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Tri Care for US Military Retired....

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After spending 30 years active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces I decided to retire to LOS..Over 65 and do not participate in Medicare part 2 but several others told me Tricare will take care of you? I have been told otherwise so get very conflicting answers....Live in Jomtien and as Far as I know no hospitals here accept Tri Care....

The Local VFW has been of little help as well as to just what if any health Care can I get? I know I have to pay upfront 100% but getting reimbersed is another story?Private insurance is far to expensive.. Any Help out there? I know I'm not alone...


I use Tricare. I pay up front then send the paperwork to Tricare for reinbersment. I believe Bomrangrad in Bangkok will file for you if you are admitted overnight.


I have been told by my friends that are covered by Tri Care here that they must enroll in part B in order to be covered by Tri Care here in Thailand and that it does require you to pay up front and then seek reimbursement for 80% of the bill

I am surprised that the "Service Officer" at the VFW post in Pattaya was not able to give you more information, since they are usually spot on

You could always call the Tri Care coordinator at JUSMAG in Bangkok for a list of hospitals that are Tri Care approved here in Thailand

Location: JUSMAG

TRICARE Services, Room J-202
7 South Satorn Rd., Yannawa
Bangkok 10120 Thailand.

CM, TRICARE Services
Representative:Nurse Thipthida Suwannadhat
Tel: 02-287-1036/45 Ext. 512
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: o81-751-0963 (After-Hours Emergency)
Office Fax: 02-287-1575
Web: http://www.jusmagthai.com/medical.html

Representative: Nurse Pranee Swaddikit
Tel: 02-287-1036/45 Ext.511
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 081-633-3793 (After-Hours Emergency)

Customer Service Hours: 0730-1200 & 1300-1600 Money-Friday* (Lunch:1200-1300 *lengthy or complicated issued, please call or email to make an appointment.

source: http://www.vfwpost9876.com/faqvfw_files/tricare-adv.htm

I would also advise going to VFW Post 9876 website for more information


P.S: Thank you for your service

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