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US: Six dead in Pennsylvania shootings


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Pennsylvania shootings: Six dead, gunman on the run

(BBC) Six people have been shot dead and three wounded in three locations near Philadelphia, officials in the US state of Pennsylvania say.

Montgomery County law enforcement are seeking the suspected gunman, who they named as Bradley William Stone, 35.

They say he may be armed and dangerous, telling residents to remain indoors.

The victims are all said to have a familial relationship to Mr Stone, who has been described as having red hair and wearing military fatigues.

He also reportedly uses a cane or a walking stick.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30484534

-- BBC 2014-12-16

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Criminals can always get guns in virtually every country. I doubt that the sawed-off shotgun used in Sydney was legal.

The US has the world's 3rd largest population and a lot more of almost everything occurs there, including negative news.

The gun homicide rate per capita in the US is actually below the world average for countries even though gun ownership numbers are far above average. LINK

Edited by NeverSure
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Criminals can always get guns in virtually every country. I doubt that the sawed-off shotgun used in Sydney was legal.

The US has the world's 3rd largest population and a lot more of almost everything occurs there, including negative news.

The gun homicide rate per capita in the US is actually below the world average for countries even though gun ownership numbers are far above average. LINK

Yes, the US is right next to Lebanon in that linkrolleyes.gif

A bit of relativity will show that among the more developed countries the US stands out with more than 3 times that of other developed countries.

On the other hand the US stands out in almost every aspect compared to other developed countries, for example poverty.

Edited by AlQaholic
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cup of coffee go ahead and have your guns. I could care less, I won't be living in that stupid country anymore. Let the moronic amreicans that live there kill each other. It is just great to watch. Not really, I still have a sun there and hope he movesto canada soon.

I implied that the OP is about a man who killed people over a dispute. The dispute got him to a point that he wanted to kill. So he went out and killed. The mention of "gun" never entered into what I just now stated, because it is not relevant.

The only relevance to guns in this OP is that a gun was the tool used to carry out the act.

Are you afraid of guns? I hope your answer is no; otherwise you may as well be afraid of knives, screwdrivers, axes, machetes, hatchets, ropes, wire, hands, pipes, etc.

Perhaps the real question is "What makes you afraid of having your life ended?". Now here is an interesting prospect, yes?

Can you honestly tell me that removing the availability of guns from the hands of someone who is intent on killing you will make that person any less dangerous to your existence?

So, in summary of my point, aren't you more afraid of a person's intentions towards you than the knife, screwdriver, axe, machete, hatchet, rope, wire, stick or pipe within easy reach? I am saying that if someone is intent on killing you - for whatever reason - then a gun is relative and therefore not the focus here. It is not going to prevent them from killing you if they can manage it.

Guns make killing easier, less personal and with less delay, but not having guns available will not decrease the desire to carry out or act on killing when one is driven to that point.

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Very eloquently rationalized. But it is crap.I am deadly afraid of guns, not holding or shooting one but being shot by one by some idiot carrying one. I only wish you and the rich guy (richusa)could experience the helplessness of waking up with 3 guns pointed at you and your wife's face and to find out that your sixteen year old son had been pistol wipped by the aholes unconcious and tied and left for dead. Then your wife raped while you are takien into another room to open a safe you have no number to and they pull the trigger and it not go off and the only reason I am alive is by one of them tripping the alarm at last. Now if they hadn't had access to these guns I don;t think they would have been in our house that night but I unfortunately never got to have that conversation with them. Neither did the police.

I had 4 guns in the house that night and not one of them was worth a crap. For hunting legal game guns are great. For anything else they are stupid.

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Very eloquently rationalized. But it is crap.I am deadly afraid of guns, not holding or shooting one but being shot by one by some idiot carrying one. I only wish you and the rich guy (richusa)could experience the helplessness of waking up with 3 guns pointed at you and your wife's face and to find out that your sixteen year old son had been pistol wipped by the aholes unconcious and tied and left for dead. Then your wife raped while you are takien into another room to open a safe you have no number to and they pull the trigger and it not go off and the only reason I am alive is by one of them tripping the alarm at last. Now if they hadn't had access to these guns I don;t think they would have been in our house that night but I unfortunately never got to have that conversation with them. Neither did the police.

I had 4 guns in the house that night and not one of them was worth a crap. For hunting legal game guns are great. For anything else they are stupid.

Sorry to hear that reptile. I simply want to respect you and not get into it with you if that is alright with you.

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Criminals can always get guns in virtually every country. I doubt that the sawed-off shotgun used in Sydney was legal.

The US has the world's 3rd largest population and a lot more of almost everything occurs there, including negative news.

The gun homicide rate per capita in the US is actually below the world average for countries even though gun ownership numbers are far above average. LINK

Your link takes you to a website called the "Crime Research Prevention Centre", which claims to publish "academic quality research" but is in fact a front for a pro-gun site founded and run by a noted conservative Fox News columnist. It is not a reputable or peer reviewed site for data.

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Criminals can always get guns in virtually every country. I doubt that the sawed-off shotgun used in Sydney was legal.

The US has the world's 3rd largest population and a lot more of almost everything occurs there, including negative news.

The gun homicide rate per capita in the US is actually below the world average for countries even though gun ownership numbers are far above average. LINK

Your link takes you to a website called the "Crime Research Prevention Centre", which claims to publish "academic quality research" but is in fact a front for a pro-gun site founded and run by a noted conservative Fox News columnist. It is not a reputable or peer reviewed site for data. C

That's the M.O. Of the gunslingers ironbark.

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Criminals can always get guns in virtually every country. I doubt that the sawed-off shotgun used in Sydney was legal.

The US has the world's 3rd largest population and a lot more of almost everything occurs there, including negative news.

The gun homicide rate per capita in the US is actually below the world average for countries even though gun ownership numbers are far above average. LINK

No, the shotgun in Sydney was not legal but because of our laws he could not get explosives or automatic weapons and cause the carnage that occurred in US. Guns in the hands of mentally retarded, angry, stupid, immature, emotionally upset or criminally minded people DO kill. But I know US will never change.

I have to have a license to buy explosives in the US. They don't sell dynamite at 7-11.

I've seen just two automatic weapons in civilian hands in my life in the US and one would be worth about $20,000 and the other about $35,000. The first was an AK-47 and the second was an M16. It requires a very special and expensive license to own one and only after an extensive background check. The insurance premiums are outrageous. The controls are Federal, not State, so they are uniform.

Those guns will shoot between $300 and $600 worth of ammunition per minute, depending on the model.

You have to have a very high level of desire and very deep pockets to own one.

Next uninformed, biased comment, please?


you never saw my M16 and obviously you have never frequented a flea market in the south-east where the emphasis was on guns and where you could buy automatic weapons with modified parts which prevent to shoot bursts and the original parts where handed over separately.

next uninformed comment please whistling.gif

and now i am calling a former neighbour and tell him he owes me favours valued "about 34,500 Dollars" laugh.png

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