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Warlords of Draenor (WoW)

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So are many Thai expats playing WoD?

I've decided to come back to WoW for a bit, and thought I was being smart by transferring from Frostmourne to Caelstrasz..... Apparently Frostmourne is worse, but Caelstraz still has terrible queues.

Around 2-3h ago I was 4000ish in the queue, now I'm 2600 lol, which makes me think it'll be another 3-4h before I can finally log in. Maintenance is in 6h time, so looks like I'm not going to get much playtime :(

Otherwise, when I can get in to play, it looks like a cool expansion. The Garrison seems quite neat, even though when I initially read about wow "housing" a few years back, I thought it sounded pretty lame.

What are you guys thoughts on the game so far?


I'm plodding my way through levelling and now that the launch issues are subsiding I'm enjoying WoD very much

I'm levelling an alt towards 100 at the moment because my main server had large queues last week - they've died down now so I'm torn between continuing levelling my alt or switching back to my main ;)


Yeah I've got my main to lvl 100 now, and am reasonably geared (Only need 1x piece of gear from Heroics, although don't have a challenge group ready yet).

I want to start lvling my alts, but am sorta lazy as I'm always a bit of an achievement whore, so have already lvl'd Alchemy + all of my secondary professions. I think alts will have to start this weekend (Although I heard MC is coming out today/tomorrow, so maybe alts will be put on hold again lol).

Also since Monday, I'm yet to encounter any queues, hopefully this will continue through the weekend as well.

  • 4 weeks later...

Yes it looked like every man and his dog wanted to try the add on but for some reason the qs have dropped off is that because people are not happy or they have updated the wow systems.

I am slowly getting back into the game been away 5 years so played one month for free then said ok back in to it. My old toon was level 80 so decided not to use the upgrade to lev 90 just yet till i re get a hang on all the changers.

  • 1 month later...

Just curious if any of you guys have noticed a significant reduction on latency today. Earlier today I got disconnected, and couldn't get back onto any of my characters for about 15 minutes (grrr in the middle of a raid), although the rest of my internet was working without any problems. However when I did get back in, I was down to 154ms, which is quite a bit better than what I'm usually at.

That's with True online, while in Bangkok. I think that maybe they were changing the routing of the connection or something, so that it'd path via a more efficient route or similar. Either way, I'm stoaked as :)

Oh yeah, also if anyone is an awesome warlock, my guild on Barthilas (6/7 M HM, 9/10 H BRF) is desperately recruiting . Needs to be pulling really good dps in comparison to your gear (We can gear ppl up easily, but skill is what's important (And summons, ppl are lazy to fly lol)), raid times are Thurs/Sun/Mon 3:30pm - 6:30pm (Thailand) (So will be pushed 1h back after daylight savings, as it's a NZ/Aus guild).


Just curious if any of you guys have noticed a significant reduction on latency today. Earlier today I got disconnected, and couldn't get back onto any of my characters for about 15 minutes (grrr in the middle of a raid), although the rest of my internet was working without any problems. However when I did get back in, I was down to 154ms, which is quite a bit better than what I'm usually at.

That's with True online, while in Bangkok. I think that maybe they were changing the routing of the connection or something, so that it'd path via a more efficient route or similar. Either way, I'm stoaked as smile.png

Oh yeah, also if anyone is an awesome warlock, my guild on Barthilas (6/7 M HM, 9/10 H BRF) is desperately recruiting . Needs to be pulling really good dps in comparison to your gear (We can gear ppl up easily, but skill is what's important (And summons, ppl are lazy to fly lol)), raid times are Thurs/Sun/Mon 3:30pm - 6:30pm (Thailand) (So will be pushed 1h back after daylight savings, as it's a NZ/Aus guild).

I've stopped playing WoW for now, but if anything my True connection up here in Chiang Rai seems to be getting worse for gaming instead of better. I'm happy that yours has improved though - I know how good it feels to go from high to low latency in games! :)


Yeah I think it might actually have been them finishing the repairs on that cable near Singapore, as I saw the announcement about that being completed the day after my latency dropped (But unfortunately I still get occasional lag spikes if I'm raiding on a U.S. Server)

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