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US: State of emergency in Missouri


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One poster was trying to put Michael Brown on a par with NFL linebackers...

No he wasn't and if you don't know the difference between a huge lineman and a much smaller and faster linebacker you shouldn't rant on continuously in this way.

That poster compared Brown's size with a huge lineman, not a linebacker, and he was right.

You are wrong.

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If anyone would like to know what happened in Ferguson, rather than the racist, right wing, Fox News version pressed here by the lemmings, see the wikipedia entry.

Here is the crux of what happened:

"Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson were walking down the middle of the street when Wilson drove up and ordered them to move to the sidewalk. Brown and Wilson struggled through the window of the police vehicle until Wilson's gun was fired, either intentionally or as a result of the struggle. Brown and Johnson then fled in different directions, with Wilson in pursuit of Brown. Wilson shot Brown six times, killing him. Witness reports differ as to whether and when Brown had his hands raised, and whether he was moving toward Wilson, when the final shots were fired."

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If anyone would like to know what happened in Ferguson, rather than the racist, right wing, Fox News version pressed here by the lemmings, see the wikipedia entry.

Here is the crux of what happened:

"Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson were walking down the middle of the street when Wilson drove up and ordered them to move to the sidewalk. Brown and Wilson struggled through the window of the police vehicle until Wilson's gun was fired, either intentionally or as a result of the struggle. Brown and Johnson then fled in different directions, with Wilson in pursuit of Brown. Wilson shot Brown six times, killing him. Witness reports differ as to whether and when Brown had his hands raised, and whether he was moving toward Wilson, when the final shots were fired."

If anyone would really like to know what happened.

New York Times is the American Newspaper of record.

Mr. Brown stealing some cigarillos. 11:54

12:01 p.m. Officer Darren Wilson arrives, driving alone in his police car.

Mr. Brown and Officer Wilson begin to scuffle. Forensic evidence reveals that Officer Wilson’s guns were fired twice in the car,

Mr. Brown runs away, and Officer Wilson gets out of his car and pursues him on foot, continuing to fire,


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Here is the crux of what happened:

Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson were walking down the middle of the street when Wilson drove up and ordered them to move to the sidewalk. Brown and Wilson struggled through the window of the police vehicle until Wilson's gun was fired, either intentionally or as a result of the struggle. Brown and Johnson then fled in different directions, with Wilson in pursuit of Brown. Wilson shot Brown six times, killing him. Witness reports differ as to whether and when Brown had his hands raised, and whether he was moving toward Wilson, when the final shots were fired."

The Grand Jury are the ones who will decide what actually happened, but this nugget, from the same link, will not gain Brown much sympathy

A few days after the shooting, the Ferguson Police Department released a video of a convenience store robbery that occurred only minutes before the shooting. It showed Brown taking cigars and shoving a store employee who tried to prevent him from leaving.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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If anyone would like to know what happened in Ferguson, rather than the racist, right wing, Fox News version pressed here by the lemmings, see the wikipedia entry.

Here is the crux of what happened:

"Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson were walking down the middle of the street when Wilson drove up and ordered them to move to the sidewalk. Brown and Wilson struggled through the window of the police vehicle until Wilson's gun was fired, either intentionally or as a result of the struggle. Brown and Johnson then fled in different directions, with Wilson in pursuit of Brown. Wilson shot Brown six times, killing him. Witness reports differ as to whether and when Brown had his hands raised, and whether he was moving toward Wilson, when the final shots were fired."

You have got to be kidding me. This story doesn't sound stupid to you? Go to line two, where Brown struggled through the window of the police vehicle. How do you think the struggle started? Do you think Brown may have assaulted Officer Wilson, through the police vehicle window? Have you given any thought to how Brown's blood ended up inside the police vehicle and on Officer Wilson's uniform?

Do you actually believe Brown was standing in the middle of the street during daylight hours with his hands up, and Officer Wilson emptied his weapon into Brown? This statement alone would make a rational person think how ridiculous this story sounds.

So you believe, people who view Fox News are "racist, lemmings?" Are you related to that other poster that refers to Officer Wilson as "Dirty Harry" or are you two people under some sort of custodial supervision? Just curious.

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Did you read this article you posted? If so, you should ask yourself, what are these people talking about. Please read and think about this statement made by Holder. Eric Holder on Wednesday said the unrest after a Missouri police officer fatally shot an unarmed black 18-year-old in August shows law enforcement must directly address tensions within communities. Really? "An unarmed 18 year old?" "Law enforcement must directly address tensions within communities?"

What should have Officer Wilson have done when Brown (a 6"-4", 280 pound, 18 year old,) was on top of him, beating and attempting to relieve him of his duty weapon? Eric said, "law enforcement must directly address tensions within communities." I'm sure this is what Officer Wilson should have been thinking about instead of protecting himself and others from Brown.

Most stable and reasonable people by now would have come to the conclusion, Officer Wilson was forced to use deadly force, due to Brown's actions, and Wilson was not influenced by the Hollywood fictional "Dirty Harry cop" you keep talking about.

I don't see the need to go line by line for you regarding Clinton and Holders statements in this article. Maybe you should read what these two people said, and think about the facts Officer Wilson faced when he encountered Brown.

Busted !! rolleyes.gif

The poster has no citations of any kind, not even from the fringe fantastics of the far out rightwing media to support the vacuous claim, and here again is the poster's empty and nothing claim....

The two day conference you mentioned with police chiefs, along with Holder and Clinton did prove productive. The conclusion they came away with, was Obama and Holder should have never injected their stupidly into something that aparrently was way over their heads to understand.


All I wanted to read was the citation supporting the make believe claim, but instead came a heavy ration of bullchit which was in fact absolutely no surprise.

One poster was trying to put Michael Brown on a par with NFL linebackers while another poster was falsely accusing the U.S. Conference of Mayors with their chiefs of police of rejecting former Prez Bill Clinton speaking before them along with the Attorney General Eric Holder.

The beat goes on and all one can do is to interrupt it from time to time, and this is yet another time with many more times for sure to come.

After reading many of your posts, it makes me wonder if you are really an adult. Are you saying you don't believe Brown fought with Wilson inside his vehicle or you don't have a clue what Officer Wilson should have done differently?

As far as you wanting "supporting citation." If the article or information is coming from anyone other than Mother Jones or MSNBC, you don't believe it. You appear to have difficulty processing information and separating fact from fiction. Evidentially, you are distrusting of law enforcement too.

Please share with us what you actually believe happened between Officer Wilson and Brown. What do you think Officer Wilson should have done differently? I think sharing this type of information, would be better than ranting on about Brown being an NFL lineman or Officer Wilson being a "Dirty Harry cop."



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URGENT - Attorney General Holder calls for calm in Ferguson

Posted: Nov 21, 2014 11:34 PM CSTUpdated: Nov 21, 2014 11:34 PM CST

(CNN) -- Attorney General Eric Holder released a video message Friday, announcing new guidance for police around the nation to respect protesters' First Amendment rights while maintaining order.

His comments come as a grand jury is expected to make a decision in the case involving a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri and the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager in August -- an event that resulted in violent clashes between protesters and police.

"History has also shown us that the most successful and enduring movements for change are those that adhere to non-aggression and nonviolence," Holder said in the video. "And so I ask all those who seek to lend their voice to important causes and discussions, and who seek to elevate these vital conversations, to do so in a way that respects the gravity of their subject matter."


AG Holder was of course referring to the legacy of the Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr who organized a national civil rights movement based on non-violence and passive peaceful resistance or non-cooperation with the authorities. Violent resistance and opposition came and went while Dr King's peaceful civil rights movement endured and impacted the country by prompting new and radical civil rights legislation.

Too often violence begets violence which leads to nothing positive.


Police wearing riot gear walk toward a man with his hands raised Monday, Aug. 11, 2014, in Ferguson, Mo.


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If anyone would like to know what happened in Ferguson, rather than the racist, right wing, Fox News version pressed here by the lemmings, see the wikipedia entry.

Here is the crux of what happened:

"Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson were walking down the middle of the street when Wilson drove up and ordered them to move to the sidewalk. Brown and Wilson struggled through the window of the police vehicle until Wilson's gun was fired, either intentionally or as a result of the struggle. Brown and Johnson then fled in different directions, with Wilson in pursuit of Brown. Wilson shot Brown six times, killing him. Witness reports differ as to whether and when Brown had his hands raised, and whether he was moving toward Wilson, when the final shots were fired."

If you'd really like to know what happened, I can log into that and change it myself right now.

Wiki is good for many things, but here it is just another collective opinion.

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URGENT - Attorney General Holder calls for calm in Ferguson

Posted: Nov 21, 2014 11:34 PM CSTUpdated: Nov 21, 2014 11:34 PM CST

(CNN) -- Attorney General Eric Holder released a video message Friday, announcing new guidance for police around the nation to respect protesters' First Amendment rights while maintaining order.

His comments come as a grand jury is expected to make a decision in the case involving a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri and the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager in August -- an event that resulted in violent clashes between protesters and police.

"History has also shown us that the most successful and enduring movements for change are those that adhere to non-aggression and nonviolence," Holder said in the video. "And so I ask all those who seek to lend their voice to important causes and discussions, and who seek to elevate these vital conversations, to do so in a way that respects the gravity of their subject matter."


AG Holder was of course referring to the legacy of the Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr who organized a national civil rights movement based on non-violence and passive peaceful resistance or non-cooperation with the authorities. Violent resistance and opposition came and went while Dr King's peaceful civil rights movement endured and impacted the country by prompting new and radical civil rights legislation.

Too often violence begets violence which leads to nothing positive.


Police wearing riot gear walk toward a man with his hands raised Monday, Aug. 11, 2014, in Ferguson, Mo.


I'm surprised anyone would have any interest in what Holder thinks about anything. Obama and Holder make quite a team.

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Here is an interesting insight into the protest group.


Black Panthers Indicted On Federal Gun Charges, Pipe Bomb Plot Near Ferguson [VIDEO]
9:52 PM 11/21/2014
Members of the militant New Black Panther Party have been arrested and charged with making straw purchases of two handguns and are believed to have conspired to detonate pipe bombs during protests in Ferguson, Missouri, according to several reports.
Brandon Baldwin, who goes by the name Brandon Muhammad, and Olajuwon Davis, who goes by Olajuwon Ali, were indicted on Wednesday for making false statements in order to purchase two .45 ACP pistols at a Cabela’s in Hazelwood, just outside of Ferguson, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.
Ali is the chairman of the St. Louis chapter of the New Black Panther Party.

I'm not holding my breath while waiting for Holder to respond to that.

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As I have appeared before a federal grand jury with the prosecutor telling me directly I was a target, perhaps some of you might be interested in what a grand jury is and is not. It is, quite simply, a tool of the prosecutor, it does what he wishes. If he wants an indictment he gets one, if he doesn't no true bill is returned. One has no rights, none, nada, zip while appearing. When you invoke your rights you are given what is called "use (useless) immunity" which means your exact words cannot be used against you at trial. The grand jury is a farce. Half the time when I appeared the members were either asleep or reading. I decided I had enough, wrote a small speech, if you wish, explaining my rights and what was happening to the grand jury, without saying anything that would "open the door". I told our attorneys I've had enough, let's see what happens now. The jury woke up and the prosecutor ran over to where I was sitting and started to swing. I quietly stated "before that Marshall can get here I will put you in the hospital", and believe me I could and would have. My other soon to be jailmates did the same. End of our grand jury appearances. We were released from jail by Justice William O. Douglas, there was actually a Supreme Court then. I ended up being an unindicted co-conspiritor because of mistakes made in the grand jury by the prosecutor. When trial came the jury was only out an hour or so and part of that was for lunch. Not guilty on all counts. The forman and other members of the jury attended our reunions. 99% of you people don't have a clue as to prosecution and grand juries. In addition, most of you don't have a clue as to being a police officer. I do, 10 yrs. It is scary, dangerous and takes brains, to be a real police officer. In my state, the officer would have (probably wouldn't now)faced charges for shooting an unarmed person fleeing and/or surrendering. Regardless of a struggle at the vehicle or not, he was fleeing unarmed, presented no threat to the community and no longer was a threat to the officer. Credible witnesses all say his hands were up. Laws differ from state to state. While there does appear to have been a scuffle at the cop car, credible witnesses say the cop grabbed him first. Pretty stupid move. The grand jury will return what the prosecutor says to return. The fact that the fumbling bureau of idiots and other militarized police organizations say there will be violence makes me believe that COINTEL is alive and well and they will start it. There are a lot of faux (not the) news, right wing racists on this forum.

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Isn't all that exactly what Holder sent his entire Civil Rights Division to protect against?

I bow to your experience with Grand Juries, but my guess would be if there is some sort of prosecutorial indiscretion, Holder's Horde will jump on it with both feet.

If the Ferguson Grand Jury fails to indict Wilson, Holder will be there to throw his weight around and save the day for the progressive liberals.

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Muslim Ferguson Protester Arrested for Spitting on Officer; Says it’s Just What “Arabs” Do

Bassem Masri, the Muslim Ferguson protest leader who has threatened the lives of police on video, was interviewed on CNN after being arrested for spitting on an officer. Before a contentious appearance with host Michael Smerconish, Masri denied he spit on the officer, but said was expressing himself in a way that “Arabs” do.


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toprightnews, give me a break. A right wing piece of trash just like or worse than faux (not the) news. Is spitting on a cop an offense? Probably, offensive for sure. That is if he actually did, says he just made sound. Is shooting the bird to a cop an offense? fbi sure has plenty of me doing it to them, and taking their pictures of them taking my picture. I'll make this clear, I don't like muslims, at least many of them (I knew one in Bali that was quite "nice"), and I doubt very, very seriously I would like this guy. I don't like bad guys, skin color doesn't matter. I don't like Holder, but not for the reason the right wing racist wing nuts don't like him. I don't like him for real reasons, because he didn't prosecute war criminals cheney/bush et al or any of those behind torture. I don't like him because he hasn't done enough to stop gerrymandering and voter suppression by the teabagging koch (John Birch Society) bros. bought and paid for repugthuglicans. I don't like him because he prosecutes whistle blowers instead of the real criminals. I don't like him because he has been instrumental in the continued shredding of the Constitution, that I took an oath to uphold, started under the cheney/bush regime. I don't like him because he continues to allow the banksters and Wall Street criminals to remain free. I don't like him because he does nothing but encourage the un-Constitutional spying on Americans. Basically his Civil Rights Division is weak and only acts when things get so bad they have to, as in Albuquerque, New Mexico, my old home. The militarization of the police forces has to not only be stopped but reversed. You try being poor, non-white and see how you like cops then.

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toprightnews, give me a break. A right wing piece of trash just like or worse than faux (not the) news. Is spitting on a cop an offense? Probably, offensive for sure. That is if he actually did, says he just made sound. Is shooting the bird to a cop an offense? fbi sure has plenty of me doing it to them, and taking their pictures of them taking my picture. I'll make this clear, I don't like muslims, at least many of them (I knew one in Bali that was quite "nice"), and I doubt very, very seriously I would like this guy. I don't like bad guys, skin color doesn't matter. I don't like Holder, but not for the reason the right wing racist wing nuts don't like him. I don't like him for real reasons, because he didn't prosecute war criminals cheney/bush et al or any of those behind torture. I don't like him because he hasn't done enough to stop gerrymandering and voter suppression by the teabagging koch (John Birch Society) bros. bought and paid for repugthuglicans. I don't like him because he prosecutes whistle blowers instead of the real criminals. I don't like him because he has been instrumental in the continued shredding of the Constitution, that I took an oath to uphold, started under the cheney/bush regime. I don't like him because he continues to allow the banksters and Wall Street criminals to remain free. I don't like him because he does nothing but encourage the un-Constitutional spying on Americans. Basically his Civil Rights Division is weak and only acts when things get so bad they have to, as in Albuquerque, New Mexico, my old home. The militarization of the police forces has to not only be stopped but reversed. You try being poor, non-white and see how you like cops then.

"Is spitting on a cop an offense?" I don't care what state you live in, if a person spits on a police officer, he is going to be taken into custody. What kind of question is that? You sound very angry.

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Another time and place we can discuss what government is supposed to do for the people, not corporations and plutocrats, and the size it may require to do so. I do believe I have a lot more experience and expertise than you. Especially in protests and how they turn violent, nearly always by police, see any of what they did to OWS?. Exteremely difficult to remain non-violent when some pig is trying to crack your head with a PR-24 when you haven't broken any laws and are just expressing your 1st Amendment right. I'm not denying the CNN report, but that right wing piece of crap that nobody with 2 working brain cells would read. And btw, CNN is certainly not a "liberal" news sources-there aren't any, just another corporate msm spreading corporate lies and propaganda. No brainwashing here, just a working brain. Teabaggers are bought and sold by the koch (John Birch Society) and do their bidding to destroy America whether they have the intelligence to realize it or not. They are the ones brainwashed by years of right wing lies. Look, I'm no liberal, I was a gun carrying militant and while I don't carry here, I'm still militant. Believe me, if I believed my life was truly in danger it would be 2 taps center body mass. The clue is realizing whether or not you are truly in danger. I don't belive the cop in Ferguson was. cheney/bush et all belong in GitMo and perhaps obushma and holder for hiding and not prosecuting their crimes.

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Did he spit on the officer or do as he said and just make the sound? You think you know who I am, do you think I could possibly have a reason to be angry....lol, nah. I wouldn't trust a cop's word no matter what. They lie, lie, and lie somemore. Nobody in their right mind, if they are poor and/or non-white, would trust a cop.

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