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PM Prayut: Thailand needs push in science and technology


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Every country has the same agenda.

Thailand is doing fairly well concerning its use of technology.

However you have to recognize that near everything that is considered as technical here in Thailand ( did not ) come from or originate from the mind of any Thai person.

In my experience the Thais are somewhat slow or maybe reluctant learners considering equipment or technology that is considered the latest technology.

When you go to some of the trade fairs you will see some of the latest equipment and in some industries they adapt fairly fast...but cutting edge technology and really serious technical advances are not quickly utilized by the Thais and I have come to surmise it is because of the price...as in the technology is expensive.

In so many industries they are thinking about how to do what ever they do cheaply so rather than invest in machinery and technology, all too often they are thinking about moving their factory to up country to keep down the costs ...rather than apply technology to increase productivity and or precision.

In some industries yes ...but in most industries they are sloooooow learners.


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Wanting to comment on teacher holidays, days given up to learning to dance or otherwise perform, and khaow tao to local leaders or discipling kids in school, or instilling a need to learn english or being allowed to be exposed to more english without dubbed speech and just have thai subtitles , etc etc , you know, like they do in vietnam, but i really do not think it would make much difference anymore. So I won't bother.

Yes!!! You are right!!! My cousin has spent hours on making a picturebook about H.M. the king. But when asked a very simple question in English you get the 100 yard stare. And he is not stupid at all! He doen know how to operate a computer and can read the ABC, but he just does not know the MEANING of the words... They just do NOT learn stuff at school. All about surface: looks good, must be good. Shallowness...

And technology at an international level is in ENGLISH for 99% - so no English equals no high level of technology/engineering/academical skill...

Gets really old though, this mantra :)

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The Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha presided over the opening ceremony of the ‘Bring Happiness Back to the Youth’ science fair at the Science Center for Education today in Bangkok.

Scary ... sounding more like the Hitler Youth movement everyday. Give people their rightful freedom and allow them to free express themselves ... any thing less is oppressive.

Thailand needs to lay down the national strategy for science, technology, and innovation. We need to create more science professionals and employ more bright minds in the education system, said the Prime Minister.

And how do you create more professionals, from the existing gene pool? As someone pointed out already such subjects require critical thinking and the ability to accept failure without giving up ... it's just not the Thai way.

He pointed that morals and ethics should be upheld in the young generation, complying to the Children’s day motto ‘Knowledge and Morality Lead to the Future’, as well as respecting the nation’s main institutions.

More propaganda from the elite. Freedom is the only route to knowledge and morality for then you will understand and see society in its true colours.

For this occasion, the Prime Minister also showed his intention that he is willing to do anything to keep the nation safe, and said that the country has seen positive changes in the past six months after he has been Prime Minister.

Safe and under control for the benefit of the elite ruling class ... sick.

I can't wait to see what they've done with the FBA ... if it follows the pattern of protectionist nationalism Thailand is about to go belly up.

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Stop wasting time on chanting morals and ethics and start some real education!

And don't close the schools so often for "special" events. Almost weekly there is some excuse not to teach!

The marching and 12 values B.S. really gives me that Sovjet/North Korea vibe.

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moral and ethic......

Learn the difficult Thai writing.

Learn the western writing.

Learn all the nationalistic propaganda and history

Learn all the pseudo-Buddhist brainwash

Learn moral and ethic

Spend in the morning and in the evening some time with the drill and singing the national song

Sorry there is no time left for some less important things like mathematics and science.

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