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Koh Tao: Thai court charges pair over murders of British backpackers


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Lozza, on 05 Dec 2014 - 14:04, said:

On the facebook page it appears he has part of the prosecutors report.

From what I can gauge the thai's are not impressed calling it a novel.

Google not translating it for me.

If what I've just read is true/genuine, then the evidence against the B2 is more of a joke than I thought. In fact it's not a joke at all, it's a gigantic miscarriage of justice.

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Lozza, on 05 Dec 2014 - 14:04, said:

On the facebook page it appears he has part of the prosecutors report.

From what I can gauge the thai's are not impressed calling it a novel.

Google not translating it for me.

If what I've just read is true/genuine, then the evidence against the B2 is more of a joke than I thought. In fact it's not a joke at all, it's a gigantic miscarriage of justice.

Care to elaborate?

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Stitch up job and the corruption on this goes all the way to the top. Sickening.
Goes all the way up to Mr. Militaryman

You don't know this, infact nobody knows anything , its just speculations and gossip coming from the social media.

Yes they might be scapegoats , but again , they might not be !

So ridiculous to read all the comments in here and you all think you know it all . The truth is you don't know a shit.

Yes , so it goes all the way to the top , to the P.M himself, is that what you want to believe?

Ive seen the photographs, ive read the quotes from RTP representitives. Ive noted the inconsistensies. As a educated inteligent adult ive drawn conclusions. Are you suggesting I ignore the facts printed in the press (photos and quotes) and put my faith in the RTP despite them having proved themselves utterly corrupt time and time again.?

I think my suspicions are justified and ill trust my own instint and powers of deduction over the writhing nest of rats AKA RTP.

I see you edited your post. Do you not have spellcheck? Ive, ive, representitives, inconsistensies, inteligent, ill, instint? Well, I suppose you did spell "educated" correctly!

It was typed on a tablet hence the 4 edits just to get it posted . it's good that you focus on the typos and not the content. Bravo sir , bravo.

Sorry Simonuk, but I come from the "Old School", and correct spelling and correct use of grammar were part of my schooling, unlike today. Consequently, the above errors "jumped out" at me! However, I do agree with the content!

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lildragon, on 05 Dec 2014 - 18:45, said:
IslandLover, on 05 Dec 2014 - 17:47, said:
Lozza, on 05 Dec 2014 - 14:04, said:

Lozza, on 05 Dec 2014 - 14:04, said:

On the facebook page it appears he has part of the prosecutors report.

From what I can gauge the thai's are not impressed calling it a novel.

Google not translating it for me.

If what I've just read is true/genuine, then the evidence against the B2 is more of a joke than I thought. In fact it's not a joke at all, it's a gigantic miscarriage of justice.

Care to elaborate?

You can read it yourself if you care to go to that fb page which we are not allowed to link to on this forum. A small part of the report has now been translated into proper English (not through Google or Bing). They are still insisting that David was killed with the hoe, when his injuries would suggest otherwise. I've also seen what purported to be the leaked Thai autopsy reports, which were cursory in detail to say the least. I just get the impression that there is a distinct lack of thoroughness on the part of the Thai authorities and if this represents the quality of their "evidence", then it is a joke IMO.

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Myanmar suspects indicted over murder of Britons on Koh Tao




BANGKOK: -- THE KOH Samui prosecutor yesterday indicted two Myanmar men over the murder of two British backpackers on Surat Thani's Koh Tao on September 15, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) said yesterday.

OAG spokesman Wanchai Rujanawong said Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, who were illegal migrant workers on the island at the time the murders, have been charged with murder, attempts to cover up a crime, gang rape and illegally entering the country.

Win Zaw Htun faces the additional charge of theft.

Wanchai told a press conference in Bangkok yesterday that the charges put forward by the public prosecutors were different from what police investigators had determined on two points.

The OAG spokesman said the prosecutors believed the 24-year-old female victim did not die from rape, but in the attempt to cover up the crime. As a result, the prosecutors didn't file the charge of rape causing death.

He said the other discrepancy centred on evidence pointing to only Win Zaw Htun stealing the victim's cellphone - meaning Zaw Lin would not face theft charge.

Earlier in Surat Thani province, public prosecutor Paiboon Achawananthakul - accompanied by police investigator Lt-Colonel Pana Senathip - submitted a 900-page case file indicting the Myanmar duo at the Koh Samui Provincial Court yesterday.

The suspects' lawyers are expected to submit an objection soon.

Paiboon said the men would appear in court on Monday morning to hear the charges and make their pleas.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Myanmar-suspects-indicted-over-murder-of-Britons-o-30249190.html


-- The Nation 2014-12-05

Hannah Witheridge, the British forensics and Scotland yard are now the key to all this. In my opinion forensics in the UK will have found DNA on Hannah and have their own results of this. They will also know if the body will have been purposely ''Cleaned in an attempt to hide evidence'' either way this will be the case. Secondly obtaining DNA from the 2 boys is not a big undertaking. I am sure Scotland yard will have obtained it somehow either directly or indirectly if the Thai authorities refused to offer it too them. This has to be the starting point as far as the 2 boys are concerned, can Scotland yard or will Scotland yard release a statement saying they can prove that these two boys DNA is a match or not? If not then the Thai authorities have a serious chose to make. Do they undermine the evidence given to them by one of the most respected forensics people on earth or will they think of the consequences of disregarding what Scotland yards Forensics find. I am sure that now these boys have been officially charged the British will now make their move.

The victims were autopsied in Thailand. Assuming that the corpses were returned to the UK via commercial flight they were embalmed here too. Depending on how involved the autopsies were the corpses would have to have been cleaned as well.

Regarding New Scotland Yard's involvement in a case on Thai sovereign soil, you are assuming too much.

It may be assumed that the bodies would not be autopsied, cleaned and embalmed very carefully or thoroughly. If every other protocol and method and system has been compromised, logic dictates that the Thai coroners work will be half baked as well. On this basis, one can safely assume that the British forensic people would have had a field day.

I wouldn't make that assumption.

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lildragon, on 05 Dec 2014 - 18:45, said:

IslandLover, on 05 Dec 2014 - 17:47, said:

Lozza, on 05 Dec 2014 - 14:04, said:

Lozza, on 05 Dec 2014 - 14:04, said:

On the facebook page it appears he has part of the prosecutors report.

From what I can gauge the thai's are not impressed calling it a novel.

Google not translating it for me.

If what I've just read is true/genuine, then the evidence against the B2 is more of a joke than I thought. In fact it's not a joke at all, it's a gigantic miscarriage of justice.

Care to elaborate?

You can read it yourself if you care to go to that fb page which we are not allowed to link to on this forum. A small part of the report has now been translated into proper English (not through Google or Bing). They are still insisting that David was killed with the hoe, when his injuries would suggest otherwise. I've also seen what purported to be the leaked Thai autopsy reports, which were cursory in detail to say the least. I just get the impression that there is a distinct lack of thoroughness on the part of the Thai authorities and if this represents the quality of their "evidence", then it is a joke IMO.

It is not likely that what you read is true. We will see when the trial takes place.

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It may be assumed that the bodies would not be autopsied, cleaned and embalmed very carefully or thoroughly. If every other protocol and method and system has been compromised, logic dictates that the Thai coroners work will be half baked as well. On this basis, one can safely assume that the British forensic people would have had a field day.

I wouldn't make that assumption.


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From todays latest news

Better to print the whole statement not the edited and spun version from the newspapers

Date: 6 December 2014 06:34:17 GMT+9

Subject: Family statements: Issued on behalf of the families of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

Family statements: Issued on behalf of the families of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

Statement from the family of Hannah Witheridge

UK detectives travelled to Thailand last month to �gobserve and review�h the murder case of our precious Daughter Hannah, and also that of David Miller. We would like to thank the officers who travelled to Thailand to review the case and the Royal Thai Police for facilitating their visit.

Since their return we have been able to meet with these officers together with our family liaison officers to learn about the investigation. There is a great deal of detail and vast areas of investigative work which has been shared with us. We respect the need for such detail not to be shared publically before Royal Thai Police start their trial process.

We would like to stress that as a family we are confident in the work that has been carried out into these atrocious crimes and want to remind both press and public that they do not have the full facts to report and make comment on at this stage. Current news reporting is causing undue distress to our family.

We ask as a family, as we have throughout, that we are afforded privacy and that Hannah and David are afforded their dignity during this time of immense pain and difficulty.

Our thoughts, as always, are with the Miller family. Together we stand united and focused on seeing a fair and transparent trial process to bring about justice for our beautiful children.

Statement from the family of David Miller

We would like to express our relief that progress is being made in Thailand and this case is finally coming to court.

We would like to reiterate our gratitude to the UK Metropolitan Police, who received the co-operation of the Royal Thai Police in undertaking an independent review into the investigation.

The evidence collected by the Royal Thai police will be presented at court and we hope the suspects are granted a fair and transparent trial. We are thankful of the over-sight of pressure groups such as Reprieve and Amnesty.

In the meantime however, we ask that the speculative theories circulating on social media are not taken as fact. These interpretations are based on incomplete evidence and substantial conjecture.

The increasing sensationalism of this story in the media is emotionally hurtful to us and appears to be wide of the mark.

The support for the Myanmar suspects has been strong and vocal, but please do not jump to conclusions until you have considered the evidence from both sides in full.

From what we have seen, the suspects have a difficult case to answer. The evidence against them appears to be powerful and convincing. They must respond to these charges, and their arguments must be considered with the same scrutiny as those of the prosecution.

Please remember that this is above all a story of two wonderful young people, David and Hannah, killed in the prime of their lives in a senseless and brutal way.

Further speculation should be put aside until all the evidence is made public and appropriate conclusions can be drawn.

We remain united with the Witheridge family in our shared grief.

Ian Sue and Michael Miller

Note to Editors

1. The family request privacy and no direct contact from the media at this time.


Media Office l Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Edited by thailandchilli
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From todays latest news

Better to print the whole statement not the edited and spun version from the newspapers

Date: 6 December 2014 06:34:17 GMT+9

Subject: Family statements: Issued on behalf of the families of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

Family statements: Issued on behalf of the families of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

Statement from the family of Hannah Witheridge

UK detectives travelled to Thailand last month to �gobserve and review�h the murder case of our precious Daughter Hannah, and also that of David Miller. We would like to thank the officers who travelled to Thailand to review the case and the Royal Thai Police for facilitating their visit.

Since their return we have been able to meet with these officers together with our family liaison officers to learn about the investigation. There is a great deal of detail and vast areas of investigative work which has been shared with us. We respect the need for such detail not to be shared publically before Royal Thai Police start their trial process.

We would like to stress that as a family we are confident in the work that has been carried out into these atrocious crimes and want to remind both press and public that they do not have the full facts to report and make comment on at this stage. Current news reporting is causing undue distress to our family.

We ask as a family, as we have throughout, that we are afforded privacy and that Hannah and David are afforded their dignity during this time of immense pain and difficulty.

Our thoughts, as always, are with the Miller family. Together we stand united and focused on seeing a fair and transparent trial process to bring about justice for our beautiful children.

Statement from the family of David Miller

We would like to express our relief that progress is being made in Thailand and this case is finally coming to court.

We would like to reiterate our gratitude to the UK Metropolitan Police, who received the co-operation of the Royal Thai Police in undertaking an independent review into the investigation.

The evidence collected by the Royal Thai police will be presented at court and we hope the suspects are granted a fair and transparent trial. We are thankful of the over-sight of pressure groups such as Reprieve and Amnesty.

In the meantime however, we ask that the speculative theories circulating on social media are not taken as fact. These interpretations are based on incomplete evidence and substantial conjecture.

The increasing sensationalism of this story in the media is emotionally hurtful to us and appears to be wide of the mark.

The support for the Myanmar suspects has been strong and vocal, but please do not jump to conclusions until you have considered the evidence from both sides in full.

From what we have seen, the suspects have a difficult case to answer. The evidence against them appears to be powerful and convincing. They must respond to these charges, and their arguments must be considered with the same scrutiny as those of the prosecution.

Please remember that this is above all a story of two wonderful young people, David and Hannah, killed in the prime of their lives in a senseless and brutal way.

Further speculation should be put aside until all the evidence is made public and appropriate conclusions can be drawn.

We remain united with the Witheridge family in our shared grief.

Ian Sue and Michael Miller

Note to Editors

1. The family request privacy and no direct contact from the media at this time.


Media Office l Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Without asking for more speculation on your part, does this statement mean that your campaign against other people and your push to whitewash the 2 Burmese men is over?

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From todays latest news

Better to print the whole statement not the edited and spun version from the newspapers

Date: 6 December 2014 06:34:17 GMT+9

Subject: Family statements: Issued on behalf of the families of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

Family statements: Issued on behalf of the families of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

Statement from the family of Hannah Witheridge

UK detectives travelled to Thailand last month to �gobserve and review�h the murder case of our precious Daughter Hannah, and also that of David Miller. We would like to thank the officers who travelled to Thailand to review the case and the Royal Thai Police for facilitating their visit.

Since their return we have been able to meet with these officers together with our family liaison officers to learn about the investigation. There is a great deal of detail and vast areas of investigative work which has been shared with us. We respect the need for such detail not to be shared publically before Royal Thai Police start their trial process.

We would like to stress that as a family we are confident in the work that has been carried out into these atrocious crimes and want to remind both press and public that they do not have the full facts to report and make comment on at this stage. Current news reporting is causing undue distress to our family.

We ask as a family, as we have throughout, that we are afforded privacy and that Hannah and David are afforded their dignity during this time of immense pain and difficulty.

Our thoughts, as always, are with the Miller family. Together we stand united and focused on seeing a fair and transparent trial process to bring about justice for our beautiful children.

Statement from the family of David Miller

We would like to express our relief that progress is being made in Thailand and this case is finally coming to court.

We would like to reiterate our gratitude to the UK Metropolitan Police, who received the co-operation of the Royal Thai Police in undertaking an independent review into the investigation.

The evidence collected by the Royal Thai police will be presented at court and we hope the suspects are granted a fair and transparent trial. We are thankful of the over-sight of pressure groups such as Reprieve and Amnesty.

In the meantime however, we ask that the speculative theories circulating on social media are not taken as fact. These interpretations are based on incomplete evidence and substantial conjecture.

The increasing sensationalism of this story in the media is emotionally hurtful to us and appears to be wide of the mark.

The support for the Myanmar suspects has been strong and vocal, but please do not jump to conclusions until you have considered the evidence from both sides in full.

From what we have seen, the suspects have a difficult case to answer. The evidence against them appears to be powerful and convincing. They must respond to these charges, and their arguments must be considered with the same scrutiny as those of the prosecution.

Please remember that this is above all a story of two wonderful young people, David and Hannah, killed in the prime of their lives in a senseless and brutal way.

Further speculation should be put aside until all the evidence is made public and appropriate conclusions can be drawn.

We remain united with the Witheridge family in our shared grief.

Ian Sue and Michael Miller

Note to Editors

1. The family request privacy and no direct contact from the media at this time.


Media Office l Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Without asking for more speculation on your part, does this statement mean that your campaign against other people and your push to whitewash the 2 Burmese men is over?

It means I am going to respect the wishes of the family which has always been my aim and something I will always follow. In which case I will now refrain from further speculation as the family stated until we see the due process of the trial and evidence presented. Pretty clear as is the statement

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From todays latest news

Better to print the whole statement not the edited and spun version from the newspapers

Date: 6 December 2014 06:34:17 GMT+9

Subject: Family statements: Issued on behalf of the families of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

Family statements: Issued on behalf of the families of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

Statement from the family of Hannah Witheridge

UK detectives travelled to Thailand last month to �gobserve and review�h the murder case of our precious Daughter Hannah, and also that of David Miller. We would like to thank the officers who travelled to Thailand to review the case and the Royal Thai Police for facilitating their visit.

Since their return we have been able to meet with these officers together with our family liaison officers to learn about the investigation. There is a great deal of detail and vast areas of investigative work which has been shared with us. We respect the need for such detail not to be shared publically before Royal Thai Police start their trial process.

We would like to stress that as a family we are confident in the work that has been carried out into these atrocious crimes and want to remind both press and public that they do not have the full facts to report and make comment on at this stage. Current news reporting is causing undue distress to our family.

We ask as a family, as we have throughout, that we are afforded privacy and that Hannah and David are afforded their dignity during this time of immense pain and difficulty.

Our thoughts, as always, are with the Miller family. Together we stand united and focused on seeing a fair and transparent trial process to bring about justice for our beautiful children.

Statement from the family of David Miller

We would like to express our relief that progress is being made in Thailand and this case is finally coming to court.

We would like to reiterate our gratitude to the UK Metropolitan Police, who received the co-operation of the Royal Thai Police in undertaking an independent review into the investigation.

The evidence collected by the Royal Thai police will be presented at court and we hope the suspects are granted a fair and transparent trial. We are thankful of the over-sight of pressure groups such as Reprieve and Amnesty.

In the meantime however, we ask that the speculative theories circulating on social media are not taken as fact. These interpretations are based on incomplete evidence and substantial conjecture.

The increasing sensationalism of this story in the media is emotionally hurtful to us and appears to be wide of the mark.

The support for the Myanmar suspects has been strong and vocal, but please do not jump to conclusions until you have considered the evidence from both sides in full.

From what we have seen, the suspects have a difficult case to answer. The evidence against them appears to be powerful and convincing. They must respond to these charges, and their arguments must be considered with the same scrutiny as those of the prosecution.

Please remember that this is above all a story of two wonderful young people, David and Hannah, killed in the prime of their lives in a senseless and brutal way.

Further speculation should be put aside until all the evidence is made public and appropriate conclusions can be drawn.

We remain united with the Witheridge family in our shared grief.

Ian Sue and Michael Miller

Note to Editors

1. The family request privacy and no direct contact from the media at this time.


Media Office l Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Without asking for more speculation on your part, does this statement mean that your campaign against other people and your push to whitewash the 2 Burmese men is over?

It means I am going to respect the wishes of the family which has always been my aim and something I will always follow. In which case I will now refrain from further speculation as the family stated until we see the due process of the trial and evidence presented. Pretty clear as is the statement

Fair enough!

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I am always saying to my son.

What is the solution? What can you do?

1.we can sign the petition.

2. We can donate a little money.

3. We could somehow organise a bunch of foreigners to go to the court.



What if they are guilty?

It's the Thai legal system, it's up to Thais to sort out the corruption if there is any in this case.

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I am always saying to my son.

What is the solution? What can you do?

1.we can sign the petition.

2. We can donate a little money.

3. We could somehow organise a bunch of foreigners to go to the court.



What if they are guilty?

It's the Thai legal system, it's up to Thais to sort out the corruption if there is any in this case.

"It's the Thai legal system, it's up to Thais to sort out the corruption if there is any in this case." cheesy.gif

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I'm not surprised to hear that they weren't present for the hearing ... after all this is a done deal; as far as the Thai police and judicial system is concerned they are already guilty.

I've witnessed some farces in my time but the Thais take the biscuit when it comes to incompetence, cover-ups and outright corruption. I for one am glad I left and that my money no long supports such a vile country.

@Suffinator, me too.

I lived there for years and still have investments in Thailand.

Yesterday i refunded my airticket for my yearly trip to Thailand and now the assets i have there will be put up for sale .

Im done and over...

Good for you! Please consider writing a letter why you are disinvesting and send it to The Nation and The BK Post. I think us farang will repost on fb too. You are in a good position if you can take a parting shot at the corruption. For myself, I am gonna be stuck here for a couple years, so I can't do that yet. (though I look forward to the day I can.)

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"The indictment was unexpectedly brought forward by three hours, meaning the suspects did not have time to be brought from prison to hear the charges,"


The defendants have not heard the accusation?

A technical trial error?

No error......this is Thailand.

Orders came from above to speed it up.

As said before the outcome has been decided already.

Technical trial error would be the last of their worries.

What the media will say outside Thailand should worry them a bit.

Thailand can't afford to have any bad image loose ends before entering Asean 2015. They are tried already. The next thing you'll hear is that they have been put to death. They won't even notify the family before they do it. They will take that play from China's court play book.

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"The indictment was unexpectedly brought forward by three hours, meaning the suspects did not have time to be brought from prison to hear the charges,"


The defendants have not heard the accusation?

A technical trial error?

No error......this is Thailand.

Orders came from above to speed it up.

As said before the outcome has been decided already.

Technical trial error would be the last of their worries.

What the media will say outside Thailand should worry them a bit.

Thailand can't afford to have any bad image loose ends before entering Asean 2015. They are tried already. The next thing you'll hear is that they have been put to death. They won't even notify the family before they do it. They will take that play from China's court play book.

So we now have 2 months before the trail starts. Please explain.

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"The indictment was unexpectedly brought forward by three hours, meaning the suspects did not have time to be brought from prison to hear the charges,"


The defendants have not heard the accusation?

A technical trial error?

No error......this is Thailand.

Orders came from above to speed it up.

As said before the outcome has been decided already.

Technical trial error would be the last of their worries.

What the media will say outside Thailand should worry them a bit.

Thailand can't afford to have any bad image loose ends before entering Asean 2015. They are tried already. The next thing you'll hear is that they have been put to death. They won't even notify the family before they do it. They will take that play from China's court play book.

So we now have 2 months before the trail starts. Please explain.

Trial is 26th December last I heard.

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Does anyone think on all the Koh Tao related threads that there is a very small group of people that give an very strong impression that they want the Burmese boys jailed or executed without a fair trial.

No need to say names as we don’t want it to be personal .
Does it look like this group are posting almost 24 hours a day .
Should posters be concerned about this small group ?
Could they have an agenda and be protecting other people .
Is it possible that some of this small group may have been paid to counterattack every post.
99% posters on thai visa want the truth and are very concerned that the burmese boys are innocent , do you think this small group flood the threads and may be trying to stop the truth.
Do you think it is a good idea to not answer and ignore these posters ?
We all want to give respect to both families and the burmese boys a better chance at a fair trial.
This is not about moderation so please don’t discuss the mods but if you want to complain to just send a message through the message system.
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Does anyone think on all the Koh Tao related threads that there is a very small group of people that give an very strong impression that they want the Burmese boys jailed or executed without a fair trial.

No need to say names as we don’t want it to be personal .
Does it look like this group are posting almost 24 hours a day .
Should posters be concerned about this small group ?
Could they have an agenda and be protecting other people .
Is it possible that some of this small group may have been paid to counterattack every post.
99% posters on thai visa want the truth and are very concerned that the burmese boys are innocent , do you think this small group flood the threads and may be trying to stop the truth.
Do you think it is a good idea to not answer and ignore these posters ?
We all want to give respect to both families and the burmese boys a better chance at a fair trial.
This is not about moderation so please don’t discuss the mods but if you want to complain to just send a message through the message system.

I would say its an opposite problem . Its a small group of posters that will not listen to both sides , and have already made up their minds that B2 are scapegoats and are willing to go very far with this.

I am concerned about any details about this tragic case , and I can look at it from both sides. Sometimes RTP catch the right killers you know, in this case we just don't know , and I will never conclude with anything written on social media .

You should not be too worried about the rest of us , I can only speak for myself but I have lived in Thailand for 5 years, I know both the good and bad sides of Thailand and thats why I will wait for the outcome and not just listen to theories.

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Does anyone think on all the Koh Tao related threads that there is a very small group of people that give an very strong impression that they want the Burmese boys jailed or executed without a fair trial.

No need to say names as we dont want it to be personal .

Does it look like this group are posting almost 24 hours a day .

Should posters be concerned about this small group ?

Could they have an agenda and be protecting other people .

Is it possible that some of this small group may have been paid to counterattack every post.

99% posters on thai visa want the truth and are very concerned that the burmese boys are innocent , do you think this small group flood the threads and may be trying to stop the truth.

Do you think it is a good idea to not answer and ignore these posters ?

We all want to give respect to both families and the burmese boys a better chance at a fair trial.

This is not about moderation so please dont discuss the mods but if you want to complain to just send a message through the message system.

Yes, I have noticed that. That is why I try to stay on topic. I am not 100% of their innocence. But the idea that they might be even a 10 % chance innocent, compels me to fight for them. If it comes out they are guilty so be it. I do not regret insisting on 100 % proof of guilt.

I see that the defense will call their own witnesses. I hope the British coroner is top on the list.

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