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Australia's Channel 9 goes undercover at the Full Moon Party to produce a damning report


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Kids like to enjoy themselves, but need some kind of protection from themselves also. Having that many people in an uncontrolled environment with access to drink ans drugs is an accident waiting to happen. We had similar "Parties" in the UK in 88 and 89 which the Government shut down, funnily enough not many people were drinking though'

Its a massive money maker I'd imagine and no one is going to do much about it , until there's a serious enough incident

How many people have died at those parties? How serious does it have to be? I thought a needless death would be enough dont you?

Get real, how can you come to Thailand and pretend to live in such an unexposed, safety-secured bubble?

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Are you kidding me. Australia has 5 of the world's 10 deadliest spiders, go swimming in the seas and you might get permanently paralysed by the Irkunji jelly fish, bar-room brawls are far more likely, and you can die of thirst if you broke down in the outback. No, I wouldn't recommend setting foot in Australia. Nope, never!

Don't forget drop bears. We have drop bears

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Didn't expose much.
What about the police dealing dope then arresting the poor <deleted> that bought it, then using a fake lawyer in the police station to scare the crap out of him and squeeze as much cash as possible. Then of course taking the same dope back out there and beginning the process again with the next unlucky kid.

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Channel 9. A bogan TV station catering to bogan Aussies.


and the bogans keep on coming back which is why these 2 bob tv channels keep dishing it up.

There really is nothing much that can be done for fools, nor is there anything I care to do for them....

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Didn't expose much.

What about the police dealing dope then arresting the poor <deleted> that bought it, then using a fake lawyer in the police station to scare the crap out of him and squeeze as much cash as possible. Then of course taking the same dope back out there and beginning the process again with the next unlucky kid.

Entrapment is legal in Thailand, has been going on for ages in all of Thailand.

Do not buy drugs from anyone, could be a police

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Young people dying in the prime of life is a tragedy, but as the western world becomes a nanny state and litigation rife. Let them party their heart out why not, one of the few things left in the world void of political correctness. let it rock. Just be careful kids, ha ha did you ever listen to the advice of the old ones?

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I did not see anyone in this video below 18! More a bunch of intoxicated twens, than real teens who need to be protected.

They are more than old enough to be aware of the effects of alcohol, MDMA and their crazy initiation rites.

So why call for a ban, laws or police? Darwinism at its best!

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Somewhat reminiscent of the "exposés" of sex drugs and rock 'n roll in the pop festivals in the 1970s.

Only in Australia do you see this kind of lowest common denominator reporting still being carried out.

The Thai authorities have actually proposed measures....of course neither they nor channel 9 have the knowledge or competence to deal with any of the issues arising

Edited by wilcopops
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I did not see anyone in this video below 18! More a bunch of intoxicated twens, than real teens who need to be protected.

They are more than old enough to be aware of the effects of alcohol, MDMA and their crazy initiation rites.

So why call for a ban, laws or police? Darwinism at its best!

Hardly! Kids and young people party the world over; doesn't mean they all die from it does it; plus lots of expats die for reasons here unrelated to behavior.

Edited by gemini81
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ebkk @AmusingThailand I dont like to think its out of control, or that the police etc dont care. I like to see it as freedom, letting people be responsible for their own actions. It's your head, shouldnt it be your choice if you want to wear a helmet? "Hey, you want some drugs?" No is always an option. I have been to several of these full moon parties and enjoy them because I am responsible and sensible, I still get fairly drunk, but i'm not an idiot, I realise the dangers and don't lose control, nor do I expect anyone to look out for me, I know that responsibility lies with me. To the ones that get drunk beyond control, that fall, die or put themselves in bad situations I say "som nom naa", to others who are victims of extreme bad luck, which sometimes can't be avoided (boat crashes etc....) that's just what it is, bad luck.

If you got yourself that wasted in any country you would expect something bad to happen, why do you think it is possible to do in Thailand and there not be consequences?

There is rules here in Thailand there is just the freedom of choice as well.

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Dont believe that would be 90 Australian per year dying in Thailand ? Not sure where they get these numbers from. There are always 2 sides to look at it and people just love to read bad press. What about the 90 % people who go there and have fun ?

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Are you kidding me. Australia has 5 of the world's 10 deadliest spiders, go swimming in the seas and you might get permanently paralysed by the Irkunji jelly fish, bar-room brawls are far more likely, and you can die of thirst if you broke down in the outback. No, I wouldn't recommend setting foot in Australia. Nope, never!

You forgot to mention the sharks, snakes and crocodiles cheesy.gif

And the Middle East teenagers in Lakemba and Bankstown facepalm.gif

Wow I can't believe you survived vicious pants-soiling you constantly underwent from being scared of brown people in Sydney. You are a survivor.

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I would say if Australia is so concerned then perhaps all travelers to that area should be mandated to have a class on this party's pitfalls. These kids are adults and sometime they must be accountable for their own safe being. Use common sense. I am not against this party but if the authorities would perhaps put some controls or restrictions on those making many off of it. Provide safety measures for the boats. Put up warnings on the dangers of over--indulging. Thailand wants to make money thus other nations will have to work around it for the safety of their own citizens. Have airlines pass out brochures paid by the government to these kids. They can be spotted.

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i understand why parties in Australia are so boring....Rainbow Serpent being one..and i understand why australian fly to thailand to have some fun

i have been to the so called nightlife spot in Darwin 1 or 2 clubs ..rihanna and shakira songs...Jesus

Edited by kaobang
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Wow what unbiased reporting , especailly whem you have a catholic priest accompany you to talk about the sinners. In USA we have Spring Break when college kids go down to Florida and parts of Mexico to party hearty without parents or school authority around. That's where that guy started seling those "Girls Gone Wild " videos where he got girls to strip or make out on camera because they were drunk and didn't care.

As stated in post one girl who at home would never drive a motorbike without a helmet did there and died. They come to party and don't care about rules or authority a chance to get away from parents and rules and do what they want---can be a recipe for trouble. I have seen tourist police taking drunks (male+female) out of surf and administer aid for rope burns ect. Was an article on youtube callled tourist police in paradise

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auztraliar has got serious problems xxx little short of a fascist state xxx police do not use discretion and treat the public atrociously xxx i heard they killed a young man in Oz recently, by thowing a red rock at his head...but a FMP ...well...its just not cricket...is it...

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Kids like to enjoy themselves, but need some kind of protection from themselves also. Having that many people in an uncontrolled environment with access to drink ans drugs is an accident waiting to happen. We had similar "Parties" in the UK in 88 and 89 which the Government shut down, funnily enough not many people were drinking though'

Its a massive money maker I'd imagine and no one is going to do much about it , until there's a serious enough incident

How many people have died at those parties? How serious does it have to be? I thought a needless death would be enough dont you?

Ban cars, guns, bicycles....the list is endless. Ban walking!

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Everyone should know that in Australia A Current Affair (and it's deceased sibling Today Tonight RIP) are infamous for their trash journalism. Does provide good fair for comedians though, who have even gone so far as to produce an entire parody series around the format.

Wait a sec, doesn't one Martin King work for ACA? Making trash?! He's one of the world's leading journos.

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Ho- hum, it is a rite of passage for some, drinks, drugs and gathering at the beach has been going on for a couple thousand years, the human species still survives.... if only the music were better...

Why do Thai laws not work on these Islands?? In Udon Thani a boy caught with 6 Ya Ba tablets jailed for a year. Ride a scooter with no helmet fine 200/400baht.

makes me wonder about the truth behind the the murders on Koh Toa

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Ho- hum, it is a rite of passage for some, drinks, drugs and gathering at the beach has been going on for a couple thousand years, the human species still survives.... if only the music were better...

Why do Thai laws not work on these Islands?? In Udon Thani a boy caught with 6 Ya Ba tablets jailed for a year. Ride a scooter with no helmet fine 200/400baht.

makes me wonder about the truth behind the the murders on Koh Toa

Yes something should be done about it. Udon sounds like paradise.

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The only thing I would be concerned about is someone putting something into my drink that I did not know was there.

People killing themselves by getting too drunk/high is not news and not something you can really stop. DUIs in the USA have more impact on curtailing excessive drinking. It's very expensive to get a DUI, insurance increases, some jobs can be lost, lawyers fees, court fees, fines, etc.

“There must be 20 to 30 thousand people here at least, easy”

2 or 3 thousand is more likely.

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