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Anti-Islam march in German city of Dresden


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Too late...............100 years from now America will be a Hispanic nation, and Europe will be

Muslim. The former leader of Palestine, Yasser Arafat, once said

that his group would win through the womb. Western countries should have paid more attention

to that statement, as that is what is happening now. The only way to reverse this inevitable

process would be deportations. Or just accept it.........

The world will not last another 100 years. I would bet money that the 85 rich people who control 90% of the money on this planet are right now developing a rocket to take them all to another habitable planet so they can start all over again.Your right on with your other comments. Canada will befall the same fate. Our generous welfare, medical system is a fertile breeding ground for the womb to win the majority race.

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Too late...............100 years from now America will be a Hispanic nation, and Europe will be

Muslim. The former leader of Palestine, Yasser Arafat, once said

that his group would win through the womb. Western countries should have paid more attention

to that statement, as that is what is happening now. The only way to reverse this inevitable

process would be deportations. Or just accept it.........

PS Politicians pander to the minority groups for their votes

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"Everyone [who attends] needs to be careful that they are not taken advantage of by the people who organise such events."

I wonder if she would dare say this if it were a pro Islamist march?

What's a "pro Islamist march"?

These people marching over there, refer to Germany as the "Occident" [Abendland]. Sounds like a bunch of fanatics to me who make Nigel Farage look like a level-headed man.

Edited by Morakot
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slipperylobster is a bit late to learn spanish. If you had been living on any of the border states you already need to speak fluent spanish to run a business for the past 30years or so. Welcome to America where we are afraid to even make a commitment to the English language as the US has no national language declared.

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More power to them. The real fascist front is a war ideology disguised as a religion and using immigration, weak western governments, breeding, political correctness, oil wealth and intimidation and terrorism to dominate our societies. They are right and courageous to combat the islamificationnof Europe and Australia etc.

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Didn't Merkel once say multiculturalism had failed in Germany?

Yes...she did.......she's a lot braver than many other western countries PMs and Presidents to admit the truth......

That one talks a lot when governing silently on auto-pilot is no longer an option, mostly in flowery phrases to the extend that you wonder if she is saying anything at all, even if it comes out in grammatically correct sentences.

My favourite phrases are "and hence I consciously state" and "so I am stating here quite consciously [insert drivel]".

It's nice to know she at least sometimes is actually conscious when talking.

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Going to be big trouble in Ozzieland, they will not stand for this kind of act, now, rather than later is the best way.There IS going to be a race war, good v evil, and the majority of muslims are evil, the good ones go home now, before your life is lost.

That is one nasty post !!

I can't say I like anything islamic too much, but the majority of muslims is not even thinking about turning extremist.

And as far as "the good ones" (I am finding that very expression quite detestable) are concerned, most western states need those immigrants. And at least in Germany about half of them are well integrated, would be a shame to lose them.

A good couple of Muslims even left their home state because they are totally fed up with the local version of Sharia.

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This thread would be far more 'popular' if someone could find a pic of one of the protesters carrying a swastika ....

not sure what you mean by that but swastika is not anything like the disgusting , chicken sh?t muslim terrorist bas<?"ds.

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This thread would be far more 'popular' if someone could find a pic of one of the protesters carrying a swastika ....

not sure what you mean by that but swastika is not anything like the disgusting , chicken sh?t muslim terrorist bas<?"ds.

Apart from neo-nazis having killed some 170 political opponents or people with a darker skin over the last 10 years, mostly in eastern Germany?

Maybe they're not as wanton and don't share that total disregard for their own lives, but they're certainly not the good guys.

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Going to be big trouble in Ozzieland, they will not stand for this kind of act, now, rather than later is the best way.There IS going to be a race war, good v evil, and the majority of muslims are evil, the good ones go home now, before your life is lost.

You are right the Muslims are going to end the German we know

The German shall lose their country

They are afraid to do anything

And the Muslims will lead the Fifth Reich

I think German made a big mistake killing Poles Russians Jews and other

All want them to go down the drain

Please Pray for the poor Germans who fathers and grandfathers fought on the Eastern Front

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Germany's version of UKIP?

That would be the AFD (Alternative Für Deutschland=Alternative for Germany), although they don't want Germany to leave the EU, only restructure the latter.

Pegida has no dierect ties with any party, they are just protesters with a mission. Maybe a bit like the EDL, minus the hooligan "hands-on" approach.

The AFD has, however, expressed sympathies for Pegida, as opposed to all other parties who apparently fear them, but they are keeping their distance for now in case things go too far right.

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Integration will never ever work. It was invented by our political leaders years ago for reasons of having minorities done inferior work.

Integration of Africans in the US 200 years ago is still not working today as is abundantly clear.

North Africans in France, not working, islam in Germany, Holland, Skandinavia etc. Not working. Farang in Thailand, not working.

Stop integrating you fools (incl myself) !!!,

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March all you want my German friends, too late now, the die is cast, you have infuriated by millions

of Muslim who's alliance only to other Muslims, but do not worry friends, you're in good company,

half of Europe is in the same crappy situation as you are, namely, all the Scandinavian countries,

Holland and Belgium... good luck to you guys, now rip what your foolish hearted leaders have sawn...

Germany wanted Juden Free and look what you got in their replacement, Do you think God did this to you?

Anyway to bad Germany shall be a Muslim Country

I have to live to pray for the German Souls that stated this

England and France and other European coutries did not want "Juden free" but they got the same.

Why is that?

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March all you want my German friends, too late now, the die is cast, you have infuriated by millions

of Muslim who's alliance only to other Muslims, but do not worry friends, you're in good company,

half of Europe is in the same crappy situation as you are, namely, all the Scandinavian countries,

Holland and Belgium... good luck to you guys, now rip what your foolish hearted leaders have sawn...

Germany wanted Juden Free and look what you got in their replacement, Do you think God did this to you?

Anyway to bad Germany shall be a Muslim Country

I have to live to pray for the German Souls that stated this

England and France and other European coutries did not want "Juden free" but they got the same.

Why is that?

The Germans kill the Jews in the countries they controlled and after the war the Jews left for Israel ( Palestine) or America.

But I am more interested in why Germans killed Jews and now are being over run Muslims.

Was that punishment by God for killing Jews?

Why are the German so quite and do not answer the question.

Or how shall they solve the problem

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Its about time that we Europeans recognise the threat caused by Islamic extremist AND American Christain extremists. In fact it is my belief that any organized religion that promotes any kind of violence or tolerates its members commiting these acts should be banned.

The west is at fault for allowing Saudi Arabia to export its rather warped take on Islam in exchange for oil. If this is not the case why did we attack Afghanistan and not Saudi Arabia where most of those involved the the twin towers attack were actually from ?

I have no use for christians or muslims, but because islam infects with acid and death and disability and ignorance and savagery every single aspect of every single civilization on earth in which it invades the host, I object to your comparing the two. Modern christianity is not predicated upon slavery, oppression, slaughter, taqiya-deciet, and the sheer adoration of death. Also, you can not provide us one single shred of evidence of what you refer to as "Islamic- extremists." There has hardly been any reported cases of islamic extremism in years. I fairly presume by this statement you mean actions that are repugnant to our collective sensibilities in the civilized world and are not sanctioned by the islamic faith- extremists- people on the far edge of their own mainstream? If so, I stand by my assertion: show me examples of any islamic extremism. I don't believe it. I have noted with remarkable consistency every single act of "islamic extremism" is not only suggested but mandated by their religious scripture, often with over a thousand yeas of exegesis supporting such acts. Show us.

The ideology of islam- the military political social judicial familial oppression- does not behave like any modern religion at all! It differs little from Mein Kampf and should be accorded the same reproach rather than protected victim status. There may be a god and worship within Islam, but non muslims are rarely privy to nothing their adoration or communion (actually, communion with god in islam is blasphemy); we don't know or see this, do we? Its the ideological aspects (Shar'ia) which act as a courier for their faith, destroying, subsuming, co-opting, and eviscerating every society it infects through its "migration jihad." Really? Host countries should be ok with this? The utterly repugnant islamic daily refrain impugning the locals, the local faiths, and elevating to supreme desert debauchery and alien behaviors should be permitted, tolerated, emulated in which ever society islam pitches their tent? Really? Only disease, famine, death and intellectual darkness follow this migration jihad. The germans are right to wake, though the hour is late. No right man or woman, who actually understands this ideology, can embrace it. It is anathema to life!

There are only so many bites of a feces sandwich someone can eat before they realize their mouths are full of feces; if germans had enough, I applaud them. Mark this time: the rise of the balkanization of Eurabia. This will devolve into civil conflict. Islam offers no compromise with the host once infected. You will never see the guest offering compromise with the host. Islam has only done this once in 1,400 years and it was in Mecca. They retreated to Medina, in this instance. They gathered their forces, destroyed any in Medina who did not want to be muslim, then marched on Mecca again slaughtering in the most brutal manner nearly every human being. Think this is old history. They do this daily, today, now, in Syria, Iraq, Africa, throughout the world. What the Germans oppose is Bedouin savagery and imaginary mores.

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"Everyone [who attends] needs to be careful that they are not taken advantage of by the people who organise such events."

I wonder if she would dare say this if it were a pro Islamist march?

There was a counter rally, she said it.

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Just a pity that over one and a half BILLION 'moderate' Muslims can't spare a few thousand to march against jihad, murder and terror committed in the name of their religion on a daily basis.


They are all suspiciously quiet.

I'm sure most of them wouldn't mind if the whities become extinct.

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Re death worship: who has a savior king draped over a cross, and who ritually consumes his flesh and blood every week?

Christians deserve no pass in this regard. They have set up warrior states to enslave the entire planet, and murder millions who would hinder them. Why are they so different from their Islamic cousins?

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Its about time that we Europeans recognise the threat caused by Islamic extremist AND American Christain extremists.

Stop with the foolish talking points. Radical Islam dwarfs the problems caused by any other religion. There is no legitimate comparison. rolleyes.gif

They are a bunch of perverts!!! "“Question 13: Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female slave who has not reached puberty?

“It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn’t reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse; however if she is not fit for intercourse, then it is enough to enjoy her without intercourse.” Any women who is not a Muslim can be treated in this manner...

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Pegida has no dierect ties with any party, they are just protesters with a mission. Maybe a bit like the EDL, minus the hooligan "hands-on" approach.

Good analogy! The Pegida leader, Bachman, sounds like a right thug tough.

This is what he New York Times wrote about him: "Mr. Bachmann had several criminal convictions — 16 burglaries, driving drunk or without a license and even dealing in cocaine."

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Pegida has no dierect ties with any party, they are just protesters with a mission. Maybe a bit like the EDL, minus the hooligan "hands-on" approach.

Good analogy! The Pegida leader, Bachman, sounds like a right thug tough.

This is what he New York Times wrote about him: "Mr. Bachmann had several criminal convictions — 16 burglaries, driving drunk or without a license and even dealing in cocaine."

in short... an honourable gentleman!

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Pegida has no direct ties with any party, they are just protesters with a mission. Maybe a bit like the EDL, minus the hooligan "hands-on" approach.

Good analogy! The Pegida leader, Bachman, sounds like a right thug tough.

This is what he New York Times wrote about him: "Mr. Bachmann had several criminal convictions — 16 burglaries, driving drunk or without a license and even dealing in cocaine."

As I already wrote, that's appearing in each and every article on the Pegida thingy, looks like the press are seing themselves mainly in the business of discrediting the protesters along with the usual "right-wing populists".

I even registered an opinion with one magazine, they should quit repeating that over and over, everybody was now well aware of it, and it did nothing to discuss what Pegida actually want and if they might be right on a topic or two.

There is a bit of a scene on the internet in Germany going on about how the "mainstream press" was distorting everything right of the CSU having to do with foreigners. Pegida actually does not speak with journalists, bit of an interesting approach if you want your arguments heard.

I suppose Bachmann might not be the nicest guy, but even a fellon can have a valid opinion on politics (when not engaged in his employment or maturing his felonious little plans - if you know Gilbert&Sullivan laugh.png ) .

I don't see the point in repeating that over and over. As long as he had no involvement with the typical neo-nazi crimes, like holocaust denial or hate speech, I don't really care, not that much different from anyone else in politics if you remember our former head of state Wulff.

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