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Australia worst performer on climate change - report


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Good read Kevvy....so the report i read years ago about a theory that the Ice caps are melting because they always have been since the ice age, must be somewhere near the mark...

I clean up rubbish like most people do....but i definitely am not a tree hugger like some of the stupid idiots these days with that University Degree....they are the ones stuffing up the world in my books...They have gone too far with all the climate change crap. Easy Money for theories....thats it.

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oh dear, the usual garbage from the deniers.

What exactly do you think is causing the climate change?

Historically, I think it is called...Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.

The Sun Duh ! The current solar Max is one of the weakest on record. The Solar Min of 2008 and 2009 was the longest and deepest solar minimum in a century.

The Sun is the Engine that drives the Earths Climate not all the CO2 spouted by anti industrial alarmist. In fact the end of the current intra Galcial period is more probable then runway warming.

In any case even if the use of fossil fuels were causing climate change via increasing global tempertures the matter is mote as we will have used up our last drop of oil and last nugget of coal in approx 30 years well before we reach a critical atmospheric (or Ocean) temperature change.

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Personally I have a completely different outlook. Take the difference between what a country produces in CO2 emissions and what it produces in O2. (carbon sinks/ green areas that that convert CO2- to O2) Australia with its low population and large area is not the problem) Wealthy countries with dense populations (Singapore) will find it easy to keep CO2 down with no natural resources industry, small areas that can be serviced by public transport, but little green area. While not the same issue.air quality will be the main factor driving change. Air quality in China, India, is what will cause social unrest in those countries. Countries with high population densities have to do more. Not countries like Australia.

Just a non PC personal opinion, but that is the way I see it. coffee1.gif

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As much as I hate to refer to the Daily Mail ... they do have a good article on the subject.

Lets establish some facts ...

World - 45.914 billion tons

1. China - 10.26 billion tons

2. US - 6.135 billion tons

3. EU - 4.263 billion tons

4. India - 2.358 billion tons

5. Russian Federation - 2.217 billion tons

6. Indonesia - 2.053 billion tons

7. Brazil - 1.419 billion tons

8. Japan - 1.17 billion tons

9. Canada - 847 million tons

10. Germany - 806 million tons


Per Capita, Australians produce a large amount of CO2 one of the highest in the world.

As a Nation, Australia produces 1.11% of the World's CO2

Older Info, but still current I'm sure.


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Hey, people.

This thread isn't really about how much, or little, Australia contributes to the dirty air levels.

It is about how much money Australia puts in the pot for the green beans.

The dastardly act the Aussies committed is doing away with a carbon tax...not because some kangaroo farted in the outback.

As is usual with the warming addicts, follow the money.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

the story is talking about policy
not emmissions

you cant tell me that little ol OZ
generates more crap than China

me thinks not

its about policy
very misleading headline

Per head of population, it generates MORE.

Anyway, I'm not sure that the rabbit has a policy for reducing carbon emissions.
He'll go down in History if he doesn't get out of his burrow and do something to prevent the Barrier Reef being zapped.

No he wont...As I am probably a lot older than you, and can remember when they started research on the reef years ago, it's been proven over and over that the reef has been deteriorating for hundreds of years....Fertilizers sped up the process flowing out of the rivers in the north.
It's a scientific fact that the warming of the earth is because the Ice caps are still melting from day one....after the ice age.

Masuk and his Green, Left, socialist or Abbott hating friends on TV don't want to be bothered by facts or logic..Everybody not on their wavelength is a climate change denier [Don't you love that term?]...Barrier reefs problems are crown of thorns and fertilizers...But don't let on. We've had changes in climate forever..The Romans grew grape vines near the Scottish border. Pollution is a problem..Couldn't agree more, but stop blaming It on the change in climate and CO2...
One of the reasons I left Oz was to get away from all this S@#t, and a lot of you Greens seem to have followed me here....

Go away.

oh dear, the usual garbage from the deniers.

What exactly do you think is causing the climate change?

The earth has been heating up the cooling down the heating up again for thousands of years. Nothing to do with this nonesense.
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