sums up :

1/ What the police in this country think about human rights,

2/ What the police in this country think they can get away with when confronted with an embarassing situation,

3/ What the police involved in this investigation end up admitting implicitly by this pathetic 'show of absence'.

So, to all expats and tourists in Thailand, the clear message is : If you can avoid it, do NOT get involved with the police here, unless you're prepared to surrender your rights, your logical mind and probably a good deal of money as well.

Is this new to you? I have 'family' in the RTP, officers of some rank, and I'd think they would show pride for 'the corps', but, one after the other, they were unanimous in their, spontaneous, advise when we first met: avoid police, stay away from police, can not trust police, police cost you big money, do nothing, police no good...

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If one follows the foreign Press and a lot of Thai press it says out loud.

There is a cloud of heavy suspicion over the choice of these two Burmese suspects and their sudden confession.

Not saying it is - but it looks as if.

The Police on Koh Tao were under massive pressure from "High Up" to find a suspect - any suspect.

It is beginning to look like the Police then grabbed these two Burmese - really because they were handy rather than anything else.

It looks like the suspects were tortured into a confession, perhaps with promises of early release and money.

Now the Police who made the collar and "produced the confessions" are cornered.

It is possible that the Police were very lucky and did catch the guilty and obtain confessions.

But the World's opinion asks, "Is it likely?"

There is no doubt, that added to many other incidents of attacks on tourists and criticism of the Police, that Thailand is under "suspicion" as an ideal Tourist place.

I love Thailand and I do wish the Military would take over this investigation - together with the British police.

This might result in a real suspect being caught or identified or the guilt of the two suspects confirmed.

For certain the cloud over this case is not going to disappear which makes any Court case a ludicrous affair.

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NHRC is controlled by NCPO and most likely RTP. They have no real power whatsoever and therefor can't be taken seriously in this investigation. As for the copshop from back home that has turned up; does anyone on this forum actually believe that they are going to discredit the official outcome of this investigation? Wake up please. After Cameron met with the good General in Milano suddenly UK cops were allowed to come over to TH. This invitation was only granted with the guarantee that they would comply to the RTP's version of the story. By bringing in the UK cops, who of course are going to comply with the initial RTP version, they will silence all the people with doubts. If the UK cops say its so, it must be so. Somehow Brits here live in the illusion that our cops back home are any better than cops elsewhere. Lol. Those clowns back home have to answer to David Cameron f-f-s . Imagine for a few minutes while I make a coffee coffee1.gif

...me thinks you doth smoke way too much ??????

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Where is Nomsod? Did he take that plane to Syndney?

Where is the toxicology report on Hannah?

Where is Sean?

Where is the Speedboat Little Duck & who owns it?

Why did this case make a U-turn after Sep 23rd?

Why did David had one sock on?

Why did Sean not wash off the blood of his guitar for 1 week?

Did they find bullet fragments in Hannah skull?

Did the university students really claim Nomsod was late and had injuries?

Did they interview all Speedboat drivers?

Did they check the CCTV of the AC bar?

Did they check the CCTV of the Nakornsithammarat airport?

Did they check when the Timber table was removed at the Nomsod condo in BKK?

How come the Burmese came clear on the first DNA round?

How come they had the results within 24 hours?

How come they only produced one CCTV picture of Nomsod in BKK?

My God, I could go on for hours.........

I sincerely hope we will get some answers here during the trial, or do you think the trial will go like this:

"mai mee no have yes DNA same same guilty"

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Like some of the Thai locals have already mentioned on social media... ' Nobody ever fight back before.' The police are not used to this and are now certainly making things up as they go along. Even lawyers couldn't get credible alibis out into the public without stuffing up ie. The university photo that was actually a dorm photo. Still shots, not good ones, of video footage. The actual video footage would be a much better alibi but again they probably didn't think there would be to much fuss made. Wrong again.

interrogations should be recorded on video. Good to check everything the suspect said, also good for police to disprove they use violence. Police officers that use violence in physical or mental way. should be fired.

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The prosecutors have sent the case back 3 times. Maybe that DNA evidence is not so airtight after all.

We need a new petition, this time to prayut. We will write--

Let the innocent boys out.

I think you're right on the spot here, greenchair.

Everywhere in the world nowadays, a DNA match is considered one of the most reliable pieces of evidence that can be produced in a court, if not the most reliable.

And the concept of 'matching' is disarmingly simple : A = B.

DNA found inside the victim's body = DNA sampled from the suspects.

No approximation, no hesitation, no beating around the bush. It's YES or NO.

When the police here claim that they have a DNA match, it must be stated and proved crystal clear in the file sent to the prosecutors. But if that file keeps coming back to them, it means that there is no DNA match.


I know I keep repeating this - but DNA matching is not always black and white. The accuracy of DNA matching is wholly dependent on the quality of the sample. If the quality is low or the sample is contaminated or mixed, it is quite possible to get a partial match -with a tie-in ranging from 'it could possibly be the suspect', it might be the suspect', up to 'it probably IS the suspect'. In such circumstances DNA evidence becomes circumstantial - additional material to add to the overall weight of proof or balance of probabilities. But it's not enough to convict on alone.

For that, the RTP were almost certainly relying on their coerced confessions. Now that those have been retracted, the RTP and prosecutors are floundering. And that's why the case keeps getting sent back time and again. The problem for the RTP of course, is that will the full glare of international interest on them it's impossible for them to manufacture additional evidence from thin air.

So the case has stalled.

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I understand all you oldskool chaps who still love the flag and Britannia rules the waves and all that but you don't really have a clue what is going on in the world besides from what you see on the BBC or Sky News but if you would just take a few hours to look at the bigger picture, do a bit of research outside of the mainstream and use your common sense it will all become much clearer. Police back home answer to their boss, who in turn answers to his boss...all the way up, so don't give me your British superiority b-s about honesty, integrity and whatever more. England has one of the worst records in the world for secret agendas and black ops. They didn't get that for being so honest and trustworthy mates!



...and you know this from first-hand experience I suppose? Putting to one side the unfortunate abuse, please, tell us all just what you know and from where you obtained your information.

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"An informed source, meanwhile, said British police had already started gathering information on the case. The British team stepped in after word spread that the 'real' culprit in the case might evade the long arm of the law."

Gathering information? Sounds like an investigation to me.

Is this questionable reporting as it's been made abundantly clear that the team were only to observe and nothing else would be permitted ?

Made abundantly clear by whom? David Cameron? Or the man he gave the orders to allow the British police to come in...

Say, you don't suppose the police chief and Prayuth have maybe exaggerated a little bit about the observer status of the UK cops - you know, to save face...?

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Not showing up tilts the claim of torture further to the side of must have happened. In fact probably to the side of 100% happened. Which officers were involved in the torture would be nice to know.

Thai social media is buzzing with claims of Mon and his police buddy trying to hunt down everybody leaking information onto the net. That suggests they might know the people who know the truth. If I was a betting man I'd bet that policeman who chased Sean was part of the torture. This guy seems to have a lot to lose. His off duty behaviour suggests he is a becoming a very, very desperate man.

I would think the Mon and the police hunting down Sean and threatening to kill him is some sort of crime. I am sure if you did that to anyone in any other country it would be. Why have they not been arrested ? I would think too they should get their DNA checked while they are waiting to go to court.
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Does NHRC not know rule of law in Thailand? Not only did RTP not show, they probably had a good laugh at the order amongst themselves. RTP is accountable to no one that is unless the army brings out the tanks, then they will take orders with their tales in between their legs. RTP couldn't save Thaksin nor his little sis from being run over by higher powers but they can scoff at the NHRC all day long

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Is that really Hannah in the photo and if so when is that photo dated. Nobody could possibly be that stupid to claim they were somewhere when they clearly posed for photos elsewhere. That's just downright dumb.

Rrrrrrrright! As dumb as "disappearing" for a full week after the murders. As dumb as a father claiming his son "just left for university this morning, no, wait, yesterday, no wait... I can't find him and actually don't have a clue where he is or where he went..." As dumb as handing in a shaky cctv still shot, possibly even photoshopped, as an alibi. As dumb as flying and hoping to not appear on any flight list. As dumb as hoping that none of the other students would talk. As dumb as believeing that one is untouchable and irresistible just because his father is a mafia kingpin...

Not that disagree with any of the above, i dont believe a shread of evedence so far has surfaced to verify any of this.

I dont think the Burmese did it, i do think there is a cover up, but i would have thought something would have come out concrete about the son by now, CSI LA for all its endeavours has produced zip.

Someone would have blabbed by now.

If he was there that night, how come not one western backpacker, especially the victims freinds have not said anything?

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I understand all you oldskool chaps who still love the flag and Britannia rules the waves and all that but you don't really have a clue what is going on in the world besides from what you see on the BBC or Sky News but if you would just take a few hours to look at the bigger picture, do a bit of research outside of the mainstream and use your common sense it will all become much clearer. Police back home answer to their boss, who in turn answers to his boss...all the way up, so don't give me your British superiority b-s about honesty, integrity and whatever more. England has one of the worst records in the world for secret agendas and black ops. They didn't get that for being so honest and trustworthy mates!



OMG are you really saying the U.K police are as corrupt as the Thai police? what has black ops got to do with this?? covert operations and secret agendas are hardly the same as lying to protect a rich family who has probably committed murder.whistling.gif

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X-Rays don't show anything. Not surprising, the old days of beating a confession out of an innocent suspect have pretty much given way to more "subtle" techniques. Perhaps the cops attended The School of The Americas in the US to learn a bit of their technique, or maybe they assisted at one of the US "black sites" here. While England spying on it's citizens and the world has been widely revealed by the Snowden documents I think (hope) the cops sent here are going to be pretty straight up dudes. Yes pressure can be brought to bear on cops from up above. I know all too well but this case, maybe not pressure from the British government to clear a cover-up. I'd give the Brit cops at least a 50/50 chance of learning, telling and being relatively honest. People on the island know who did it and it isn't the first time.

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"The judge said the suspects could be detained for up to 84 days."

And when those 84 days pass, another 84 day extension.....they're banking

on the public's short attention span.....BUT, let's NOT forget, lest it happens again!

Keep the pressure on!!

If they were Thai, they would be out on bail already.

I wonder if the Brit police are aware of the various allegations found on social media/TV and so forth? If I could speak to one of the officers I would simply say: Please do not trust the Bib: they are very good at smiling at you whilst stabbing you in the back at the same time.

I've gotten close with some Thai, and after awhile they are more candid with you.

I've been told several times, by them, the LOS, the smile, it's all a facade.

They call it Naa Gaak. "The Mask". wai2.gifwai.gif


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"The judge said the suspects could be detained for up to 84 days."

And when those 84 days pass, another 84 day extension.....they're banking

on the public's short attention span.....BUT, let's NOT forget, lest it happens again!

Keep the pressure on!!

If they were Thai, they would be out on bail already.

I wonder if the Brit police are aware of the various allegations found on social media/TV and so forth? If I could speak to one of the officers I would simply say: Please do not trust the Bib: they are very good at smiling at you whilst stabbing you in the back at the same time.

Do you really imagine that they are that stupid? Given that it was social media that led to the pressure that forced Cameron to "request" that Prayuth allow in UK "observers", they'd have to be extremely dumb not to have a look down those corridors.

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NHRC is controlled by NCPO and most likely RTP. They have no real power whatsoever and therefor can't be taken seriously in this investigation. As for the copshop from back home that has turned up; does anyone on this forum actually believe that they are going to discredit the official outcome of this investigation? Wake up please. After Cameron met with the good General in Milano suddenly UK cops were allowed to come over to TH. This invitation was only granted with the guarantee that they would comply to the RTP's version of the story. By bringing in the UK cops, who of course are going to comply with the initial RTP version, they will silence all the people with doubts. If the UK cops say its so, it must be so. Somehow Brits here live in the illusion that our cops back home are any better than cops elsewhere. Lol. Those clowns back home have to answer to David Cameron f-f-s . Imagine for a few minutes while I make a coffee coffee1.gif

...me thinks you doth smoke way too much ??????

Aye, you should smoke a bit too mate. It will open up yer eyes a bit more to the truth

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