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US: State of emergency in Missouri


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Michael Brown: Missouri governor activates National Guard

(BBC) The governor of the US state of Missouri has activated the state's National Guard in anticipation of a grand jury decision over the killing of an unarmed black teenager.

In a statement, Jay Nixon said the guard will "support law enforcement's efforts to maintain peace".

A panel is deciding whether to charge Officer Darren Wilson in the August death of Michael Brown, 18.

No specific date for the jury's decision has been given.

The St Louis County prosecutor has said he expects the grand jury to reach a decision in mid-to-late November.

Michael Brown, 18, was shot and killed by Mr Wilson in August after a confrontation in Ferguson, a majority-black suburb of St Louis.

Witnesses say Brown had his hands up in apparent surrender to the officer when he was shot.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30091336

-- BBC 2014-11-18

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Until the full transcripts of the grand jury proceedings are released, I think you can't comment, factually, as to right, wrong or otherwise... Speculate? sure... Know? I don't think so.

I do support the idea of a grand jury as a means to establish probability of the commission of a crime - thus setting the stage for a trial, at which point the State must now prove their case.

I can see - only from what I've read - a case being made for both sides here.. But until I, or a grand jury, can see all those facts, I don't know that bringing this to trial is appropriate.

I believe in the grand jury system essentially as a vetting tool for the State to show that there is at least a basis for bringing someone to trial.

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So basically the ruling will be 'not guilty' as always.

From the information that has been made public, it certainly appears that the shooting was justified. In that case, not charging Officer Darren Wilson would be simple justice. If there are riots anyway, it will just make the protesters look like hateful, misguided fools.

Oh come on General. You can't be serious a black man with his hands in the air is hardly a threat. There's a clue here "From the information that has been made public". The police in the US only release want they want to release. Thai cops save face, US cops cover their butts.

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From the information that has been made public, it certainly appears that the shooting was justified. In that case, not charging Officer Darren Wilson would be simple justice. If there are riots anyway, it will just make the protesters look like hateful, misguided fools.

Ridiculous. Not charging the policeman who shot down an unarmed young man in the street is anything but simple justice. Maybe in the right wing bizzaro world of Fox News lemmings that's simple justice. In my world and in the eyes of the vast majority of the world...that's murder.

No, I am sorry but in the vast majority of the world, the police shooting someone goes unnoticed.

It's quite interesting how they always figure out that someone is unarmed after they have shot them.

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Some who aren't Americans might not understand this. The National Guard is under the leadership of each state governor. Each state has its own national guard. It is fully military and will have military equipment including fighter jets, choppers, etc. But it is still a function of each state.

So the "CEO" of the state's national guard called on the guard to stand by in case of riots by people who would then be criminals by rioting.

Thanks for that.

It's a good way of ensuring State sovereignty.

In the UK we have local police forces in England and Wales based on counties or combinations of counties. But the volunteer military reserves are under the command of the full time military. Our counties and big cities ceded a lot of power to central government due to the 2 World Wars, which has never been given back, The British government would have an easier time restricting and controlling its citizens than an American government would.

Edited by Baerboxer
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So basically the ruling will be 'not guilty' as always.

The National Guard won't be so effective. They will still burn and pillage.

Sounds like a parallel event to the shooting of a ten year old Palestinian. Police or soldiers can always find some lame excuse for being trigger happy when the victim is considered to be a nuisance or essentially disposable. Not saying it's easy to be a soldier or cop in a tense situation, but in many cases the government is licensing the use of lethal force by people who are neither well-trained nor mentally stable under stress.

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So basically the ruling will be 'not guilty' as always.

The National Guard won't be so effective. They will still burn and pillage.

Sounds like a parallel event to the shooting of a ten year old Palestinian. Police or soldiers can always find some lame excuse for being trigger happy when the victim is considered to be a nuisance or essentially disposable. Not saying it's easy to be a soldier or cop in a tense situation, but in many cases the government is licensing the use of lethal force by people who are neither well-trained nor mentally stable under stress.

I was so tempted to also make the connection to the Palestinians. However, my point was to indicate how people's embrace and celebrate a victim narrative that seeks to afford them special rights, not equal rights.

There is no indication that this cop, nor your fictitious soldier in the Levant, is ill trained or mentally unstable. Including this suggestion here appeals to the emotional, such as the protesters are doing in the US. These are the means by which an enlightened society slowly dies.

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So basically the ruling will be 'not guilty' as always.

From the information that has been made public, it certainly appears that the shooting was justified. In that case, not charging Officer Darren Wilson would be simple justice. If there are riots anyway, it will just make the protesters look like hateful, misguided fools.

Ridiculous. Not charging the policeman who shot down an unarmed young man in the street is anything but simple justice. Maybe in the right wing bizzaro world of Fox News lemmings that's simple justice. In my world and in the eyes of the vast majority of the world...that's murder.

You have no understanding of law of self-defense and the laws for a police officer in self-defense... in the various states of the United States... ignorance if bliss...

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So basically the ruling will be 'not guilty' as always.

From the information that has been made public, it certainly appears that the shooting was justified. In that case, not charging Officer Darren Wilson would be simple justice. If there are riots anyway, it will just make the protesters look like hateful, misguided fools.

Oh come on General. You can't be serious a black man with his hands in the air is hardly a threat. There's a clue here "From the information that has been made public". The police in the US only release want they want to release. Thai cops save face, US cops cover their butts.

And you only believe the news sources you want to ... the claim the this man had his hands in the air has been refuted by several witnesses. And added to that there is evidence of struggle for the gun - blood in the police car, etc.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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for "face", they should arrest the policeman and put him in jail, followed by witness protection program on a nice island

everybody happy

If the Grand Jury finds that the evidence in the case warrants the police officer will be charged ... if not he will not be charged...simple as that...

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From the information that has been made public, it certainly appears that the shooting was justified. In that case, not charging Officer Darren Wilson would be simple justice. If there are riots anyway, it will just make the protesters look like hateful, misguided fools.

Ridiculous. Not charging the policeman who shot down an unarmed young man in the street is anything but simple justice. Maybe in the right wing bizzaro world of Fox News lemmings that's simple justice. In my world and in the eyes of the vast majority of the world...that's murder.

No, I am sorry but in the vast majority of the world, the police shooting someone goes unnoticed.

It's quite interesting how they always figure out that someone is unarmed after they have shot them.

Unarmed?... reports are the nearly 300 pound young man pounded the police officer with his fist and tried to take his gun. The young man had the physical power to beat the officer to death... not to mention the gun he almost got..

Edited by JDGRUEN
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