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Transferring Visa and re-entry permit to new UK Passport

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Apologies if there is already a thread on this but I need advice if any helpful Thai Visa members have had a similar experience.

I went to the Governmentt Complex in Bangkok today to get my annual Thai Wife visa and re-entry Permit, only stupidly hadn't realized I didn't have enough room left in the passport for the re-entry permit stamp. So the lady officer says I should apply for a new UK Passport and come back in a few weeks and get the re-entry permit stamped in the new passport.

I have a couple of questions...

1. Is it possible to do this? I was under the impression I will have to go through the whole process of applying for another Thai Wife visa and re-entry as they can't be transferred from one passport to another?

2. Secondly, and apologies if this sounds a really dumb question. When I apply for a new UK passport under the wonderful system implemented by the FCO, will I be able to use my current passport to fly around Thailand while the new one is being arranged.( It doesn't expire for another 6 years) I don't have a Thai Driving Licence or other official Thai documents I imagine could be used for air travel..

Any answers would be gratefully received!


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1. Not a problem they will transfer the stamps to a new passport. You got some wrong info. You will need a letter from the UK embassy stating you got a new passport to get the transfer done.

2. No problem to travel around Thailand with your existing passport after applying for a new one. It is good for everything but international travel.

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I am sorry to disagree with someone of your status, Ubonjoe, but I believe the British embassy do not issue a letter regarding a new passport, at least they have never done so in the past. Previously here in Khon Kaen immigration have been happy with the new passport and the official receipt for the same. perhaps take along the official envelope and paperwork that comes with it.

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I am sorry to disagree with someone of your status, Ubonjoe, but I believe the British embassy do not issue a letter regarding a new passport, at least they have never done so in the past. Previously here in Khon Kaen immigration have been happy with the new passport and the official receipt for the same. perhaps take along the official envelope and paperwork that comes with it.

The UK does issue the letter. Their have been many recent posts about it. Have a look at the 100 some page topic about getting a UK passport.

Chaeng Wattana immigration where the OP needs to go to for the transfer will not do it without the letter.

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I had such a letter sent from the embassy, but thay also sent a letter saying it was outside their remit. They said that they were under no obligation to supply a letter. I used my old passport along with the new one for 6 months at border with no problems, and did not once show the letter

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Immigration here at Maptaphut, Rayong requires a letter from the Embassy only if you obtained the new passport whilst in Thailand. No letter required if you journeyed outside the Kingdom and obtained a new passport whilst out of Thailand. This scenario involves showing the new and old passport that has your visa and re entry stamps to immigration on entry at the Thai border. They will place an entry stamp in the new passport with a validity date as stated in your visa. It is left to you to visit your local immigration office with both passports where they will transfer the visa. It may be necessary to inform your local office that you obtained the new passport outside the country as they sometimes only assume people obtain them whilst staying in the Kingdom.

Did this only four weeks ago!

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  • 1 month later...

HI :)

You will need a letter from the UK embassy stating you got a new passport to get the transfer done. >> Is there a name for this letter (e.g. like a TM8)? or should I just go the the British embassy in BKK (assuming cannot get it done here in Chiang Mai) and ask for a visa transfer letter?

Cheers :) in advance :)

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