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Any ideas for work in Thailand which would allow me to travel back and forth to the UK?

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I own several small businesses here on Maui, Hawaii.

I work Hawaii for 2 - 2 1/2 months and then come to BKK for one month.

I save like crazy on Maui. Save every penny.

I am a travel writer, do travel web sites, and sell photography on-line.

It's not much, but I try to just cover air fare.

I sell articles, and sell "research" to other writers.

* Get a Thai GF, so you can stay with her. My Fiance' lives in BKK, so once I'm in Thailand

I don't spend too much money.

It's a dream. We all have it.

Few. Very few can do what you want to do.

Good Luck.

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You've a couple of options worth considering but first you need to ask yourself what you yourself can offer Thailand....

1. Get a job in the UK with bases in SE Asia. There are many recruitment agencies out there to give you an idea but most positions are for skilled teachers/contractors/off shore workers/technicians/NGOs.

2. Set yourself up as a freelance web operator, play the stock market, design websites, do web content work, buy and sell on ebay. That can be done from almost anywhere in the world with a decent wifi set up.

Your skill set will help you decide what is most suitable for you. Your own personal motivation will assist you in retraining if needed. A degree opens more doors, as does a skill set that Thai nationals can not offer, ie teaching English or a chemical/gas engineer.

Failing that you could take the highly risky marriage, kids and associated expenses or illegal approach and work for bed n board and be prepared to live off rice/noodles until you stumble across an opportunity here. Be prepared to be scammed (craigslisted?), work your balls off for a month and see the guy promising the pay cheque disappear just before pay day, expect to be exploited working in hotels and hostels and have little cash to live on, but it's the Thai lifestyle you're after, right?

BTW, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos and Vietnam are much more welcoming for foreigners seeking jobs that Thailand's isolationist/nationalist approach ever has been.

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Listen OP, in my opinion if you want to spend some time here and there, your best bet is to search for a job in Phuket or other holiday destinations during high season, which is from December until March/April. Generally speaking you don't make a lot of money but enough to support yourself and peraphs put something on the side. Then you live the rest of the year in UK/Europe. I know it is not exactly what you were asking for, but like many others stated, your original idea is very, very difficult to accomplish.

Good Luck!

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Hey ‘jgd1004’

I only opened your topic out of a mild curiosity, having read your topic title…….. As I read your post I could not help but smile and think of you as being pretty green about Thailand and naive in your plan.

However, thinking about it, you’re not old at 35 and with the right determination anyone can carve out a future they want for themselves………. But it won’t be easy, (things never are)

You need to…MONEY, you need to re-qualify, learn a new skill, one that’s in demand worldwide, you are only 35! 5 years hard studying could land you the skill set to action your plan. One area….but not the only is the Gas & Oil industry, there are hundreds and hundreds of career paths….Yes it will cost you money in courses, accommodation, transport……… Shit loads of time spent studying and taking exams, (and re-sits) Gas & Oil one option, there are other avenues to earning the money you so need to carry out the plan you propose.

Or you could say, that’s too hard and take comfort in knowing you are not the only one who gave up before you started.

I wish you the best in what you decide…….Remember luck is nothing but the point where preparation and planning cross opportunity.

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Can you clarify your post? Do you want to work in Thailand and "holiday" in the UK, or do you want to work in the UK and "holiday" in Thailand.

Judging by a lot of replies it has been assumed you want to work in Thailand and spend your off time in the UK.

Oops my apologies - it is clear in the title that you want work in Thailand that allows for time off in the UK.

Have you considered taking on someone to help in your business that can run it while you go to Thailand?. You might not get one month in each.....maybe two in the UK and one in Thailand depending on the viability of the business. While you are in Thailand maybe you could get a better idea of the work situation for a future change.

Edited by Mudcrab
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You have to ask yourself what is it that thailand needs that I have, and not many others have, and will thailand be prepared to pay for it with a Western sized wedge?

If you can't answer that yourself... Well, back to the drawing board

Btw how does your wife and kids feel about you being in Thailand for weeks on end?

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Join Scotland Yard and become a detective, with the number of Brits being assaulted, raped and murdered here, you are bound to be assigned a travelling brief.

Forget that idea, most crimes are solved by Thai Visa members these days

Only because the Police are too busy doing other things.

About time TV members did "other things" all this crime solving must be totally exhausting

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There's only really two options, but both require experience...

Oil and Gas - Lots of people on 4-on/4-off where they can literally go anywhere in the world on the 4-off. - and if it's their home - the company pays the flights. (It's why there are parts of the world that assume Aberdeen is the same size as London - because they meet more people from Aberdeen...)

IT - if you can negotiate working from home at least part of the time. I did this back in 2001 as an IT contractor... - 2 weeks London, 2 weeks Thailand for a year and a half... - but I was paying my own flights, and it was really tiring. But contractor rates were really good back then, and flights were cheap. If you're a computer programmer, in reality, you can pretty much work from anywhere with reliable internet access. (doesn't need to necessarily be all that fast - but it does need to be reliable...)

Beyond that - you'd really be looking to move here rather than flit back and forth, and earning money while in Thailand. For that, you'd probably want to have enough of a nest egg to start a proper business. The only jobs open to foreigners generally that pay really well are ones that need more education than you say you have... (I know a couple of graduate engineers employed here by multinationals, whose kids were at the same International school as mine, and I'm sure the teachers in the international schools aren't on the poverty line).

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I think your a little optimistic with your plans although I do know one fella who's a cleaner off shore, he does one month on one month off. I personally work in England as a hgv driver during the summer and then when I have enough money I fly back to Thailand and lead a cheap and simple life. If you'd like any help or advice I can send you my email.

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Flying back and forth from Thailand and the UK on such a regular basis would be be way to tiring for me.

At the moment I do it twice a year and I'm sick of flying already. Been doing this about 10 years.

Also I've come to realise that I much prefer it here in the cool season. If I were you I'd think about looking at a seasonal job where you could maybe work through the summer in UK and then have a few months in Thailand over the winter.

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I saw on television the perfect job that offers one month UK and one month Thailand including free flight tickets. You only have to carry some extra packages that you are not allowed to open. Some lucky guys even manage to make 4 trips before they lose the job but they got a free stay in Thailand for many years as a bonus.

If you are good in second hand car trading you could try an export business of second hand cars from UK, Japan or Singapore to Thailand. Although I think the required paperwork will drive you crazy.

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I saw on television the perfect job that offers one month UK and one month Thailand including free flight tickets. You only have to carry some extra packages that you are not allowed to open. Some lucky guys even manage to make 4 trips before they lose the job but they got a free stay in Thailand for many years as a bonus.

Yeah I think W. Fellows was one of their main employees!

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I flew back-and-forth to Thailand when was 18, broke and with no decent qualifications. If you haven't used your funding yet then I'd go back to university. It changed my life. I get taken seriously in my profession and earn good money.

There's no shortcut to getting a job like you describe otherwise everyone would be doing it.

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