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I had three dogs since I moved to the Northeast.

An old German shepherd that was poisoned and it took Rambo 5 days to die. We went for a FBC (Full Blood count) and the doctor said he is full with toxic chemicals.

Then I had a Shizhou which died of the Parvo virus. It was hell seeing my cuttie die.

I got another shizhou and my father in law drove over.

Now only have Isaan dogs.

Once got poisoned but my MIL used a raw egg and some vegetable oil and the dog survived.

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I rarely write in but i just wanted to say that even I'm not a dog lover you have my sympathy. Golden Retreivers are the sweetest breeds there are.I was a gas customer service tech. Would go to houses for service calls. I always told the owner to lock up their dog ,(if they had one naturally) I did'nt care what breed it was ..lock it up. The ONLY exception were golden retreivers Very quiet freindly and good natured . And yes it sounds like poisoning sad to say. All those filthy soi dogs , which are not much more than rats on steroids, are everywhere yet your pet gets killed.. Very sorry for your loss,,,AND DO NOT FEEY GUILTY you did 'nt know and as you said he seemed to feel better . Not your fault

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you say when your dog came back, if u let your dog out alone to crap allover other peoples lawns and outside there houses and generally be a pain in the ass to other people what do you expect, people who own dogs should be more responsible

this is for you and the 2 likes, starts with F.AND ENDS WITH F.

Sadly, a typical reaction from some dog lovers.

You are wrong to assume that anyone who criticises owners who let their dogs run free is automatically a dog hater.

Like many others, I like dogs and have no problem with them AS LONG AS THEY ARE KEPT UNDER CONTROL AND DON'T BOTHER OTHERS.

Is that SO unreasonable?

There is no such thing as an irresponsible dog - only irresponsible owners. In the UK, as just one example, there are quite strict laws and by-laws regarding the responsibility of dog owners. I know TiT and anything goes here but irresponsibility is still irresponsibility.

I'll wait now for a similar response!

i do agree with you regarding dogs running free,but that does not give people the right to poison them.

if you havnt got the room to give the dog some freedom/exercise dont have one.

ours never venture's outside our gates unless on a leed and then you have to watch whats lying about,one of the worst is cooked chicken bones.if the op's dog has been running around free for 10yrs.he has been very lucky.

ours came to us at 1yr.old and had been loose for 2weeks.if we hadnt had him he wouldnt have lasted another 2.


you say when your dog came back, if u let your dog out alone to crap allover other peoples lawns and outside there houses and generally be a pain in the ass to other people what do you expect, people who own dogs should be more responsible

this is for you and the 2 likes, starts with F.AND ENDS WITH F.

Yet another aggressive and unreasonable response from a dog owner. Catmans point was quite justified.

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He might have eaten something bad. My street dog was vomiting the other day wouldn't eat anything and barely moved. Thought he was gonna die but he made it. I think someone just fed him some bad food.

It cannot be your soi dog, either it is a soi dog or it is yours. It sounds like you are one of the mis guided who feed these creatures, yet take no responsibility or health care for them, thus perpetuating the pest problem.

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Very sad, sorry for your loss! I know how people could be annoyed by others pets,.. and i have read a lot but to take a dogs life, you have to be heartless!

I am very careful with my Husky, always on leash, take her running at least 45 mins a day ON LEASH to ensure she gets her daily exercise. This helps preventing her from trying to escape, causing damage or annoy neighbors with barking or howling.

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Firstly, thanks for all the kind replies and PMs. To the not so nice ones, some pets are like a member of the family I guess you don't understand the pain of losing one. It is the same, or worse than losing a close family member.

I had 5 dogs and 4 of the had only what I can describe as a cough for week or so. My wife took one to the vet and he said it was an infection.

He was a very good-natured dog and wouldn't harm anyone - other dogs on his territory, yes. He loved a fight. He disappeared for a few days at a time sometimes chasing bitches. Where our houses have been it is the norm for dogs to run loose. I agree that if they are causing harm to anyone, it is wrong. I have two adopted dogs that are frankly a pain in the arse - little toy kinda dogs that do chase motorbikes and I have heard people threaten them but they are very small dogs have never bitten anyone. They could well have been the target but are fussy eaters. The problem is that when I take my car in and out the driveway, they get out. We have a large garden and I took measures to block all the places they got out.

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With you there.

For some reason the dog lovers on TV seem to think that it is OK for dogs to run wild, chasing bicycles, motorcycles and pedestrians, killing chickens, crapping everywhere and barking all night and we should just tolerate it.

As I doubt whether dogs can be trained to stay at home permanently, they need to be in a secure compound or on a line.

Any dog running loose is, as far as I am concerned, a fair target.

I lost over forty chickens in a pretty secure coop a few years ago. Not a single one was left alive by the dogs. They came back for more the next night. Strangely I never saw any of those dogs again. I do wonder what happened?

Karma is a bitch.

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With you there.

For some reason the dog lovers on TV seem to think that it is OK for dogs to run wild, chasing bicycles, motorcycles and pedestrians, killing chickens, crapping everywhere and barking all night and we should just tolerate it.

As I doubt whether dogs can be trained to stay at home permanently, they need to be in a secure compound or on a line.

Any dog running loose is, as far as I am concerned, a fair target.

I lost over forty chickens in a pretty secure coop a few years ago. Not a single one was left alive by the dogs. They came back for more the next night. Strangely I never saw any of those dogs again. I do wonder what happened?

I'm a dog lover and in no way do I agree with letting dogs run wild and getting into all the things as you state. But sorry, you are wrong, dogs can be trained to stay within the confines of their property and many other things, it just takes patience, lots of it, kindness and plenty of love. Dogs know, believe me, they are a lot more intelligent then many give them credit for. As for a compound, no thanks and a line, no way. Would you like to be confined in this manner, I think not but then you might say, they are only dumb animals but believe me, they are far from it.

I have six month old German Shepherd who has been trained not to pass the front gate, when open, unless I give him a certain command. He will also start barking and stop barking on command. I train him everyday in obedience, and he is progressing quite well. We have many chickens and three cats, never once has he chased or touched a chicken but he is a bugger with the cats, only playful, but I don't think he realises he is 30 kilos and they're only 3. Despite being over playful, the cats give it back to him and they are the best of mates.

Unfortunately, there are many irresponsible dog owners, mainly those who have soi dogs and just let loose to scavenge and do what you have described but in no way do I condone your statement of them being a fair target or any one taking their life in any manner that would be described as cruel. Given your statement, you might just be the type of person who would act in such a manner. Please tell me that I am wrong?

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With you there.

For some reason the dog lovers on TV seem to think that it is OK for dogs to run wild, chasing bicycles, motorcycles and pedestrians, killing chickens, crapping everywhere and barking all night and we should just tolerate it.

As I doubt whether dogs can be trained to stay at home permanently, they need to be in a secure compound or on a line.

Any dog running loose is, as far as I am concerned, a fair target.

I lost over forty chickens in a pretty secure coop a few years ago. Not a single one was left alive by the dogs. They came back for more the next night. Strangely I never saw any of those dogs again. I do wonder what happened?

Karma is a bitch.

I wonder what you have done to deserve your loved dogs death?


With you there.

For some reason the dog lovers on TV seem to think that it is OK for dogs to run wild, chasing bicycles, motorcycles and pedestrians, killing chickens, crapping everywhere and barking all night and we should just tolerate it.

As I doubt whether dogs can be trained to stay at home permanently, they need to be in a secure compound or on a line.

Any dog running loose is, as far as I am concerned, a fair target.

I lost over forty chickens in a pretty secure coop a few years ago. Not a single one was left alive by the dogs. They came back for more the next night. Strangely I never saw any of those dogs again. I do wonder what happened?

Karma is a bitch.

I wonder what you have done to deserve your loved dogs death?

I doubt you do actually wonder, I think you're just trying to be argumentative. However, if you aren't - my wrongdoings will not cause another sentient being to be murdered.

12drinkmore is implying he killed a few dogs. I'm implying that there will be consequences for this act.


Your dog came back at 4pm from where...do you let you dog roam the neighborhood like a soi dog? If so, let that be a hard lesson for you...keep your dog at home where the chances of foul play are lessened...

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Your dog came back at 4pm from where...do you let you dog roam the neighborhood like a soi dog? If so, let that be a hard lesson for you...keep your dog at home where the chances of foul play are lessened...

I don't know where he was - yes I did let him roam sometimes.

For 9 years of his life we lived in a townhouse with no garden. We lived in a dead end soi and everyone loved him. He was used to his freedom

In our new house he would miserable without his freedom and our house was the first in a development so we had few neighbours so let him out.

10 years of freedom is better than say 12 years max of confinement.

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organic phosphates are used in fields : they kill really quickly but atropine (if u have access like we do to chemical warfare gasmask sets we also have atropens) is the emergency trreatment then straight to a vet for IV FLUIDS and additional treatment.

rat poison: depends on which one. vitamin k for the bleed out kinds that thais seem to use.

many other poisons that are more insiduous and longer acting are now available although not sure in thailand. here we have similar problems in the rural areas with neighbhors poisoning dogs even in their own (dog's) yards...

as for al the people that say dogs shouldnt be loose: after many years thinking like an american suburbanite ive come to the conclusion that dogs do have to have room to wander and roam, and if they are friendly dogs that get along, i dont see a real reason why not. most of our dogs are released from their cables/fenced in little areas/indoors at about 4:00 pm until dark, and then most dogs go back indoors to their owners' houses. some dogs stay out doors and in our area, no robberies occur. on the other side of our kibbutz town, with no wandering dogs, then many break ins as most of th older folks dont have dogs.

i know that in europe and in the states responsible ownership is equivalent with keeping dogs leashed at all times etc howver dogs, like kids, need places to run freely and goof off and play, not attaached to a lead. not all countries or places in a country have doggy parks available.

a golden retriever is certainly not a violent threat to motocy's or joggers. as for shitting on someone's yard. complaining etc seems more reasonable than poisoning . most people respond to speech.

as for chicken killing dogs, yes well we had our entire hand reared flock of thai fighing chickens, raised from the egg in my house, eggs brought over from thailand, killed off by dogs. mostly, i believe, are unowned , feral pack dogs... although my poodle pup was guilty for killing two young chicks and so was his mother the lhasa apso (she hunts). hubby wasnt thrilled and we made well sure that they wouldnt ever touch a chicken again.

in hubby's area, dogs are poisoned when suspected of rabies (usually after biting someone) but htese arent pet dogs but village hunting dogs.

as far as mange etc: ivermec is the drug of choice for mange (which is not contagious to toehr dogs but thru the dam to her pups genetic propensity and lowered immune system); rabies vaccine only needs to be done once a year at the most (in a rabies prevalent country like israel or thailand.); ivermac works against ticks but frontline sprays/drops or ultrashield (works wonders on large outdoor dogs, not for cats, )is great.

having a pet poisoned is a real tragedy... unlike disease , it is something very violent, painful, and often totally random, and until the signs are read correctly, it is often too late to help the animal.

sorry for your loss; ive had my best friend call me twice in hysteria in the middle of the night, that her salukis were poisoned (twice rescued but one suffered some minor brain damage from the poison) by some kind of poisonous palm nut that was thrown on purpose (a known poisonous plant that dogs love to chew and swallow) in to her yard by a crazy neighbhor. for her it was like someone poisoning her children.

if people cannot say something nice on this thread, then they should start a new thread about dog complaints. this thread is not the place.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

you say when your dog came back, if u let your dog out alone to crap allover other peoples lawns and outside there houses and generally be a pain in the ass to other people what do you expect, people who own dogs should be more responsible

That's a little harsh. I am not sur the OP needs to have his guilt made even worse by you stating this.

How do you know the dog didn't escape? Dogs do that sometimes you know

if you have a dog train it and look after it so it dose not need to escape. I have owed dogs in the past.

people in my village let there dogs out all the time they shit on my lawn, ive took pictures of the dogs shiting bagged it up and returned the bag with the picture to the owner did not make any difference the dog was at it again a week later and dog owners then wonder whey there dogs get poisoned

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

you say when your dog came back, if u let your dog out alone to crap allover other peoples lawns and outside there houses and generally be a pain in the ass to other people what do you expect, people who own dogs should be more responsible

So your solution is to poison a dog if it has a shit somewhere that offends you? You sound like one of the local Zombies wandering around this Nation with no regards for life.

you would be singing a different tune if you kept walking shit into your home


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

you say when your dog came back, if u let your dog out alone to crap allover other peoples lawns and outside there houses and generally be a pain in the ass to other people what do you expect, people who own dogs should be more responsible

only a mischievious ugly little man like you hits on somebody who lost a beloved pet.


just stating the facts !!!!!!!!!!!


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

you say when your dog came back, if u let your dog out alone to crap allover other peoples lawns and outside there houses and generally be a pain in the ass to other people what do you expect, people who own dogs should be more responsible

only a mischievious ugly little man like you hits on somebody who lost a beloved pet.


just stating the facts !!!!!!!!!!!

just wait till you get buried in a quake and rover smells a ratcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Neeranam.... Condolences on your loss. Thailand is very difficult place to keep dogs safe if they are not supervised virtually continuously. We had a dog poisoned as well and it was a very painful death. Poisons like strychnine are used in large quantities in Thailand. Here are some photos of strychnine used with rice kernels to poison rats after rice has been planted. These piles are spaced about 50 feet apart and in a short kilometer walk around the rice field dikes, I can count hundreds of these piles. Dogs don't normally eat kernel piles like this, but some farmers mix poison with left over sticky rice or left over foods which the dogs will of course eat if they find it. We learned a painful lesson letting our dog free range.

Strychnine is rather toxic substance that does not break down quickly and I wonder how much of it makes it into the human food stream here.




<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

you say when your dog came back, if u let your dog out alone to crap allover other peoples lawns and outside there houses and generally be a pain in the ass to other people what do you expect, people who own dogs should be more responsible

That's a little harsh. I am not sur the OP needs to have his guilt made even worse by you stating this.

How do you know the dog didn't escape? Dogs do that sometimes you know

if you have a dog train it and look after it so it dose not need to escape. I have owed dogs in the past.

people in my village let there dogs out all the time they shit on my lawn, ive took pictures of the dogs shiting bagged it up and returned the bag with the picture to the owner did not make any difference the dog was at it again a week later and dog owners then wonder whey there dogs get poisoned

Owed or owned, a spelling mistake? I think you meant owner therefore you have never known what it is to be a master. never a master. There is a big difference. in the past? Do not have one now? If not, I can see why. No dog would want you as a master, they can discriminate too and tend to run away from bad and cruel owners. There or their dogs? You took pictures and then returned the excrement? I bet you were the talk of the village, and I would think, not in a good or meaningful way. Sounds like your another fine upstanding import, one which most people could do without and possibly that the villagers wish they had never had the pleasure of dealing with..

So are you saying that you poisoned dogs for defecating on your lawn? If you didn't but think this way, then it certainly says a lot about you. What a good man you must be. Dogs, if treated right, are loved and cared for, will give years of unconditional loyalty, protect their master and family, his/her home and never expect anything except a home and food. It's really sad that there a people like you on this earth, there are other words I could use but won't lower myself to your standard (wording in your post says it all) Just remember this word and never forget it. KARMA!

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My God - what are people thinking - dogs need to roam free - what utter rubbish ! A well exercised dog provided with stimulation most certainly does not . Of course living here it can be difficult to find places where they can do this safely. In addition to walking my dogs daily we drive to a park once a day where they can be off leash. Letting your dog roam free is irresponsible ownership @ all too often a death sentence for the dog. A risk I personally would never, ever take.

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