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Do Thai people like to get in your way on purpose?


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The first time I encountered this "Thai lack of spatial awareness" thing was...

Years ago my wife (Thai) and I were desperate to get to the bank before closing time (in Bkk Chinatown), we simply had to get there with 5 minutes to spare.

So; 30 metres from the bank front door there were 2 elderly gents blocking the footpath, having a good old chat. Facing each other across the footpath, with total inconsideration to the fact that no-one could get by without walking on the road in full traffic. Everyone was just standing there waiting for them to finish their leisurely chat. They had no idea.

Yes, it is common..

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Thais and other Asians in general walk slowly compared to westerners and don't pay much attention to what is around them. No, they aren't trying to get in your way. They don't realize you are there. They aren't interested in you at all.

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Has the OP realised that the one common factor in all these collisions is him? All the Thais he's talking about seem to be able to manoeuvre round other Thais without too many problems...

No Im afraid there's a least two of us but you keep on "pointing stuff out to us" if it makes you happy. good job youre here so we see the error of our stupid wayscoffee1.gif

Do Thais collide with each other on a regular basis?

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OP, I don't mind the Thais getting around, on top, behind, sideways of me, but I hate those farangs that don't even say Hello to me in Tesco.

Your attempt to derail the topic is noted Costas :)

Well he hasn't started talking about milking, so that one is quite subtle.

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OP, I don't mind the Thais getting around, on top, behind, sideways of me, but I hate those farangs that don't even say Hello to me in Tesco.

Your attempt to derail the topic is noted Costas smile.png

Sorry Crossy, considering the seriousness of the topic it was a bad attempt on my behalf.

I'll be a good boy next time.

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How can we tell if people are deliberately getting in your way on an anonymous forum?

For all I know, I might not even have seen you in the street, let alone notice if people were deliberately obstructing you.

My recommendation is to shout out "CROSSING" and draw the referee's attention to any obstruction


Edited by StreetCowboy
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" I don't have a problem with other farangs crashing into me at the last second. "

That just makes you racist then doesnt it. after all why the hell should they be walking near you in there own Country, its a scandal!

Bit harsh aint it?

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Has the OP realised that the one common factor in all these collisions is him? All the Thais he's talking about seem to be able to manoeuvre round other Thais without too many problems...

No Im afraid there's a least two of us but you keep on "pointing stuff out to us" if it makes you happy. good job youre here so we see the error of our stupid wayscoffee1.gif

Do Thais collide with each other on a regular basis?

You have a look and see because I see them do it also in BKK especially when head is buried in phone/tab etc

Edited by kannot
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Are you for real?

I know exactly what he means

There have been many threads on this topic before

They can't seem to ride motorbikes in a straight line either

Lol. I'm probably one of them because I seldomly ride in a straight line....unless of course I'm entering a bend, I. Which case I ride straight, ensuring that I cross to the wrong side.

I've never seen a thread on someone claiming Thais get in their way when walking in the street.

Time to breathe me thinks.

didn't you say you stoped riding your bike pi$$ed....555

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Has the OP realised that the one common factor in all these collisions is him? All the Thais he's talking about seem to be able to manoeuvre round other Thais without too many problems...

he also should change his name....because it seems he got problems with his movement...

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I think the irritation levels depend on where you come from. I come from London and used the Underground for many years so I have that rushing to work walk anyway. Everywhere I go is like a mission , need to get where I am going quickly . When shopping I leave the missus and kids behind and have to keep stopping and waiting for them, So yes dawdlers do get on my tits a bit but Ive realized its me who is the inpatient prick ,rushing around for no reason

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Many years ago it was customary in Hong Kong to tap the back of someones shoes infront of you if they were walking slowly.

The only thing I have ever seen Thais do and it's Thais from Upcountry is walk backwards without thinking what's behind them.

Try getting on a bus faster than them!

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My favorite is the way they step off the escalator and then just stop so everyone has to push past them. Also noticed this at the water park with slides. Get to the bottom and then just stand there grinning till someone comes down and hits them. :)

My ex's Mom used to do that. And in doorways. Back in the US. She wasn't Thai.

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I'm always feeling as if I am half'a'clowns' act (Zig and Zag)

missus is always randomly zigging all over my shoes as she tacks left and right into shops.

and she never fails to scold me for her nails being scratched.

ya just cannot win, even though the farang isn't even racing...

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I have seen this many times and wondered whether they actually want to bump into you

just yesterday a couple were walking a head of me and my wife, and they stopped turned

around and walked towards us and just stopped side by side blocking the pavement,

I first thought they were going to ask us something or maybe they would get in single file

to allow us to get past but they just stood there as if we where invisible....they stopped

where the pavement was at its narrowest .......go figure

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I think the irritation levels depend on where you come from. I come from London and used the Underground for many years so I have that rushing to work walk anyway. Everywhere I go is like a mission , need to get where I am going quickly . When shopping I leave the missus and kids behind and have to keep stopping and waiting for them, So yes dawdlers do get on my tits a bit but Ive realized its me who is the inpatient prick ,rushing around for no reason

I was like that when I first got here. I learnt to slow down. It's better for your mental wellbeing.

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Cant say I have noticed thai getting in the way, but I have noticed (and my gf confirms) that it is customary to let the door go as you walk through regardless of anyone close behind you.

Seems odd to me when courtesy and respect is taught at school, but it is done out of habit not rudeness as far as I can tell - and thais seem very surprised ( and pleased) when the door is held for them as they follow you through.

Not seen this in any other country, so far.....

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To be honest, I think they just don't give a shit whether they're in your way or not. Getting to where you want to go is your business. They're just going about theirs.

Why not call out your planned route to allow them to know where to stand?

"I'll be walking briskly on your left side, please stand clear!"

Generally speaking, if you find that local traffic conditions frustrate you, then you're probably not walking appropriately for the conditions.

I came to the top of the escalator, and some doddery old fool with an umbrella was trembulating his way off the top steps. I pushed past, caught my trailing foot on his umbrella, and went arse over tit. I hope he appreciated the humour of it, as there was no-one else there to do so.


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Seems odd to me when courtesy and respect is taught at school, but it is done out of habit not rudeness as far as I can tell - and thais seem very surprised ( and pleased) when the door is held for them as they follow you through.

You are assuming that 'courtesy and respect' are the same in Thailand as they are in the country that you went to school. Courtesy and respect are not absolute values - they vary as to where you were brought up.

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I've learnt a little trick, which my missus scolds me that I'll get myself in trouble for one day...

...we were walking down this not-so-wide path, and in front 3 BIBs, who thought they owned the road.

So as we are approaching from behind - I make like a car

"BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK, BLINK" as I indicated my trafficking intentions

and Noah parted the blue ocean ahead

I do it all the time now...

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Are you for real?

There is a hint of troll in the air.

If I were going to generalize about obstructions to the path (or more often the supermarket aisle), I'd blame it on the double-wide subsection of the population ... not to name names ...

It's the inanimate obstructions that bother me more. Sometimes the pavement is so congested with lampposts, broken phone booths, trees in massive concrete tubs etc that you have to walk in the road.

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