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Policeman seen kicking a suspect transferred

Lite Beer

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Adrenaline kicks in after a vehicle pursuit and altercation.

Too bad the drunk chose to endanger all those lives when he chose to drive drunk and resist arrest.

What an absolutely despicable comment. The police officer had zero need to assault the man like that. He should be fired immediately, lose all benefits and be charged with assault and anything else a good lawyer can think up. That police officer is a thug and unfit to wear the uniform.

Guaranteed promotion awaits him!

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Should have been charged with assault and suspended without pay. The victim is defenceless, handcuffed and on the ground. The officer is scum and there is no justified excuse for his actions. Just imagine the low life scum they are going to get with conscription to the BIB

if this was the UK he would have been beaten with a baton pepper sprayed or poss tazered. All you do Gooders need to get real. He was caught redhanded this is not 2 goats in Koh Tao. Bang to rights. He deserved what he got. Personally I would have had a few of his teeth out as well. I think he got of lightly.

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Adrenaline kicks in after a vehicle pursuit and altercation.

Too bad the drunk chose to endanger all those lives when he chose to drive drunk and resist arrest.

Adrenaline kicks.,..you are the weakest.

You obviously should do some reading and educate yourself. This should not only be obvious to you but its even part of police training to be alert to its affect.

does police training have a class on extrajudicial punishments?

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Should have been charged with assault and suspended without pay. The victim is defenceless, handcuffed and on the ground. The officer is scum and there is no justified excuse for his actions. Just imagine the low life scum they are going to get with conscription to the BIB

Does the Victorian Police suspend its officers without pay during an investigation. It is my understanding Australian police pay full pay till the person is convicted and even if he is do not reclaim it.

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Adrenaline kicks in after a vehicle pursuit and altercation.

Too bad the drunk chose to endanger all those lives when he chose to drive drunk and resist arrest.

What the drunk did doesn't matter! Absolutely no excuse for a policeman kicking a handcuffed man in the face. In most civilized countries the cop would be suspended without pay pending an investigation and probable criminal assault charges.

But here I imagine he will be back on active duty in a month or so. Very sad.

In the US they give out bravery medals for this. Double points for executions. My point is not to compare Thailand favorably in general with the US. Rather that Thai cops, despite the corruption, are held more accountable.

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so you condone this sort os abuse, just remember in a civilised country you INNONCENT till poven guilty ??

so it should read alleged drunk and driving, for all you know this man may have a health condition

this sort of abuse by the RTP is all to prevelent now

Adrenaline kicks in after a vehicle pursuit and altercation.

Too bad the drunk chose to endanger all those lives when he chose to drive drunk and resist arrest.

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The clip shows the policeman kicking the guy unconscious while he was sat down with his hands handcuffed behind his back.

Guess he annoyed the cops by resisting arrest and one of them kicked him @ 1:57 seconds as payback.


But, but, but.......the handcuffed suspect made him lose Face because it made him DO HIS JOB.

So sad to have to actually DO something like a policeman.

Please do not criticize the RTP. It might make them "Feel Sad" (reference comments about Koh Tao).


Back to reality, doesn't matter if it was a USA, UK, Dutch, French, German or Thai cop, there's no excuse for abusing your power as a law enforcement officer.

Transferred to an inactive post... In Thailand that means what? 95% of them are as active as a cube of melting ice anyhow.

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Adrenaline kicks in after a vehicle pursuit and altercation.

Too bad the drunk chose to endanger all those lives when he chose to drive drunk and resist arrest.

Rodney King all over again, except RK, a felon on parole, led police in a high-speed chase for 20 minutes before being apprehended violently as he resisted arrest. Los Angeles media referred to him as motorist Rodney King without detailing the full story and made him look like a random motorist pulled over and beaten by the cops, which as one would expect, ignited the serious rioting that took place.

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Adrenaline kicks in after a vehicle pursuit and altercation.

Too bad the drunk chose to endanger all those lives when he chose to drive drunk and resist arrest.

What the drunk did doesn't matter! Absolutely no excuse for a policeman kicking a handcuffed man in the face. In most civilized countries the cop would be suspended without pay pending an investigation and probable criminal assault charges.

But here I imagine he will be back on active duty in a month or so. Very sad.

Yes I agree. The Police need to be trained and chosen BECAUSE they do not cave-in to the inner 'Caveman' under such duress, and when they fail they need to be treated swiftly and seriously by their more senior staff so that the lawful public whom they work to serve and protect can maintain confidence to continue to trust in the system and rule of law. Seems Thailand may have a way to go on that front!?

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No way the officer should have done that. It is cowardly and disgusting IMHO.

Its called anger. We've all been there

It is very easy to judge and to say this is wrong. Of course once he was cuffed and unable to do more harm he should not have received a kick. However I know many officers in the UK and Germany who deal with various arrests in various ways. But then the European justice system is different to the thai one.

The officer needs training especially in hand cuffing techniques.

If the officer cannot handle adrenaline rushes then maybe a desk job would be better suited. That is until the photocopier breaks ;-)

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Not that I agree with what he did, but I can think of a lot of better reasons why a Thai cop should make the headlines.

When someone so drunk drives a car, it is pure chance that he didn't go off the road or hit another vehicle. I see plenty of kids on motorbikes and it is simply luck he didn't hit one of them - and a car makes a mess of a motorbike rider. Maybe that cop has a wide and kid of his own who drive locally. I'm sure he has seen plenty of accidents to know what the result would be. I can empathise with his anger.

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Sorry, but if I knowingly drove drunk, forced cops to chase me, then crashed into other cars -- whether I killed anybody or not, I would wake up in hospital and say to the officer, "Yup, I had that coming. I would have kicked me in the head for being such an aise, too."

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