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US tourist visa for mother of my US/Thai child

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Greetings all. I have been traveling to thailand for the last for four years. I met a thai lady and had a child. He will be three in March. The mother and myself have no feelings for one another and I fully support the child. She is 30 I'm 40. She has a job as a Japanese translator/tour guide. She travels to Japan twice a year. I make over 100k US a year. I have no property or real ties to thailand other than multiple three month visa stays.

I want to apply for a tourist visa to bring her and the child to the U.S. for a 3-6 month holiday. My main intentions are to have my son meet his grandmother.

What are my chances and does anyone have any experience with obtaining a tourist visa with a child in the equation?

My son is a US citizen. All paperwork done in Bkk when he was an infant.


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My opinion is that it is going to be very challenging to get a tourist visa for the mother under these circumstances. Unless she can show very strong ties to Thailand, (both economic and social) it looks questionable.

The fact that she is the mother of a US citizen will likely count against her, because that gives her an even stronger incentive to stay in the US and abuse the purpose of the tourist visa. (Think "anchor baby".)

You don't give much information about her situation, but I would prepare for the worst.

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I see your point. That's kind of what I was thinking. The child is an incentive for her to overstay.

I'm going to go through with the process in January when I arrive and hope for the best. If anyone has been in a similar situation and would like to chime in, please do so.

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