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Sydney gunman was not on watch list


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Abbott: Why was Sydney siege gunman not on terror list?

(BBC) Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has questioned why the gunman in the Sydney cafe siege was not on the country's terror watch list.

He said the government would examine why Man Haron Monis had been on bail.

Mr Abbott paid tribute to the two hostages who died in Monday's siege, describing them as "good people".

The two hostages and Monis died as police commandos stormed the cafe in Martin Place early on Tuesday morning, ending the 16-hour siege.

An investigation has been launched into the police operation.

Police are also investigating the motives of Monis - an Iranian refugee who was a known extremist and faced multiple criminal charges - and how he got a gun.

At a press conference, Mr Abbott said: "How can someone who has had such a long and chequered history not be on the appropriate watch lists and how can someone like that be entirely at large in the community.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-30490696

-- BBC 2014-12-16

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He was banged up and the lawyer got him out apparently, as he was been beaten up by the other cons. They should have put him in solitary for his own protection. Now put the lawyer there instead.

Makes you sick. The media was interviewing this germ yesterday and he was beating his chest.

Seriously, how do some 'mouthpieces' sleep at night, they will represent ANY germ, irregardless of what they have done.

Same for the jelly backed magistrate.

Let's be clear on this, this murderous b@stard was not cleared of charges, he was only allowed bail whilst his criminal charges stood in the list.

it's time NSW magistrates were held accountable for their pathetic actions.

The blood of the victims of the Sydney siege are on your hands Mr Magistrate @ Penrith Local Court. Hope you are happy you pathetic miserable little sheet.

Hopefully the Police next door are a little bit slow at responding to your 'panic alarm' next time you get a little frightened in court and call for the real men for support.

The Australian way of Criminal Justice is failing Australians and all who walk within. Except the Scumbag Crims and the slimey legal counsel they employ.

The buck stops with the politicians too. When will they be held to account? When will laws be set to protect victims and innocent Australians?

Edited by neverdie
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Why was this human excrement allowed to stay in the country? He should have had his protection visa shoved up his fundament and been deported back where he came from as soon as he showed his true colours.

BTW If NSW police were called to the home of a known to be mentally unstable man on bail for murder related charges, and he walked out the door carrying a gun, they would shoot him. if police arrived at a bank robbery and a known criminal ran out with a gun, they would shoot him.Take a few hostages, and they negotiate.

This mongrel should have been shot the first time a marksman got a clear line of sight, and 2 innocent citizens would still be alive.

In the initial stages of the incident, I believe Police were unaware of exactly who they were dealing with. Secondly, they had no initial information in relation to how many offenders were inside.

Just say there had been two or more offenders and police shot this grubby germ through the window. There's a very strong chance that could of led to a shooting spree.

The escape of the initial hostages changed everything. After that Police knew that there was only 1 POI. From there, if marksmen had a clear shot, you can rest assured that would of probably changed.

Please also keep in mind there were limited places a marksman could of set up to acquire such mark. I'm not suggesting it was impossible but there are many considerations as well.

I believe later in the incident the POI remained well hidden.

There would have been many other concerns too.

Police have sets of Standard Operating Proceedures, these guidelines are put Into place for a reason.

Clearly, one man, a civilian cafe manager deployed himself on a very brave mission, he is a hero indeed. His actions sparked movement by the authorities and allowed them a chance to do so.

Respect to him, this hero paid with his life. Another very brave hero, a mother of 3 stood as a human shield to another woman who was pregnant. She also paid with her life. She was also incredibly brave, a hero.

The Police did their job and did it in a way to hopefully save as many lives as possible. To go in guns blazing or shooting through windows with little or no idea who they were engaging would of been extremely stupid.

There's a TVF forum text book expert that was making all sorts of claims whilst the incident was occurring. He outright stated he knew more about this type of incident that a Police force of more than 150 years experience, one of the most professional and well trained police forces in the world. He ranted and raved about what the police were doing and made all sorts of claims, however suddenly he's gone very quite as he knows he was completely wrong.

I'm not saying that this incident could NOT have ended better. Clearly it could of. 2 civilian heros died. This is tragic.

Every step and decision by the Police force will now be closely examined. Subsequent inquiries will attempt to determine what could of been done better, if anything.

No doubt the forum text book expert will be along to denounce what I've said. Some people.

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I'm not saying that this incident could NOT have ended better. Clearly it could of. 2 civilian heros died. This is tragic.

Every step and decision by the Police force will now be closely examined. Subsequent inquiries will attempt to determine what could of been done better, if anything.

It could have ended better or it could have ended worse.

There are very few " text book " operations that go to plan.

The enquries will now focus on the Police force. The reality is they should be focusing on the failures of the Aus Authorities.

No doubt, the outcome will be " Lessons will be learned " Heard that all before somewhere !!

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He was banged up and the lawyer got him out apparently, as he was been beaten up by the other cons. They should have put him in solitary for his own protection. Now put the lawyer there instead.

He wasn't actually beaten got a lot of abuse as it appears the other prisoners supported the Australians troops and we're extremely hurt and insulted by the scumbag writing abusive and insulting letters to the families of Aussie troops who gave up thier lives in the war against Islamic terrorists. He showed no respect or any decency to the grieving families and when he got no respect from other inmates he cried like the coward he was and garnished sympathy from the nutcase dogooders in society who claim he has more rights than the grieving families he insulted and abused.
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He wasn't on the watch list ? Why not , that nut walking around , also he should have been taken out with the first head shot they had . I saw the nut on TV and could have shot him myself . They screwed up big time !!!!whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif The first hostages that got away gave them all they needed to know to take him out , but they waited until they heard a shot , dumb .

I have a question , why did they let him in ? First sign of trouble from him they should have sent him packing to a Muslim country , Aussies as bad as the USA . facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

Edited by muffy
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Why was this human excrement allowed to stay in the country? He should have had his protection visa shoved up his fundament and been deported back where he came from as soon as he showed his true colours.

BTW If NSW police were called to the home of a known to be mentally unstable man on bail for murder related charges, and he walked out the door carrying a gun, they would shoot him. if police arrived at a bank robbery and a known criminal ran out with a gun, they would shoot him.Take a few hostages, and they negotiate.

This mongrel should have been shot the first time a marksman got a clear line of sight, and 2 innocent citizens would still be alive.

As soon as he stuck that flag in the window they knew what they should have done, the trouble is to many do gooders like you say are to scared to upset people in case it causes human rights shit, what about the rights of the ones that died, and all governments around the world take the exactly the same stance, it is time the people grouped together and showed their anger like they do when the shoe is on the other foot,

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