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Australia's Channel 9 goes undercover at the Full Moon Party to produce a damning report


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That has to be the most rubbish article I've ever read. The Fitzsimons woman saying there's not even any parents on the beach? Jeez loise.. I went to a full mooner the one time and I'm a parent! But other than that it's a load of codswallop. There are far more full on parties in Europe - every weekend during the high season - in Ibiza and Rhodes for example. I went the one time in 2001 to a full moon party and thought it was let's say.. Not my cup of tea. People trying to hard to show how much fun they're having really

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As if the Thais would stick uppers and downers into the drinks! For what purpose? Are they going to spend money on the pills just to get the foreigners wasted? Reminds me of the days in Australia when it used to be claimed that marijuana was laced with heroin. The fact that heroin importation attracted a far worse penalty than marijuana in itself would have ensured this did not occur.

I would have liked the reporter to follow up one of his drug offers and find himself part of a police trap. Thailand is not the drug paradise it was 20-30 years ago. Even then drugs weren't that easy to buy or safe to consume. Seems to me that booze in buckets with mixers is the main intoxicant in this day and age in Thailand. Police raids and on the spot urine tests for all patrons in entertainment establishments have been occurring for years in Bangkok. Thaksin famously set up a squad of police with a licence to kill to wipe out drug dealers. Foreigners no longer travel to Thailand for drugs. Laos and Cambodia are much safer destinations for those seeking marijuana and ecstasy.

I emailed A Current Affair after watching their story and told them that their story and show are a crock of shit. Gave me some sense of satisfaction though I am sure their target audience were suitably shocked and appalled by the report.

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This is amazing journalism, what an expose. I also heard heart disease is the leading cause of death in men aged 55-70.

There's quite a few dangerous things tourists do in Thailand, but riding a mocy is probably the most dangerous activity by far, especially when tipsy or drunk.

A close second might be getting really drunk at a girlie bar in Pattaya, or jumping of a balcony. Takes years of your life!

Edited by Impossible
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Like all bad press about Thailand...it will be swept under the rug as just a bunch of fat old white men who can not get it up anymore trying to spoil the fun for the rest of the foreigners...This is Thailand and her apologists and defenders excuse for ignoring the real and present dangers of Thailand...

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Did anyone here see >>The Embassy << another show by Channel 9 ,about Aussie people getting into trouble in Thailand ,and the Aussie Embassy Bangkok having to help them .A friend downloaded it on torrents .Its an eye opener to how stupid and sub human ,some young Aussie people are ,especially when they go abroad .By the way i have many Aussie friends here in Chiang Mai .

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I would rather the news article have been about a group of Scandahooligans beating the crap out of a channel nine undercover news reporter, for catching him/her secretly videoing young people having fun.

Actually i'd be happy if beatings applied to all do-gooder &lt;deleted&gt; who try to impose their so called righteous morals upon others. The way the western world is headed the more George Orwell's book looks like becoming a reality, he just got the year wrong.

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Why do Thai laws not work on these Islands?? In Udon Thani a boy caught with 6 Ya Ba tablets jailed for a year. Ride a scooter with no helmet fine 200/400baht.

makes me wonder about the truth behind the the murders on Koh Toa

Police is distributed according to number of residents (according to house book).

On Samui, it means we get money from the provincial government for 53.000 citizens.

They do not count, migrant workers from other parts of Thailand or Burma and expats/tourists.

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Don't go thinking it's over yet.

The Do-Gooder Aussies have been going international to impose their moralistic views for many years now. NGOs (non government organisations) have now become thriving businesses seeking out people harmlessly enjoying themselves. Have no doubt that it was NGOs who put channel 9 up to it.

They have already destroyed the Philippines as a tourist destination. Bringing their hidden cameras to bars and venues & exposing people for having fun. Bangkok & Pattaya will be next on the hit list.

I thought of buying a condo in Pattaya but i know Pattaya will eventually go the same way as Angeles. Bars in Angeles can now be raided if prostitution is suspected, scooping up customers sitting & having a drink at the bar. The police make a nice income from it.

Yes, i am an Aussie, a self exiled one due to the Orwellian behaviour of the country. But as i have found, there are not many places left in the world to be out of reach of it's imposing tentacles.

Gee, i thought the 70s was the beginning of a new freedom, &lt;deleted&gt; went wrong !!!!

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Don't go thinking it's over yet.

The Do-Gooder Aussies have been going international to impose their moralistic views for many years now. NGOs (non government organisations) have now become thriving businesses seeking out people harmlessly enjoying themselves. Have no doubt that it was NGOs who put channel 9 up to it.

They have already destroyed the Philippines as a tourist destination. Bringing their hidden cameras to bars and venues & exposing people for having fun. Bangkok & Pattaya will be next on the hit list.

I thought of buying a condo in Pattaya but i know Pattaya will eventually go the same way as Angeles. Bars in Angeles can now be raided if prostitution is suspected, scooping up customers sitting & having a drink at the bar. The police make a nice income from it.

Yes, i am an Aussie, a self exiled one due to the Orwellian behaviour of the country. But as i have found, there are not many places left in the world to be out of reach of it's imposing tentacles.

Gee, i thought the 70s was the beginning of a new freedom, <deleted> went wrong !!!!

You are so right there. Anybody who belives anything on ACA is braindead, don't even get me started on 4 Corners and the ronald mcdonald PM we had. Heard more sense on the Muppet show.

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I think that if the children don't have common sense to stay away from these kind of events, and the parents are stupid enough to let them go, then you can't blame the Thai people for not controlling the partys. As everyone knows there are no Safety Nets in thailand, people take 1 day at a time, never look to the future. Everything you do in Thailand can be Dangerous you have to take care of yourself. Just walking down the sidewalks is Dangerous, big holes, giant cracks, dog shit, food waste, electric lines, food venders, cars, motor scooters, raw sewage, and on and on. So if you can't take care of yourself you have no business visiting Thailand. And if your children are out of control in your own country then coming to Thailand would be Population Control. Or Suicide.

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Don't go thinking it's over yet.

The Do-Gooder Aussies have been going international to impose their moralistic views for many years now. NGOs (non government organisations) have now become thriving businesses seeking out people harmlessly enjoying themselves. Have no doubt that it was NGOs who put channel 9 up to it.

They have already destroyed the Philippines as a tourist destination. Bringing their hidden cameras to bars and venues & exposing people for having fun. Bangkok & Pattaya will be next on the hit list.

I thought of buying a condo in Pattaya but i know Pattaya will eventually go the same way as Angeles. Bars in Angeles can now be raided if prostitution is suspected, scooping up customers sitting & having a drink at the bar. The police make a nice income from it.

Yes, i am an Aussie, a self exiled one due to the Orwellian behaviour of the country. But as i have found, there are not many places left in the world to be out of reach of it's imposing tentacles.

Gee, i thought the 70s was the beginning of a new freedom, <deleted> went wrong !!!!

A note to the wise........tourism in the Philippines is flourishing.

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A note to the wise........tourism in the Philippines is flourishing.

Especially for typhoon lovers, storm chasers and people who like disasters and flooding and accidental death and destruction.

But of course when the typhoon blows away theres the beautiful beaches, friendly locals and the food and drinks at half the price as here..........but lets just ignore all that. Funny, you don't advise against going to Thailand because there might be a tsunami!!

Sorry, off topic but frankly more interesting discussion than that ridiculous Channel 9 article!

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Must have been a slow news month at Channel 9.

Let's see, kids coming to a party, paying to get there, getting drunk, stoned, dancing, sc*ewing and having fun. That's the story?

I guess some people can't stand it when other people have a good time.

Or maybe they get off on watching?

Either way, IMO Channel 9 can take their "report" and shove it.

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There has never been a Tsunami on Samui (nor KT or KPN). But there are always typhoons on the Philippines. Every year.wai.gifwai.gif

And yet its tourist trade is going through the roof in the Philippines and Thailand's is down, hugely. Go figure.......you may love it here but it seems an ever growing number don't.

Perhaps if there was the remotest concern for the welfare of foreigners visiting or living here, aside of the greed for their money it would be a start.

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