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Australia: German tourist bashed for 'claiming he was a Hells Angel'


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Bikers enjoy safety in numbers... Their chromosomes work better when collectively in a 'gang'.. It's like a small man syndrome with a Smiths/Lays crisp on him shoulder.. Get one on his own, they turn to a you know what!

Nah, most are fully willing to do damage when on their own unlike Thais in a street fight. This incident just took place in a club house and it still sounded as if only one did the hitting, unlike Thais who would have all been kicking and hitting.

Haha, but I am sure you are a big bruiser, special forces type trained in Akido hand to hand combat and could easily handle any of those sissy little Hell's Agenglea in a one on one situation

A Hells Angel might be willing to fight you one on one, but if you start getting the upper hand you will be 'rat packed' with a quickness.

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Everyone knows you dont go around saying you are a member of a Outlaw Biker group if you are not because the consequence is what happened in this case right or wrong that is the consequence and well known to anyone that has the slightest clue about that lifestyle.

Most MC clubs are NOT INVOLVED IN CRIME it is just a bunch of guys who like to ride motorcycles and hang out with people who have the same interests just because they have beards look tough etc I can assure you they do more for charity than all you mouthing off put together and are always up for helping out many charities.

There are a few clubs that have criminal elements however the vast majority are not.

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Some guys even have the leathers and ride a Honda Click.

True story.


They are everywhere. We had a neighbor, 40ish, Thai, strutted around like a wild west gunslinger with his fanny pack on his side, wearing Harley patches, t shirts, and rode a Honda Dream. Pissed him off one day when, in front of the neighbors, while he was mounting his ride, I asked loud and clearly, ''WHERE YOU GOING ON YOUR HONDA DAVIDSON?''

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Typical lots of clueless "keyboard warriors" posting on this topic who as usual do not understand the basic concept of an outlaw motorcycle club. If you don't know anything genuine, why post? These men live by concepts that are out of date in the majority of the modern world. Truth, Respect, Honour. Brotherhood and Family means everything. It is blatantly obvious that showing disrespect in a clubhouse is going to get you stomped. No sympathy for the victim.

Which bit of inflicting bodily harm being illegal do you have difficulty comprehending?

All you are doing is blaming the victim.

# No difficulty whatsoever.

# Yes.

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Typical lots of clueless "keyboard warriors" posting on this topic who as usual do not understand the basic concept of an outlaw motorcycle club. If you don't know anything genuine, why post? These men live by concepts that are out of date in the majority of the modern world. Truth, Respect, Honour. Brotherhood and Family means everything. It is blatantly obvious that showing disrespect in a clubhouse is going to get you stomped. No sympathy for the victim.

They sell drugs to children.

They pimp prostitutes.

They enjoy to spread intimidation and fear.

They contribute nothing beneficial to society.

They are a parasitic organism.

If someone is looking for the values you describe then they should join the military.

What you ascribe to these guys is horse <delete> as can be clearly seen by the actions of one of the older members. Keep kidding yourself, all these gangs are full of predators and exploiters.

A. You believe everything you read in the newspapers, and see on sensationalist tv "documenteries".

B. You obviously have not met any members, let alone got to know any personally.

C. So keep your un-informed opinions to yourself.

D. As for your above statements, the first one, selling drugs to kids, you do not have a clue. Any member of any club would be thrown out and stomped for such behaviour. Very very frowned upon.

E. Great phrase - "parasitic organism". Hats off, but it applies more to internet forum users than an OMC.

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