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SHOCKING SAD Stacy Thailand Trailer - Drunken 2 year old needs your help


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Stacy Thailand Trailer is just a small piece of the video that is to be released of her shocking story and how she still to this day is not safe from her abusive drunken prostitute mother and grandmother that abuse her and get her drunk as well.

For over a year and a half all Thai authorities seems to care more about saving this abusive Thai families face than side with a foreigner. Maybe someone can help but the baby is safe with the father in Chiang Mai in a top school being well taken care of till February 15 2015 when Chon Buri family court has ordered to give Stacy back to this abuse for 3 months then back and forth every 3 months from father to mother for 3 years.



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Feel for you, pretty screwed up situation.

Have you tried to buy baby out?

I know it sounds bad, but a few mates I have were in similar situations, offered large sum of money and " loving" mother gave up all parental rights .

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Feel for you, pretty screwed up situation.

Have you tried to buy baby out?

I know it sounds bad, but a few mates I have were in similar situations, offered large sum of money and " loving" mother gave up all parental rights .

Yes tried and wont happen as the mother now has some German funding her and he wants my child also.

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This videos is sad, But You will never win against a Thai person in Thailand. hope the baby girl finds some peace.

I will win for Stacy and so will Stacy or I will die trying and make Thailand be shown in the light it deserves if someone doesnt step up soon. Next I will go on public talk shows in the USA about this after the full movie comes out. I have stayed quiet for almost 2 years and they will not shut me up any longer and I will not back down. Stacy is my life! Check out how happy she is with me everyday on youtube.




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Stacey, it may sound crazy, but contact Tim sharky.

1. He has over 90000 followers

2. He has access to international media

3. He has filming crew arriving today

Aside his macho crap, he is a decent guy, give him a try, at worst 90 000 people will see the video

Edited by konying
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This videos is sad, But You will never win against a Thai person in Thailand. hope the baby girl finds some peace.

The Thai girl will end up just like the Thai Mother sadly, but dont worry if it goes to court she will put on an incredible display of being the best Mother in the world and relate how the Father used to beat her etc etc

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This videos is sad, But You will never win against a Thai person in Thailand. hope the baby girl finds some peace.

I will win for Stacy and so will Stacy or I will die trying and make Thailand be shown in the light it deserves if someone doesnt step up soon. Next I will go on public talk shows in the USA about this after the full movie comes out. I have stayed quiet for almost 2 years and they will not shut me up any longer and I will not back down. Stacy is my life! Check out how happy she is with me everyday on youtube.




Stacy, If you go ahead with this please also bring this story to light, it might help to show people in the west about Thailand.


I wish you luck.

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stacythailand ... I'm confused.

I watched all the YouTube ... coffee1.gif

Are you the Biological Father of the child?

Just that you write in the third person "Maybe someone can help but the baby is safe with the father in Chiang Mai"

From what I have read on this forum, the Thai Family Court generally seem to be 'Fair', despite what you write.

Hopefully they will decide not what is 'right' for the Thai Family, not what is 'right' for the Biological Father ... but what is 'right' for the Child.

Yes im the real father and I am not the person who made or posted the video. I have friends that use my accounts and post from outside thailand with proxies hint hint.

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Stacey, it may sound crazy, but contact Tim sharky.

1. He has over 90000 followers

2. He has access to international media

3. He has filming crew arriving today

Aside his macho crap, he is a decent guy, give him a try, at worst 90 000 people will see the video

I am talking to him now.

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This videos is sad, But You will never win against a Thai person in Thailand. hope the baby girl finds some peace.

The Thai girl will end up just like the Thai Mother sadly, but dont worry if it goes to court she will put on an incredible display of being the best Mother in the world and relate how the Father used to beat her etc etc

Yes I know my daughter future if she stays with the mother and her family and thats another reason I have to fight till the end whatever it may be.She has already done that in court, lie lie lie lie lie and when I tried to prove it I was shut up so she could safe face.

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Sad situation but I seriously advise you stop being so drama queen about things.

I don't want to sound mean spirited, really, but being overly dramatic can work against you. Things like "Look, she just gave me the finger!", "There's a bottle of beer on the table!", "Don't touch me, that's assault" make you sound very precious. Concentrate on the things that will sway a judge. Flipping the bird to you is not going to convince anyone that the baby is being abused and just makes you look weak by being shocked by it.

Saying things like "There's a Thai man holding baby!" comes across as almost racist, as if no Thai man should be holding her. That won't go well with Thai men judges.

I know you are trying to gather compelling evidence, but driving past the house every night makes you look like a deranged stalker, and that can work against you too.

The compelling stuff is the bruises and the refusal to take Baby to hospital. If you can get video of mum actually being drunk and not looking after Stacy, that would be better. Shots of a bottle of beer on a table do nothing for your cause but make you out to be a drama queen. Nobody takes a drama queen seriously and thus the real compelling stuff loses some of it's import.

Sorry to sound harsh, but someone had to say it for the good of Baby.

Understood and agreed but being a caring loving father I pulled for all I could get. As far as the bottles of beer or Thai men taking care of the baby instead of the mother this all goes on all day and night EVERYDAY when the baby is in Pattaya. I do have alot more video and the full movie will show all that if it comes to that. Also getting the baby drunk alone should be enough in any country to not only take her custody away but to have her locked up but again no one wants to listen when she lies and says she was just joking when clearly drinking and partying is her and her pattaya families life and it was no joke.

This is no life for any child.

I am fighting someone that lie lie lie lie and everyone just avoids me proving she is lying to save her Thai face. Been through this almost 2 years now in the legal system against her.


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stacythailand ... I'm confused.

I watched all the YouTube ... coffee1.gif

Are you the Biological Father of the child?

Just that you write in the third person "Maybe someone can help but the baby is safe with the father in Chiang Mai"

From what I have read on this forum, the Thai Family Court generally seem to be 'Fair', despite what you write.

Hopefully they will decide not what is 'right' for the Thai Family, not what is 'right' for the Biological Father ... but what is 'right' for the Child.

Yes im the real father and I am not the person who made or posted the video. I have friends that use my accounts and post from outside thailand with proxies hint hint.

"I have friends that use my accounts"

So, this maybe you you or maybe not you we are talking to now?


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sorry it looks like a set up to me.

Before you post something so stupid why dont you explain? What part of the video looks like a setup? I have police reports for each day and the police are in the videos. I have 2 police reports about the facebook where she got the baby drunk.

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OP as you well know only the Thai Courts have authority on child custody / abuse matters. Taking into account the Thai context what exactly are you constructively aiming to acheive in your child's best interest by going public? I assume the child has been granted citizenship by descent for your home country; has your Embassy been able to assist by providing a list of Thai lawyers who specialise with the issues the child is facing; have you already appealed the Court decision based upon additional evidence?

Nope the mother keeps breaking court orders not showing up to US embassy and the courts do nothing about it. My embassy cannot help in the matter. I have 2 Thai lawyers but its up to the courts to listen or not.

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sorry it looks like a set up to me.

Before you post something so stupid why dont you explain? What part of the video looks like a setup? I have police reports for each day and the police are in the videos. I have 2 police reports about the facebook where she got the baby drunk.

If it is 'you', the Father of your child, posting, and not one of your friends who you give you password to ... why do you talk about your precious child in the 3rd person? "she got the baby drunk"

Your child, at two years old, well, she is really not a 'baby'.

Just asking like.


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OP as you well know only the Thai Courts have authority on child custody / abuse matters. Taking into account the Thai context what exactly are you constructively aiming to acheive in your child's best interest by going public? I assume the child has been granted citizenship by descent for your home country; has your Embassy been able to assist by providing a list of Thai lawyers who specialise with the issues the child is facing; have you already appealed the Court decision based upon additional evidence?

Nope the mother keeps breaking court orders not showing up to US embassy and the courts do nothing about it. My embassy cannot help in the matter. I have 2 Thai lawyers but its up to the courts to listen or not.

When you say 'court orders' ... one presumes a Thai Court. What 'court orders' has the Mother of your child not complied with?

What level of 'court' where these orders issued at?

Have you been to the Thai Family Court?

Are you also say that the Thai Courts have requested the mother to appear at the US embassy ... "the mother keeps breaking court orders not showing up to US embassy" ... or is that just your poor grammar?

To help and assist you we need to establish the facts ... not the things that upset you.

Edited by David48
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I dont know about the bona fide of this story.

But the question ALWAYS come to my mind why that all this horror stories ALWAYS involve a foreigner from a 'Developed' or 'First World' country person.

To the best of my knowledge, Thais are just normal human beings and the few Farangs I associate in Thailand agree 100% - of course, they did not frequent the red light areas to find their wives - some have lived there for over 25 years and HAS got their Thai citizenship too - if Th was such a horrible place, would they do it?


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OP as you well know only the Thai Courts have authority on child custody / abuse matters. Taking into account the Thai context what exactly are you constructively aiming to acheive in your child's best interest by going public? I assume the child has been granted citizenship by descent for your home country; has your Embassy been able to assist by providing a list of Thai lawyers who specialise with the issues the child is facing; have you already appealed the Court decision based upon additional evidence?

Nope the mother keeps breaking court orders not showing up to US embassy and the courts do nothing about it. My embassy cannot help in the matter. I have 2 Thai lawyers but its up to the courts to listen or not.

When you say 'court orders' ... one presumes a Thai Court. What 'court orders' has the Mother of your child not complied with?

What level of 'court' where these orders issued at?

Have you been to the Thai Family Court?

Are you also say that the Thai Courts have requested the mother to appear at the US embassy ... "the mother keeps breaking court orders not showing up to US embassy" ... or is that just your poor grammar?

To help and assist you we need to establish the facts ... not the things that upset you.

The Thai court has refused to listen to any of 7 witnesses [Half even being Thai females that know the family well and live nearby] or look at any video at 2 different "witness hearings" that each was waited for 4 months to come about. At the last Witness hearing the judge made both parties sign a 50% order which has a list of orders and one yes says the mother must goto the US embassy and sign. It also states that Stacy has to be bonced around back and forth from mother to fathers custody every 3 months. The father needs someone to act before Feb 15 2015 to stop the mother from getting Stacy back into that abuse.

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OP as you well know only the Thai Courts have authority on child custody / abuse matters. Taking into account the Thai context what exactly are you constructively aiming to acheive in your child's best interest by going public? I assume the child has been granted citizenship by descent for your home country; has your Embassy been able to assist by providing a list of Thai lawyers who specialise with the issues the child is facing; have you already appealed the Court decision based upon additional evidence?

Nope the mother keeps breaking court orders not showing up to US embassy and the courts do nothing about it. My embassy cannot help in the matter. I have 2 Thai lawyers but its up to the courts to listen or not.

When you say 'court orders' ... one presumes a Thai Court. What 'court orders' has the Mother of your child not complied with?

What level of 'court' where these orders issued at?

Have you been to the Thai Family Court?

Are you also say that the Thai Courts have requested the mother to appear at the US embassy ... "the mother keeps breaking court orders not showing up to US embassy" ... or is that just your poor grammar?

To help and assist you we need to establish the facts ... not the things that upset you.

The Thai court has refused to listen to any of 7 witnesses [Half even being Thai females that know the family well and live nearby] or look at any video at 2 different "witness hearings" that each was waited for 4 months to come about. At the last Witness hearing the judge made both parties sign a 50% order which has a list of orders and one yes says the mother must goto the US embassy and sign. It also states that Stacy has to be bonced around back and forth from mother to fathers custody every 3 months. The father needs someone to act before Feb 15 2015 to stop the mother from getting Stacy back into that abuse.

So stacythailand, I still don't know why now you talk about yourself in the third person ... "The father needs someone to act" ... maybe it's just me.

Just to clarify, you have a team of 2 Lawyers, this matter has been before the Thai courts.

The Thai Judge has looked at the relative merits of both sides and has made his/her ruling, and you aren't happy?

I don't wish to come across as uncaring or sympathetic to your personal situation, I just wished to drill down to the facts through the layer of emotion.

To that end, I wish you well in your endeavours and I most likely won't comment further.


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Ok, until we can establish exactly who is using this account etc, this thread will close. there are a number of issues and forum rule breaks that are relevant here.

OP. I suggest you contact support via email at support at Thaivisa.com establish your identity and this is your account. If someone else is using this account I suggest you STOP immediately and either refer to the registered user or create your own account.


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